What do you think about BOWLBO Yea Forums ? youtube.com
What do you think about BOWLBO Yea Forums ?
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Bing Bing Wahoo!
i wonder if that's gonna be a line in the game
>game made by memetuber
of course it'll reference memes, that's why that subtitle was chosen
Zero gameplay shown therefore I dont care
Visually, it looks fucking appalling. Why would you make your game look like this?
I will buy it as long as Chris doesn't say anything left leaning between now and release
Cant lie, if I saw this on steam greenlight id pass it off as shovelware
I think it is interesting and will probably buy it just to support oney
Looks like a 3D binding of isaac in the style, with some funny haha silly words scattered throughout the entire game
here we go with this fucking thread again
I just can't get over how good Chris is at teaching himself different skills.
He went from Flash animating to music production and full CG.
if this is the indie game that breaks your back on shitty graphics you are a fucking idiot
>Being so retarded you care about other people's political opinions
Jesus Christ man I bet you kneed yourself in the teeth while doing the one legged chicken during your Zumba classes in kindergarten
>Being so retarded you care about other people's political opinions
So what are you doing with this post exactly?
Looks neat. I wish I knew what the game actually was. Nice to know that Chris, Ding Dong and Julain are actually doing something productive other than making insensible noises over a game
>tfw stamper won’t have any voice roles because in a downward spiral of alchohism and depression
Feels bad
You have to go back
Stamper's Twitter account is both the funniest and most depressing shit to look at
the duality of man, truly the best twitter
>Plain Arnold textures
Feels really cheap.
Pretty sure he's mocking you for being so petty
>the quest for bing bing
I thought Chris's metric for character design was good, like "I should want an action figure of him" philosophy of design. The main character looks awful, its really dissapointing as I was actually interested in what he was making. Doesnt really look representative of any of his other work, even his 3d character avatars look better than this.
why the fuck has a thread about a game by the guy who made fucking DragonsBall Pee have so many political autists in it. fuckin obsessed
roasties getting toastie
they hate that this game will do well since chris is on the naughty list
but that's why we love him
Why aren't chris and dingdong friends any more?
No, you- I mean "he" is getting annoyed at someone's political opinion and trying desperately to appear above it all by mocking anyone who gets annoyed at someone else's political opinion. Pretty ironic.
This. I can't even learn basics in anything, and this dude just fucking succeeds in everything. Good for him, but I'm still bitter as fuck.
>I invented desert raviolis with ice cream filling and chocolate sauce on top
>I knocked over a bucket of puke in my living room and I have to clean it
Goddamn. You aren't kidding.
He's obviously had raw ambition since he was a teenager. He started animating in the early 2000s if not earlier.
Yeah, that's what I'm jealous of.
Man, he really likes his Blender sculpting.
I know that feel, man.
I struggle to maintain my drive because I try to juggle too many skills.
And I'm just a lazy cunt, who takes the easy way or no way and adapts to shit.
You said the exact same thing in the other thread fag.
I would love to have a squeaky toy of Bowlbo what are you talking about
I that because Chris made it or because you actually like the character design. The dog looks nice though.
>tfw only focus on drawing for almost 5 years but still below average
I'm not even bad, but the bar has been raised to literal infinity thanks to twitter and social media
They are. Ding dong just moved away
>Bar is incredibly high
>Stuff I like is all simple and amateur looking
People who do amazing shit are a dime a dozen now, the more amateur stuff is more appealing.
Holds up spork
It's honestly best to just do it for yourself and stop comparing yourself to other people.
This is advice that I don't even take, but that's what everyone else says, especially the truly successful.
But hey, look at Jack Stauber. He's not particularly amazing at animation, but his eclectic skill set mixed with the rougher aesthetic is what makes his work appealing.
I just don't have any imagination, so I can't actually create anything. And it makes me sad.
Ding and gay man better be voices in this game. They already uploaded all of Pokemon red. Hopefully they finished KH2, God i miss them already
Indie games look good. This looks like dogshit "lol XD so randumb" but gets a pass because it's Oney.
To appeal to children.
They love bright colors and ugly blobs.
Why? They complained about hating video games and the LP culture but then came crawling back to do LPs after they squandered all of their money not making their shitty video game. Then DD had the gall to claim that his statement, which was very blatant, wasn't what he meant.
Good riddance to those insufferable faggots.
Yeah I've mostly just been focused on improving my skills for the time being . No use to try and shill to an audience that wants more or less the same shit over and over.
Yeah Ding Dong was insufferable and bitch all the time. Julian was ok
If people don't want the shit you like to make, fuck it. Art isn't about making money; it's about fulfillment and self-actualization.
Look at Vivian Maier. She didn't even want people to see her shit, and she was an industry-transforming photographer.
oversensitive fanboy detected
not everybody wants to be a funny youtube man forever, some people have actual dreams and goals
>Art isn't about making money
It's a little about money.
Hope there's Motifa dlc
Only if your goal is profit. People do art for themselves everywhere. There are actually more people doing art with no interest in profit than otherwise.
Why shouldnät your goal be profit, profit is a good goal.
Shit fucking keyboards and alcohol
I didn't say it wasn't. It's just a necessary goal for being an artist.
Profit is also only a good goal when it is achieved by the right means. Profit in many cases is gained through entirely unethical practices.
Not a necessary goal, sorry.
i really hope zach voices the witch
>Hey, uuuuuuuh, boy uuuuuuuh, I got your dog. A-and I um I'm gonna eat him, you know, eat him. That funny little creature.
I love that funny little man
It's for the Nintendo audience
so um i see you have a funny little creature right here uh im going to eat it you little bitch
Oney might probably voice her with his "Egg For Bart" Marge voice.
Take a look at the catalog. This is our website, faggots. So much for your tranny "takeover"
That's fine but you don't genuinely insult the people responsible for your livelihood when you're not working. That's just shitty behavior for a human being.
It's how you end up broke and being forced to move out of your apartment.
Daily reminder that there is only one person on the entire internet who says anything negative (jokingly or serious) about dingdong.
If you see a negative post about dingdong, even if it's just a joke, it was written by the same one guy
Yes I am sane. I have proof of this because I have done a LOT of research and spent a LOT of time thinking about this and defending dingdong on multiple Yea Forums boards, including the diaperfur board
he should do the trump impression
I think there are some retards who, because they think of themselves as balanced centrists who are only edgy "ironically" like to think that Yea Forums is full of people like them. A browse of the catalog and of the replies and it's pretty clear that this is not the case. It's /pol/ and libshit isn't welcome here. Most people accept this happily but others tell themselves it's all just a big joke and then get upset as they start to realise how many of us are serious.
He failed at learning Maya.
>Lol this game will be full of memes
>Why does it look bad??
Weird seeing people not have a clue about Oney act like theyre experts
>no interest in profit
Bullshit, almost everyone making real good art is doing so for the purpose of making profit right away, or to get to a place to profit off of it.
I think that was the joke lol
>Bing bing wahoo
DD and Julian are working on Tough Bippy and that halloween shooter, Oney says he has a small studio of ten people for this. Looks like its gonna be a Heart of Darkness-esque cinematic platformer
can anyone give me the quick rundown on the whole homeless lady and her criminal past drama?
reading comprehension nigger
I will refer back to Vivian Maier because you're wrong.
Also you're underestimating how many people make art while also assuming you have any idea what "good" art means.
I don't get it either. We shit on Arin and Supermega for going left wing. What's wrong with saying you'd drop Oney for doing the same? We'd all do it.
There's nothing to talk about, though. All that was shown off is just a dumb little animation. Really all this thread is good for eceleb gossip.
No, some want to live decently from their passion != being a greedy fool.
Art is definitely not the best choice for a "get rich quick scheme"! Ars longa, vita brevis...
Just because I am in every single DingDong/OneyPlays/TriggerThreat/ToughBippy/Bowlbo thread ready to defend DingDong from this one single hater, and have been for years, I am not obsessed.
it's tough to say since he said momentum was gonna be a very important mechanic and that the plot will stay out of the way
All I'm saying is, without money dangling in front of their face, lots of art as we know it would not be the same or as ambitious.
Big man here can't tolerate people with different opinions than him.
Nice projection
What an ironic post, but of course liberals don't have any self awareness
Honestly we're more likely to hear Chris get in trouble for a racist joke than saying something like "TRANS RIGHTS"
Oneys style is great but this game looks like baby’s first 3D animation.
Witch looked good at least, albeit she was barely moving. I’ll reserve judgement until gameplay is out.
And that's why I will buy his game. But if he says anything liberal then fuck him.
Unfollowed him because sick of him tweeting about inventing foods while posting the same 5 GIFs over and over.
because Blender is better dumdum
>his Twitter has been completely silent for the past day
Considering the fact he usually tweets every five minutes and all the dangerous shit he’s been getting into recently, I’m honestly kind of worried.
oh no someone hasn't tweeted in a full day, I'm so worried
get a fucking grip you loser
if you were having your own life experiences you wouldn't notice this shit
Jesus Christ, dude. Was just an observation, calm down.
>I'm honestly worried someone hasn't tweeted in the past 12 hours!
>woah calm down dude woah relax
so much for the tolerant right.
I like Oney but damn is that a terrible fucking title
I'm thinking more like this voice
If the gameplay is fine, I'll give it a pirate.
I'm sure I'd have more fun if he played Medievil with Zach and Niall.
prove it
Different user but if this reply chain is still at all about animation, which at least one post was, money should be the last motivation
*sigh* is this the new undertale?