Redpill me on Morrowind
I've played Oblivion and Skyrim if it matters
Redpill me on Morrowind
I've played Oblivion and Skyrim if it matters
Other urls found in this thread:
Better story
Worse combat
The roleplaying is much better if you like that stuff, but just going from one place to another is a drag.
Boomercore trash
Only pic needed
>more equals better
Morrowind is still better but this is a dumb way to argue it
>Worse combat
Bro it's the exact same
M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1
M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1
It's a much better fantasy adventure game. The setting, questing, character progression, main story is all miles above Oblivion and Skyrim.
Played the game first only a couple years ago btw.
Morrowind you swing and hope your hits land even when you're touching. In Skyrim you swing as well but it's less frustrating and more engaging to see your hits doing visual damage every swing
>skyrim combat
I can always tell someone never played Morrowind when they don't even know that above 40 skill in a weapon you basically hit every time.
if you liked those games you will like morrowind
bonus points if you have autism and like to decorate your in game house
sold desu
even more sold, skyrim felt shallow as hell
It's leaps and bounds better than Oblivion and Skyrim in the areas RPG's usually specialize in, such as roleplaying, main story, atmosphere, setting, lore, item and magic progression, player choice, etc.
The combat is fine, on the same level as Oblivion I'd say.
It's the best in the series and is the most Elder Scrolls game out of the Elder Scrolls games.
>I've played Oblivion and Skyrim
Then you are beyond helping.
>dude more diseases = better gaem
House owning is much more interesting because of the cracksmoking huge amount of loot you will find unbelievably adored to shelves and spaces as it isn't in either of the following games or any to the extend that it is, it's basically the best dungeoning experience you'll ever get.
Fucking why the stupid webstie don't let me log in with my new account
Do you like the lore?
If so, better story, rich lore, great guilds that matter.
Hard to play tho.
For further clarification I will post my basic loadout by endorsements: Modern User Interface, Strict Factions, Birthsigns Are More Fun BAMF, Alchemy Chart, Wrye Mash, Landscape Retexture, Main Quest Enhancers, Divine Dagoth Ur, Morrowind FPs Optimizer, Better Almalexia, Dwemer Mesh Improvement, Flies, masterindex, Bitter Coast Sounds Plugin, Area Effect Arrows Plugin, adamantiumarmor, ebartifact, entertainers, LeFemme Armor Fix, Official Mods Compilation, Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer, MCP Skunk Works, More Detailed Places, Official Morrowind Add-On Collection, Expanded Birthsigns for Purists, Races Are More Fun RAMF, Nocturnal Moths, Morrowind Septim Coin Replacer, Magic Diversity -COMPLETE-, Fair Magicka Regen v2B, Lovely Loading Screens, Delayed DB Attack V2, Morrowind Comes Alive, TESCS fixed for Morrowind Steam GOTY edition v161820 - VO and VF, Increased Staff Enchantment Levels, Creeper and Mudcrab Merchant Balance, Skyrim UI Overhaul for Morrowind, Better_Clothes Official Version, Better Dialogue Font, MGE XE, Morrowind Code Patch, Better Bodies, Better Heads.
Do i need to add anything else?
i just play vanilla+bugfix my dude, i used to be a modfag but i figured out it made me not enjoy the game after pumping 250 mods into it
I usually use MaddLeveller because vanilla morrowind levelling is fucked
It has some neat lore
That's it
Modding is about fine-tuning the game to your personal taste. It' would be stupid for him to use mods if he doesn't even know what the vanilla experience is like.
Challenging to get anything done. Deep and complex
Dated. Very vast and expansive, but do you have the patience to play past hour 5?
I don't plan on modding it for my first playthrough, MAYBE a bug fix mod if you guys think it's really necessary.
Dice roll combat is fun
It's free today.
play a magician. all the gameplay depth is in playing with magic.
Did you mean:
>dice roll combat is fun
Too bad bethesda wont let me login so I can get the shitty launcher for it
>Morrowind 22 settlements
>Skyrim 9
>Only counts the cities for skyrim, excludes villages
>Counts everything for morrowind, including villages
Its not easymode like Skyrim, not gonna fuck you in the long run if your build is shit like Oblivion, it fucks the stupid right out of the gates. Think you can just kill shit right out of the first town? Nope, watch your stamina deplete and health wither away like a trannies lifespan as you realize that you have fallen into a literal survival rpg disguised an a hacknslash. You will die, your build will be shit and useless the first time, and you will save scum like the devil. But, if you git gud, keep trying, and actually figure out how to play. Then you will find an experience that cannot be found any where anymore, because sissy ass hand holding is what sells games now. You will look at the rest of the series and wonder how you ever enjoyed that boring shit and what the FUCK happened to the industry to spawn that shit.
remember not to be fooled by the tutorial/character creation, there is no voice acting except for when you put your cursor on an NPC and they say a quick line. if you can get past that, it's easily the best 3D elder scrolls. almost every dungeon has useful loot, there are more guilds to join (not as many as daggerfall but way more than oblivion or skyrim), good enemy variety, more satisfaction from completing quests because you have to find everything based on descriptions and directions.
Nostalgia goggles The Game.
> I just played this for the first time and thought it was amazing.
No you didn't.
Quests outside of the MQ are MMO tier.
The vaunted progression makes the game boring 20 or so hours in.
The DLC added Oblivion tier scaling to try and mitigate this.
Good luck with that.
A superb game all around. Lots of customization and faction choices to lead to totally different playthroughs for different characters.
If I use console commands to cheat my speed to 100 will it ruin my experience?
I want to like the game but having to walk everywhere is cancer. I know siltstriders exist but they don't go everywhere.
It won't completely ruin it, though I guess it will reduce the satisfaction you get when you finally start going fast, because you do eventually go extremely fast with the right stats and buffs. When it comes to manual travel acrobatics + jumping tends to be faster than a similar level of athletics + running. Also keep your encumbrance as low as you reasonably can because it can have a major effect on your travel speed and fatigue drain rate. There's a lot more fast travel than just silt striders; there's also boats, mages guild guides, and almsivi/divine intervention. Between them all, once you are familiar with the connections between towns, the only places in the game that you can't get to nearly instantly from anywhere else are the ashlander camps. The game gives you a lot of tools to work around that early game issue but if it's still a major problem for you then go ahead and cheat it up.
Maybe I'll give it one more try without the console, then. One day I'll get invested.
Doesn't help I've played the first few hours about 10 times now.
>above 40 skill
Yeah after grinding or whatever, in Skyrim its immediate and you never have the shitty quasi-rng fucking you
Good luck user. Another option outside of console commands could just be a mod to increase the running speed. This would be different from just cheating because there are mods that also increase the speed of everything else to match you, so you aren't just instantly an acrobatic ninja from the start who's able to kite everything.
Cool, might look that up then.
Another question, is there any ez mode build like magic in Dark Souls I can use to make the beginning faster? I always gravitate towards a warrior type with melee weapons because magicka always runs out on me and arrows are annoying to aquire and use.
You got it right that warrior builds are the easiest to start with. I'd say a Redguard with Long Swords in your major skills, Combat Specialization, Strength/Agility favored and the Warrior birthsign is the most ezmode you could go. Grab an appropriate weapon from the tradehouse and with those stats you're already basically a high level warrior right out of the gates, and if anything somehow gives you trouble the Adrenaline Rush power will probably change that. Strictly speaking from a minmax perspective it could be better to swap one of those attributes for Endurance and the birthsign for the Lady so you can start building up HP faster when you level up, but you do lose a bit of that early game power by doing so and when you reach the lategame it won't matter that much anyway.
and nobody can redeem it, earlier it wasn't possible to even login at all.
>redpill me on a game that's free today only on bethesda's website
Just play it you lazy fucker.
Thank you my man
just get the boots of blinding speed you goddamn casual
Oblivion is on sale for $7.50, is it still worth buying?
why does daedric armor gotta be so heavy?
enchant it
yeah, but still
If I dont have any interest in alchemy will I still enjoy morrowind? im more of a unga bunga guy
>just read a guide to enjoy the game
You're an utter faggot.
prepare for a lot of this
Morrowind is entirely playable with no alchemy or magic, yeah.
>You're an utter faggot.
Says the fag who uses console commands to cheat. I gave you an in-game solution, figure it out and use it.
m1 m1 m1 m1 m1 m1 m1
Normal attacks and multiple power attacks
Blocking/Shield bashing that isn't automatic
Stop playing on easy mode.
>Yeah after grinding or whatever
You can start with 50 skill in any weapon of your choice and 75 skill in your accuracy stat. And you can get a sword that kills everything in 2-3 hits in a building right next to the first main quest giver that lasts like the first 5 hours of the game.
Exquisite music and storytelling.
Utter fucking shit combat.
Why are Morrowind fags so obsessed with having more diseases? I seriously don't understand. It's a terribly minor mechanic that might as well not exist outside of Morrowind's main quest.
This is Yea Forums, it's filled with autism. You might have an amazing game, but people wil lsay "don't play that shit", you ask why, they say "tits not big enough".
>Morrowind fag
excuse you, I'm a Daggerfag
Brainlets think this is proof Morrowind is better.
High IQ people know this is proof Skyrim is better.
I mean seriously, if you've actually played both games you'd realize there's a bunch of straight up lies in this image like the part on combat.
is the multiplayer mod any good?
>high IQ
t. probably gets raped by scribs outside of Seyda Neen
>Used to think this image was all I needed to know that Skyrim was inferior to Morrowind
>Start playing Morrowind one day
>I can now refute almost every single point on this image
It's actually surprising how much they IMPROVED the game by removing features.
Fucking ni....
I'm not the guy asking the question about going fast. I'm the guy telling you that you're a faggot for ever suggesting that you need to read a guide to enjoy a game.
>Still trying to pretend Morrowind has any difficulty
No one is going to fall for that. Morrowind is probably the easiest of all the Elderscrolls games outside of Skyrim's novice mode. One of the biggest challenges of Morrowind is trying to avoid making yourself overpowered on purpose to try and keep the game somewhat entertaining.
Too bad it looks and plays like shit
I never said anything about reading a guide.
You can find the boots through regular play like any other artifact. All I did was suggest he try to get them if run speed is such a big issue.
Don't bother. Either spoonfeed to the fullest or not at all, You fag,
How are you supposed to find the boots without a guide if you're new? It's not like there's an in game method to research where to find them or something.
Yeah okay nigger.
>just get [this unique set of boots from some unknown location in the entire world map of the game]
>it's easy in regular play lmao
If he can't find them then that's too bad, but cheating is quite gay in my honest opinion family.
OP here on another computer,
It sounds like a blast, too bad I can't redeem my code lmao
>Morrowind you swing and hope your hits land
Oh okay, you just don't understand the stats and how fatigue work, cool.