Stop thinking about Amy and play me instead

Stop thinking about Amy and play me instead.

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How accurate does she look in Honey Select?

the face is pretty much the same , now the body can be a bit of a problem you might have to suck some of dudes dick on that gay discord to get a quality card .

I like Amy more since she is actually cute and funny

>body can be a bit of a problem

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (158x179, 6K)

Who it is amy?

Soul Calibur

Marie Rose is absolute fucking garbage, I mourn your discarded taste


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Amy-Rose > Marie-Rose

>not thinking about both at the same time

Attached: Disapproving lolis.png (1280x720, 1.82M)


Attached: Sorel.jpg (800x1000, 390K)


wait a sec.

Amy is a vampire loli now, an old hag like Marie can’t compete.


Attached: Smug Orphan Loli.jpg (795x513, 66K)

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Tanlines are evidence of a womans lack of confidence.
An unfinished job
Half asses attempt
Too self conscious to get it right

You wouldn't put a bikini on a chicken and then compliment it on the pasty white uncooked parts when it came out

Attached: AIT6KLw.jpg (359x409, 21K)

pigtails = nigtails

marie = uncanny valley's definition

>they just mirrored her bump map
how lazy

how do I play Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 for free?

I don't like Marie but
>food analogy

Yeah the body doesn't quite match up

Ok. Logging off sc. Going to install VV soon

It's a subtle sign of purity. A slut has no tanlines because he lets everyone see her bits.

get out of my face
tanlines highlight a womans intimate places
you can have both a healthy glow outside with porcelain skin on the inside

they're neat

Attached: owo.jpg (445x594, 82K)

f2p version

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There's a f2p version?

yea but its gachashit, still great for fapping
go get your virtual titties


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Momiji banner when?

Is fortune actually the best version of doax3?

what a stupid fucking analogy

Play Ivy's game!!!

Attached: ivysgame.png (437x487, 242K)

Just like ur life

Just checked where the fuck was my scarlet package for switch from play asia. It needs to arrive to miami and no shit is now on bogota colombia at some narc house

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>Stop playing a good game and play this shitty one

Soulcalibur is better than DOA

but i love you both equally. youre both my favorite girls. dont do this to me baby.

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SC is better than doa desu

>that belly button peek

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A cunning scarlet cutie.

Attached: hair down amy.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

"Amy Sorel!" she exclaimed in a cold and disapproving tone.

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Seriously fucking agree. Cannot see the appeal of tan lines. It's like if a girl had fucking polka dotted skin, at least that would still be symmetrical and even though.

Mein gott

You got the big gay?

>Amy's goal from her introduction at ~13 years old has always been to fuck her adoptive father

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Amy is pure

Wasnt thinking of her anyway, you were on my mind all along


marie could benefit from some better genes

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But her genes are perfect

So the clear solution is for Honoka to impregnate Marie, right?

a cute scarlet cunny

please dick can only get so hard

Marie is a cancer

Who's Amy?

You're the only one Marie, i never think about any Amy.

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honk honk

fucking lens flares

uncensored where

I wish I was marie rose

Could I cream all over your armpits if you were?

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Amy awaits!

I'm going to snap Marie like the twig she is!

>when you start hitting the B wall does this "counter" thing work? Which keys do I press on my keyboard.

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As in holds or counters?
Holds are the block button and the direction for corresponding attacks
7H for highs, 1H for lows, 4H for mid punches, 6H for mid kicks.

If it's counters you just interrupt their attack or sidestep, and throws>holds>strikes>throws for hi counters

>Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation is a free-to-play game based on gacha mechanics
That's actually worse than not existing at all

>tfw no onahole gf

Asking again, but is Fortune the best version of the game?

Uh dude or maybe she gets her tan from the sun? Are you such a fucking shut in?

Venus Vacation (PC gacha), Fortune, and Scarlet (eventually) are all free or have ftp versions.

>You wouldn't put a bikini on a chicken and then compliment it on the pasty white uncooked parts when it came out
This food analogy holy shit
hoe did you think it was a good idea

Attached: I really do.jpg (286x323, 28K)

I want to dress up a cute user as Marie Rose and have them satisfy my urges to breed with her!

No, but imagine what we'd get if Raidou impregnated Marie?

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But would you also eagerly lick precum from my fat erect cock while I slap your face with it?

Not him, but I have money to burn. What's the best version?

Absolutely. Why not?

Tricky question. No version can really be called definitive. Venus Vacation has the most potential due to ongoing support and mods, but is currently missing a few big ticket items, like VR, pole dancing, and an english version, and is also a gacha. Switch version of Scarlet uses in inferior version of the engine and has no VR, but is uncensored. PS4 version of Scarlet has VR, but is censored. Fortune for PS4 is uncensored and will be getting Leifang and Misaki eventually. Pick your poison, really.

Can you bypass the gacha with cheating or am I stuck grinding for swimsuits?

Afaik you can skip through the daily events but that's all.

tan lines are some magical thing that make my dicks asd dfgfhkl

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Just testing out the limits, I assume you won't mind me stuffing your cute little butt with my cock as rough and hard as I can then. In fact, I'd like to stretch that cute butthole of yours until it gapes in the exact shape of my cock

Shut the fuck up and stop ERPing with a tranny

>play me

Wouldn't know what else I'd do w/ a body like hers, desu.

>Mariefags know her so well they can tell her body apart
I can not do this.

What are the chances they make one of these volleyball games with the new engine? Also why don't they just release it on steam?

I see you're a man of culture.

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Why does she look so bad here in comparison to and


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>that file name
wait a second

Old model

Attached: Happy loli.png (960x720, 1M)

it's an older model

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Make it yourself desu

The skin is also inaccurate

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What ethnicity is the? That tan makes me think something Mediterranean.

I cant go back to the old Marie after her DOA6 appearance

She's just so much cuter, fuck

Swedish but the Japanese version of Swedish

They weren’t tan before and they certainly weren’t tanning full nude on the island if we’re talking about the DOA girls.

>try to make Marie in Koitatsu instead
>anime eyes ruin her look


>forgetting about Nico

Not young enough? She's 18!

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Real question is it normal that sometimes you have that one person or character that for no specific reason makes you instant diamonds?

Amy > NiCO > Marie


Congratulations on being the most retarded idiot in this century. That probably qualifies you for insta-approved gibs.

How does it work as a gacha? Do you have to unlock the girls? I don't get it.

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>had perfect Marie mod for Skyrim
>lots of sex mods
>had to reinstall everything because of crashes
>Marie mod not available anymore

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You start with 2 girls. The rest you can unlock if you roll SSR suits.

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Any NiCo mods for Honey Select yet?

Can I choose the girls?

She's adorable in VV

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The first one. I believe your partner girl is randomly selected (you can make different accounts to get a girl you want).

card? the marie card I have is shit

The first time I loaded this game up in VR on my Oculus and was able to walk around Marie in 3D space blew my mind.

Also my dick.

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I'll get Hitomi then. Thanks, trips-kun.