Here's your new Castlevania game bro
How will Iga ever recover?
Yea Forums gets monkey paw'd again
Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls Releasing 2019
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I love how unsuccessfully konami was able to capitalize on the netflix show doing well.
Looks like ass.
Will it be better than Aria or SOTN?
Then into the bin it goes.
This is wrong on so many levels.
>grinding for gear
>have to use crystals and other mats to upgrade said gear
>be sure to replay the same stages 50+ times goy! You like castlevania don't you?
>its a fucking mobile
>a fucking mobile game in the current year of our lord
>Konami Announces Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls for iOS!
Even when Konami tries to milk their cash cow they fucking do it wrong
I know their arcade games are still good, but I wish they would give up on mobile garbage and put some effort on console games even if it isn't their priority.
It looks like a shitty version of HD
Looks like a shitty mobile game.
Sounds similar to Harmony of Despair and yes plenty of rats loved that grinding gameplay as well.
Also, >2018
I remember these threads from a year ago.
here's every castlevania game in a pack in case anyone is interested in emulating
>What did you put in there?
Yea Forums plays Castlevania: Harmony of Despair PC
Lets get together for a monthly round of Castlevania.
>What is this?
Janky unity port of Castlevania: Harmony of Despair with two new maps, Albus, and can be played with up to 10 players online. It's a free co-op Castlevania game.
>Wait, this is real?
Yes, all you have to do is download and play. Nothing else.
>How do I get to play?
Download this:
Then this: (Extract the folder, put the file in the Managed folder of CV_HDTrial_Alpha_Ver9.7_64BitData and replace Assembly-CSharp.dll)
>Where is everyone?
Server is typically in the USA/Washington. Yea Forums's room tags are Poison / Comfortable / Fun
>Wait, did it finally get another update?
It's gotten a new patch. The patch boosts the run speed, tweaks the gameplay balance, makes the drops chapter specific. All characters have base stats now, rare drop rates have been buffed on expert difficult, here's the new drop list:
God I hate phone games.
Dude, just give up. Nobody is giving a dime on it anymore. It's just 2-3 players at most, playing solo in Normal Chapter 1
I hate that I'm using this word so I apologize in advance but it's literally a soulless version of Castlevania HD. God it is so fucking ugly.
Honestly, it doesn't look that bad.
It's not what I want nor will I play it but this could be MUCH worse, and to be frank I think it looks more pleasing on the eyes than Bloodstained does.
Please tell me they bring back baroque music like in DOS and stop with the rock.
played the beta, the controls were actually decent for mobileshit
it's the pvp that was a janky atrocious mess
if they release it without major changes it won't last a week