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More shit i wont play

thank fuck, why did bethesda think it was a good idea to make their own launcher

>bringing fallout 76 to steam

so it must have preformed below expectations then.

Country roads...


Very nice, I was afraid Doom Eternal would be Bethshit-Launcher-exclusive

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epic cucks on suicide watch




How about it, dreamboy?
Buying my game now?

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Bethesda: Here's more FPS games with guns and X bad guys.
Community: Into the pile they go

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So you'll buy it on Steam and it'll start Bethesda launcher. Big WOW.

>Fallout 76
Honestly this is terrible news. Now we’re going to see a bunch of Steam drones play it just because it’s on their platform of choice, even though the game has been unanimously shat on since release. Should have just stayed on Bethesda’s dying launcher.


Seriously though, how can anyone hate him?

I think this is less of "Fuck epic thing" and more of a "Oh shit Fallout 76 was a fucking mess and nobody is going to want to use our fucking launcher for these games oh shit oh shit"


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>"Blizzard and Ea got away with it. Why not us?"
And the answer to that hypothetical turned out to be "crippling incompetence".


>Rage 2 couldn't even stay exclusive to their own launcher long enough to be released
What went wrong?

The timing is a bit coincidental, though, considering that F76 has been a laughingstock for months on end. Is the end of a financial quarter coming up or something?

At least fallout 76 was good for something in the end

More like "We're sorry to announce having games exclusively on our own launcher fucking sucked and we'll be putting these games on Steam too now".

Honestly how will Bethesda ever recover from this?

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Tim Sweeney and the chinks utterly BTFO by based Todd.

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Nice. Now I don't have to skip Doom Eternal.

>When the games will also be available on Bethesdas own launcher

Didn't think that through did you huh.

Fuck yes Todd

>t.Chinese EA bots

What the fuck is Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot? I only heard of Youngblood

I was gonna pirate if they didn't release Doom Eternal on Steam.
Good job for once Bethesda

>Shilling for Bethesda

I liked the driving in rage just not the shootan, doom eternal looks fun 2. I was liking wolfenstein until it stopped being a parody after the old world.

More like Basedthesda.

Still never touching 76 though.

Predicting it will be like UPlay where you're going to use a launcher to launch a launcher which then launches the game.

The New Order's story and writing was so cringe, I never even bothered with the others, and I probably never will because most people say they are somehow worse. I didn't think it was even possible given how bad The New Order already was.

Yes actually

Great timing though, considering everyone, even Obsidian themselves feel burned by the Epic store.

Why can't you fucks take 10 seconds to google what a "monopoly" is before spouting your shit opinions?

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>When Todd said on a meeting that Eternal would be Beth Store exclusive, out of nowhere the Slayer came through a portal and grabbed Todd by the throat

Epic btfo

>implying Todd wants anything to do with the beth launcher
>implying Todd doesn't want to just make good games, but the suits won't let him

Bethesda finally 1 upped obsidian

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WTF Epicbros

Rage 2 is looking like it has similar shooting mechanics to Doom 2016 with some psychic power shit added in

>Two Wolfenstein sequels
Who is buying them? I liked the first one a little more than DOOM (which is the only game I've bought in about 10 years that I'd straight up hated) but it wasn't spectacular. It was alright. Felt like just another mid-2010s shooter, which isn't a high point to reach.

>Todd made FO76 a giant piece of shit just so they'll give him an excuse to make Starfield a quality product


>Obsidian: let's accept Chinese bribes and make the game exclusive to the two smallest stores in the PC market. By the way the Microsoft Store takes a 30% cut too so we make clear that we're doing it to spit on Steam
>Bethesda: let's have our game available on both our own store and the biggest one so we earn money from all the sides

One of them is just a co-op focused game.
And I think the other one is a VR game.

>Fallout 76
Instant 5$ sale buy imo

Bethesda is a publisher. Obsidian isn't. One of them gets to make these kind of decisions, the other gets it made for them.

>Yea Forums turns on Obsidian a company that makes good games because of Chinese paranoia
>Yea Forums starts sucking off Bethesda, a company that makes nothing but garbage to suck off a company that hasn't cared about players for years

Interesting. Wonder if they’ll do the same once Starfield or TES6 come out.

Nobody should play that shit even if they PAID you $5

>things that didn't happen

When the fuck is Doom Eternal coming?


If anything Epic is the one with the monopoly, having a game ONLY in one store creates that monopoly dumbass

>people will buy Fallout 76 when it comes to Steam
Disgusting. Hopefully less than a thousand.

Todd is playing 4D chess, he knew Zenimax was going to force him to sell his precious TES 6 only on their new launcher so he made F76 shitty on purpose to make them change their mind.

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When's the last time Obsidian made a good game?

Pillars 2 is good

You don't know what monopoly means

>doom eternal on steam

I'M FUCKING SORRY TOD, OKAY? I'm sorry! I just get so frustrated with you sometimes, but then you come around and do amazing things like telling Epic to fuck off. I'm sorry I doubted you

I will let that one slide but... Don't ever do that again.

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I only give a shit about Doom.

>There are fags that are going to fall for Bethesda's tricks once again just to "Stick it" to Epic
When will you fuckers learn?

wtf i hate fps now

SEETHING chink bot

Vr game I think if I remember last year's e3 correct


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to be frank; they can't really afford any negative press at the moment

well that didn't last long, Todd.

The only game I actually care about in that list is doom eternal.

>We're bringing these popular AAA games to Steam soon
>Who cares....
>We're please to announce that we're bringing Serbian dirt simulator to Epic

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>as well as beth.games/2Mhhqoi
>link just leads to the front page of their website

On sale sure

>Freedom of choice = monopoly
>Bribed exclusives = not monopoly

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by launching future titles on steam oh shit

epic is a competitor game developer, no reason to fund them in any way and steam don't make games anymore

Bethesda makes shiity games, but they are basically the last publisher that keeps singleplayer FPS genre alive

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When you make non-deathtrap escalators, Chang.


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This is a lie, Obsidian has never made a good game.


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>Doom Eternal
>Nobody wants to play

This looks less like a "fuck steam thing" and more of a delusional chink post


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was gonna post a rebuttal but looking over their wiki page they really haven't made anything exceptionally good

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>Chink shills too stupid to know what monopoly means
Just start handing out bans for this shit we all know who you are.


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this bot has lost its composure

>Yea Forums turns on Obsidian a company that makes """good""" games because of my strawman

Back when it was about to release the Ashen shill lost me when he started shitting on Nioh and said that Ashen was the best Soulsborne game since Demon's Souls. I'm not even pirating that game.

Kiwami 2 when

>Japan keeps porting more games to it
>Halo Masterchief collection
>Bethesda crawling back
sorry Mr Sweeney, i think he's here to stay

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>Doom Eternal saved.

Alright Beth.

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we love ya!
now whip id into shape and make the fuckers fix quake champions

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Cry harder chinkshit.

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They are going to have to do something pretty amazing with Rage 2 to get me to buy that. I picked up Rage for 5 dollars and finished it in an afternoon. Has to be one of the easiest FPS games I have ever played.

fine todd. ill buy doom eternal and fallout 76 if it goes f2p

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tick tock epicfags

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I'd love to see Sweeny's stupid face when/if his sore fails.
Everything about him really just radiates slimy douche bag/

>Obsidian announces Outter Worlds for Epic
>Days later Bethesda does this
There's no way this wasn't done as a fuck you to Obsidian

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So, you will buy one more copy of Fallout 76, right?

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is bucciarati's ability to taste truthfulness a stand power or just a natural talent?

>Phoenix Point's Kickstarter backers pretty much paid for the privilege of waiting one year while Epic Store uses get to play the game as soon as it launches
>Julian Gollop was callous enough to say: "refund if you want, the Chinese paid me so much money I don't give a shit"

So far Phoenix Point has been my favorite Epic- related scandal.

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For 5 bucks

All kick-starter drama is great since I'm a stingy ass-hole.

It still hurts. I believed in Gollop, but I guess there's a reason he looks like some thinman motherfucker.

you'd think a start up indie dev would consider the possibility that this kind of controversy might affect their general reputation

>Epic think they're sneaky
>snatch a couple of games
>act all smug about it
>next thing they know Steam is fucking their assholes with a chimney-sized dick
They poked the Gaben.

Same. To be honest I was very, very tempted to donate to the Bloodstained KS but seeing how the thing became a MN9-like disaster it was the right call.

Can't wait for Star Citizen to crumble under its own weight. It's going to be one of the biggest gaming-related scandals ever.

Wait for E3, Kiwami 2 and 6 will probably be announced.

>Rage 2
>anywhere near the Chad

backers will get the game on the epic launcher and then a year later they will get the gog and steam keys as well

Bend the knee.

A bit of this and a bit of that

it wont because it became a living entity at this rate moved by Waaagh energy

Theoretically if Fallout 76 wasn't such a crock of shit they'd have a large fan base willing to go straight to the Bethesda launcher and avoid the Steam/Epic surcharges.

But I also want 3, 4 & 5.
and Shin, Black Panther & Kenzan and Dead Souls

He's an old guy and now he has some money to retire.

Remember that most of Fo76 Scandals were paid by the Chinkshits

But backers, especially the ones who asked for a GOG key, don't give a shit about the Epic store.
Why should they wait one entire year like second-class customers when they made the entire project possible in the first place?

"wtf dude fucking gamers will only buy shit on steam"

i'll buy games on clients that aren't absolute garbage

bethnet and epic are awful clients, give me a gog release or fucking something

they already have the game installed all they need to do is pirate the patches


The remaster for 5 is happening until June 20th and the west is probably going to get a 3-5 collection, probably on all systems now that I think about it.

Extra funny given how Kickstarter's very reason to exist is giving developers independence from publishers, and Gollop used the KS money to do the opposite.
On the other hand it's possible that the Kickstarter money wasn't enough to fulfill Gollop's vision for the game so he started searching for external sources of money and Epic was the only one willing to fund him.

reminder windows/microsoft is a monopoly

I'm glad. Mostly because of Doom Eternal to be honest.

nuObsiddian sucks, most of the good staff left ages ago

I think your script is broken

yeah good luck telling that to epic shills

They didn't even seek an Epic exclusivity deal.
Fuck this shit, Doom has enough power to bring Steam and Bethesda just proved to the entire gaming landscape how gutless they are.

Is this more about Epic or Stadia?

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SEETHING epic shill.

Todd lol more like Shitodd lmao

This store battle is getting heated. Valves being doing more this year than in the past 10.


Thank god. I was afraid the new Doom would be bethnet exclusive.

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It'll probably still have Beth launcher like Skyrim Special Edition

>can buy it on steam or beth launcher
dumb zoomer

ding ding ding

but if demons are immortal how can demon puss be temporary

I thought Pcbros wanted competition? Why isn't it also being released on Epic? You do know that Epic store has 10s of millions more people using it than Steam?
Lmfao Valve buying exclusivity rights.

But Outer World is being published by Private Division. Aren't they in charge of marketing and store platform decisions?

>wanting chinks on the market who don't allow porn or moderate based on (((quality)))

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get out of the fucking way doomguy

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You're OK, Todd. I'll buy Doom.

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