You’ll soon see “lower prices” for games on the Epic Store… says Epic

>he would rather pay full price + plus tax on Steam

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Epic could stop fucking lying and throwing around the word developers when it's publishers who deal with all this.

Also don't reply to me.

Basically “you better use some of that exclusivity money we’re giving you to cut your prices, or else.” Bravo, Sweeney.

lol replied to you

you pay with your data on epic store so it evens out

>tim wil set a new standard price for games
based and epicpilled

Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 June 4
Free Tibet
The Anti-Rightist Struggle
Taiwan is an independent country
Winnie the Pooh

>Pass larger revenue shares onto the consumers

Where have I heard this bullshit before?

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I replied to you

What are you gonna do about it?

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Yarr, I can think of a place with even lower prices.

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So easy to manipulate.

>Give developers a higher cut
>Lower prices

Something doesn't seem right here

But I already have the best prices on my store of choice. The torrent store.

ahahahahaha. nop .

It doesn't work like that , Epic will make Publishers pretty happy and Publishers will make shareholders very happy . fuck devs and fuck consumers.

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Ok user

It's the same trickle-down theory that caused massive inequality in the USA, except this time sjws will love it because Steam bad


but lowering the prices is bad for developers because they get less money

i tought epic was all about developers and giving then a fair share of money

>as developers learn to pass on the savings to the consumers
yeah that's totally going to happen

literally who does this
only a bunch of normalfags do this, even buyfags here always tell you to buy on sale
also this, if devs were so interested in the higher cut, why would they lower the price?

>give yourself a tiny share of the revenue
>remove the cut you get from UE4 games
>give publishers a shit ton to secure exclusivity
>now start claiming that your going to see games sell for less

Epic are making next to no profit in their current situation. You're going to see what a real PC monopoly looks like if they overthrow Steam and are given the green light to shift gear.


>we give devs a larger cut
>but we also expect them to sell their games for less
Something doesn't add up... If the whole point was to let the devs make more money, why would you expect them to make less?

I know ive read this somewhere before.

It's almost like Valve sales, except first they need to "learn" to pass the savings on to you.

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If Ebin really wants to floss on Valve, they should start doing flash sales.

They can sell game at lower prices cause fortnite skins are ridiculously priced and zoomers will pay the 35 bucks for a single skin

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>No handball

Enjoy your Russian botnet.

D-delete this

What is the point of this article? It literally says nothing.

>I think that maybe some other people might make the decision to possibly sell a product on my storefront at an unspecified lower amount eventually.

Literally no substance. I cant see any reason to report something like this, unless there is some ulterior motive.

Tim even said epic's model isn't sustainable in it's current state. Their whole strategy is to burn money until they can compete with steam. Then go "whoops we're getting big so now we gotta take a bigger cut. sorry lol!"

The whole gamble with this is that fortnite only zoomers who don't know what steam is will accept it.

Enjoy paying for a chinese botnet

Why would they lower the price? So what if you're not willing to pay 69.99$ + tip + payment fees + tax? You can't buy it elsewhere, payed exclusivity and monopoly. No resellers for keys. The only option is to pay full price or pirate, and developers will abuse the fuck out of this to have an even higher profit margin for the Holy Gods and Overlords Shareholders

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This is truly Epic news, how will valve-drones cope?

You fell for it

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Trickle down game prices

>Wanting the spyware discount

No thanks

Defend this

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>he pays full price to rent the game

>Developers who choose the platform designed for anti consumer greed **might** someday decide to pass the savings they're making on to customers!


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Once they have lured enough devs and retards on their platform they will raise them back to previous levels.

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Thta's fucking retarded, what's the point moving to epic then? The whole point was to make more money due to a bigger cut.

Now epic wants them to give that up and sell games cheaper?

Depends, will they be lower than CD keys on Steam?
I bought DMC5 at launch for $30.

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>Hey publishers, come to us, we'll give you money for timed exclusives and you get a bigger cut from sales
>Also, please consider reducing the price of your games to make it more attractive to buy games on EGS, even though you'd lose out on any benefit of taking a bigger cut

I bought DMC5 for 15$ AMDRewards.

delete this

Giant red flag

>he would rather pay full price
i don't i always resort to GMG where games are usually 10 bucks less than steam, more in some cases

>Get $10 more per purchase
People are blind if they think publishers are going to give that up

Absolutely based, storefront cucks BTFO

>learn to pass on the savings

>Prices will lower
Fucking prove it first

>publishers are going to CHOOSE to make less money
lmao my arse right the frick off

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I don't buy games at full price anyways. I don't care which store they're on though. If they're a tenner on release on Epic then I'll probably pick them up.

They probably won't be.

If the cost of low price games is paid for by dumbass zoomers then I can get behind it

>corporations will totally pass on savings to customers!
>[laughs in reaganomics]

Despite my shit taste in games, I unironically have a SLIVER of thanks for Epic because with all their problems they're at least bringing console games over to PC.

Journey, Flower, and David Cage stuff. At least they're throwing money at tangible things.
If it's just a year exclusivity then I'm okay with it, just hope a majority still comes to GOG and/or Steam.
Flower, for example, is already out on GOG/Epic/Steam before Journey on Epic. A complete out of nowhere release.

w-why is Winnie the Pooh banned in China?

chinese leaders are thin skinned, probably outsourced it on birth

except the the better cut means they're getting more money than on steam regardless
also implying that lowering prices isn't a standard tactic for businesses

Because someone said he looks like the president. Hence all the memes replace it with him or have them side by side.

I use Steam but rarely purchase directly on it. Cheap Shark or Is There Any Deal nigga. Didn't find anything? Start browsing shit like G2A and CD Keys. Since Epic doesn't offer the ability to sell their keys on third party sites they can never compete on prices.

if they lower the prices of games the devs are still missing out on some cash, i highly doubt any company will say no to more money

you have zero fucking knowledge how the industry works, like all the fucking valve drones who sperg out about epic

just because a developer studio isn't indie and has a publisher who manages their finances or funds them it doesn't mean that the studio is suddenly not making money with their projects

really aggressive post, friend. calm down.


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lower prices attracts more customers
i'm just picking random numbers but you'll get more revenue from selling 3 million copies of a $50 game than selling 2 million copies of a $60 game

Lower prices is a short term goal. The real goal is to eliminate all competion then increase prices.

One the revenue is given to the publisher, Epic has no say or involvement as to where it goes.
It's a pipe dream at either end.

i dont thinka 10$ difference will lead to mmsdm misl million more sales 60 bucks has been the starndar price for a while even then steam has a lto of samelsale for various games even newaer ones

>mmsdm misl million more
>a lto of samelsale for various games even newaer ones
what the fr*ck happened user

>people treating this shit like a console war ("our exclusives are better than yours!!!") when they're both free to download and use launchers that anyone can free use both at the same time
what's next, winrar vs 7zip?

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>come into any Epic thread
>post absolutely anything related to T square mass
>catch a 24 hour ban within minutes, usually right on the spot

You got a lotta Chinese shills in here, or something, janny-tranny? Trying to protect them?

Based. Steam and Epic are both for cucks.

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Case in point

Does that Tienanmen Square posting even do anything? You valve cucks are no better than epic chinks since you pay for goods that are obtainable for free. Kill yourselves you stupid corporate slaves.


Winnie the Pooh was used as a stand-in for Xi in Chinese political memes to evade the internet censors, the government eventually caught on to the practice, and is now perpetually vigilant when it comes to Winnie the Pooh characters.

7zip obviously you cunt

there's no reason to use winrar these days though, not even for its meme recovery file

>zoomers paying for boomers to game
this is bad because?

I'm just getting fed up with all this bullshit

Iike fuck, I'm mostly a piratefag on a toaster, pretty much emulating games 90% of the time. The few games I bought are all on Steam, but you blind fanboys seriously disgust me with the amount of manipulative bullshit you do just to protect Valve, and the amount of voice you have despite not knowing jackshit about the industry.

epic is doing pretty great shit for gaming right now, and Valve would start doing this shit too if there was some pressure on them, but you low IQ retards seriously just shill for them not doing anything for free instead. At least I assume you do this shit for free, because Valve currently is such a fucking small, unproductive company, I doubt they would even spend a single$ at anything other than feeding Gaben and his son.


Just like the blueprints for store features, more swear guys, swear on our mums the store is gonna get better come on just let Epic in your hard drive dude look we have exclusives!

dont @ me

Name ONE time where a publisher got a good deal and passed on the profit to the dev. Just ONE time. You can't. It doesn't happen. These deal have no impact on the dev at all, which is why you keep seeing the developers admit to being blindsided when an Epic deal comes in without them even knowing. They find out from fucking twitter because the publisher doesn't even tell them before it happens. Not a single cent of the extra profit will make it into the hands of a developer. Not one.

Valve wasn't even mentioned in the post you replied to, it was indirectly calling out Epic's appeal to emotion (muh devs) instead of being upfront about where the money is initially fed through.
I guess the bullshit you're fed up with is your own, but you just keep eating.

They've failed so hard at denying it that their new narrative is it happend but the people's liberation army were actually the victims of the massacre and any civilian deaths were justified self defense.

Worked for me once in GTA.

Epic store is literally trying to become the Walmart of pc gaming.

>paying full price on steam

This. Publishers are nothing more than middlemaning jews who don't actually contribute anything beyond money.

>corporations will gladly lower their profit margins to make the customer happy

If you genuinely believe this, you are the stupidest retard to ever gestate out of a pool of your own filth. At this point I don't think any insult would even be fitting for someone with such a negative IQ.

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Nigga, I don't buy games on day one, this doesn't affect me.
Only day one slaves suffer from this, I just wait and buy it dirt cheap. Enjoy your chinkware

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They are really going all out.
Lower prices for games is simply great for gamers. Also they only charge 12% for games sold to publishers and game makers instead of the 30% Steam charges. Which is great for game makers. Steam has a legit fight on their hands if Epic keeps doing shit like this.

For some of us it has nothing to do with blind faith to Valve. The EGS is a piece of shit with barely any features and has proven itself to have poor security. I don't want to feed money through it.

You genius motherfucker, you baited them good.

>b-but valve isn't even mentioned
fuck off. There isn't a single person out there shittalkign epic who isn't a valve drone. It is their competition, there are no other person who would benefit from shittalking epic other than blind valvefanboys

and seems like you are still retarded about believing how devs don't get money from game sales. Again, read up how this shit works. Publishers are either in a salesman relationship, taking a certain amount cuts from the revenue of the devs, or are in an investor relationship, taking away much bigger cuts BUT also reinvesting in the studio.

the point of Epic's smaller cuts is exactly this difference (nearly 20%) would all go to the devs now, since publishers would already get their strict cuts.

>you'll see lower prices soon
>implying the price will actually be lower and publishers won't just take the bigger cut at the same price


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>i like your data, user! mind if i store it all on these servers in beijing? don't worry, we have great privacy laws here! your social credit score will be fine!

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But the post was specifically about Epic, and only Epic.
You're making it into a problem by roping in Valve because you have nothing better to do and you're pathetic at it.

>the only people who would possibly criticize Epic and the EGS are blind valve fanboys

Big brained boys here

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Eat a bag of dicks, shill larper

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>another bussiness illiterate fag

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There's no way this is sustainable. Throwing large amounts of money at small devs so they're set even if their game fails AND a lower cut going to the people throwing around said money?
There has to be a catch here.

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>literally trickle down economics
because we ALL know how well that worked the last time we didit

Spyware gathering and selling all your data

>state facts

I don't even game on PC, so I honestly don't care.

Tencent paying good money for .

>they're getting more money
They're getting the money regardless, because of exclusivity AND Epic paying them out. Why would they lower the price?

Argument instantly discarded for being a corporate shill.

I'll call it the "not welcoming Chinks to datamine my computer" tax and pay it gladly

Holy shit this so much

>Developers will pass their bonus on to consumers
>Trickle down is real, guys! We swear!

The last SEVEN times we did it, user. Its been done at least seven times. We try it, it fails, fucks the economy, we go 5-10 years and people forget and want to try again.

>lower prices on the store
>add additional charges into transaction/processing fee
>Epic takes more while developer gets less
ebay economics
Sweeney already said the profits are "razor-thin" and you get shittier prices if not paying in dollars, and even GOG just recently retired fair pricing for similar reasons.

>totally not valve-drones shitpost about epic again
>fuck off valve-drones
>w-we are totally not valve-drones, you just have nothing better to do than to shitpost

tell me, who else would shittalk them?
EGS isn't any worse or different than the other non-Steam stores, it's only criticism is not yet having some features that Steam has

you can't even say that /pol/fags are genuinely mad at Epic because muh evil chinese, since this whole shit is nothing but manipulative shitposting. Sweeney is the majority owner of Epic, tencent is a minority owner, not even mentioning that Tencent is just an investor company in the west who profits on shares and never micromanages their western properties

I think we're going to be stuck dealing with this repeated nonsense of trickle down attempts until the boomers die off.

They by large REFUSE any and all data that it doesn't work, despite decades of evidence.

>Why would they lower the price?
attract more customers and get even more money
not rocket science

>tell me, who else would shittalk them?
Anyone who recognizes that buying exclusivity is not good for the consumer in any capacity.

Its because all the lead in their gasoline rotted their brains.

>Epicfags can't shittalk their own store
Seems like you're just the problem, shit eater.

>opposing basic capitalist theory
Can you guess how I know you're a community college socialist?

>add additional charges into transaction/processing fee
what additional charges are you even talking about?

I own my own business I built up from a $500 investment, but whatever.

Enjoy your decaying circulation of currency due to money being horded when you keep thinking the ultra wealthy are going to just put it right back in the system.

We have those people even in this very thread, I think we're just doomed forever

>those people
what people?

>attract more customers and get even more money
Why would they do that? Don't they already have all the fortnite zoomers? I thought exclusivity was enough? Damn hypocrite.

>paying for gaemen

Nah, the vast majority of younger people are very anti that shit and that's not changing any time soon.

They only get the angry pissed off people with a chip on their shoulder anymore.

>you have zero fucking knowledge how the industry works
>projecting this hard
go do your homework you underage faggot

>Doesn't game on PC
>Somehow knows all these "facts."
You are right about that, you don't game on PC or anywhere. You are a shill.

>Why would they do that?
getting people to buy your stuff is L I T E R A L L Y the entire point of having a business

Seriously who cares where are the lolis

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>hating on the rich
Could you be any more of a stereotype?

>Everyone is FRIENDS when money is involved!

there is nothing wrong with exclusivity if it contributes to game development through financial support, especially if it's just fucking TIMED exclusivity in FREE to use store

devs have the final say in whether they agree on licensing deals or not, not Epic

Aren't you special?

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They're using fortnite money to undercut their competition. If it works, they carve out a spot in digital distribution. if it doesn't work, then they piss away a lot of money for nothing.

>Just say that the rich are hording wealth is hating on them

How much lead paint chips did you eat?

That's just a statement of fact.

If you feel attacked by economic data then it isn't the data that's the problem, it's you.

you legitimately believe that only indie devs can profit on their games or you are just pretending to be retarded?

There is.

It reduces market pricing competition for consumers which by large almost always leads to inflated prices for longer terms than the item would have seen in a true competition environment.

Really changed your tune, cowboy. It's okay, you're among likeminded posters.

>champagne socialist brainlet also uses Reddit spacing
My, my, it keeps getting worse

What are you trying to show?

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Valve said the same thing about Steam, their prices will be lower because they won't have to foot the bill for physical packaging.
I didn't trust Valve then and I don't trust Epic now.

>There isn't a single person out there shittalkign epic who isn't a valve drone.
So youre either baiting or are the biggest retard here.

Epic is shit for the industry despite your whinging otherwise. Look at the Outter Worlds deal. They paid Obsidian not for an exclusivity deal, but to specifically delay the game on steam. Considering its Obsidian, they probably got paid a pretty penny too.

Is that the precedent you want? For companies to spend millions sabotaging each other, instead of spending it on developing new shit? Hell, this is worse than console exclusivity. At least when Sony funds a game like Bloodborne a new game exists because of them. Epic is blowing millions to literally do nothing mord than inconvenince the consumer.

By comparison what does Valve spend their millions on?
>Most robust games platform avilable
>Handles multiplayer for devs
>Made thousands of games function on Linux FOR FUCKING FREE

If you think Epic is anything more than a blight on this industry you have to be a literal retard.

i'm buying my games from the Epic game store launcher and you white bois can't do anything to stop me. all hail our new chink overlords can't wait for western civilization to be taken by the yellow man

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All you're good for is hopping into threads you have no investment in and attention whoring.

>reddit spacing
This is always a dead giveaway that somebody only started using Yea Forums in the last few years.

You can go look at ancient Yea Forums screencaps from before reddit existed and people still spaced shit.

if they handle it right, they could actually give some decent competition

>trickle down economics is real guys

At this point the fucker needs to just shut up. Every word out of his mouth makes things worse and even worse. Half of it is just him feeling like he's talking shit with impunity now with Fortnite money to hide behind.

It's like seeing Cliff Bleszinki run Epic, except with all his fuck ups I think he'd be doing better with the EGS.

t. Gamergate tourist

>I know more than Nobel laureates like Milton Friedman because I went to community college
Fuck off

And there's no incentive to lower prices. Not unless we start seeing examples of it. And that means lower prices for EVERYONE, including regional prices.

The only thing I am sad about is Control, I like Remedy games.

lmao since when has a company actually "passed the savings" on to customers.

how does epic know that the developer is getting the additional revenue? doesn't the extra 18% go through the publisher first?

Does Epic know that developers have literally no say in the pricing of their games?

then why are you here, faggot? I'm giving you attention for now, but that's not saying much

Shut the fuck up goy, stop asking questions and install Epic RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>People have been doing that on Yea Forums since before reddit existed, you exposed yourself as a newfag
>N.. No! You're the newfag!

This random Yea Forums screencap is probably older than you.

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He is fucking delusional if he thinks publishers won't just pocket the extra money. I'd expect prices to go up long before I ever believed they'll go down.

epic paid big money to obsidian
obsidian can, and most likely will use that money to reinvest in their studio, to invest in game development
this means you will see games with bigger production values from them (or more games)

the only thing that was "sabotaged" is that you have to click on a different icon to buy/launch the game that runs and plays the exact same way
buying the game there also gives more money to the development studio (see the first part)

>but valve is good guy because
>Most robust games platform avilable
completely irrelevant when this is completely in tune with their having the robust profit with it
steam is a fucking small company, like 250 workers, digital store maintance costs only cost a few % of their revenue (which is the reason why Epic can sell UE games for just 7% extra revenue on EGS and still make a profit on them)
valve is making an insane amount of money and doesn't give jackshit back to gaming other than shitting out a crappy cashgrab game like Artifact after a half decade
>Handles multiplayer for devs
devs have to pay up for dedicated Steam servers. Valve doesn't handle shit for free
>thousand of games
first, don't exaggerate with the numbers
second, Linux gaming is a meme. There is absolutely zero, 0 benefit of gaming on linux, only serious drawbacks, and linux users can already just boot up a windows to play every pc game in existence

>publisher investing in (((themselves))) to get more profits for the next time they reinvest, rinse repeat
Damn, you're right! Developers ARE getting a better deal!

>>thousand of games
>first, don't exaggerate with the numbers
>second, Linux gaming is a meme. There is absolutely zero, 0 benefit of gaming on linux, only serious drawbacks, and linux users can already just boot up a windows to play every pc game in existence
Oh no he's retarded... */dab/nulls you from behind*

>There is absolutely zero, 0 benefit of gaming on linux,
You really don't understand why they did that at all.

>Redditposting socialist now trying to change the past
You and your ilk are pathetic. Good thing we've been guaranteed four more years yesterday. Let's hope you'll get the message and leave

>epic paid big money to obsidian
Epic paid big money to microsoft.

>never micromanages

Holy shit you’re dumb or paid by epic. I’m pretty sure both

>epic paid big money to obsidian
no they paid big money to the publisher, obsidian devs didn't even know it was happening until just before it was announced, exact same case with deep silver

Yep, definitely lead paint chips.

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>loli with tits

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But I pay super cheap for Steam games

There's something special about trump supporters actually attacking a small business owner and rejecting actual evidence that what they say is wrong as fake news.

Oh wait, no, they are all like that. Damn near carbon copies of each other.

>Epic lowers prices for all gamers
>Pcbros will seethe in anger because they worship a faceless DRM company, for free

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all epic exclusives will re-release in a year on steam and steam knows this lmfao, they dont give a fuck

You dehumanizing the right is why Trump won.

Is this 100% confirmed though? Like absolutely, unquestionably so?
A few games have come out and said as much, yes, but they don't speak for the whole.
Even if they're not true "exclusive" they might never make the jump.

>publishers investing in themselves
okay, I'm off
you retards seriously have no fucking idea what a publisher is or how they are financially related to developers

>lower all the prices on EGS
>publishers now make the same profits as steam's 30-20% because they need to sell their games cheaper
Great thinking, Tim.


>Cries how someone who has actual evidence disagreeing with his opinions must be a reddit community college socialist

lol careful snowflake, winter is over.

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Yeah, we must be the problem. Has to be, you cracked the code nobody else could shit eater!
See ya, noose around your neck and all!

fuck Epic
fuck China
and fuck Nanking

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Microsoft literally owns obsidian.

I'm not sure you know this.

>they don't give a fuck
they still went out to shittalk epic for making metro exclusive, which started the whole anti-epic outrage
they were seething before, but now they are probably pretty confident seeing how all the gaymers started lynching epic

Reminder that every time Tim Sweeney says "developers", what he really means is publishers.
And he's retarded if he thinks publishers will ever forward savings to the customers instead of pocketing the profits.

Did you not see the first post in the thread?

That still won't matter since Epic still lacks several important features that Steam has had for ages. That's like trying to enter the car building industry and not putting seatbelts in your car while having the ambition to completely fuck over the competition and using the argument that "we'll add it later". Nobody sane would compete with a modern game store without even the basic features that people expect from said other store.

They shit talked the metro situation because it rightfully was a clusterfuck for steam customers.

It had been advertised and up for preorder on steam for a while before that announcement came with zero warning, and they were forced to suddenly handle all that and had a rightful complaint regarding their platform effectively having been used for free advertising.

>car analogy
seat belts are a bad example, those are specific minimum features.
ac or an audio system would be a luxury feature that could be skimped on.

not him but MS doesn't have the publishing rights to Outer Worlds
it is also the reason why it is on every platform, not just xbox and ms store

Thanks, I actually did not know about Private Division as the publisher here.

>Nobody sane would compete with a modern game store without even the basic features that people expect from said other store.
literally all other stores did
your car analogy is also a bit extreme for lacking features that you can already access on any store, you just have to click on google instead of steam's browser

either way, those features apparently are coming to EGS

Or I could just buy from GMG/Fanatical which is 15-20% cheaper than Steam but still gets me a Steam key.

And look at where all these other stores ended up as a result. Lucky for Epic, their store only has a handful of games and still does, but if they don't deliver on a search feature before their store catches on, things will certainly be messy indeed.

As if I care for Epic Store games let alone their empty promises

This whole thing is stupid.

As much as most of the epic launcher criticism came from a single unfounded reddit post that was completely wrong, I have to say it's all worth it seeing people start to shit on china and their winnie the pooh dictator.

I really wish internet autists would/could do something to start chipping away at that great firewall.

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I rater get the games on epic store for free.

This is actually true

Metro was already 50$ on Epic when it was 60$ on Steam preorders.
Metro devs still got more money after the copies for selling the game on Epic for 50$ than if they sold it on Steam for 60$.

*ahem* FUCK

>developers will pass on the savings

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Care to point out what was wrong in that reddit post?

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>As developers learn to pass on the savings.
>Literally trickle-down economics despite the fact lowering the cost would undercut the whole shtick of supporting developers with a lower cut

Attached: 1545674933473.gif (480x228, 499K)

> lower prices
I thought the prices are meant to remain steep (especially internationally) in order to make up for the 12% cut not being sustainable?
> as developers learn to pass on the savings on to customers
> as developers literally give up the defining feature we promised them to lower the price of their games for the consumers they despise

Attached: sweeney on international prices & 12%.jpg (582x366, 56K)

Fuck China

>Gee, why does valve take a percentage similar to the markup in every single retail industry?

no, this china boogeyman shitstorm was nothing but a clusterfuck of posters not even understanding their own insults

none of the aggression actually went against chinese censorship, this is just a racist shit throwing against chinese people with the usual subhuman/übermencsh faggotry the edgelords here love so much

not like any criticism towards the actual chinese government would have been even relevant when they are just based on some bullshit/conspiracy theories about how the chinese government controls epic


Attached: 1544295872145.png (468x502, 336K)

>Developing countries
>All of the EU

Attached: 1480964969162.jpg (613x556, 38K)

Epic Games forces you to pay with all the data they can collect from your system, even if the launcher itself is free. No thank you.
Yeah, I think I'll stick with Steam. They could slash the prices of all their games in half and I still wouldn't budge. Fuck Epic Games, their store and Tencent (the Chinese government)
天安门广场大屠杀 1989 Winnie the Pooh

Attached: 1553169058651.png (500x334, 169K)

There's never enough money for devs/publishers. They won't charge less, just because they found savings somewhere else. Don't be ridiculous.

you realize you already "sold" all this preciosious data of yours by opening google to type this post?

>The Americans already have your data!
>So stop making a fuss and just give it to the Chinese as well!

2019 will be a great year of shitposts I see

Attached: 2019WillCome.png (800x600, 199K)

epic doesn't share data with tencent (officially stated), and they would never even have to
tencent is a minority share owner, Sweeney owns the majority of the company single handedly. This chinese posting was never more than strawman to attack instead of facing with the actual arguments

>Tim Sweeney would never lie to me!

But you remember when games went digital on console and they started becoming cheaper, don't you?

Yeah, they said that shit back then too. Bullshit then, and bullshit now.

Attached: IMG_20190324_200911.jpg (886x1575, 176K)

chinks are their masters

Attached: 1553429025191.png (776x498, 60K)

>epic never lies
>ooops we collect data
>ooops we look in to your steam folder
yeah nah, get fucked


Stop, user! You're gonna trigger all the Epic Shills with that image!

If it means not supporting chinkshit yeah, you bet your ass I would

Also Epic
>We only collect steam data when you say you want to link your friends
>but really we do it on launch without consent, and we skim your whole steam directory

epic would risk insane fines by lying about business practices, and it's not like they can even lie about their share ownership

>b-but epic lies
>lists a bunch of shit epic never stated not to do
the only one lying here is you user

if you expect sweeney to shittalk Tencent directors on twitter when asked about them you are seriously retarded
it's one thing that no sane person would ever do this to a valuable investors, but the "Tencent is evil, literally worse than EA" bullshit was never more than valvefagging coupled with /pol/ mentality. Tencent is the plainest investor company already owning western properties since several years, and never taking control over them. They just invest in companies and profit on the increased revenue with their shares.

>"dude if the industry goes digital games will be cheaper!"
>games are still 60 bucks

Yeah suck my ass, Tim

>>if you expect sweeney to shittalk Tencent directors on twitter when asked about them you are seriously retarded
so, is he lying?

Does Epic offer refunds?

>the only thing that was "sabotaged" is that you have to click on a different icon to buy/launch the

>lists a bunch of shit epic never stated not to do
So it's safe to assume Epic is also poisoning our water supply since they don't explicitly state they're not doing that, wtf?!

>Tencent is the plainest investor company already owning western properties since several years, and never taking control over them. They just invest in companies and profit on the increased revenue with their shares.
They're a proxy for the CCP and have their own film/tv/games/media publishing division, they're not just an investment fund for stolen gains from exploiting and oppressing the Chinese people.


>getting people to buy your stuff is L I T E R A L L Y the entire point of having a business
no the point of a business is to make money. you can make money without selling a thing, like by taking bribes from richer businesses.

Games on epic store are so fucking expensive, full AAA price for old ass game. What the fuck

What even is the point of giving devs higher cuts if you're going to lower the prices? Doesn't that defeat the reasoning of using the epic store in the first place?

increases consumer good will then you can jack them back up and it's too late your customers are now stuck on epic!

i hope epic takes the western garbage in that image away from steam

>Developers willing to make less profit.

Attached: th.jpg (474x355, 32K)

Yea Forums btfo

>winter is over
Look at who's in the White House and say that again, libcuck

I will never forget the sale where Paradox increased the price on one of their games only to submit a "discount" putting it right back at the original price.

If they didn't charge tax, like Sony doesn't, then they'd be less expensive than Steam.

Ok fine....give me game review, community hubs, workshop, etc. I want feature parity.

They should keep prices on the same level, but give something in return, maybe special dlc, because they have 25% more money from every epic sale.


Didn't Rockstar and Gaijin do exactl that too?

>Also don't reply to me.


still no cheevos support