What do you do?
You’re In The Club And This Guy Slaps Your Girlfriend’s Ass
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Shoot my girlfriend
Slap his ass back and fuck him in front of my gf
Disco Queen at him.
suck his dick
he would never
Call him man old man and tell him to lend me money because I gambled mine all away.
He would if there was some kind of comedic hi-jinks and misunderstandings that led him down that path.
>a virgin
>slapping ass
Get Tiger Dropped and lose 5000 bucks I guess.
Accept his apology as he did it accidentally and then use this as leverage to send him on a quest to go do my laundry or some shit as recompense.
Then I would fight him, get my ass handed to me and then we would sort it out and we would go beat up the guy responsible for the misunderstanding together. Afterwards I would give him a pocket circuit car part or something.
do something that would end up with the next iteration of DAME DA NE including sidescrolling pictures of myself
start break dancing
Uh thats not how it works? What happens is Kiryu walks by and DOESN'T slap my girls ass but i get all up in his face saying he did and so he had better cough up some cash if he doesn't want to piss me off, got it?
Wear a Majima mask
he would never do that
Tell him I have govt connections and will have the orphanage shut down if he doesn’t piss off.
What is the possible scenario for OP situation to happens? I mean Kiryu would never do this kind of this anyway.
Kiryu would never do that
Won't he start beating your ass if you're implying anything bad about his orphanage?
Kiryu is a top bro.
he'd never do something like this.
lmao as if that'd happen
You're in the club and this guy slaps your ass. What do you do?
>Thank you, Kiryu! Slapping my girlfriends ass and making a fool out of me in the process really taught me something valuable today.
I'd already be dead
>Camera pans upwards as user and Kiryu looks up to the sky
Kazuma's too nice to start shit without a reason.
Tell him that was a rather rude thing to do. Kiryu is more than likely to apologize and say he was practing his bad guy routine.
Act quirky, caricaturish, explain some meddlesome at worst issue with my life, and have him buy me something of the rough value of 30-50k yen from a shop across town, and reward him with a pair of my old socks that're likely worth less but have mystical bullet protection powers to Yakuza protagonists.
Be happy that I finally have a GF, then start a sidequest to play outrun with him.
Tell him to slap my ass as well.
I'd fight him.
The other 6700 people who took him on got unlucky. I'd whoop him.
Accuse him of being a punk and invite him to discuss his unacceptable behavior outside next to the bicycle rack.
Scream KIRYU-CHAN like a retard in front of everyone
die happy
>tfw no majima bf