Whats the appeal of Draenei?

Whats the appeal of Draenei?

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Ass and thighs

uniroincally horsecock futa and their sisters.

Horns, elven face, thighs.


Big futa horsecock that shoots gallons of cum.

i want to sniff the wraps

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hot af ass

Futa cocks

Hooves :3

futa horsecock

Horny 24/7

There an alien race in an already fantasy setting. In contrast to that they embody the universal struggle of light vs darkness!

Just a friendly reminder that futa-on-female is *not* gay to fap to.

Futa on futa is just as straight as straight porn!

If you can see both vaginas.

Built in heels and horns that you can hold on to

futa and ass

but futas don't have vaginas or anus they have cloacas

Just a friendly reminder that Draenei females don't have dicks and were made for human husbands.

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reminder that they do have horsecocks and they were also made for their human husbands

If Draenei females don't have dicks why would any human wife them?

To make half-Draenei children and spend the rest of your lives together happily.

Their big fat cocks and the sluts (female) who service them

Human females are for making the half-draenei children, Draenei females are for consequence free love-making.

They can even interbreed?
If not why would you wife them if there is no kinky futa horsecock?


Any humanoid race can breed with any other humanoid race.

Why the fuck do you narrow-minded people keep insisting there's "limitations" in WarCraft when species from planets lightyears apart have produced children

Post futa Draenei bulges!


Big muscle daddies

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>TFW no innocent and pure Lightforged wife yo purify your body and spirit

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everyone who said FUTA needs to admit that they're gay af

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It's not gay

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That's not how fabric works, yo.

Blue skin is cool. There should be blue skin people irl.

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they're just tieflings

I love my fully female Draenei wife!

With a massive fully feminine horse cock.

matted with sweat, kinda

they can use their tail to fuck you in the ass while you fuck them in the vagina for the ultimate prostate orgasm

Female draenei are for cleaning their futa bulls.

built-in handlebars

futa is trash, draenei lesbos make my peepee hard

>Race of super zealots made up of attractive goat people.
Draenei are a subtle attempt to appeal to the goat fucking tendencies of a growing Muslim population.

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Draenei make me wanna start playing WoW because I wish I could clean the sheath of a futa Draenei mistress

Me too

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Why are draenei so fucking patrician?

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is that a vegetable?

God I wish I was a Draenei sheath slave...

>Whats the appeal of Draenei?

>Posts an appealing Draenei

no, vegetable is a culinary term and we're discussing biology

Get cleaning.

Holy fucking shit I have a raging hard on right now, I wanna smother my face in that pit of dick sheath

Would clean 10/10

damn Draenei's look like THAT, *slurp*

Why is it so hard to find art of leaking dick sheaths? What tags would you even use to find this stuff?

I have no idea, but do let me know if you find out.

Futa on female is the least gay concept we've yet to conceive. I bet you're into big broad shoulders and oafish attitudes.

what about single female solo

Baby's first xeno crush.


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post more im interested in this
