If you walk away from a challenge in a video game that says a lot about you as a person and tells me that I can walk all over you and you won't do shit. I will purposely go out of my way to berate you if you're a casual.
I'm so sick of hearing "it's just a game" no, it's a right of passage. This is a pathetic excuse that casuals hold onto instead of strengthening as a person. You are inferior to me in every way.
Yes. And it's not as hard as niggers are saying it is. i just got to guardian ape and dragonrot only had spread once in the game(the first one being 5 deaths into the game)
It blindsided me and ended an otherwise good run, but it was so fucking goofy that I loved it. Same when a friend got pummeled by the ogre and narrowly survived, and just as he said "Cool, I'm not down and out yet," it chucks him backwards and off the cliff to his death. It was too funny to get upset about.
Easton Perry
Unfortunately I have a mouse and keyboard for this game which sucks ass. I also notice a lot of input latency whenever I get into a very heated battle so I'm taking a break from getting my ass kicked until I get a controller I can play with.
As a true intellectual myself I really don't see the point in hard games. Everyone can beat Sekiro but the cost is time you're not getting back. And for what?
Aaron Thompson
Stop reposting, being good in a videogame means shit irl.
For the feeling of overcoming a great challenge, you pseudo-intellectual retard
Liam Price
Gamers are one of the most intellectual people found on earth, rise up
Jackson Russell
The satisfaction of mastering the combat system the rush from using all the skills youve learned to defeat the hardest boss fromsoft has ever made. My heart was pounding when i finally killed sword saint. Most intense and rewarding koment in all of the soulsborne games.
Chase Edwards
Nathan Roberts
That's assuming anyone would agree that beating a video game for the sake of it is satisfying to a thinking individual. Not that you'd know but trust me it isn't.
Josiah Jenkins
If you want a challenge, you might want to try real life for a change. Video games are for fun.
Jace Wilson
This is the most powerful cringe I've ever seen on this board. The game is mediocre and badly designed, and you can't get over it like a man.
Henry Miller
I'm convinced it's just 1 fucking discord group producing the "Sekiro is hard" threads OP is probably part of it too
Zachary Lewis
cringe and chodepilled
Evan Watson
That's true for every videogames though, it all depend on the meaning you give them. Personally difficulty and depth as what gives them meaning to me, but not to a point where you have sacrifice your life and all the time you could possibly give up to videogames, fighting games are a good example of this, fuck fighting games. Sekiro might be hard but it's VERY far from asking you the same time investment as fighters or even competitive shooters (the games in which you spend a lifetime on a single fucking map or 2), and at the same time you're not just wasting your time going through a bland and easy gameplay experience with no good universe or story along the way
but sekiro is ten times easier than any previous souls game what do you mean
Bentley Foster
A game should be satisfying to play, and not only to beat. That's where Sekiro fails. If the ultimate reward of the game is to beat it so you can stop playing it, you'd have to be an idiot to not realise you can just quit at any time.
The value of an achievement is what you have to show for it. That could be a tangible reward or an improvement withing you, or a little of both. With Sekiro you just lose, your time and patience, for nothing.
But that's not true at all, Sekiro has a far FAR better, far more enjoyable moment to moment gameplay than fucking Dark Soul. The difficulty is just a bonus that should push you further into enjoying the game not detract you from it
Jordan Perry
It’s not beating a game that feels good, it’s the feeling of overcoming a challenge. You can beat any game and it usually leave you with emptiness, because you crave for more. If you feel satisfied that it’s finally over then the game was shit. And obviously not everyone will agree that it feels good, casuals will not because they don’t know this heavenly feeling. Implying that you’re any different than anyone because you’re a casualfag “thinker” is absolutely cringepilled, please use a rope.
Andrew Scott
ok but why didn't you post an actual hard game for the op?