Want to join guild

>want to join guild
>have to send a detailed application
>have to attend an interview

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wtf, do they need a fictional resume too?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.02_[2017.05.31_22.20.20].jpg (1920x1080, 807K)

>the guild breaks up 3 days later due to bullshit drama

Attached: 1549321745411.jpg (570x539, 47K)

>you are the most qualified out of the applicants
>never get hired

Attached: 2a574f5ce6efd412fc154a9e9e26ab7eIMG_112.jpg (1114x1600, 760K)

>join guild
>female guild leader
>leave guild

Attached: 1553379441496.jpg (700x515, 26K)

>making me remember THAT chapter
delete delete delete

whats the best mmo for erp besides ffxiv

>Send out dozens of resumes and apply for dozens of jobs during the summer
>Never get accepted
>Every place that rejected you has hired some mudskin with tattoos around your age
Any games for this feel?

Any guild that does that is not worth joining.

>join eve guild years ago
>require mic
>require I be on at specific times
>leader is a bossy cunt
nah not worth it

>expecting anything but autism in EVE online

Since esport is a thing lots of people do this. It killed WoT how clans changed from "your friend said you where a chill guy" to "show me your winrate and avg damage"

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>enjoy the grind and "feel" of mmos
>hate the guilds, parties, raids and other social garbage infesting the fenre
MMO for antisocial retards WHEN

Guild applications are a good thing solely because they keep spergs like the average Yea Forumsermin from joining.

What you want is called a "single player game".

i think warframe covers that
enjoy spending a full week unlocking another character without buying anything though

Depends on game. In Albion Online where tremendous amount of content is done with guild it was key to NOT invite spergs.

those ARE the only guilds worth joining though. everything else is cesspool trash guilds for people who never clear content

Literally every single MMO since 2008 has been made for people like you?

first guildwars game was like that
everything except cities was instanced and you could hero/henchmen through all of the content by yourself

>MMO for antisocial retards WHEN
Literally any MMO/Expansion since 2010?
>other social garbage infesting the genre
First of all, the social aspect literally is the MMO genre.
Its when these aspects of trading and in world interaction got substituted by meta communication and devs catering to """anti"""-socials that the genre died.
You can best see this in Runescape

This started when people told these nerds that being in a guild was not like having an actual job.

They decided it needed to be like an actual job so you could count it as work experience for a better job.

Et voila, here we are. I don't have the time or energy to go through an application and interview process to play a video game and if you think it matters that much to me, you can suck my dick.

Play Warframe or any of the Xenoblade Games.

>Have to go through bullshit trial period
>Girl joins, trial until raid and she starts getting loot immediately
Man am I glad master loot is dead in wow even if I haven't played it in awhile fuck people like that
>That same job position is open within a week, the person is no where to be seen and the process repeats itself

Nothing is stopping you from going solo in MMOs