Damn, how will Nintendo ever recover?

Damn, how will Nintendo ever recover?

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They never have

Nintendo never ran out of business, SEGA was right.

Sega got buttfucked by the PS2 so hard they went third party. Nintendo endured years of Sony asspounding and they're still in the console race.

They'll sell another Switch to every drone.

Nintendo have been getting BTFO since the 90s, why the fuck are they still showing their pathetic face? Just fucking give up already

Genesis really fucked up with the whole 32X and Sega CD addons, then tried to compete with the Sega Saturn but it flopped, then managed to get a decent system with the Dreamcast but got cucked by the PS2 really hard.


That commercials was refering to the power of the 16 bit of Genesis agaist the 8 bit of Nes, after that, Nintendo come back with his 16 bit consol the super nintendo.


And then SEGA invented the buzzword "blastprocessing" trying to hide the superiority of the Super Nintendo.

Its funny since these ads just made a generation of nintendofags autistically against Sega at all costs.
You still see it in ecelebs


Nintendo have never recovered from Sega's marketing forever labelling them as a kiddy company. Literally the Fisher Price of the console developers.

>SEGA goes under, Nintendo don't
Sweet, sweet irony.

Genesis denesis what nintendenesis

Videogames are all for small children though
>inb4 muh edgy gun dragon hell game
Only for little boys.

Nintendo is what Genesisn't


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t. Nincel

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They didn't need to hide anything. Most of multiplats ran better of Sega's hardware. Snes versions usually were on lower resolutions not to mention the horrible slowdown on action games.

Nintendo is wh-

By watching Sega become better game developers

There are people in this thread that actually believe Sonic games are good.

>It's called the Genesis in ONE GOD DAMN COUNTRY
>It's Muttistan
>So online it's generally called the Genesis

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By not going nearly bankrupt

What a stupid thing to be a whiny bitch about.

Makes sense. It's the only country that matters.

>he prefers the clunky sounding Mega Drive over the slick Genesis
Shit taste

The sega cd went over fine from what I can tell. The 32x fucked them over because Sega of Japan decided to release the next gen of console right as the 32x was on the market which destroyed a great deal of consumer confidence in the company.

That's what we called it in Canada too

Do it faggot

this guy gets it, internal strife between sega of america wanting to extend the genesis lifespan with the 32x and sega of japan wanting to release a new console with the saturn destroyed the company.

Yeah Nintendo was so btfo'd last gen.
The Wii was a failure and Sony dindn't lose all the money they made from the PS1 and PS2.
Oh wait hold on a second...



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Is it supposed to be Nintendon't or Nintendoesn't

Mega Drive Dega Drive
Nintendega Drive

50 years later and nintendorks are STILL seething

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I'm not sure they will, they'll have to resort to cheap tactics such as chasing fads or making mass-production rehashes of the same game forty times over just to stay afloat. Or perhaps even lower forms of pandering such as to furries or libtard manchildren.