
What went wrong?
Not only other titles are at least twice as long, they got infinitely better replayability

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None of the games are worth replaying.

You can make different builds to make your playthrough completely different in terms of playstyle

The play style is always the same (mash r1 or mash pew). It doesn't matter its a +5 sharp sword or a +5 holy sword.

t. brainlet who never used magic

I have. My first playthough of Demons was with a royal. Literally backpedal and mash pew.

My first playthrough took 38 hours

I love DeS to death but I would never play that game more then twice over with one guy

so do these completion time thigns ever get updated? because if anything im pretty sure its a good bit of just people getting used to souls formula and not sucking as hard, thus less time wasted.


>Souls magic user calling others a brainlet
top fucking kek
Souls' magic system is the definition of braindead.

so you did a completionist run

>made one of the best multiplayer experience on videogames
>not using it on new games

Why From is so retarded?

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Did you even play Sekiro?

Magic is easymode

Dark Souls 1 is not fucking 47 hours, it's maybe 20

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lol took me 100 hours to finish Bloodborne

>16 1/2 hours for main story
Do people fall asleep with the game running or something?

Sekiro have a soul-like multiplayer?

Wtf is main + extra? Wouldn't that just be completionist since Sekiro doesn't have any DLC?

Didnt the game have optional bosses?

Probably some side missions, but not all of them

I think there's two. That wouldn't add that much hours. I think OP is pulling these numbers out of his ass.

Yes they get updated all the time. Also this logic makes no sense because then DS2 wouldn't have the longest playtime.

He's not, newfag. Look up the website in the OP.

>DaS1 is 47 hours
How bad are people are video games?

No you dumb faggot, but if you played the game, you'd understand why it wouldn't.

Thank god, I don't think I could've taken any more of this fucking piece of shit game.
I swear to god DS1 was a giant fluke.

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>>made one of the best multiplayer experience on videogames

Is it because you can call on people to beat the boss for you? So you don't have to get good?

DS1 is the worst besides DS2

This is what happens when retarded redditors say that they're 'bored' of the Souls formula. They try to desperately innovate and completely ruin their games.

DS3 is just a reharsh of 1, 1 was the golden egg

Every souls game is around 10 hours long aside from dark souls 2 which is 15

DS1 is just a rehash of DeS
DeS + BB + Sekiro is the holy trilogy

-Over-leveled and equipped invaders
-Endless heals
-General netcode fuckery
>best multiplayer experience

Sekiro and DeS are both trash though.

DeS is good you nigger

Easy: It's not a fuckings Souls game.
Get finally over it you soultards.

If it was maybe it would've been halfway decent.

Sekiro is iust Dark Souls if FromSoft fixed the dumb jump mechanic in Souls and added a posture system.

10 hours? Maybe if you use only one hand. It's 4 hours max.

>games used to take 3-4 hours to beat
>they also had so much replay value and people loved them
>now if a game doesn't have 40+ hours gameplay its not worth
>all despite the no replay value
Explain this shit to me, I'm so fucking lost

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im at 14 hours and i havent killed genichiro what the fuck

yeah I remember good times where people completed Morrowin and Baldurs Gate in 4 hours

i so agree on this. i'm so sick of these 60+ hours open world games with only 10 hours of actual good content.
just give me a fun 10 hour game with a good NG+ baka

Optimal time to complete the main story in any game is 8-20 hours max.
Any less and you're an ADHD baby.
Any more and you're a poorfag.
prove me wrong
protip:you can't

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no, because online elements are seamlessly integrated into the world in an immersive way, it's not a "multiplayer" option on the main menu, it's part of the game, and that's how online should be implemented in single player focused games