This is the best protagonist ever made

This is the best protagonist ever made.
Say something nice to him!

Attached: Lan.jpg (612x805, 46K)

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He's dense as all fuck but he's still alright.

You force your dead brother to act as your alarm clock you asshole.

What proper shonen hero isn't?

Besides, he has to have that dynamic with Mega Man where Mega Man is responsible and he's not.

He scored at the end. Good for him

He is Literally Satan
>Gluttony : literally thinks about food alot of times
>Pride: You must win all the tounaments in every game to proceed the plot
>Envy: Hates Chaud, A freaking Chad
>Wrath: hates people alot
>Sloth: He is lazy
>Greed: Wants the best for Megaman
>Lust: has a crush on Mayl

Chaud isn't a chad, he's just a "power is everything" snob that hides personal problems behind an aloof exterior.

Just recently bought a GBA SP at a little convention and just today bought MMBN2 and MMBN3 Blue, I've already emulated them before, but I really wanted to play them on the GBA. Been having a hard time getting myself to play through MMBN4 Red. Any tips to make the game go faster since I only have until the end of the week before MMBN5 DS gets delivered?

I want him to be my bf!

I want a new game where you play as Chaud.

I'm sorry, you must be new here, I'm Geo Stelar!

Still can't get over his NetNavi won the fucking Death Battle and motherfucking Starforce!Mega Man was VERY close

>has a crush on Mayl
Having a crush on someone doesn't represent lust, but spying on them getting dressed does.


But power IS everything, you can obtain anything you ever want in this world through power.

Just go on a weeklong bender until you get 5 delivered. 4 was good, but it has a really hard falling off point about halfway through where it just kind of feels like they phoned it in. 5 is unironically the best in the series in both plot and gameplay.

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Dude the BN games gave no fucks. 2 had you score booze then go join a gang.

6 almost had your dad sent to the fucking chair.

>changing the sprite style also ruined the game


The anime was kino

What's their obsession with being able to see the female character changing her clothes?
Not that I'm complaining tho

That studio is dead now.

Didn't the artist for Legends draw loli porn?

at this point which artist fucking hasn't?

where's his keyblade

Not even the best Mega Man protagonist (That's Zero)

But yeah, Lan's alright.

When i was kid i thought wearing bandana is look cool so i start to wear one but my parents laugh at me and think i'm hippie

I wanna (consensually) fuck Mayl right in front of him and make him an hero.

I like his games!

I want to suck his dick

>Try to fuck her
>Megaman, ATTACK!!
>Get BTFO and KO'd

How can MegaMan.exe attack me in the real world? Also it's not rape as I said. Leave me and my future wife alone.

>This is the best protagonist ever made.
More like the best protagonist to get laid

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>He hasn't played the games

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I'm talking about Lan throwing the PT at you.

for once OP isn't a faggot

Attached: megaman battle network lewd.jpg (1280x2306, 377K)

Same here, user, same here.

I forgot. Either way I don't think I have anything to fear from some autistic kid throwing his gameboy at me. It'll probably not even hit us. Mayl will get upset at what a fag he is.

here's the sonia from the recent drawthread some drawfag drew if anons haven't seen it

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I may have to watch this show. At least the beach episode. Looks interesting. Teacher and Mayl are hot.

I want to drink shota cum so badly

The whole show is pretty fanservicey if we're being honest.

Your mother is hot.

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he cute

On a scale of 1/10, how big of an asshole is Lan?

It still hurts, bros...

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We finally have justice for her exclusion from pic related.

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Is there any fangame that actually got finished?
They usually get cucked by literally anything

Very cute and funny.

Lan is a chad tho. Chaud not so much

Fuckin four pisses me off, I gotta find some fire chip to stop the crazy Russkie but I cant find it to save my life.

gamefaqs that shit my dude.

The walkthroughs for BN games are elder god tier and the games can get stupid cryptic at times.

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He said "Damn" in an E-rated game

That wasn't even the worst. 5 had a puzzle where they tried to translate japanese wordplay into english, as well as a scavenger hunt that made no sense but was almost pixel perfect to solve.

The only thing I remember about him is that he was able to spit some bars.

That segment was kino as hell.

Some of those walkthroughs were so damn good I remember printing them out to read in my spare time.

Fuck Koki, fuck Ci-en/DLsite, and fuck Capcom.

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>To this day, Mega Man Battle Network remains as basically my favorite series. It isn't enough for me to be a fan, however. I will not be satiated until I can prove myself a master of the series. This is how this guide, as my ninth FAQ/Walkthrough written in the entirety of my career, came to be.
Fucking based.

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I remember looking them up in school and playing them on an emulator as I did so.

I tried, but I can’t seem to get it to spawn in the area they said. It’s probably just me being retarded but I wanna say it’s a bug. Restarted the game multiple times hoping the the rng would just give me a different opponent in the tournament but no luck. Damn shame, I actually liked a lot of changes the game despite everyone else shitting on it.

Well he actually got the girl in the end and even had kid with her which is rare for a Capcom protagonist.

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Try again. Some of those things can be a bitch to trigger.

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spotted the chuuni edgelord

His descendant/succesor was a better character.

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Man I miss these games. Time to replay 6 again.

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Also rare for a Mega Man protagonist.

Rock: Probably shut down and scrapped.
X: Stabbed by some twink while immobile, then faded away as a cyber ghost.
Zero: Exploded with a falling satellite.
Vent/Aile and Ashe/Gray: Probably drowned or otherwise killed in Master Thomas's world reset.
Trigger: Still stuck on Elysium as elder system reaverbots awaken and probably spit roast Roll and Tron in front of their pile of failed rockets while sharukurusus klank and do that taunt-like animation in the background.

Lan: Good end.
Geo: On track to good end and has two girls to choose from.

Literal underaged faggot that ruined the Undernet and needs to go back.

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Almonds: Activated

This but with a long red duster because of Dante in DMC1. I even wore it to school one time.

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>he can't bust screamer viruses in a gif

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>not rocking the DMC3 Dante look.

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Would you sacrifice HP permanently for these bad boys?

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kek. Also I don't think I've ever used a dark chip in battle. Never really had the need to,

I want to marry a frog

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DMC3 didn't exist when I did it.

I recommend doing a dark chip run at least once in your life.

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>he doesn't release his darkness

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ALWAYS use 1 just to get numball powered up.