Things Miyazaki thinks are cool:

Things Miyazaki thinks are cool:

The Moon

Anything else?

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Poisonous swamps.

Releasing his games unfinished.

The sun

name one you fucking faggot

Giant shit.
Crazed animals.

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

You forgot Déraciné

Bloodborne and Sekiro are completely finished.

>the only game not mentioned is dark souls 2
I almost believed you were serious for a second user

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I'm convinced the stone you get from yharnam was supposed to have some purpose

He didn't do Dark Souls 2... and it shows because it's the biggest piece of shit of all.

Bloodborne's his most unfinished game after Demon's Souls actually.

Because Miyazaki didn't make Dark Souls 2.

feet waifus

user, DS2 isn't a Miyazaki game

And traps

You're making up headcanon to say the game is incomplete. The stone is simply an in-game trophy and nothing more.
>b-but it was p-planned for something in developm—
That's not what unfinished means. Literally every game ever made has content that was left on the cutting room floor. The fact that it wasn't used for anything with ToH update cements that.

My cock in his ass.

its unironically better than all the games after it and its a shame that every game after forcibly ignored it so none of the good qualities it had carried over to them. There will never be a from game with more viable builds and be as open as Ds2(it has over 10 potential first bosses)

It was also easily the best to play co-op in

Howso? Literally every lore character alluded to is shown in-game and is given an proper ending. Compare this to shit like Dark Souls where they had to retcon shit like Flann and Lloyd.

Also the curse of immortality.
Every single game he made for the past decade was about forbidden knowledge that allows for immortality, immortality that eventually corrupts the body and soul

It was garbage, you filthy historical revisionist.

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Straight swords

The game has a ton of terrible weaknesses (terrible levels, enemies, bosses, atmosphere, music) to the point it almost feels like a fangame. Most of its worthwhile strengths carry over.


>shortest game in general, besides Demon's Souls
>quality after Cathedral Ward takes a nosedive, comparable to, but not as bad as DaS1
>Byrgenwerth cut from a proper level with rotating geometry a la OoT Forest Temple to a hallway
>Cainhurst just a few hallways with the same enemy copypasted everywhere
>most major characters like Mergo, MP, Willem, Laurence barely fleshed out
>Laurence gets a cleric beast reskin in the DLC, and doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know, the nature of his contract with the MP is never explained

>Compare this to shit like Dark Souls where they had to retcon shit like Flann and Lloyd
Like Archibald, Oedon, Izzy, and Caryll?

>Because Miyazaki didn't make Dark Souls 2.

Miyazaki directed DS2 before he got kicked out and the game got completely scrapped.

>Miyazaki directed DS2 before he got kicked out and the game got completely scrapped.
That was Shibuya, sweetie.

Read the interview, Shibuya and Tanimura directed the game after it was completely scrap and ship it out within a year.
Miyazaki explictly said it was a company decision.

Reminder that this is before From were bought out and he was appointed as the president.

which interview?

You can read the 4Gamer translated DkS2 interviews with all 3 directors.
There is also a reference to this occasion in Bloodborne Miyazaki 4Gamer interview.

build variety didn't get any better. BB was probably the best one after, but that's because it had a smaller weapon pool. DS3 had shit like the dark sword and DKH that using anything else was gimping yourself and pretty much all dual weapons and fists were trash. Sekiro just strait up doesnt have any other builds or co-op, but to be fair it's not at all like their previous games, so it's a mute point.

Ye Olde English
Post-apocalyptic settings