The Division 2

Is it any good?

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its a whole fucking lot of grinding

this games grind gives me PTSD


Better than the first one but not amazing

if you liked D1 then yeah its worth picking up if you want more of the same more or less. the only issue is that the ability to make interesting builds just isn't there right now, im sure it will be later but the devs took a lot of steps backwards in terms of build diversity.


22 hour campaign of just shoot and cover. If that's your kind of thing then it's good

D1 had like no build diversity at all. I thought the point of the sequel was to fix that?

I'd say wait for it to go on sale for like 50 or 40

Yes, i enjoy playing it with my friends.

You actually get paid to talk like a bot?

Imagine buying this when you could buy sekiro or dmc5

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Try 25-30

If it's between shooting bullet sponges and mashing x, I'd rather do the former

It's alright.
If you were okay with the Division, you'll be find with the Division 2
If not, then skip it and get something else.

no, im lvl 15 and i play each night with a friend between 1 and 3 hours. lots of fun :)

>division 1 soul
>division 2 soulless

What's the point of it being online? If I don't play games online wih friends do I have to do every mission with randoms or can I go solo?

You’re not going to get far jumping in place

u can go solo

>best friend wants to play it
>can't wait for a sale because "lol we're not poor"
>I play 30 minutes then log out

Probably the best sequel I've ever seen.. just make more of the first release that's what the people want.
They didn't fuck it up.
I actually like the vegetation.

God I wish I could have waited for a sale though....

I saw a couple of reviews and it looked okey. Also, I never played the first one so I gave it a go.

Dropped it after two days, it's the same Ubisoft shit, so boring.

Better or worse than Destiny?

>enter base
>meme dramatic music
>aerial view
is this a publisher standard for UBI?

A bit better


It's a bit better than the first, but not mind blowing

on pc yea

Planning on picking it up payday (Friday) for myself and my bro to play this weekend. Hyped.

Overall, a big improvement on the first.

They're different types of games entirely, and do not satiate nearly the same desires. My desire for "shooting dudes in city with friends" is not sated by "slash demons with radical style" or "kill samurai and monsters with swords and difficulty", no matter the quality.