State of Gay Play

It's Bloodborne II announcement day boys. Are we ready for this evenings reveal?

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Although I would love it to be true, it's a far-fetched dream because we have no evidence to go on.


God I hope. Main focus will probably only be on the Gay of Us 2, Days gone, and maybe Death Stranding. Wouldn't mind seeing Death Stranding actually fucking running now

>Bloodborne 2 by b-team
That'd be hilarious.

Why would they release it on PS4 with PS5 around the corner? Are you retarded OP?

Maximize software sales? And next gen port for more money? Duh

Can we please get some exclusive japanese games? Really fucking sick of all this boring western trash

Sony's western and has bee for quite some time.

Death Stranding is Japanese though

>Epic buys off all the Playstation exclusives to PC so i can pirate them
based chinaman

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Yeah it's not happening, maybe for ps5

>PS5 around the corner
3-4 years is not around the corner

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>Last of US 2 release date
>New trailer of the zombie game that none cares about
>New Ghost of Tsushima trailer
>New Nioh 2 Trailer
>Bloodborne 2
>some third party showcase with at least a
new game announced for the first time
>PSABR 2 with Crash and Spyro.

what time is this shit on?

Only Bloodborne 2 I care about. Maybe Nioh as well. Gonna be shit because neither one is happening today.

>Days Gone
Is this shit not out yet?

5 pm eastern time.

Days what?


>People getting hyped
You people do this all the time and end up disappointed. You never learn.

Not hyped, just curious. If nothing's revealed back to playing Sekrio

Watch them have a trailer for FF7R and try to play it up like it's a new game announcement altogether.

who needs BB2 when we just got Sekino on Friday?

It's already dead and on life support by weeks end

You could just pirate it anyway you fucking retard

I'm placing bets on a DeS remaster. Also, additional news on that MediEvil remake. I don't give a shit about the rest desu.
>wanting a BB 2
Have the souls sequels not taught ou anything?

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how can a singleplayer only game be dead? its getting tons of discussion here and on other sites and most people have barely put a dent in it
only around 7% of people on ps4 have the trophy for killing giga ape

No BB2, no buy.
Simple as.

Reminder that this shit was announced nearly four years ago and is nowhere to be seen. If they have nothing to show today it's safe to consider it dead in the water, at least for a PS4 release.

>already dead
>singleplayer only
>already dead
>the good players have already gotten all of the 4 endings, the scrubs are still struggling
>already dead
does not compute user, you might have brain rot

They always do better with new settings using similar systems.
Their direct sequels have not been up to par for their Souls games.


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So Bloodborne 2 will be censored, gay and about trans rights correct? Modern day Sony exclusivity package

>Bloodborne II
please don't

well, sony has a big second party announcement left

from is also working an a very "from-like" title

>from is also working an a very "from-like" title
Where are you getting this? Also, Sekiro seems to be very "from-like" too.


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I'd play it. B-team isn't as bad as the memes say

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someone skipped dark souls 2

>I'm placing bets on a DeS remaster.
Based on what?

I'd love it, but without any hints I see no reason to assume it

>Nioh 2
Jesus Christ please give us this. We have seen nothing of it since the announcement trailer.
>Bloodborne 2
I want this or a straight up new souls-like FromSoft action RPG. I am loving the shit out of Sekiro but I still prefer character creation and weapon/armor hunting.

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It's gonna happen bro.
I can almost taste it.

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B-team made DS2 they might not know how to make a story or level building but they’re better than the a-team with gameplay

>based on what
The rumors that came from RetardEra, and Jason Schreier.

>best gameplay, pvp and weapon variety

story or level building
They had to scrap multiple projects and mix them together to create this lol.

We've already been told there's no new info until next month.

I like DS2 a lot. I am one of those nerds that likes all Souls games about equally. They each have their faults but I enjoy the shit out of all of them. DS2 switched directors and was scrapped and reworked halfway through production. I would kill to see what cool shit Tanimura can do when he has a full production schedule to work with
Story wasn't really that bad. There is some good shit in DS2. Iron and Ivory King DLC especially.

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This is why PC doesn't get nice games.

Why do you want BB2?
Did you learn nothing from DS2 and 3?

Not him, but i heard this too, don't remember where tho

I want it no matter it gonna flop or not

Because they liked the setting and want more fanfictions about it

Not him but Both are better than Dark souls 1? Keep explaining to me why I shouldn't want a bloodborne 2

Bloodborne is too good of a game to just be a one-off. If there is even a 1% chance of the sequel to be as good as the original then we must take it.

>both are better
Storywise they are both terrible
One is Dragonball GT, the other is Dragon Super of Dark Souls

>Japan working with chinese

not on pc, reading comprehension

some people on this site man

BB is the best souls game combat wise by far. It just needs to remove gem grinding and fix invasions.

Who gives a fuck, it's video GAME

>playing souls games for the story

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it will come out before end of 2020
there is absolutely no way they will stick with ps4 for another 3-4 years, it's almost 6 years old at this point

post yfw it's nothing but snoyfags will spam the board with SONY WON anyway

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I'd love a Bloodborne 2, I just need more of that setting

But you know if it was announced now it would be a confirmed B-team game, and From obviously don't enjoy working on sequels

>From obviously don't enjoy working on sequels
This is such a retarded meme it's becoming painful.

retarded homocuck poster lol

Its time to let go BB fags. You will NEVER get a sequel.

>guy fucking pumpkins in prison is homocuck

>t. BBfag hoping for reverse meme magic

Good. We really don't need one. Let FROM make new IPs. It's what they excel at.

I hope not.
I'd rather have new games than sequels or remasters.

This. Sekiro end up better than BB.

I can't wait.

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The more I think about it the more I think Bloodborne 2 won't be announced yet. Sekiro literally just came out. I don't think they want to announce something new this soon after

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Bloodborne 2 will be announced when Demon's Souls 2 gets announced. Never.

Why would you subhuman cocksuckers ITT want a Demon's Souls remaster at the end of the Pisstation 4's lifespan just for Neokiketrashitcommiefornia $ony to kill its multiplayer in 2020 and shut down the servers like they did with Gravity Rush 2 and a dozen other games in the past?

Do you faggots even use your brains?

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What time does it start?

5 pm eastern

it's already over.
nothing was announced, lol

>like Nintendo, they will come directly into your hole

What the fuck?

in 6 hours

seething nintentoddler lmao

I just hope for ONE (1) fun game. Not cinematic, not shooter, just fun. A game with the same soul as Crash, Spyro, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, etc.

Why you gotta be like that, man?

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Oh fuck, BB's servers aren't going to last, are they? Fuck, I really enjoy fucking around in shared chalices and false depths, and fucking about in PvP.

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I don't think they're shitting out PS5 yet


When is the stream?

To be fair they're pretty deserted anyway.

Honest to god, what are the chances of Bloodborne coming to PC? So many "exclusives" we thought would NEVER come to PC have been coming to PC since last year and this year, what are the chances?

I've already played BB to It's completion but being able to play it in 60fps at the comfort of my own PC with free online would make me want to 100% the game. I'm really hoping it happens, not only for myself but for everyone else too, they deserve to experience it.

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Sekiros shit though and Im sure their VR game will be too.

Very slim. Seems like an IP Sony would hold on to for damage control purposes in the future

What do you guys think the feeling of being in love with a girl who loves you back just as much as you love her must be like?

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Slim. The exclusives that are getting ported were all from third party devs while BB had Sony's internal team also working with FROM on it.

You again?

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Why do people insist on using this shitty logo?

It's a meme at this point.


Yeah its me. I'm pretty sure I'm an erotomaniac becaude I just can't stop thinking about this girl.

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The chances of it raining blood is higher than Bloodborne ever coming to PC.

I always see you in Soulsborne or Sekiro threads.

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I always see his threads getting nuked by jannies

are you retarded? they have their own launcher, why the fuck would they port a ps4 exclusive and use some shitty launcher instead of their own

Never ever for fucks sake. I still don't understand why people unironcally hope for a Peecee port.

I think we might see Demons Souls remaster come to pc.

you can already play it on pc via psnow

This girl is my waifu for life. I'm always on sekiro and bloodborne threads because these are the only games I genuinely enjoy but honestly for me there is nothing more pleasurable than staring at Riannr van Rompaey. I unironically hope some day I get to see her in person in s fashion show in Europe.

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how long until the strim

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6 hours

demon souls is not popular enough to warrant a remaster or sony would have funded it for the remaster station 4 already

>>PSABR 2 with Crash and Spyro.
give it up bro
at this point even Smash does better Playstation representation

B-team bloodborne sounds better than bloodborne

>b-team bloodborne
>story is meh, but good pvp and even more multiple weapons and making meme stat builds viable
I welcome it

Shut the fuck up

>70 bosses
>no lighting on models
>200 trick weapons, 50 armour sets
>most bosses are shit

>Shadow Maria
>Frozen Cleric Beast
>best boss is a Hunter using steam magic

That's cool, user.

If that's not ironic, thank you very much.

Until Crash and fucking Kratos are in smash I wouldnt give up the dream

at this point i wouldnt put it out of question
even then fuck Kratos, put R&C in smash

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>Wouldn't mind seeing Death Stranding actually fucking running now
lol, they're putting it together only now

Death Strandings going to be shit. I have no idea what you drones see in Kojima.

that's cool user, and you're certainly entitled to that opinion, but i personally couldn't care less about it.


To play it at a decent framerate and resolution and to remove chromatic aberration

>Bloodborne II

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>Death Stranding
>he doesn't know

kojima literally just started working on the game

don't believe me? go look at the hacks twitter yourself

>no news on the Medievil remake

Sounds believable enough.

I love Lucatiel's design.

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The only reason you fags want Bloodborne 2 is so you can shitpost about it being exclusive.

Same. She is gorgeous.

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We will do the same with demon souls remaster

Or because it'd be a good game? I'm an idort so I'm above console warring.

Well yeah.

>TLoU is a movie game
>No no no not MGS that doesn't count
I don't really play either one for the exact same reason.

how many boss battles does tlou have again

stop saying this dumb shit, there's no way the PS5 won't be BS with the PS4, which means they won't be able to sell the same game twice.

Granted, MGS is much better than TLoU, given th choice, but I think the 15 minute information dump cutscenes before certain bosses is a snooze fest. Not a fan of Konima's philosophical masturbation that peppers the dialogue either.

Why the hell does everyone want a Bloodborne sequel but shit talks Dark Souls sequels being awful and say only one offs are good. I genuinely don't get it.

That's where you're wrong buddy.

I want Fromsoft to pump out new IPs and zero sequels

People like DaS 3, it's only 2 they hate.

Correction brainlets hate 2

it is, not many people have played it, but a lot of souls fans will be happy to give it a try at least

>People like Super, it's only GT they hate

I never claimed to hate 2. The views I stated are the majority opinion, not my own.

we already know from software is not working on BB2
if they do announce BB2 it will be made by someone else

They are not going to announce anything big and i don't know why anyone would think otherwise. It's going to be an update on the games that are coming soon like Days Gone and Dreams and some VR shit.

Made for BBC

>if they do announce BB2 it will be made by someone else

if you want to kill off a franchise that's definitely something you should do

call me when Sony diversify their racing lineup beyond rehash turismo

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>sony copies nintendo again

How so this isn't pre recorded

Okay, this is powerful

To be fair GT Sport is beyond a shadow of a doubt the best sim-lite out there. The online is unmatched once you pass the threshold of shit low-rank players. It does lack the GT mode to be fair, but considering its main competitor (mainline Forza) also shit the bed with singleplayer there's nothing much out there atm.
You also have WipeOut Omega with fully integrated VR. Nothing new, but a top-tier quality game with good value simply because it's a collection.

No they aren't. If you actually paid attention to the game you'd know Kojima 1st made those comments back in September 2018.

What comments? Not that user btw.