Is everyone doing there own online broadcast good or bad?

Is everyone doing there own online broadcast good or bad?

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In what way could it be a bad thing.

>no more awkward banter from CEOs
>can be rehearsed, editted, etc to their hearts content
>can be any time of year instead of June exclusively
Yes, yes, yes.


Obviously good as they are better able to reach their own customers the golden age of gaming is over and E3 has been chock full of cringe or backfire moments in recent years.

Well...we hope so. No Idea what the Sony and MS shows will be like, as of now.

>Nintendo 5 years ahead of the rest of the industry, as usual

As long as they stick to the same output sources, good.

kids and teens are glued to smartphones

protip: you don't need to watch it as an adult, you're not missing anything

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The golden age of gaming ended more than 20 years ago.

one is a video games company, the other two are bankers and surveillance manufacturers

only because they shat themselves the hardest

its not okey when nintendo does it

It's good because it allows for easier updates through out the year.

E3 will be kind of boring if they all do it though. You'd have EA SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS, Ubisoft super cringe and maybe Bethesda lies but at least Todd is always worth a watch.

But I have a feeling Sony is gonna fuck this up.q

It's a way of going directly to consumers and around (((game journalists))) trying to spin their narrative.
It is entirely a good thing.

No EA this year. It's pretty much just gonna be Ubisoft and Bethesda

Console gaming needs to die and this just perpetuates it even more.

Oh. What an E3 this is going to be.

Good from both a fan and investor standpoint.

Clear roadmaps (even if they’re shitty ones) updated once every two months or so is more confidence inspiring than a yearly conference.

Inside Xbox needs to cut down on the filler shit. It shouldn't be even near 2 hours long unless they have some real shit to show.

console gaming market is so irrelevant they don't spend in the cheapest form of marketing of today

can't be any worse than the xbox insides

>Ubisoft and Bethesda
nah, don't care about those two, i am watching E3 just for Intellivision and PC gaming & Devolver

I don't give a fuck.
I get all my news from Yea Forums anyway.

>cutting out the journo in the information flow
>no more exclusive press events
>dont have to wait for some shitty convention to get hype announcements

breddi gud

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Nintendo Directs are great. They know what to present and how to present it. It's all about games.
Inside Xbox is absolute trash. They don't announce anything worthwhile and instead focus on social media bullshit and interviews nobody cares about. Their highlights usually consist of multiplat games we already knew were coming, and some first party DLC content for Forza or Sea of Thieves.
As for State of Play, I'm hopeful they'll deliver good shows.

major nelson is a huge attention whore

Wait has Xbox already had theirs? I thought inside Xbox was a few days after state of play

Bad but only because these shitty companies are going to kill off our E3 threads

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the fact that you have to ask that speaks volumes. There have been multiple xbox insides already

That's what makes E3 so good though

The only good E3 threads were comfy threads and even those got infected with severe cancer last year.

>Threads normally way slower than the others and less meme garbage and shitposting
>Last year it was threads moving at light speed and chock full of shitposting and console war shit

The only bad thing about it is that the board is going to be full of leaks.

>Another Eric Cope thread
Can't wait for it to be absolutely nothing again

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