>Single player game
>Early Access
Cringed, and yikes pilled.
>Single player game
>Early Access
Cringed, and yikes pilled.
>its ok when Hitman does it!
>its ok when assassins creed does it
Neither of those are okay. Neck yourself, and stay out of this thread; preferably by hanging yourself.
oh no! user is retarded!
Where's a price?
Trannies get out.
eat shit!\
>skins before the game is even released
>SEASON FUCKING PASS for a single player game that isn't released and wont be for at least another year
well....I had a suspicion that in the year of remakes this would not avoid the same souless fate. This just confirms this.
I already expect the game to be pure cancer and them milking people for everything they can while shoving in as much current gen cancer in.
It's fucking appalling that they are planning to sell you content that originally should be in the game but seperately, years in advance.
This shit is literally "can I have my old game I cherry but with all the current gen cancer I hate in games"
If they let trannies write the books, guess who they let work on the game to push their agenda.
>guess who they let work on the game to push their agenda.
This is why I never buy games on release. There's no reason not to wait a year or two for the GOTY™ Edition with all content, patches and lower price.
Get out of here nigger. This is is about some shit pre-order practices, not your SJW boogedy man.
I hope they at least don't add some form of cash shop with character upgrades or something. I hate that even more than shitty DLC like this.
Remember how you could buy Praxis Points with real money on the new Deus Ex? Good times!
And loot box progression from Shadow of War.
This game is going to be a shit show.
Yeah I hated that. It totally breaks my immersion whenever I see anything like that and makes playing the game feel too much like a shitty business transaction.
Lol, pirate babby poorfag is upset Im gonna play it earlier lululululul
So, game is based on v5. How does that actually impact things?
I hope you reallllyyy enjoy those art books user. Also cut yourself.
unknown. you'd also have to ask how faithful the first game was to then actual edition. anyone expecting a 1:1 adaptation is just setting themselves up for disappointment, same with cyberpunk 2077.
Isn't V5 the version where the writers went full retarded with SJW bullshit and they got canned for it?
Who cares if you don't give a shit about the game, won't even look twice at it
Yes, you will be donating money to Social Marxism buying this game.
>game only exists as a cinematic teaser
>a year away
>already cutting content for DLC
that's real fuckin' Paradox Entertainment.
I think they got fired for saying the shit in Chechnya with gay people being killed was a vampire thing.
White Wolf was always that, it was simply "progressive" back in the day when it really was WoD vs all the nerds playing D&D. Former got the fat goth chicks. At some they jumped on SJW bandwagon full force and almost caused an international diplomatic incident, yes.
>tfw you'll be able to pirate the game before paypigs have their copy
thank you based Paradox
>Who cares, when you don't care?
Piss off stupid.
Kys, dumb mad third world nigger. Stop wasting air
>Federal agencies in multiple countries have realized that vampires exist and the power they have over global finance and politics.
>A hunting unit, named FIRSTLIGHT, was established to bring down the vampire population. It is also known as the Second Inquisition.
I remember not giving a single shit.
It was terrible for progression. Only fools would fall for it.
more niggers, luts, fags and traps having important roles, malks ain't funny no more due to the writers trying to respect retards and a surpisingly nigger-white knight defending women from patriarchy.
it's a fucking Paradox game, it was going to be riddled with DLC no matter what
back to /pol/
>dlc available only with premium pack
triggered? What are you? A tranny? A niggerhugger? Enjoy your full SJW propaganda ridden shit game, faggot.
Fucking neck yourself kike. Find some gacha thread to shit post in.
>said no one ever
I guess there go our comfy Bloodlines threads.
clearly you werent here
Fuck off back to pol sweaty. Legitimate criticism is being levied against this game, and no one needs your bullshit.
Spider experts, yeah.
Just pirate it you dumb fuck.
thats fucking illegal user
it means it's included. you can buy is separately when its released.
>don't criticize, just pirate
You've pirated so much shit you forgot how to think. Fucking gut yourself you slob.
Shoo shoo /pol/ babby
>FPS only
>No more Gangrel Warform rip and tear
Criticizing won't do shit and you know it. It's too late anyway. Zoomers grew up with microtransactions and DLC passes. No one even remember the times when demo's were a thing to try out a game before deciding to purchase it and when you did you go the full game instead of part of it where you have to buy the cut content seperately or with a preorder bonus.
So yea fuck them all. I pirate.
Try and stop me nigger.
>it was going to have cancer no matter what
>that makes it okay
Pirate away, maybe we'll bankrupt them together.
Stupid frog poster.
He might be a stupid frogposter but he's right.
This may be a novel thought to a bottom feeder like you, but not everyone takes it up the ass. You and the frog sound like defeated slaves hoping for UBI. Eat shit and die.
how long before this become another Epic store exclusive.
FUCK you. Yang gang for life.
It won't. This game isn't complete, and they're depending on these shit pre-order bonuses to help them finish.
>not everyone takes it up the ass
Right, that's why I pirate games from publishers who commit scummy business practices.
Shut up commie.
fuck off jew