This is Klonoa...

This is Klonoa. He is a young boy that suffers constantly but still finds time to smile and enjoy what little life he is allowed to have. He likes you for who you are and will protect your dreams no matter what nightmares appear. Say hi!

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snip snip

ur movie was canceled u stupid catbit

Please do not circumcise Klonoa

yeah, "circumcised".

I don't like where this is going

what are you doing?

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I don't understand why mods keep deleting / banning people who make Klonoa threads or people respond to Klonoa threads

Klonoa is a fucking video game and people are discussing the game, what the fuck do the mods want if not discussions of VIDEO GAMES ON A VIDEO GAME BOARD????


>Klonoa is a fucking video game

>and people are discussing the game

Mods hate klonoa, it should be common knowledge that this point.

But what exactly is wrong with klonoa? the games were fucking good and underrated as fuck

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Klonoa threads are veiled shotacon porn threads 90% of the time

and this is a bad thing, how?

his threads become porn way too often, to the point that klonoa thread never surviving to bump has become a meme.

you are a disgusting person

Hello Klonoa, I love you very much

>PxZ3 never

Imagine a PxZ game with good gameplay...

>he likes you for who you are
Thanks Klonoa.

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jewish brainwash in effect, I see


Hey now, he isn't human. Different rules apply.

Well yeah, because he's young and innocent.
Once you reach a certain age you're wise enough to hate trash like me.

I love shota too user :3