2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten...

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boring game
remake 2 not good
dmc5 bad
sekiro whatever

no good games these past 2 years

>garbage online
>no single player updates
>no pc release/mods to keep single player interest up
No surprises here. The games already been discussed to death. I feel sorry for anyone who missed out on release threads.

I'm playing it right now.

It's a shit game. Took realism too seriously when real life sucks ass. Basically all the tedious work of real life without the joy of a video game. Should've been a movie.

You didn’t play it, did you?

100%d it last year
Enjoyed it, the threads were great
The multiplayer is somehow worse than GTA Vs
And the lack of single player content or news on any dlc killed any relevancy the game had

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The online sure as fuck is. Great job JewK.

This game is still $60 at gamestop for some unholy reason.

Did they really downgrade the single player graphics when the multi player is boring?

no one did

i'll play this game again to craft trapper clothes.

5/10 movie would not watch again

Suberb technical and artistic achievments in gaming but a boring one with a quite nice story. GTA V will age better.

Enjoyable story and atmosphere with serviceable gameplay.

Highpoint was hunting in the morning mist. I would be happy with a comfy settler simulator where you marry that lady in the woods without the bayou or the chaos.

>GTA V will age better.
it already hasn't

Great cowboy experience but the mission structure was awful. Rockstar games are overrated.

>dmc5 bad
there is a journalist difficulty btw

too fucking tedious. shooting people with shotguns and fist fights are fun i guess but that can only be fun for so long

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well it is more fun than cowboy simulator

>Western games

I never played it to begin with

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even for gta, V was weak


Any game that cant last being discussed into the future is not a good game.

Look at DMC3, or SH2, or God Hand, or any game that people can name from before 2010

If your game cant last 2 years without disappearing from discussion, its shit compared to those

>DMC3, or SH2, or God Hand
weeb shit no one cares about