When a game gets too hard, I cheat

When a game gets too hard, I cheat.

I'm not a baby, I don't mind a challenge, but I think we can all agree people have different views about what's considered a "fair" challenge. I get nothing out of bashing my head against some boss or level for an hour, nothing. I'd rather save myself some time and just cheat to skip past it. Games should be a challenge, but if the game doesn't match MY PERSONAL appetite for challenge then I'll just cheat. The line in the sand for me is, if it takes more than 10 tries, then it's not worth my time.

Yeah, I'm probably a shitter in your eyes, but I'm getting maximum enjoyment, maximum time optimisation and maximum game playing.

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When I get really frustrated or confused in a game, I sometimes do too. For some reason it makes me feel pretty bad, even though it's single player. Feels like I damaged the experience a bit.

I honestly just get nothing out of the cycle of "bash head against wall for 3 hours then finally win". The endorphin release for me is tiny, I've done it plenty of times before I wised up. It's on par with eating a chocolate bar for me.

Why would you think anybody cares

It's a shame because plenty of games are perfectly balanced for my preference of challenge and I don't have to cheat at all but some games just become huge time sink bullshit.

How do you expect me to read anything you wrote when you post Samus butt right next to it?

Nobody cares about what you have to say virgin

I mean sure you can do what you want. If a books too hard for you put it down. If you don’t get what’s going on in a movie just stop watching. No point making yourself have to put anything in to get more enjoyment out of something. If you can’t get it don’t bother trying.

Why are you on a video game discussion board if all you care about is facts? Go choke on a cock, faggot.

I don't give one flying FUCK about your blogpost you stupid cunt-eyed COCKSPOTTING FAGGOT!!

post more

jusr go read a book or watch tv you brainless tard

It depends on what you mean.
There are cases where a game is just poorly designed and tries to pass off grinding for a rare item/ingredients which are required to pass a given area. In those cases, cheating to bypass grinding is fine. But if it's a fair challenge that's just really hard and you cheat because you don't want to put the time in to pass it, like a difficult section in a platformer or a boss in a fighting game, you are absolutely a colossal baby who shouldn't even be playing the game in the first place if you dislike the game's core mechanics enough that you don't want to put in the effort to get good.

>But if it's a fair challenge that's just really hard and you cheat because you don't want to put the time in to pass it, like a difficult section in a platformer or a boss in a fighting game, you are absolutely a colossal baby who shouldn't even be playing the game in the first place
For me, it's when the rest of the game is manageable but then you hit a boss or a level that's a difficulty spike. Game's shouldn't have difficulty spikes, if the player hits a wall and has to bas their head against it for an hour to progress then the developer fucked up.

Games shouldn't be a cakewalk, but they SHOULD be consistent with their difficulty. Either make an easy game, a challenging game or a balls to the wall fuck you game, don't mix and match.

Why the fuck do you feel the need to make this post

Reconsider everything

Games can be whatever they decide to be

That's the great thing about games

You literally got edged out. It's not a "bad" game. You just threw in the towel. stop sugarcoating it, your logics not saving you

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If I'm playing the game fine for 5 hours and then BAM brick wall difficulty spike, that's bad game design. There's no discussion, it's just a fact.

Okay, so there's definitely no mistaking it, you're a colossal pussy. Thanks for clearing that up.

Hardcore gaming is a meme
Games are for fun and you are to set your own rules for that.
For me it depends on how much free i have and also how fair i feel the challenge was. Many times i lose because i did stupid shit so i just accept and repeat but when you are thrown against some unfair shit that is there just to waste time yeah i just cheat.

>I'm not a baby

>I am too bad at the game to bypass a challenge put before me by the creator of the game, that means they fucked up, not that they intended to put a challenge in my way.
Just because you have to take time to figure out how to get past something doesn't make it bad. If you truly enjoy a game, it shouldn't be a painful struggle to try and figure out how the game's mechanics work in order to bypass a given challenge. The blame is squarely on your shoulders.

What's something either of you would consider a "brick wall difficulty spike"? Most of the time when a game has a challenge completely beyond anything else in the game, it's put in as an optional challenge for people who're good at the game, like the Inner Agent 8 fight in Octo Expansion. If you're complaining about extra side content put in for people who aren't giant pussies to enjoy, you're completely worthless.

If this is happening to you frequently enough for you to post this, you might just be garbage at vidya

I haven't cheated since I played AoE II, it just isn't fun to me at all.

I savescum like a bitch when things don't go my way in strategy games. I stopped caring a long time ago

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The only game in recent years I've cheated in was Stellaris. Had a really nice tall empire, 12 planets, but shitty fleet, neighbour declared war on me and wrecked me, so I gave myself invincibility until I had a decent fleet up.

>When a game gets too hard, I cheat.
>I'm not a baby

>Waster 12+ hours of your life making no progress in X game before you finally beat the boss
>Your reward is..."yay I did it..."

Wow, I'm so convinced I should waste my time on meaningless challenges.

Cheating isn't fun, but difficulty spikes are anti fun so I'd rather skip them

I don't remember a game in the last ten years where I'd get stuck anywhere for more than a ~30 minutes, be it puzzles or bosses or whatever.
To be fair I've never played any Dark Souls which is supposedly one of the more frustrating experiences.

What game?

videogames aren't meant for braindead cockguzzlers user, you should find a new hobby

I don't like cheating since I feel like it takes away fun, I do fucking love quicksaves though and feel like every single game could be improved by having them, even racing games and shit.

The braindead cockguzzler is the retard who defends a game that expects you to dump hours of your life into failing at it before you memorise enough patterns to progress

>I'm getting maximum enjoyment, maximum time optimisation and maximum game playing.
You will never know the satisfaction of clearing a level that has been fucking you up for days.

again, videogames aren't for you. find a new hobby.

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Dark souls is only frustrating ifyou are completly shit at vidya. It has a nice challenge compared to how maximum handhold games currently are.

>grind the same boring level over and over again
>I'm totally having fun guys
everyone uses cheats because they're fun
"""challenge""" is for tryhard manchildren, git gud at life if you want a real challenge you sit at home losers

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have you considered just not sucking at the game?

You do realize that games go up in difficulty right? So if you can't beat a boss, the next one is probably harder. Do you just cheat to the end?
You might as well watch a playthrough or just drop the game altogether.

>When a game gets too hard, I cheat.
>I'm not a baby
Pick one

>fail over and over because you refuse to learn
Everyone who uses cheats is bad. Being shit at vidya is fine but dont pretend it makes you anything else but a loser to cheat

But user, it's exactly the people who cannot deal with hardship, real or virtual, that turn to cheats to hold their hands.

I've been playing and enjoying video games my whole life, you'd get the same level of enjoyment from a fucking drug store bubble pinball game you fucking moron

>You will never know the satisfaction of clearing a level that has been fucking you up for days.
For me I get 0 satisfaction from that, just bitter resentment for time wasted. That's the whole reason why I cheat.

It's cute how you consider anything that's challenging to you is equally challenging to everyone else.

>26p 42r
Opie is desperately trying to defend cheating. what a nerd, let's make this thread something a little more interesting.

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game developers are on my side, with more and more games having easy modes, letting you skip levels and being press X to badass simulators
you're the one who should find a new hobby or go on /vr/ and keep reminiscing about muh good old days when games were quarter munchers and extremely difficult to artifically extend the length of the game

Then you're a pleb. Nothing comes close to the rush of overcoming such a challenge.

Genuine question, how can you *not* enjoy getting better and eventually overcoming what seemed impossible odds at first? That's one of the most primal things a man can enjoy, it's basically caveman dopamine button.

>12 hours
No wonder you don't feel anything. You're terrible at video games.
Stick to casual games like all those gacha mobiles.

I don't know about most people but if you have to cheat or cheese something to beat it then I consider it 'losing' to the game, and i refuse to lose.

You only truly lose if you give up or cheat, it's effectively an admission that the game has beaten you. If that doesn't bother you then whatever but for me it's like getting a fail grade in a subject you actually enjoy/are putting effort into, it's unacceptable.

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mobile games aren't real games. beating a game on easy isn't actually beating the game, it's like watching a walkthrough and using that experience as your own.
>muh muh artificial difficulty
>muh quarter muncher fallacy
you're just bad at videogames nerd. find a new hobby.

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>I have shit taste and shitty game devs are pandering to me because I'm a part of the shit-eating general masses. TAKE THAT!

there isno game on the market so hard you can't beat it without cheating.

back in the day everyone used cheats because it was fun to break the game and play as a badass
yet something on Yea Forums went wrong and self-proclaimed gaymers started cucking themselves by playing overly difficult games and pretending they're having fun
maybe it's because they're losers who have nothing else to do in life so they can sit at home mastering a skill with no real life value, you'll never get paid, you'll never be a popular let's player, you'll never be on an e-sport team
but there's still redemption for you, I hope one day you'll wake up and realize you have to start flipping burgers cause mommy won't let you play your bing bing wahoo machine all day

Most 'hard' games are about finding ways to exploit and cheese unfair situations, so there's not really much difference between that and just turning on god mode, imo. Just play a reasonable game, instead of some skill fetish incel shit.

I cheat when I play rts games. Fuck doing some 40 minute mission twice.

I bet you spend a lot of time complaining about feminists pushing you out of vidya while simultaneously pretending like it still belongs to you. You're the one that needs to find a new hobby, lol.

Do you morons honestly think every developer is flawless and never fucks up and has never put unfair difficulty spikes into their game?


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play something else then. jfc.

We already talked about this.
It's fine to cheat just to fuck around and break the limits of the game for fun, but OP is specifically talking about cheating in order to bypass difficult parts of a game because he doesn't want to try and just wants everything handed to him on a silver platter.

imagine being so bad at videogames you need to cheat

Stay mad.

Tell us a few games you've had to cheat your way through and I'll tell you if you got stuck at impossibly unfair walls.


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Things don't really get interesting until it is actually unfair and 100% bullshit and you still beat it tbqh

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Did you mean to quote the post i'm replying to? lol

>If I post "lol" at the end of my posts, I'll look like I'm laughing and not seething

nobody cares if someone cheats in a way where they're just looking to break shit/cause mayhem/for the fun of cheating.

I'm gonna say that cheating itself isn't even the thing most people have issue with. Some people (and especially on Yea Forums) just have the mindset of if you bypass what would normally be a great challenge through cheating/cheesing/etc is extremely gay.

If you want to cheat from the start of the game with max everything and the ability to spawn enemies/items at will, sure, whatever. If you play normally and then turn on cheats when you run into adversity then you're an extreme fag.

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>Genuine question, how can you *not* enjoy getting better and eventually overcoming what seemed impossible odds at first?
Because ultimately everything is pointless. And no, not in an edgy linkin park slit my wrists way. I honestly don't see any point to anything that asks too much of me. It's risk vs reward. I invest time and get almost 0 feeling of accomplishment, so why bother?

>That's one of the most primal things a man can enjoy, it's basically caveman dopamine button.
And it's retarded. Sports fans get the same rush from watching their team score a goal.

Stop samefaging OP nigger
It's pathetic seeing all yours """new""" replies with cheat defending.

>How dare OP reply to people asking him questions
Get a life you drooling autist. Enjoy the ban.

>Enjoy the ban
Says the guy reposting the same posts in identical threads.

I'm not the one that typed some pathetic, hypocritical all-caps screed then tried to project it on someone else, lol.
All I'm saying is you can't complain about the feminists ruining your videogames while also pretending like videogames are still made for you. Maybe don't fly off the handle next time, eh champ?

No, I get that you get no feeling of accomplishment from it but I'm asking why that is. It basically goes against the reward system of your brain. Have you taken antidepressants for an extended period of time, or maybe strong stimulants like cocaine?

>He cheats in a single player game
Lmaoing at your exsistance right now. Challange is fun and there is no such thing as a "unfair" difficulty spike. There have been humans who finished it.

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>Announcing a report

why bring up feminism in the first place? the point of this thread is to make fun of you for being a cheating loser.

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Cheaters are intellectually weak.

If you walk away from a challenge in a video game that says a lot about you as a person and tells me that I can walk all over you and you won't do shit. I will purposely go out of my way to berate you if you're a casual.

I'm so sick of hearing "it's just a game" no, it's a right of passage. This is a pathetic excuse that casuals hold onto instead of strengthening as a person. You are inferior to me in every way.

>because he doesn't want to try and just wants everything handed to him on a silver platter.

>I'm getting maximum enjoyment
This is where you lie OP. We both know you don't get the maximum satisfaction after cheating a really hard challenge in a video game if you fail only 10 times. Don't even try to bullshit me this can't be true. But if it is true for you then I believe you don't really enjoy video games in general. You can literally complete them via Youtube with the same effect... Maximum "time effectiveness and enjoyment"

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It's what you sound like though.

>if you fail only 10 times
failing 10 times means you wont complete it at all or it wil ltake you hundreds of attempts.Developers playtest boss attempts for few tries
If it takes you more than 4 or so your best is to just cheat

Never done drugs in my life, never taken meds in my life, only drink on my birthday. I'm as "clean" and healthy as you can get and I still feel like this.

Suck my cock, whore

Get a grip

>There have been humans who finished it.
That doesn't make it not unfair or fun moron.

These are the lobotomised morons arguing against me...

>I-I-I don't c-c-care about the reward enough to beat it
>but I care about it enough to cheat through anyway
>t-this is perfectly rational
lamo, maybe get off estrogen pills you hysterical fag

There's very little point in this kind of discussion because it comes down to a fundamental difference on how an individual perceives these challenges.

You say ultimately it's all pointless, but for others killing that boss they've been attempting for four hours straight is a source of immense satisfaction and an achievement to be proud of. You say that's dumb because you don't comprehend how some feel that way but those same people assuredly think something's very wrong with you for not appreciating overcoming such challenges.

There's nothing to be gained from this kind of argument, all one can do is either dismiss the opposite side as 'wrong', or accept that even though you can't/don't personally understand it, the way they approach these things is just as valid as yours, just different.

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>4 tries and he gives up
wow look how pathetic you are. Do you have issues opening mail?

And yet, I'm less stressed, enjoy life more, suffer less hardship and overall have better quality of life than you do.

All your ego does is cause you suffering, dunce.

here you are spending hours of your life in a vain attempt to defend yourself from the harassment of anonymous people on the internet for being bad at videogames and cheating. lmao'ing at your life

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First reasonable reply to the OP in this thread

The rest of you should hang your heads in shame

Threads been up for 90 minutes, and it's fun to watch morons get riled up because I call them out on wasting their lives.

You're the one who's getting up in arms about other people enjoying games differently from you, though.

Yeah, because it's objectively retarded that you get enjoyment out of repeating the same content over and over until you can progress.

That's a waste of my time, plain and simple. Wasting my time is never enjoyable. If it takes more than 20 minutes to beat a tough boss, the game is poorly made and I WILL CHEAT to bypass that boss.

Have you considered that not everyone sees things the way you do?

>Have you considered that not everyone sees things the way you do?
Yes, and I consider those people subhuman, low iq morons.

how long this is?
>just got to ring ring part

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Vice versa, it seems. Great thread.

>When a game gets too hard, I cheat.
gay as fuck and probably bait
>I'm not a baby
yes you are
>I don't mind a challenge
yes you do
>but I think we can all agree people have different views about what's considered a "fair" challenge.
clearly not, but keep going
>I get nothing out of bashing my head against some boss or level for an hour, nothing.
well, obviously. because if you dont retain any new information after an hour you're not learning.
>I'd rather save myself some time and just cheat to skip past it.
gay as fuck. you know when i dont recognize a word in a book i just close my eyes and skip past it, id rather save myself some time then learn a new word.
>Games should be a challenge, but if the game doesn't match MY PERSONAL appetite for challenge then I'll just cheat.
gay as fuck and probably bait
>The line in the sand for me is, if it takes more than 10 tries, then it's not worth my time.
you know what they say, anything difficult ISNT worth doing-oh wait.
>Yeah, I'm probably a shitter in your eyes, but I'm getting maximum enjoyment, maximum time optimisation and maximum game playing.
naw, just gay as fuck and probably bait.

Now that we're done here, can we just get more vidya asses?

Cheating in a single player game is like masturbating. Everyone has done it at some point, so don't be ashamed. At the same time though, it's nothing to be proud of.

A game can be as hard as it pleases and I'll persevere until I've won.

However, I hate having to redo easy parts of a game that I passed (and continue to pass) effortlessly just to make it back to the part I'm stuck on. If I have to restart at the beginning of a level or a checkpoint is ten minutes away from the boss or the first phase is some gimmick before I get to the actual challenge, or I just have to load/watch/skip cutscenes every time, that shit is annoying.

It does make it fair. It's beatable by a human after all.
Maybe you should just get better.

>cheating because game is hard
bluepill and cringe
>cheating because you already beat the game and want to fuck around and have more goofy fun
redpill and based

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>It does make it fair. It's beatable by a human after all.
That's not the definition of fair, you borderline retard autist

I don't understand this mentality. Losing is often fun. It lets you learn more about the game. That moment when you see what you're expected to do and it's something you never considered before is amazing.
In fighting games I'll continually play people who are way better than me repeatedly, and the few times I manage to get some good hits in are more rewarding than flawlessly beating a less-skilled player.
I think you're going in with the assumption that you'll never beat the game, or it will feel underwhelming when you do, which is a really bad mindset to have because it stops you from realizing your full potential.

A dictionary is not a holy book. And you're the one calling me an autist.
It is completely plausible to beat by a competent human. You're simpley incompetent, a failure of a human.

So why do you play video games then?

imagine going such lengths to justify
>I'm a noob

This. I love ridiculously unfair difficulties.


Not him but how is that a fallacy it's a well known fact games were designed that way

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes…


>thought it was POMF
>it's gravity falls incest stuff

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HOW LONG DOES THIS GO ON! I thought that files bigger than 1 mb weren't possible anymore.

Spent 4+ hours to beat the final true ending boss of Smash Ultimate on hard and was very satisfied when I finally succeeded.

>imagine being so shit you cant beat something that was intended to be beaten by the creators

If youre not a kid and youve been playing vidya for 10+ years and still need to cheat just to beat a game youre probably shit at everything you do and probably struggle to walk and breathe at the same time. If you cheat in pvp youre just admitting you need a edge but of course you do because youre a below average person. Theres always gonna be people who need an edge or buff just to do what another people do normally.

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Why not watch a movie instead? The one thing vidya has over TV/movies is the sense of challenge and accomplishment?

I can do both

>The one thing vidya has over TV/movies is the sense of challenge and accomplishment?
So this is what peak retardation looks like.

I don't play multiplayer games, credtin

I usually don't cheat, but I recently restarted NFSMW and the rubberbandig is so horrible that I used extra options to give me more tokens after a blacklist race so I can get their car without having to redo the race.

So it's just the story/art of videogames that you enjoy? Then again, why do you play games when you can easily watch someone else play games?

I find cheating to be fun when a game rellies to much on RNG, i even "developed" a way to cheat in ironman ck2 after getting fucked by RNG bs too much

No one on v cares how you justify the fact that you suck at video games. Dont tell anyone. Cheat in shame silently alone.

Imagine being this bad at videogames
>git gud l

Because you'd get shit on excessively and can't cheat your way through?

OP, is this you

My definition of fair challenge: Nightmare King Grimm
My definition of bullshit: Grey Prince Zote 10th flame

it's ok to cheat in busted old games

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>>It's on par with eating a chocolate bar for me.
>playing games even though you don't like them
>>maximum time optimisation

lmao imagine cucking yourself this hard

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I like games more than anything else, but yes, I get very little "rush" from them.

I haven't cheated in a game since I found out about cheats in Starcraft.

Beat it legitimately first
Then cheat the hell out of it
Otherwise you're a faggot

Every fucking time.