Other urls found in this thread:
nigga just jump
Where is the item that will allow me to upgrade flame vent i already have the pine resin ember
So I killed the snake and accidentally fell into the water. Is there any way to get back to the other side? Pic related.
What is the BEST shinobi prosthetic tool?
Tips for o'rin?
How to do surgeon in abandon dungeons quest? Don't know where I'm supposed to be headed after asina castle really, it opens up like so many different options.
The lightning is actually a big boon for YOU, not him.
Jump and counter it then BAM, his posture bar fills up to like 70%.
A simple trick and Genichiro HATES IT
Confetti is good against her, but you can beat her without
Why did the fuck did my game turn into Ape Escape? Who thought this was a good idea?
The Umbrella because it's the most aesthetically pleasing
>missed this entire area running from kite men
>probably wasted an entire day just bungling around Ashina
I fucking hate myself.
What, you don't like being farted at and having shit thrown at you? Casual
they all have their uses. the shuriken appears most versatile.
i thing the tool is legit unexplored but so far it's umbrella, firecrackers, shuriken and firethrower
jump on her head when you see the red kanji
Out of all the bosses I have hated him the most since it's not a fun duel or anything, just big monkey smash, hit him until he dies thing. At least phase 2 has some swordplay.
Spoilers ahead, but:
You can choose between two people to send to the surgeon
The first is the samurai that is following some music he is entranced by, who you first encounter if you head back to the well you started the game in. You have to send him to the surgeon before you kill the sub-boss he is following
The 2nd is the big sad monk at the mountain, you give him the WRONG pinwheel and then tell him to go the surgeon
Both are "Bad" routes for those characters, as they get experimented on
Yeah I can do that but after is the problem. She takes almost no damage and her posture regens really fast.
What is the best outcome for the big sad monk? I really like him.
I'm not talking about that guy. I'm talking about the gimmick boss.
Huh, I've pretty much never used the shuriken, except during Butterfly's fight.
I don't really find it useful most of the time, I pretty much never have it equipped.
I sent the sad monk to the salesman oof
how this quest ends? what he gives you?
You can pick off most ranged enemies with a couple shurikens
It's really good for gap closure to keep pressure up. You can also upgrade it to get lady butterfly's magic move
You need to get a fan.
white pinwheel and divine abduct him.
Is there any item that helps with the Corrupted Monk at the bridge? I did all 3 phases but I wonder if there was a way to skip a phase or two
I liked him too, so here's what to do:
Give him the white pinwheel, he will then ask you to spirit him away. Use the Divine Abduction tool on him and he'll be sent to the 'realm between realms' place with the folding-screen monkey boss, where you can visit him for a reward
>you can pause
casual bullshit
Games says that you should L1 then R1 but anons are saying you can just R1, which is it?
I just got to the girl shamisen in Mibu Village. She's asking if I know where Lord Suzaku is. What do I say?
Personally Ive been getting a ton of use from the axe and spear.
This is the most bullshit boss i've experienced so far. Pic related.
took me awhile to figure out what i was looking at here
Game doesn't say L1
Make sure you got some divine confetti but you might also want to wait a bit until you get more vitality and attack since she is actually quite a bit stronger than her general area. Even the area's actual boss is weaker than her stat wise
I've agreed to kill fat monk and I already have the mortal blade but he just says "go on, do it" and I can't hit or execute him or anything.
Did it glitch out for me?
Kill her :^)
well, you don't know where he is. so you should say you don't know.
i do hope jinzaemon is down there in mibu village with you.
What do you get from the music samurai if you don't send him to the surgeon?
"Spirit away" user.
The game says press R1 while mid-air to reflect lightning attacks back at the attacker.
Says it both during load-screens, and the hanging scroll behind the sub-boss at the Ashida Dojo.
Well he's before her part and wheezing and shit.
You can skip the first two phases by assassinating her from above. The 1st phase is trickier, it requires you to be quick and jump on her from the branches when she's doing the introductory animation. For the second phase go to the branch and do the same on the true Monk once she teleports to the middle of the bridge.
I managed to do the same thing somehow. I was amazed by what happened. Of course after the fight was done I got a load screen that informed me that attacking a lightning attack reflects it
he wants to be spirited away, not murdered. divine abduct him.
Some consumable, one of those red figurines, don't remember the name
jinzemon statue or some shit
Says L1 to charge the R1 to release during a loading screen.
Well people should really be more clear with requests like that. It it was me IRL he'd already be headless
lrn2deflect, get good at the first part of the fight so you can have several heals and at least one rez for the "real" fight and don't forget to be aggressive, use axe and that double version of the Ashina art. and pray for good RNG cause those arrows wiped me over and over and then i just had a random clean run after 8 fucking hours of fighting him. like 9pm-5am in my timezone minus a couple cool off walks.
What does the vendor start selling if you give him a guard?
You can grapple hook to an area near her without getting spotted and crawl to backstab then just fight her near the fog door. Gotta watch out for the grab since its confined space but its 1vs1 and shes at 50%
I just brought this game, what am in for? Anything I should know?
I'm a shitter who never beat BB or DS1, so any ganeplay advice would be helpful
So I gave rice girl the Holy Chapter note. What in the fuck do I do now to progress her storyline?
Spear fully upgraded turns you into Yukimura Sanada
A unique Jizo Statue that restores a node of resurrection when used. I THINK it's re-usable, otherwise it's no different than a normal Jizo Statue, but I'll behonest I've never used either so I don't know.
let her attack you, jump for her swipe attack. once you get the parry timing right she is pretty easy.
Kill these 2 guys without alerting anyone else. Then you can fight Snake Eyes without anyone else noticing. She is easy once you figure out the pattern. Dodge the cannon fire (or maybe you can even use the umbrella) and punish her.
>you could skip the first phase too
check up on him after you deal with o'rin.
DLC where we fight Tomoe when?
Everyone tells me she was supposed to disappear to the Divine Realm and she's still sitting there telling me the rice ain't ready yet.
Guess I'll just go fight the final boss and get the 3rd ending.
>first attempt, get destroyed
>second attempt, boss gets destroyed
feels good men
i accidentally managed to assasinate her on phase one once, couldn't do it again. phase two just stay on branches and do a jump execution when she's on the middle of the bridge. her 3rd phase actually made me rage. the way she chains into her swipes, thrusts and that puking attack really had me slamming my keyboard.
hell yeah
Feed her some fruit when she gets hungry
And maybe a couple hearts that look like fruit, I'm sure she won't notice
Anyone know what the Sabimaru prosthetic is good for?
How do I do the samurai's questline? The one I found at the well listening to some music
>persimmon lady asks to bless her with rice
>buy five-colour rice and sprinkle it near her
>realise I just bought a 1600-sen set of prism stones
Oh well, live and learn.
The chapter found in the lake? She should go to the area where you had to find the 4 monkeys. She might not go there until you progressed to a certain part of the main story. Keep resting and talking to her, if nothing happens then just progress and check in later.
she needs another chapter from some monk in a cave at senpou temple. rest at the inner sanctum till she asks you for it.
You are fucked user. You literally should've pirated before you decided to buy this game. I've beaten all of the souls game minus bloodborne and i cannot even get to the halfway point yet, after about 20 hours of game play.
Poisoning some chumps and attackin' real fast.
I heard you can stealth all 3 of his healthbars, is this true?
They could have done so much more with dragonrot, the whole game I was waiting for it to effect the play somehow but it never does. Why did they even include it at all, it does nothing.
It doesnt effect the ending
NPCs Dont die from it
It doesnt change the world in any way
Just beat her too, my favorite boss so far
I can't even find the umbrella.
the upgraded Ichimonji is my favorite special attack so far. Deals a good posture damage, interrupts bosses, the second attack cancels their counters, and it restores a lot of Posture for yourself. the other passives in the Ashina tree are good too, im really glad i did the quest for it.
What software does everyone use to record gameplay for webms?
she would be trivial if she used lightning too much
I managed to stealth his second phase bar off by grappling to a tree, not sure about the others
Jump down and kill the Assassin. Continue your exploration from there on, you'll find him at different spots on the way.
Keep requesting and eating her rice until she gets tired then get her what she ask for.
she supposed to get sick, you gave her persimmons, travel after that, then she dissapears into monkey castle, go talk to her there
not the last one. and the first one is very tricky to land.
People already cry about it in its current state. Imagine if it actually sid something. Most people fucking hate that shit and refuse to play games with stuff like that because they want to do everything in the first run.
You’ll never make it. I’m having a hard time and I beat BB on NG7+ and DS as well.
based Tengu
Is the Tomoe ingame actually suposed to be Tomoe Gozen? I dont remember if Genichiro was trained by her or not. If its later it would at least makes sense for it to be her since the Ashina claim descendency from the Minamoto.
Anyone playing on ps4? How is the framerate? Is it as solid as bloodborne post patches?
there is a fuckton of dragon drops that heal it tho, just use it wisely jfc
It wrecks snake eyes. Use it 3 times and you get a deathblow on him
>I dont remember if Genichiro was trained by her or not
Isshin says she was his mentor
based Isshin
The game is designed for you to die a lot. Dragonrot and the whole revival storyline is there to add some flavour to it. In Dark Souls, you were an undead, that's why you kept coming back. Similar idea for Sekiro. It'd be ridiculous if you could miss out on half the game's content just by dying in a game they intentionally designed to be challenging.
You hear a lot in interviews with Japanese devs that the difference between a western and japanese dev is that the western dude starts out by writing a 30-page document all about the lore and tone of the world and all the cool cinematics they want to put in and the japanese dude starts with a 300-word sketch of what the gameplay is going to be like. So apply that to this - they wanted a stealthy ninja game where you could revive mid-battle. Add in the prosthetic arm, the posture mechanic, presto, you have a game, now add a plot to tie it all together.
Han. There's only 3 consumables there though. Check the offering box in the temple. You should be able to get them there.
Alright, thanks for the clarification.
This game's plot is surprisingly good despite being simple.
it locks out normal dialogue so you cant progress on sidequests.
Not the whistle, that's for sure. fucking THREE emblems for just one use? At least it gets useful against headless
what are the cheese prosthetic upgrades
Xer xo xha dont give a fuck
and all of that is well and good. dragonrot does add nice flavor and consequence to the powers that sekiro has but it should have more impact. if it is going to be so inconsequential you should lower the number of dragons blood droplets i feel.
Does anyone have a link where I can find all of the side quests?
Also is there a point of no return that I should hold off on until I’ve done everything?
Use Subimaru and poison her ass. That fucks her posture regen.
>in many cases it's actually better if he knocks out your posture because recovering it takes too long, especially when you're low health.
I don't know if the way posture is designed is genius or really dumb.
In any case having posture recovery time be tied to health is really mean.
Am I blind or is there really no resting statue anywhere near this Centipede Claw dude boss?
Only time I used whistle was against the demon of hatred, but its really good against him. worth
Dont kill the second Corrupted Monk. It starts the End Times.
from what i understand there are two no return points, before corrupted monk ghost and the stone and before dragon and his tear
Just finished my NG+ run going for the true end. Having fully upgraded tools to fuck with all the adds is actually so fun. This is especially the case for most of the early game minibosses you fought against where you barely had any prosthetics to work with. The umbrella will eternally be my favorite prosthetic and taking more chip damage for not timing properly is a pretty good way to up the difficulty. The true end though is a bit fucked mostly because I don't know how you were supposed to figure out that the divine child was going to pop up in the place where the four monkeys were but aside from that it was more or less a scavenger hunt like the one in Bloodbourne.
Going to try for a new playthrough to get the ending where we follow dad. I hear you only get two new bosses and the game immediately ends?
Also was it just me or was the divine child smitten with Wolf? Christ forget Emma you fucks. Rice-chan is the best. I'm glad they went hard for the blatant waifupandering for this game because she was max fucking qt and hopefully the DLC will revolve around our adventure with her to the west.
Fire crackers and Flame vent, but you need the upgrade that buffs your weapon with it
Can you open this door? It says that the gate is firmly shut.
>another headless in the area you reach by dying in the area to the right of the first bonfire in sunken valley
what is the item he's guarding? i need to know if its worth it before grinding divine confettis again
If you are on the final boss you are fucked as she asks you to give rice to Kuro. Which you can't cos he's off with Gen. I did the same thing.
Do you need confetti for first monk?
best by far. did not feel the need to use anything else, except axe on certain occasions.
In the Ashina Castle area near the collapsed bridge, a little guy in one of the abandoned houses sells it
Fromsoft can't into AI so you can lure her to a spot where she can't shoot you and she walks back and forth through the poison water, it takes forever but it's 100% safe.
>Kill giant ape, make it headless
>Centipede comes out at end
>Those vermin in the bride room
So this is actually a Bloodborne Universe game right
No. Killed him without it.
>Seven Ashina Spears
>Keep getting thrown off by the grab-thrust with how delayed it is.
Crafting materials, you can run past him though so you don't have to worry about the confettis
its closed forever.
Welp I just killed the corrupted monk in the village so I guess it’s time to clean up all the side quests I haven’t already been locked out of.
you had to use confetti for that? lol, i just killed her without. didn't feel like she wasn't taking any damage. so far,the only time i had to use confetti was versus the Ichimen Warriors.
Any tips for the final boss Sword Saint Isshin? Cheese tactics ok, I just want to win.
>more and more people are getting the true end
>more and more anons are seeing the perfection that is the divine child
Cutscenes having frame dips when they change the camera angle for anyone else?
Such an odd thing to happen.
>played the game for a few hours
>didn't even really die that much
>got bored and booted up DMCV and practiced combos instead
Are people only sucking this game's dick because it's hard and made by From?
Sooo where do I get the third mask piece? Got one from the Carp guy, one from the merchant for 5k and just beat true monk
i think its fun
Nah, you donn't need confetti for the first monk. Just seems like you do cos he looks live a spirit.
>Owl using Lloyds Talismans
What a nigger, at least his Defense his awful.
play honestly, and remember, hesitation is death!
I like Passage more though....
Do headless drop prayer beads?
It's OK to be autistic and enjoy practicing combos against braindead passive AI
People didn't really like world tendency in DeS (you either find out how to abuse it or you get pure black very quickly). I guess Miyazaki wanted something similar without being too invasive.
Why are you still trying to get Sekiro vs DMC?
Don't think so. They drop the Sekiro equivalent of spells.
>Also was it just me or was the divine child smitten with Wolf?
She wanted that wolf knot my dude without a doubt.
I guess after DS3's Firekeeper, Miyazaki just said fuck it and threw us a cute girl and a relatively happy end as a reward.
a rare one or just a farmable one?
i thought it was going to be some super cool item since it was guarded by some pretty tough mobs
Theirs a hidden item at the hirata estate behind some bamboo close to where you talk to the thief npc. Anyone know how to reach it?
Doesn't the umbrella just give you a bigger deflection window, it seems like a waste to use emblems for that when you already have a sword deflection skill. Firecrackers also didn't seem that useful to me. They just allow you to get 1 or 2 normal hits in.
I mostly used shurikan to punish jumping enemies and Sabimaru to poison things.
>Giant Straw Man
So ummm, is there any lore for this?
user I fucking love DMC5 and think Sekiro is great.
Sekiro's issue is that the mechanics take some getting used to and some of the early game bosses are shit (ogre and bull specifically).
Or you could have read the big ass sign on the previous floors.. it's not a fucking secret.
How do you get past then?
>the two underwater headless in the Fountainhead Palace lake
I possessed the shotgun guy and had him help me blast the boss fucker to pieces, hilarious
You fight him two times. The later causes End Game events.
There's no point grinding confetti desu. You can buy it from vendors for 300 sen lategame.
you don't.
Follow him down the spooky forest and eventually he’ll be resting right next to an area with a basket-headed, nip-guitar playing lady. She gets mad at you so kill her. Go back to the samurai and he’ll thank you with a baby wrapped in a blanket.
why are there so many damn skills?
I got 4 trees, and one SP takes 5k already
is there 5th tree to boot?
After the spear dude and the bamboo path bonfire, jump into the river, swim as far upstream as possible and grapple to a platform. There should be a cave entrance hidden by bamboo
Do I ring the bell? What does it actually do?
I havent even found the fucking sheild let alone the ninjutsu shit. Where the hell do i get it?
Lol this game is so easy how do you people have trouble?
there is indeed a fifth tree
Oh, I thought it was Divine Dragon that caused the endgame.
anyone else enjoying wrecking those flute faggots in the Fountainhead Palace? they just trigger me for some reason. i thought they did nothing, but after i accidentally got succed by one, i want to kill them even more.
what is the latest you can do the second hirata dream? I rather just do the boss later
Enemies hit harder and drop better loot. I do it to get Scrap Iron and shit.
scrap magnetite
increases damage dealt by enemies in exchange for higher sen values and drop chance from enemies
Fuck this cunt
great, my autism won't let me to skip upgrading it
i should have sent that faggot into the dungeon to get experimented on. what a trash reward.
If I wanted to read Id pick up a book
How many of the spooky optional ghosts are there, including headless dudes, shichimen warriors and that yandere girl?
i love killing old people who leech off the young
Thanks, I'll check the box.
the one at the gun fort can't even be stealthed on. and you fight her on a pretty small platform while her buddies turn you into swiss cheese. enjoy.
But NPCS do die from it
The old lady and her son died from it when I didnt heal them of it, I got to like 5%
I killed the Newcomer in Hirata estate and now he's gone forever. Should I restart my playthrough?
Also is it normal that I died one time and went from having 2 dragon rot statues to having like 10 in one death? It legit gave me 7-8 statues in one death. Bug or is it normal.
Those are the only ones
Which one is better or they the same when it's flame enchanted
Ah okay well that’s good then thanks for letting me know.
I know. I'll probably quit by then or get good.
no idea user. haven't finished it yet. im still at the fountainhead palace.
Shichimen warriors aren't ghosts since you can beat the without confetti
He literally says to spirit him away, the only other time you see that is on the item description for a shinobi arm.
They die when the day advances.
they always die
I really wish the grab/sweep/thrust attacks had different colors on the warning.
what does that give you?
You can beat all the ghosts without confetti, it's just that it takes so much longer.
Why is Ichimonji:Double the best skill? You'd think Ashina Cross is strong or something.
Its called watching their tells, you scrub.
A piece of grave wax, I think.
How do you get here then?
Oh fug can un-ring it? Goddamn it as if the game wasn’t shitting on me hard enough already.
killed the giant snake, but stomping on it
that was interesting.
How close is the fight with genichiro in ashina castle to the end of the game? I’m keep seeing all these bosses in these threads, and don’t want to accidently skip something.
Fire crackers can't enchant your blade but it's still extremely useful because it's an instant interrupt to pretty much everything. Flame vent and the enchantment gives shitloads of burn damage and some bosses are insanely weak to that
>I killed the Newcomer in Hirata estate
Have you bought the Kunai he sells? If you did I don't thing you miss out on too much stuff by killing him so that you need to restart.
Nope lol
that's like the end of the game's first section.you got plenty to go.
I'm on a pro, but I've had zero hiccups so far.
You can do it in reverse and get an easy stealth beathbkow.
only rely on blocking/countering and jumping
dont dodge
You get an item with the demon in your inventory. Use it to remove the hard mode.
If you don't kill the two cannoneers in front of her they shoot at you during the fight and the explosions from their shots damage Shirahagi and knock her down. Makes her extremely easy.
You can also stealth her first health bar if you go around the area.
Dude, that's where you came from before the castle got overrun. There was the bull arena.
>Killed the giant snake
>Wew finally over
>mfw there's a second snake
he rewards you with a unique bundled buddha statue. the ones that restores a ress orb. it's single use, and it just has a different flavor text i think it's his dead baby or something
The tells vary by creature type. On sword or spear enemies it's pretty easy, but enemies that attack with their limbs it's incredibly hard. For example, you can counter/deflect kick attacks. I don't think that should classify as a fucking thrust.
Can you kill headless without confetti? Has to be really fucking annoying though since you get damaged and terrified with every attack no matter how well you deflect
It gives you the bell item, use it and it will go away. Really useful when you need to farm shit, you can get the curse again any time.
story question: After reuniting with kuro, sekiro thanks the sculptor for saving kuro but I'm not sure what he means. Afaik after the prologue genchiro took kuro to the castle and he was just chilling there since then. Unless he's thanking him for giving him the arm which indirectly helped kuro.
Kill the first ledge guy, grapple hook on the buddha statue like said, backstab that bitch, grapple away and assassinate the others. Killing them all is pretty easy before committing into the real fight with her, even if she's taking a few potshots at you.
You might want to practice with the snake eyes before the gun fort first though, it's less frustrating to initiate.
have the monkey dance user. btw bros what do i do with the fresh and dried viscera? i got them both but no clue as to where to use them.
>doesn't take off her clothes to reveal a sexy Kunoichi outfit
wtf FROM?
It's kinda obvious when you actually TRY to look at their posture.
Divine Child user.
Have sex.
desu, that wont suit her.
looks like a homely, sensual and serious lady
So the merchant guy who asks what Ashina samurai want, what does that even mean? I searched all of the castle and nothing.
So some help with the Divine Child quest thing:
>I've given her Taro's Persimmon
>Given her the scroll/text
>Given Kuro the rice from her
But she has not yet gone to that spirit realm place, no matter how many times I come back to check, she just sits there making rice. What am I missing?
With you? Okay, but it's going to hurt.
the rice loli? i went to her to get my rice pretty often, but no other dialogue showed up. ill go check again.
Some people ended up there right after beating the bull, so.
If I use the demon can I ring the bell again and get another demon or is this just one time deal only?
Is the 5 point execution heal skill worth it? I was scared of losing points due to dying so spent most of my points on shit that only requires 1-2 skill points
Look for some dudes to eavesdrop on
Is the Senpo style good for anything?This, they're both amazing, it's a good time to be an action game fan. I think I'm passively getting better at RG while playing Sekiro.
Oh thanks amigo glad to know I can unfuck myself.
on some bridge in the castle you overhear a conversation between two samurai. apparently they need salt. once you eavsdrop on them, go and talk to the merchant, let him know what they need.
Not the purple enemy. Where you find the Bundled Jizo statue, if you look behind it through the bamboo theirs another item.
I hope Emma joins them on their journey as well. Nothing better than having two cute girls while you go on a quest to save your shota.
sustainability is very useful in this game
Personally I use the Exorcism art cause it looks cool and does tons of posture damage
It's probably the same snake.
bls resbond
i only used it for the shekels and item boost passive. Ashina style seems more useful.
should I go for first headless in outskirts right after getting the blade? is he hard?
God I hate this mechanic so much. Thanks, probably skipping this quest.
Eavesdrop at the Old Grave idol.
I fucked up owl so good I broke his first phase posture when he still had 60% health.
I feel like I should record myself, might be worth posting here
Yeah you can.
Theres no downside.
It’s worth it. It’s not a game changer in boss fights but great for exploration.
Her triggers seem to be weird. You may need to get the scroll in the temple grounds pond beforehand.
After spending 2 hours on her and realizing she gets poisoned, i said fuck it and just stealthed 1 bar and then waited for her to die. I know there is another one coming up but it was satisfying watching this bitch slowly suffer and then fall over and wait for me to gingerly walk up to her and slowly drive my sword through her fucking throat. This game is fucking rage inducing like that.
I think the panel only tells you to jump to avoid lighting, it doesn't tell you that attacking as you land will redirect the electricity.
why? it's not hard, and you get useful info, lore and tips. it was pretty easy to finish, and it was the only quest that required it to have it done once. once you do it he unlocks extra stock, including Dragonblood Droplets, so it's worth doing.
I didn't know they had contact lenses in 1500s Japan
I've noticed myself breaking posture very early now as well. Focussing on gitting gud with the deflect has made every boss from butterfly onward much easier for me
i don't remember ever picking that up.speaking of scrolls, i picked up a black scroll (i think near isshin?). says something about a second mortal blade, what's up with that?
>tfw beat Genchiro's final phase first time I saw it
>His health bar wasn't even halfway on that or the phase before that
Did I just Acquire Skills
ape is so much exactly like souls boss, I hate it.
After you read the panel the game freezes to show you a tutorial pop up which tells you to do exactly that
that means that you probably adapted to how the game is supposed to be played. pretty much in their face all the time,applying as much pressure as you can. if you are good enough to keep deflecting consitently, their posture breaks very fast. i think this is what people don't understand about the game, and play fights at a much slower pace.
Wait til you see the demon.
Best: Firecrackers
Good: Shuriken, Divine Abduction
Okay: Spear, Flame vent
Extremely situational: Axe, Umbrella
Useless: Mist Raven, Subimaru, Whistle
>haha yeaaah, fuck you monekey, get decapitated lel
>sit there, doing some screenshots to brag
>face contorts in horror as i see him get up
i wasn't the only one,right?
Has it advanced to night? If so, you can't do the rice loli ending. You will find out in the last boss fight
how do I fight cave headless, the hell with that aura?
Ah, nevermind then, I knew how to do it once I saw it happen but I thought I read it from a loading screen.
>that one cunt who keeps sniping me with lightning bolts in the divine realm
I can't beat Genichiro but I'm not sure what else I can do and I feel a bit stuck. I've hit a dead end in the Sunken Valley, can't kill purple orb guy in the dungeon and unless I'm blind there's no way to cross the broken bridge in the temple courtyard just after the room with the giant, 4 monks and an immortal fly-vomiting thing. Have I missed something or do I just have to get good and beat Gen? I can't even get him to phase 2 right now.
Because fuck stealth in this game. It was kinda fine at the beginning but everything wrong with it becomes apparent later on. Its fine to do in order to kill some big mobs 1st or take a mini-boss's life bar away but finding the correct spot to do all that onmitsu shit instead of having more options is horrible implementation of stealth.
I'm not even discussing this any further. Go ahead and shitpost about "s-shit taste git gud xd" all you want. Not giving any (You) about it.
>I can't even get him to phase 2 right now.
be aggressive, deflect his jump, counter his thrust
did you beat lady butterfly as well? she gives you extra memory. have you cleared all mini bosses for extra vitality? all gourd seeds you could find? gen is annoying, but you should not have stalled there, unless you are seriously missing vitality and attack upgrades.
Yeah I shat my pants too
The way it moves in the second phase is fucking creepy too
A bit but not that much. Took me 3 retries as well. Genichiro is easier than the cow.
I beat Butterfly but I could probably kill a few more minibosses, I think I'm only at +2 vit and I have 4 Gourds. I'm just getting old and my reactions are shit.
Genichiro is one of the easiest fights. You need to git gud. All main story bosses are pretty easy except the last one.
Best place to get sen early/mid on? I wanna buy an upgrade.
I'd rather not keep losing money during progress..
>Useless: Mist Raven
It's great against some bosses like the quickdraw guy
lolwut. i was just asking you why you don't like it. i don't really care that you do. why are you so aggrassive over a simple question? it's fine that you don't, play the game however you want to play it. i was just giving you friendly advice, since i was also the one that answered your original question.
It’s pretty much frenzy from bloodborne except somehow even worse.
If you're like me you activated the panel as soon as the fight with the ashina elite began and skimmed the message in order to pick up the item
Mibu Village
Down on Dpad switches through your combat arts, a Combat Art icon is visible on HUD
Eavesdrop is now just Square when looking toward people
There I made the game 200% more fun
The burning estate, where the drunkard is run from one idol to another, slaughtering everyone
the eavesdrop icons are pretty easy to spot user.i stumbled on the location without even looking for it. but it's your call. you are getting angry for no reason.
>missing all these piss easy parrys
have fun with the last boss
>die three times
>have to grind for life
this sucks man
There's a grapple point to the left of the bridge but i think it only leads to the armored warrior and pinwheel
I'm not sure if you're supposed to fight genichiro or the armored warrior first
>Mist Raven
It's literally god-tier though, without it I would have made it to the end.
apparently confetti decimates him, 3rd try
so far probably firecrackers thats the one speedrunners are using.
No I shat my pants too
>shinobi execution
>wait why is the fog wall still there
>second health bar appears
>Grind for life
Not sure what you mean, the dragonrot affects NPC's, not you, you're fine. Hell, they're fine, they just cough a bit.
Thanks, I'll try that and if it fails I guess I'll just have to get gud and fight Gen until everyone has Dragonrot.
same. even though you can't grind like in DS,you can still be sure you got all the upgrades you can get, invest in some skills, and vit/attack elvels. Did you get the Ashina style from the Tengu? it helps with breaking enemy posture, keeping your own, and even restoring it with the Ichimonji skill. and even if your reflexes suck, just do it till you get the hang of it. deflection is really not that hard. you just need the proper mindset, get some balls and get stuck in. the best way to break their posture is by being aggressive. attack, wait for his counter, deflect,attack. the game got much more easy for me once i started treating it like a rhytm game (lol)
Assblasted that Sekiro has a higher score
yeah, those ressurecting fuckers are very good to farm. just be careful of the shitters hiding under the sakura patches on the ground.
does isshin's ichimonji have 2 different speeds? i swear he takes longer to do the second strike sometimes
Nigger, you run into them from a sculpture with their backs turned to you.
Stop being retarded.
In the Mibu village an NPC told me there'd be some hermit guy on the other side of the lake. But when I went there I can't find anybody. Where is he?
I assume he means grinding to restore your second resurrection, which i also find a bit annoying but it's not a big deal
those revive orbs man
so the headless guy requires confetti to attack? but it only lasts for like 20 seconds, also it seems pretty rare at this point. it seems like I essentially get one shot at killing this guy, that cannot be right?
I just can't beat Owl. I think I'm at my limit, bros. Is there by any chance a way to cheese him?
The screaming is worse
so there is a way to avoid the double ape fight?
good to know i wasn't the only one. and the fucker does move like some doll on strings. i shat my pants even harder when i saw the centipede come out of it. after i executed it, i shat my pants the third time when i noticed i had to execute the centipede with the mortal blade.
No but seriously are you supposed to fight genichiro or armored warrior first? I guess what i really mean is which is easier
I wish more bosses had unique counters like lightning reversals
Bros what happened. I got fucked yesterday over and over again, slept over it, did the horse ass first trys, butterfly first phase second try, bull second try, tackled 3 enemies at once..what kind of magick is this?
Are there spirit emblem max upgrades?
I know you're not supposed to cheese with prosthetics but using my flame or axe only like 5 times is quite limited.
Yeah I got the Ashina style but I've just been using Whirlwind, that sounds pretty good so I'll try switching it up.
On that note, what's everyone's ranking of the combat styles?
He means north of the Lake. Theres a house there with him inside but I have yet to figure out if theres a quest related to him.
I figure that was gonna be the case though a bit concerned at the fact that this shit seems to be very limited.
Apparently you can buy it later
no way to cheese. just keep bashing your head against him user. you'll get there. he has openings for you to land attacks, and he is not that hard to deflect. did you get him to 2nd stage yet?
If you eavesdrop on Isshin you can hear that he says Genichiro has found the second mortal blade.
Armored Warrior is a gimmick fight and doesnt matter where you go first.
they are end game dude and they don't drop anything good ignore for now.
firecrackers honestly Owl is not that hard dmg him till like 80% and you can build up Posture. Best chance for dmg is when he throws the health block thingy.
if you have the lilac umbrella, your umbrella deflect will have divine attacks
Why is there no decapitation in this game. Would had been cool kill moves.
The moment I get a dragonrot thing I get the urge to reset my save and start over, so I may as well spoil myself. What does it ACTUALLY do? The thought of missing out on something cool is crippling my ability to play the game. Well that, and getting stabbed to death by a monk
yes theyre latent skills
Armored Warrior is way easier.
The Senpo leaping kicks art completely trivializes the Red Eyes Ashina Elite mini boss in the burning Ashina Castle because he can't hit you once you do leaping kicks.
This is because once you leap he triggers his attack, but he also dashes forward, which means you land like right on top of him and avoid his attacks.
Those are literally the tutorials user. It gets so much worse so fucking quickly. I've resorted to cheesing fucking minibosses because im shit and somehow made it to Genichiro.
So I gave the white pinwheel to the Monk in Sengo. What do I do now? Im not supposed to kill him am I?
>dragonrot thing
>What does it ACTUALLY do?
nothing makes npc cough I did 30 times to the end boss and not one npc died.
i think Ashina is the most useful
>increase enemy posture damage on deflect
>increase enemy posture damage from any source after a deflect
>double ichimonji interrupts, cancels counters, and restores your posture by large ammounts
>decrease posture damage for yourself when fighting vs sword enemies
it's last skills is the only one i don't like. ichimonji saved my ass so many times. you can charge it in the air after a swipe dodge jump. every time the enemy has a small oppening it can allow you to drop two free hits. it also works as emergency posture restoration.
>You can also upgrade it to get lady butterfly's magic move
Say what? Any footage of this?
It can kill NPCs and prevents you from continuing side quests.
It just stops you from doing sidequests with afflicted npcs, you can cure it anytime you want and you can apparently get 20 of the cure by the end of the game
You can't even damage him even if you tried.
related to this, i also gave Kotaro the white pinwheel, but what happens if you give him the red and white one?
Did you get the divine fan?
then you can bring him to the surgeon
You would think a game about doing sneaky kills and finishers would have something more than just stab neck.
thanks user. i dont care about proper completion in my first playthrough, was just curious. i'll see whatsup in the final fight then.
Stops you from continuing quests. If that was the only thing it wouldnt make sense for characters without quests to get it.
hahaha so you saying it will get worse hahaha oh fuck
At the final boss at 17 hours so far.
Holy dicks. First phase is easy as hell now, every other one is an absolute nightmare. That fucking gun attack is brutal. This is probably the single hardest final boss in the whole series, goddamn.
Also i’m pretty sure i’m too far along for it, but I hear there’s a good ending of sorts?
>Best: Firecrackers
Where do you find the firecrackers and how do you use gunpowder on horse boss?
What's north?
It would seem the deaths are scripted and not a result of you dying
>mfw i was fucking retarded trying to use spear on him because those two motherfucking guards talking about a huge warrior clad in armor
must have died 10 times before i realised i have to make him fall. spent hundreds of spirit symbols on it too, reeeee
Yeah, how many beads do you have? I feel like you just beelined for the boss.
>being this neurotic when the game pretty much expects it to happen sooner or later on your first playthrough
you use the fan prosthetic on him and it teleports him away to the boss fight area with the monkeys
I just got the Mibu breathing technique. Where is it going to be used?
where do I get more pomegranates for shrine girl? final boss is making me want to kill myself so I need to cool off
Go aggressive af. If he's not hitting you, hit him. Whenever he does a string of slashes, deflect and counterhit.
top of the rocky plateau in the area just before the timid maid and inosuke
doesn't the description of the spear say it strips poorly fitted armor?
the guards are talking about the big retard behind the gate anyway.
why is firecrackers best
You can either:
>A) Send him to the surgeon in the Abandoned Dungeon, where he gets experimented upon and killed
>B) Send him to the thief/merchant that is in Ashida Outskirts, the same guy you meet in the flashback who tells you about the 3-story Pagoda, if you advance his quest enough he asks for a strong guy to help him loot the corpses of battlefields
it does what it says. you didn't read the note in the beginning? it just blocks npc quests from advancing. dragonblood droplets are not that hard to come by, and the "npcs die from it" meme, is just that, a meme. don't worry about it and die as much as you want.
Imagine a boot, stomping on your face repeatedly for all of eternity, except you are the one wearing the boot while stomping on yourself. Best analogy i could come up with.
there's even another merchant before the horse boss that also sells the firecrackers.
it's pretty hard to miss them
Around the house where the crazy woman and her dying son is at there’s a tall cliff that you can grapple your way up. Right on top is a vendor that sells you the firecrackers.
Nevermind, think I found him. Old dude drinking and doing nothing.
>get to last area
>Ashina Explorer unlocked
>"travelled to every location in the game"
Really? No stupidly out of the way stuff like Archdragon Peak or Cainhurst? That's really disappointing.
How do you fight the giant enemy carp exactly? I hit him a bunch but there's no posture or health bar, is he a gimmick boss like the monkeys?
Is the spear even good for anything? Aside from that dude with the bell.
What are the best combat arts?
So far I've found shadowrush, praying strikes, and dragon flash to be the best. Ichimonji can be good too especially for some endgame bosses. Mortal Draw hits hard but is very expensive.
Everything else just seems to be underwhelming especially the multihit attacks like Ashina Cross and especially Spiral Cloud Passage because they just get blocked and deal shitty posture damage. Wish I invested more into temple arts instead to get the improved shadowrush.
the guy at the start and his mom both died after being cured but maybe that always happens
I just beat Owl and placed everything on the incence thing.
Where do I go next?
yeah well, i was the big fucking retard in this case lol. i have never actually found the guy that the spear works on. still, the more you know.
So which combat art is agreed upon to be the best?
All of the "final" ones from the last esoteric text that tengu gives you seem really fucking good
Absolutely everywhere where there's water you dumbo, time to go check on areas you've already been to.
Fifth bead chain. I left a lot of stuff unfinished because I hear that this game doesn’t automatically boot you out. There’s like a bunch of headless and Shichimen Warriors I just said fuck it to, and I am wondering what happened to the Sculptor. Did he become a demon or something?
>Subimaru useless
>Axe situational
>Flame vent okay
Did we play the same game
I think the spears armor stripping only works on large enemies that have forced themselves into ill-fitting armor, as a loading screen puts it
Id imagine the armored warriors armor is too well-made and fitting for that
the npc do tell you everything maybe listen to them?
It's almost like sleep helps your brain learn things
Why would you record and upload this, aren't you embarrassed?
Ending question
What happened to the Sculptor? After killing the divine dragon he just disapeared and never showed up again. Also why did Ishin show up as the final boss coming out of Genishiros body, didnt he die back at the castle with Emma kneeling over his body and wasnt he on our side anyway. That seemed to come out of nowhere.
silly question but is there a fruit or candy that can boost exp?
I don't think I have that note yet, or yes I missed it.
the game may expect but I don't and yes it's fucking making me go crazy. Guess I'll just die repeatedly and feel awful
mfw nobody else has discovered how to get swallowed by the snake and brought to the secret area
i have never checked on them. funny thing about those two, after i used the first droplet, they never got sick again. so maybe they are the only ones that die if you dont cure them, but since they are useless npcs anyway, the game does not factor them anymore into the dragonrot meter? i think they are like dragonrot tutorial npc's
It does burn and posture damage and you can rip armor off from Samurai and the Corrupted Monk
Damn dude I was on ninth at the boss, you've missed a ton.
Also yes, you can fight him by going to the outskirts.
Collecting all the carp shells- 32 but you only need 25 if you say the right things- and selling them to the pot dude allegedly brings you to a new area. That acheivement may be a lie.
What other merchant?
>And maybe a couple hearts that look like fruit
Wh-what does that do?
I am so bad at this game.
In the first real area there's a guy who needs two types of dodging and I keep dying and now the old guy has a cough and I think he's dying too.
>pop firecracker
>r1 followup+stab= good 1/10 of health
>repeat this as necessary+ tanto 15 SE
you can go wrong with Ashina style.
he is right though
He's an optional endgame boss, go explore forward from the grave area in ashina castle.
i figured after 2 min i feel stupid
He became the demon boss in the Gyobu boss arena
these minibosses are literally the worst and not fun to fight. Any tips?
Dragonrot mean nothing. Literally doesnt matter until you want to do side quests.
Yeah theres a mibu balloon for that
game is fixed
don't feel awful, they won't die from it. you can just get them all on dragonrot, then near the end of the game, just cure them.
Yeah it stayed at 30% even with them dead. I still feel a bit bad, thought.
First one:
Check out the branch you used to leave the temple the first time. Do some exploring around, as well.
Second one.
He did die, yes, but he’s been reborn through the Mortal Blade. Genichiro sacrificed himself to bring back his grandpa at full strength.
>when getting an at least fire upgraded axe+ the followup double attack DEMOLISHES postures
I won't get to any sidequests because I can't beat this random guy anyway.
>my dad works at nintendo
>things that never happened
it was their fate user
I beat the guy on the horse
Still boring, trading it i for resident evil 2
Don't beat yourself up user
I remember seeing the firecrackers on another corpse mob guy before ashina castle but it's possible it was the one you get access to after beating the horse rider.
He told me to go to the palace. How do I get there?
Way to make looking at enemies irrelevant, dumbo.
Maybe a new area will be added in a DLC like Cainhurst.
I got stuck at the ogre so I went the other direction and ended up at burning place with a huge ninja faggot. He's also guarded by like 5 little faggots. He too stronk. What do?
not gonna lie, i'd like that as well. sometimes the attacks are two fast, and the tells are too small to realize what kind of attack it will be. it would be a nice quality of life change, saving lots of pointless frustration. but it is what it is.
No fucking way, I missed... 20 minibosses? That’s insane. I’m still gonna push onwards since I most recently got to this last phase, and I think I mostly have him down now.
Also I have eight sippies so far. Is that the max you can get?
Just do it like me
>finish up bosses+ minibosses until huge roadblock
>cure dragonrot, talk to npcs, when comfortable not missing anything out attempt boss again
get close attack and parry thats the entire game user
Why the fuck is the final boss's vertical shockwave do hard to dodge?
Does the spear counter move only owrk on thrust?
Can you use it on the monks unblockable red kanji sign sweep?
Wait, if Isshin is Genichiros grandpa then who's Genichiros father? What happened to him?
Would be a good easy mode
Would ruin the game for me otherwise
>did you get him to 2nd stage yet?
I can't even get past his first health bar, even after 50 deaths
I know, but eventually he just breaks out and one shots me with his firecracker sword
It only works on thrust attacks.
Kill them one by one and reset in between by running behind the burning house, after that backstab the big guy and talk to the samurai by the water. Enjoy your free bead.
>the entire Fountainhead area
It's stressing me the fuck out.
and leaves you open to a million damage up the ass. i did fine without the axe. the only time i ever felt the need to use it was vs shield fuckers. if you like it, that's cool, but the firecrackers are much better, in every sittuation. faster to deploy, also do posture damage, interrupt attacks and helps scrubs with the Ape.
If you beat the quick-draw samurai in the dojo you can learn a move that turns the lighting agaisnt your enemy.
In fact its kinda mandatory to learn seeing as a specific boss in the game cant be even beaten wo it.
How do I cheese snake eyes faggot
When you see the gunpowder just dodge forward. He'll be open to one or two slashes when it goes off.
The final boss is really fun, probably my favorite fight in all of the soulsbourne series. It never felt unfair, every death I knew what I did wrong. When you finally get his moves down its so good.
Max is ten sippies and you can get beads from exploring too.
Yeah i think thats the case
Probably died in battle. Isshin is the old man you talked to earlier in the game that told you about the mortal blade.
Owl is easier than Genichiro, literally just stand there and do nothing but focus on deflecting and dodging and eventually he'll posture break.
I have eight and I'm at corrupted monk after banjo lady, explored everything for all the seeds. If you didn't find any more after that then you should be fine.
Is it a skill that's granted by that dude, or is it just an innate ability?
Jump kick attack. its ez mode
Oh and you CAN miss beads in a game cycle thanks to bosses going away when day of time changes.
>the old woman who asks you to save her father enslaved by great carp gone fucking MENTAL
>stab the insides of the dragon temple's nobles to bits and everything is dead
>after talking to her she's dead too
oH NOnonoonoooO
what rewards you get from her anyway?
p-pls respond
>accidentally shoot lightning back at them
>completely forgot that's a thing
>kick everyone's asses
love that place
every single place there is water it's worth diving
>cheese the lightning enemy and just swim across using all my heals and a revive
>know from my previous attempt there's a bonfire there
>can't get there from the part where I climbed up to dry land
It was so tempting to sequence break, but I guess I'll have to do it the proper way.
Who else /no prosthetics/ here? I have like 700 emblems now
What the fuck. I need to beat this game again almost immediately afterwards. Gonna go for a second playthrough, NG+ sounds too tough for my brittle bones so i’ll just do a NG run again
Will try that. Actually I ended up in that area by accident because I was running away from a bunch of faggots guarding a fog wall. I couldn't enter the fog wall. Why?
The game has 3 standout flaws, in descending order.
>Can only equip one combat art at a time
Really fucking lame and there is no excuse for this other than them wanting to keep the button layout simple. The game would be significantly cooler if you had all the moves at your disposal or could map several of them like Nioh
>Regular enemies go down in less than 5 seconds.
Since it wanted to be a mixture between Tenchu and Action Games slapped on the Souls formula, regular enemies are in this weird place where they are easy to dispatch with stealth thanks to the bare bones AI and quick to dispatch when in combat.
>Bosses are actually very exploitable
The bosses and minibosses are the best part of the game in my opinion but the more you play or see others play the more you realize that they made the rules a lot easier to bend and suddenly you find out that instead of dealing with the bosses cool moveset you could have just been mashing R1 and keeping it in an AI loop or interrupting every single move with firecrackers and not letting the boss do anything
All things aside though the game turned out a lot better than i was expecting. I'd say it's pretty good and unquestionably the best thing From has done.
the only thing you need to watch out for is her thrust attack that pulls you in. easy to dodge back and then do a counter attack forward. always block her first attack, then hit once. if she cant follow up attacks, she wont be able to fire. if she dodges backwards, her gunshots can be dodged easily to the side. you can go forward towards the bridge, then backtrack, and try to get a stealth deathblow as well.good luck
I know who Isshin is, interestingly enough he's also The tengu
Just funny how he's such a central character in the game.
>Intro cutscene
>Your primary backer throughout the game
And then
>The final boss
I'm on the final boss now and I have to agree. Did you play aggressively, or was it more of a counter then slash approach?
You dont fight him, hes part of another quest
If you buy enough stuff from the carp merchant he gives you something for that quest
Get on my level.
What fog wall? Did you kill the spear fag?
That's not her user, they are just twin sisters.
You did the other ones side of the quest and you can do the other one later.
You can even go check on the sister as she's still in the noble housing.
psst, user, go for a dive in the lake
just go back to where she was bro she's completely fine
Oh ok then
So do we know what triggers the passing of time?
You read a text on the wall and gain the ability.
The samurai is not that hard he is literally just a parry test.
You parry his quick draw 2 times and you can DB him.
Sometimes he may do an extra move but its rare.
He on the top of the castle.
You get to a room thru the rafters on the final floor filled whit blue samurai you will know which room because there is a window next to a locked doar. and just climb teh stairs.
Extreme aggression. I dont think I ever got any of the phases below half health before killing them. 1st phase and 2nd phase I was able to take out in 30-45 seconds at the end. Doing special counters is really important for taking down their posture.
This is not really an issue, the issue is that the giant kanji blocks the enemy and you can't see what he is doing
Yeah, killing bosses that advance the main questline.
Didn't you notice? It's obvious.
I find the fact that you can fight entire groups of monkeys hilarious
Where can you farm Sen? I really need money right now to buy some stuff. I'm after the Corrupted Monk.
>Bosses are actually very exploitable
>game has flaw because I watch speedrunners
nice user did you watch every boss fight before you fougth them by yourself? you never got gud.
How do I get to the great serpent shrine in ashina castle? I went there already but it got greyed out and I forgot how to go there
Shelter stone more like kidney stone
>mfw no idea where to go
I have the Mortal Blade and defeated the Ape for the flower.
Cant progress past the white Snake because I have no idea what to do and the only hints I got are some dry and fresh fruit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
>Can't use items underwater so you just have to wait the terror build up out in the lmao2headless fight
the shichimen are pretty easy user. confetti and then just go ham on them.as soon as they vanish, run towards the opposite way. they always teleport in fixed locations. their shitty beam wont work close range, and you will probably interrupt it anyway. they are quite easy. if they float,you can get free deathblow with the flying counter thing. i killed 3 shichimen now. one in the dungeon, one in fountainhead, and one that appeared in ape arena.are there more?
The same way you got there the first time.
>it got greyed out
Can you even read you fucking idiot? Who are you even quoting?
Only just beat lady butterfly, didnt seem to change anything
thank god
when did she mention she has a sister tho
Go to Ashina Antechamber idol. THere you can backstab the purple samurai right next to the idol. With Temple skill upgrades he drops 200ish sen and crafting mats. Takes 15 sec to kill him and rest again. He also gives you 1028 exp.
Subimaru is the fucking best if you're trying to stealth get fucked.
it does fuck all, NG+ has the real hardmode chip damage on block, you have to parry
>and one that appeared in ape arena.
Yo what, where?
Is it true you get a new area for giving carp guy all the scales? Does anyone have a screenshot?
It's past the large pool behind the castle. I had the same problem. All those areas look very similar.
got both hearts but didnt get the good ending. read up on it after restart.
Underwater headless are the easiest ones.You shouldnt even be getting hit or run out of the terror item. Just hit him and circle dodge. they die in like 20 seconds.
No spear fag was too stronk too so I ran
you need to go down underneath the castle
you need to go to kuro, talk to him, he will send you to the sunken valley. go to dungeon, fall in the hole. that's the way forward.
Just gotta use a terror resist and divine confetti before going in and get it done quickly. The underwater ones have 1 bar only for a reason
>terror buildup
>getting hit underwater
Instead of just standing there and taking a beating, why don't you just, you know, swim away from the attacks? Since you're not only not slowed down by the aura anymore, but are even more mobile underwater than on land by default.
Oh yeah you only figure that out later.
Lady butterfly is optional content.
>but the more you play or see others play
You need to go back to the tutorial area where the purple ninja is, you can grapple up at the back of the room to get to the next area.
Just use the purple gourd retard
You're supposed to kill him user, just clear out the adds and reset him for a backstab, and mikiri counter his autism
i didn't like the monkeys either. i was surprised when i got a memory from it. felt like some mini game puzzle.
Time advances when you complete each of Kuro's tasks. Stone, flower, maybe Mortal Blade.
G-Guys, I killed snake whore, and went through the tunnel.
Just saw some giant red footprints leading to an open area.
Wtf I'm scared
I'm at the beginning of the game.
There's a spiderman section with bombs falling on my head, but one of the grapple points just makes me fall into the abyss.
>Temple skill upgrades
What's this? The fist ones?
They should die in 10 seconds, did you throw away all your ap buffs?
Use hypnosis on one of them
I'd agree if it weren't for this game's atrocious camera and how sometimes it just decides to break lock-on without the player's input.
I guess resetting is important huh? Pussy mode activated, gotcha
i assumed the bosses that drop memories arent optional
can you just tell me which bosses advance the day upon dying please
in the sunken valley. where you fight the ape the second time. at least it appeared for me. noticed i couldnt use the idol in the arena, teleported to the one close to it, and there was a shichimen warrior there.
All the bosses are pretty great honestly except the fucking monkeys
Trading blows with Owl then both jumping back at the same exact time is the fucking best
You can spec into sen and item drop rate increase after the initial fist skill
Wasting emblems.
Why every single hit takes one emblem infuriates me. You rip through them in two combos.
Senpou skills have drop rate increases. Find it in Senpou.
The ape is the best boss though.
Approach it from a different angle
yeah,you get two passives that boost send and item drops. they are good to have.
I kinda wish we didn't have to fight the Illusion corrupted monk, he trivialized the real deal for me
Guardians cool, but folding screen sucks ass.
It's for the endgame. Enemies in the final area are super weak to poison.
Any that you require to beat the game, doofus.
So off the top of my head probably
>Monkey trouble: Big ape showdown
>Monkey trouble 2: four monkeys edition
>Corrupted priestess
And that's the final state.
>focus on one
>the other hits you with homing magic balls
>now have to either wait or risk getting oneshot
Yeah real nice. They're not even hard because you only have to kill one. Sure are annoying though
he means the monkeys retard. not the ape.
How do you access this? Or is it a dlc area? Its in the dilapidated temple.
It's on a cliff. The trees are the only way.
Same, True Corrupted Monk was the easiest fucking boss just because of that.
Ah, that. I don't count that as a boss.
dude have fun with demon of hatred thats the worst boss in the game
enemies in the final area are super weak period
compare them to the red 2kat samurais later on
it was a fun gimmick fight
Thanks. No need for insults.
Play. The. Game.
It's part of the story later on also under a specific house in the spooky forest
That's a strange way to write
>Hell yeah motherfucker
>aid quality at 6%
it's over for me boys
That just leads to kuros headquarters in the castle. You can unlock it be going through the one in the headquarters first. Its kind of pointless due to being able to teleport.
yeah, they are bullshit. million homing missiles, the oneshoting wave attack, etc. i killed the purple one first, then the second. swam arround, did some pokes, retreated. fuck those guys.
>later on
You mean earlier on? They're pretty easy, just parry them. The purple ninja faggots are still among the worst enemies for me though.
Ay dude you gotta stop using sandpaper on your ass.
Youre talking about the trees by the hanging snake skin right?
demon of hatred was literally the only boss I chessed with running and doing no parrys or playing aggressive because I could no tell what he was doing thanks to the shit tier camera.
it was, but the centipede phase rekt me more times then i care to admit. it was rage inducing how quick she transitioned into her combos.
The whistle really trivializes the demon of hate. I killed his entire third phase with just the whistle stun.
Ashina Depths really feels like a scrapped Bloodborne area
How does that shit even work?
>a rotating door in a lone castle tower
>leads into a fucking mountain tunnel
The land of Ashina is CONVOLUTED as fuck.
I don't see it
What do you mean by that?
he's a soulsborne boss you aren't meant to parry him
>killed the purple one first, then the second
What? When I killed the regular one the purple died by himself
>this is BB area
>that is BB enemy
>so and so is BB cut content
You BB fags are the worst.
>invest my gold into gold bags
>use up all my skill points
joke's on you miyazaki. i'm fucking immortal
>Can't even read the shit he quotes
yeah, you're a retard.
i figured that too, but the purple fuck was wrecking my shit while i was killing the main dude. i had to go the masochistic way.
help, which bait is the best to use for the carp quest
palace pot or hirata pot?
The centipede phase was crazy fucking weak to firecrackers, you could get 5-6 hits in if you were fast enough.
>palace pot
It really feels like Forbidden Woods with a nippon touch, I love it
fountainhead palace one
i thought that it's immune to firecrackers since it has no fucking head anymore. damn. after wasting them on headless ape, i figured headless enemies are immune to it. joke's on her though, still killed the bitch.