How can Pokemon compete?
How can Pokemon compete?
>Generic gook suburb
>Pokemon gen 8
>>Not generic
By being a better game
By existing
>literally anything in Pokemon
>not the definition of generic
By having an actual roster not half composed of Jibanyans, no gacha except for masterballs and just "not letting you go into places" instead of putting dumb invisible walls, and not needing to switch combat every 2 games because the previous one were bad. Also having actual catching mechanics.
The only fun i'm having with this series is Terror Time.
If I want yokai content I'd play Touhou
Brand recognition. Even if it's bad, you can slap "Pokemon" in it and pinheads will eat that shit up.
>Just takes place in regular-ass Japan
If I wanted that shit I'd watch some random slice of life anime, some live action shit or play hentai games.
It kinda sucks that a billion moving franchise can't get their shit together and always play it safe.
I don't care about pokemon, it was fun when I knew what the pokemon were, today there are +500 pokemon I don't know even what type they are, nor I care to find out.
Spend hundreds of hours for a shitty sprite, I actually grew out of it when someone gave me a full pokemon save, I was like "this is it? I was willing to throw hundreds of hours for this ?".
by having good gameplay
>m-my roadblocks make more sense than y-yours so they're better!
The fucking state of Pokemon fans, I dont even like Yokai but this is embarrasing
Quite the opposite, its literally how japan really looks and when you live there and see that in a game its fucking fantastic and you wonder why pokemon could never do it with this much detail
>By being a better game
>by having good gameplay
Are we pretending Pokemon is good now?
what the fuck is that chad jibanyan
Probably because the last time GF tried to really reboot the franchise with Black and White, people complained they couldn’t use the old Pokémon until the postgame since Unova was supposed to be a distant nation not close to the previous ones with few if any ties to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. So we got Gen 6 with the fewest new Pokémon after 5 gave us 150 new ones, a Kanto starter after the first gym, a free Lucario as the default first Mega Evolution and Mega evos for the Kanto starters but not the Gen 6 ones. Then Gen 7 had Alolan forms of only Kanto Pokémon with another small crop of brand new Pokémon and some had really obnoxious encounter rates like with Dhelmise, so the game pushed people to settle for more common previous Gen choices.
I’m hoping Gen 8 will be better than 6 or 7 as Let’s Go acted as an audience pandering game so GF could take more risks again, but I still have some doubts until I see more of the new ones. I’d enjoy another big risk shake-up like Black and White, (and B2W2 was great too) but maybe that era is just gone.
Literally the whole concept of the series are Tribes so having different Nyans/cats (and other species) is not rare.
Yo-kai Watch is too Japanese to reach the same worldwide audience.
By simply existing.
It's Pokefags
The Pokemon franchise is so bad right now that they need to "destroy" people who enjoy other and totally different ones
By requiring to do stuff in fights
Why is it that Pokémon, Digimon, and Yokai Watch must be at an almost eternal shitposting war? Is it not possible to just enjoy them all? Or just stick to the one you like and not shitpost the others?
At least get your derogatory terms right, you crooked eyed donkey
By having braindead manchild as a fanbase, literally millions of them.
>Keep up mothafucka
Shut up eggmo eater
by having pokemon