How the heck do I manage to pull off T-Spins in tetris 99?
Is this a matter of memorizing combos or something? How is everyone so good.
How the heck do I manage to pull off T-Spins in tetris 99?
Is this a matter of memorizing combos or something? How is everyone so good.
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delicious flat
Just make a t hole and cover one side, it's that easy
I mean the vertical ones, that cover 3 lines.
I can never get the timing right, or something is off about it.
cute and funny
loli > oppai
Ugh, I made the "image more interesting than your post" mistake again didn't I.
>mods are asleep
>cp fags are never ending
404 soon
I just wanted to talk about tetris...
>I just wanted to talk about tetris
>how to T-spin?
Sure you did.
I am asking for tips on how to do vertical T-spins.
Videos make it look so effortless but when I try it never works ;_;
love tetris threads
This isn't Tetris
you're such a fucking mentally impaired faggot, no wonder you can't even play fucking tetris right
I have OCD so tetris is my favorite game. You line up blocks and shit. Super interesting.
For 99% of human nature, most men were what we would today call pedophiles, let that sink is. We are genetically programmed to love little girls.
Human history*
Just spin the damn thing.
good thread
learn to build
you dont get to bitch until you can consistantly get 1:20 in 40 line sprint
frilly unf
Literally this
You always want to build flat so you have a clean board to put down your piece on
When its uneven it takes longer to decide on where to put down your next piece thus not only makes you build/make decisions slower but also makes your board more cluttered and susceptible to garbage and building too high
both tetris pieces and loli chests are deliciously flat from the front. Think about it.
such a lovely girl
Do you ever feel out of touch?
Yesterday I showed a young girl Tetris for the gameboy and she called it boring. She likes Minecraft the best.
minecraft is 3D tetris.
???? how come nobody itt is talking about tetris
Fitting my line piece in her tiny crevice is exactly what Tetris is all about.
this was my fastest time. still havent been able to top it
Don't open this
The pencil lines look like chest hair