What are you waiting for on Steam that's supposed to come out soon?
Unreleased wishlisted Steam games
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Wattam is in development hell and most likely an Epic exclusive since its published by Annapurna Interactive.
top 4 are probably my most anticipated shit this year
The last night
weedcraft inc.
>MCC at the top
Came here to say this specifically. Based friend.
Ideology in Friction
Detective girl of the steam city
Grim Dawn expansion in a few days. Gonna douse myself in boiling milk if it sucks.
Theres some korean ARPG like mmo that seems to have diablo 3 tier action that i keep vaguely in my memory until I know more about monetization.
Barotrauma Early Access, loved the demo I played like a year ago
Not interested in Chaosbane?
Any day now lads, I can feel it in my piss.
Hellraid has been coming soon since 2013.
I've given up hope yet I still wait
I have a lot of games in my wishlist, mostly because I use it for games that I saw that looked like they might be cool, so I just throw them in there as a reminder of sorts. I had to zoom way out just to fit all these coming soon games into one screenshot
Was expecting way more bannerlords, has Yea Forums lost hope?
Does the Grim Dawn audience like its expansions or is it like Path of Exile where everyone feigns hype for 3 days then complains about it being garbage on reddit?
me too lads
I can't say I've seen anyone bitch about updates or the expansion making the game worse. They've nerfed a few things here and there but not egregiously so. It's a fun autistic timesink where you get loot and crunch numbers to make your character overpowered, except there's no arbitrary changes every few months where the devs try to enforce changes to the "meta" and likely ruin whatever fun you were having in the process.
I had Warhammer Chaosbane on my wishlist but now it's in my library so the only thing on my wishlist is the Master Chief Collection.
Bright future ahead
>bright future
>drift stage
Yeah, not that one
I was waiting for Metro Exodus, The Outer Worlds and Control, Now it's just Halo COllection and Skilsong
>imb4 Silksong becomes epic exclusive for a year
You mean the game is gonna be shit or it's vaporware?
i have a bunch of crap on my wishlist
these are the ones i am actually waiting
I backed it and apparently the programmer ran off ages ago and I guess however the contract worked out means he owns all the code or something? So the artist has been trying to get ahold of him to have him sign off and allow someone else to touch it but I guess he’s completely AWOL. If you look at the steam forums for it and look at the developer’s posts you can get a better idea
Had no clue, and no I didn't back it, I just played the demo way back and just added it to the wishlist. I'll look into it. What a shame
yeah, it's a real shame. I don't even really like racing games, but I really liked the demo and the aesthetic. and like, to be fair, the artist guy has stuck around and is trying to figure out a way to get it finished and released, so good on him I guess. he's also the artist for that sky rogue game iirc. if you want, here's the latest steam build. I'm pretty sure that's the last build, but sometimes they uploaded versions to other sites so I'm not entirely sure.mega.nz
Thanks my man
>metal wolf chaos
I can't believe they still haven't release this yet
it was suppose to launch on steam last year
im still fucking mad
i will never not be mad
why can this world not have good things
I’m 100% certain they delayed it so it could launch on the 4th of July. And honestly if that happens, I won’t even be mad it was delayed so much. It’s too perfect.
Literally just Halo and Hollow Knight