So how do I make a build that just nukes everything?

So how do I make a build that just nukes everything?

Attached: Nioh.jpg (600x351, 50K)

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Help me out my fellow negroes.

Look up ninjitsu kunai builds. Literally what you want. Melt everything in a second

rush to NG+++

Weren't they nerfed a while ago?

Maybe, i was going by my memory of the game.

Inflict at least two elements on anything. You win. It's a very boring way to play and disregards everything fun about the game while not teaching you anything, but you win.

Pro-tip: those soul crystals can be used to extend the duration of living weapon. It's been nerfed slightly since the game first came out (can't stack it with the fanatic set's "damage buff at low health" ability), but spamming LW still completely trivialises the game.

Ninjutsu Kunai.
I'm not sure how strong it is on new game, but it easily carried my scrub ass from new game + up to way of the nioh (new game +++++?). It only fell off in the DLC way of the Nioh against that last ninja boss fight.
OP as fuck. Invest in sorcery too with power buffs and debuffs. With the right equipment and spirit animal, you can melt enemies in seconds.

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this is also good

I'm casting the armor debuff, attack debuff, eating power pills and casting magic on my weapon yet it doesn't feel like I'm doing a lot of damage. I'm in NG+ if that counts.

The slow spell completely breaks the game on your first play through. Grab that and a few of the other buff/debuff magics even if you're not playing a dedicated mage character.

The invisibility/silent walk shit from the ninja tree paired with a strong charge attack (sword draw techniques, that spinning stab spear move) lets you punch above your weight and one shot tough enemies if you play it like a stealth game. No good against bosses, but pretty good for killing enemies whenever you get to a new difficulty and have to reaquire decent gear.

Best moves/combos for dual katana?

This, put fire traps on the ground, use the spirit amulet that makes a the huge tornado and you get a free win against most things.

Check your equipment in that case. Temper your weapon to get good stats, use a guardian spirit that greatly boosts damage (like kara-jishi), try to stack +attack on each piece of armor via transferable stats from max familiarity and get other damage boosting stats, upgrade your pieces with soul matching, use a yokai damage charm for more damage or a yasanagi magatama to mix set bonuses for more damage, etc.

Could you just use something like burning oil + tengu fan?

Is this Sekiro thread?

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I don't know how that could possibly be not much damage, but you can also use Carnage Talismans, learn the mechanics to use stances, back attacks and get the most from Ki break, make sure your weapon is up to speed and use equipment effects and a Guardian Spirit that boosts damage. Confusion causes a high defence debuff as well, and you can use water and fire to maximize damage done.

What are the best stats to have on weapons and armors?

I keep hearing salt is great vs Yokai but it never seems to do much damage when I use it

literally all you need are some buffs and debuffs to turn it into easy mode
in the later difficulties it's best to stack ability damage and onehit everything with 1kat iai

Sign of the Cross, God of Wind, Water Sword, The Shrike and Mind's Eye are the top 5. 2kat doesn't have many skills but they're very well rounded and multi purpose.
It depends on your personal preference, playstyle and intended build. Most are quite clear in their value.
It's for Ki damage.

why is he so dirty

Yokai water pots are great against humans.

Thanks for the reply

I'm a brainlet when it comes to builds in games, are there any general stats I should be looking for?

You'd have to say what you're into, there's a lot of different effects and sets available. The attack boosts like Close Combat Attack, Change to Attack and Familiarity Damage Bonus are popular and simple if a bit overkill in my opinion, Weaken Melee Weapons is extremely useful and works on 80% of enemies. Each type of armour has a conditional buff type of effect that can be multiple buffs, for example helmets can get Amrita Absorption (Buff). Reduced Firearm Damage counts for almost all projectiles.

Now that the thread is safe from death, there's also Elemental Damage Reduction, Tenacity and Unlimited effects. Different armour parts can get different effects.

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Like DS, spam magic.

Go omnyoji and living weapon.

There's a help button in game that explains each effect beyond it's name too. I don't really know what else you need or want to know but almost everything is ingame, except for some hard stats missing and mistranslations.

From loves the murderhobo aesthetic
also Wolf isn't the arm's first owner

Kunai and Shuriken
Storm Kunai are especially fucking retarded

you nuke nioh by using spears because they have the most retarded moveset in the entire game

Can you get two elements on a weapon by reforging?

maybe 2kat but I haven't into 2kat at all
easiest way to confusion would be 1 element on your weapon + talisman, or even just 2 talismans
you can take off talisman effects by swapping weapons

I'm still stuck at the guardian ape

Everyone has dragonrot

You are mums penis gave me monkeyrot


No, you can't have more than one effect of the same category on one piece of equipment, including inherited effects.
There is however a late DLC3 2kat with a unique dual element effect, fire and lightning on each sword. Even with how good 2kat are at inflicting elements though it's difficult to get them to work because of that though.

Maria is best girl

Attached: Maria.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Dexterity builds are OP as shit.
If you invest into Onmyo enough to get Sloth Talismans, into Ninjutsu enough to unlock all the different Kunai and Shurikens, and and dump all your points into DEX you can slow enemies down and murder the shit out of them with extremely fast and high damage projectiles. That, and I used a Kusarigama as my basic weapon.
I got bored because it felt cheap; subsequently tried to mix things up by using melee more, but then I realised I sucked at the game because of my projectile spamming crutch.

What was really fun was my Living Weapon build. Never could give it enough uptime to be worthwhile though.

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*hugs u*
pssh nothing personnel williamu
Spears are shit and only good against basic humans.

What should my magic/ninjutsu stats be at?

Do I need to beat all the missions again to unlock a new difficulty?

I think you can just do the main missions, that's what I'm doing anyway.

Depends on your build. 30 is the Jutsu Equip limit for both unless you go over 99 so anyone should shoot for that at least.
No, only beat enough missions to unlock the later regions, then beat Queen's Eyes. After doing all of Samurai including DLC, personally I'd recommend skipping Strong if you want, but only Strong, except for any missions with worthwhile rewards. It changes little and will make Demon be a bigger more interesting leap.

>but spamming LW still completely trivialises the game
Is this only on lower difficulties? I just unlocked Way of the Wise and LW has been completely useless to me since Way of the Demon, maybe even earlier. It's only good for getting out of tight situations when I'm about to die, not for dealing damage.

It's for all difficulties to an extent. If you have an up to date weapon the damage multiplier and high element damage on top of it being so easy to charge and keep charged and strong movesets let you tear through everything with little concern, though you need to pay a little more attention the later you get. It still acts as a universal cancel with invincibility as well as a shield, there's no way it can be anything other than extremely powerful.

I just can't seem to do any damage with it before being knocked out of LW. I use Kusarigama so against bosses and tough enemies I'd pop LW and use reaper which would chew their health away. Now I can barely get any hits in because taking 1 - 2 hits cancels LW.

You just can't expect to tank the same levels of damage in later difficulties without doing something about it, that's all. Use the main moveset more to stay safe while still doing big damage and use Reaper more as it's traditionally intended. It also depends on the Guardian Spirit's stats itself, some are tankier while others charge even faster.

Queens eyes is ranked at level 320 and I'm only 180, how the fuck am I meant to level up that much?

You don't because mission level isn't comparable to player level, and player damage is so excessive you can blitz it easy with whatever tricks you feel like using on top of general skill. Damage is also tied far more to gear than level so you can pick something up from the level itself.

I don't think the mission difficulty levels are supposed correspond to player levels. I'm level 270 and doing level 700 missions.

>Get rid of sloth, entirely, no middle ground
>Get rid of living weapon as it is, make it just a buff/altered moveset with very limited time, no damage protection or limited to a single hit
>Get rid of gear meta entirely, gear should have small bonuses or builds that affect how you play and what you can do, no damage boosting 1 shit bullshit. The game meta must be 100% skill focused
>No more neon light and particle effects saturation or skittle fountains upon death. Look at Sekiro, blood sprays is what people want to see in these games
>Have more than 4 enemies in the game
>Compose more than 2 fucking songs for the game

If Nioh 2 does not do all of these things, it will be a failure by default. There's more things i would want it to do as well, like make the ki pulse effect less pronounced and magical and don't have every single humanoid boss be just about depleting stamina.

Attached: listen here you little shit.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

It won't and it will sell even more than the first entry.

>Sell even more

you are in for a rude wake up call

>play Nioh
>people cry about how challenging it is
>beat most bosses first try or second try
>get so bored playing it i just dropped it

Meanwhile, Sekiro is busting my nuts

Your overexaggeration hides decent suggestions, generally the game just needs a large balance overhaul and to commit to it's design, as that's where all such problems came from. Even Sloth could get fixed if they tried.

things that never happened .txt

Sure, whenever they announce a release date.

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Spear is best weapon, but not very fun
Odachi is second-best, but significantly more fun than spear

What over exaggeration? The two last points? It's not much of an exaggeration once you consider the ratio in proportion to the game's length, especially the soundtrack, it was borderline "fuck it, we don't wanna spend any more money"

Sloth absolutely cannot get fixed. Frame properties of enemy moves and telegraphs is one of the corner stones of action games, you cannot fuck with it, you either do it right or you do it wrong, giving the player ways to fuck with it is even worse than doing it wrong.

onmyo magic just ruins everything. This game is 100000x more fun if you just ignore it entirely.

Kusarigama is the most fun, grappling from a distance and make humans fall over,

Attached: nioh-game-kusarigama-monster-865.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Gave up on this game around the Yuki-Onna boss cause it was getting really boring. Plus she was like 1shotting me for some reason and I was getting infuriated with it- which is odd since lategame Sekiro is doing that too but I am not minding it as much this time

Every weapon is fun and good when used properly.

Nioh is the easiest soulslike, Sekiro is only surpassed by Immortal: Unchained and Hollow Knight in difficulty

If your action game is managing to bore people then you fucked up big time.

Should Nioh have a jump button? I always said that i don't want it to be Ninja Gaiden but a jump button just adds so much fun to any game, just from being there.

The last boss I fought in that game was the big dude. Can't remember exactly how it went, all i remember the map being dull as fuck, all red and shit and boss being lame. I killed him on my third try.
Even bosses people claim were hard as fuck like the insect chick that paralysis you, I killed her on my second try. I even killed the big water blob dude without using the buff the torches give you cause i didn't know about them. I killed it slowly, also on my second or third time.
Game isn't easy. But isn't all that challenging either.

In general, learn to ki pulse ALWAYS, it interrupts attack recovery animations, letting you combo / dodge further, and USE GUARD. In more detail:
Heavy armor, odachi, Kato + w/e, Todo clan
weapon stats: Close Combat Damage, Familiarity Damage Bonus, Close Combat Attack Ki Reduction, Change to Attack (STR/STA)
armor stats: inheritable firearms damage reduction 9.x%+ w/o max senpai, running speed on trousers and boots, close combat attack increase and attack on gloves
accessories: dmg against yokai + firearms damage reduction (1 yasakani magatama for -1 set bonus req)
WoTN spec: 4pc tatenashi (boots/legs/chest/gloves), 6pc oyamatsumi: 2wep/2ranged/helmet
>pic related

Also, first difficulty has no builds, do whatever.

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That quite literally is an exaggeration along with how most of the post was worded. It just doesn't do you any favours.

In terms of balance it could be fixed to not be so stupid but what you're saying is another perhaps more valid side and while the whole time slow thing could make for a lot of satisfying samurai style shit if retooled to be shorter and more defensive it may not be worth it overall.

Fist builds are unironically pretty good

>That quite literally is an exaggeration along with how most of the post was worded. It just doesn't do you any favours

Sorry, i didn't realize i'm not allowed to have a sense of humor.

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So this might be kind of a stupid question,but what exactly does have more magic do?
For example,if I use a fire talisman,will more magic cause it to last longer or do more fire damage or both?
I haven't really used magic much at all in this game.

Omnyo magic power, which can be increased by the magic and spirit stats, and equipment which states +x% [element] damage.
Status ailment (DOT) duration is also increased by the omnyo magic power stat, as well as the onmyo mystic art and certain equipment traits.

Onmyo magic is more for support (kekkai/carnage/etc) than damage overall, offensive onmyo-only builds suck ass in comparison to other builds from WotD and onwards.

I mean they unironically are not, but ok

You can, it just has to actually be funny ya know. Besides, with the full post the only thing that came off as being a joke was the image and filename.

>no ki pulse = no yokai pool clear
>subpar damage
>no combos
>no skills
>-1 overall set bonus opportunity
>long(ish) animations with no way to cancel recovery frames
It's 'good' against anything that can be reliably parried, eg marobashi and honorabru samurai duers, otherwise it's just a fun niche that is in no way good, in relation to using any weapon.

I've never not been bored by an action game, the entire genre is a farce 2bh for tryhards and "e-chads" having imaginary pissing contests online

You're sound more like a triggered fanboy user

Anyone with 2 brain cells can tell those 2 points are obviously hyperbole while still being valid and true, also why they are together and at the end.

Master Swordsman 4 + Tatenashi 4 with Yasakani Magatama, Kato + Saorise, 2kat with star Sign of the Cross damage, skill damage. SotC oneshots everything until WotW, don't what to do from here, and frankly I'm getting bored to death.
Water Sword and Random Slice are super fun on huge slow oni.

If you want it this badly you can have it, you don't have to drop to your knees and nozzle my groin, jeez.

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I really enjoy how the build is essentially a punch wizard.
The Onmyo Magic Power stat would increase the elemental damage and therefore the status buildup dealt using it.

>Nioh 2 should just be Dark Souls 3

I already said I was talking about the entire post's framing, not just the obvious part and said the points were generally sound, but whatever, you do you.

Game is boring. Bosses are fun but not that interesting imo.
And taht is the only good thing about the game. Areas are dull, exploration is dull. Enemy variety is extremely low. The loot mechanical is too overblown. Managing 20 different types of the same piece of armor set or weapon is boring, tedious, unnecessary. The upgrade system, the crafting system is a clusterfuck. Game has no focus. Has too many systems on top of systems outside the core game for you to manage and it isn't fun to manage.

I have countless of cycles in all Souls games. Sekiro is hooking me up like no other game for the past 2 years.
I couldn't even finish a single run of Nioh because of how repetitive it ended up being

>i-it was a joke
>Joke's are supposed to be funny, user
Calm down.

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Kill yourself you absolute faggot

>muh framing

God, now you are being a disingenuous little shit user. Nothing else in that post is a "joke", you're doing a mental gymnastics to try and stealthily discredit it instead of actually addressing the points made. I'm not doing a fucking college dissertation, you wanna analyze the font and spacing too?

You on the other hand can eat shit

Attached: I'VE HAD IT.png (1920x1080, 2.72M)

What? Spear is incredibly fun, the only thing making it less fun is that it's stupidly OP.
Odachi isn't very fun at all.

>getting this upset that no one cares about your shitty opinion on a game
stay mad, user

What are the best spear moves/combos?

The one that switches to whatever weapon you have in the other hand. You're quite fucked if it's also a spear.
Second best is midstance strongpoke, third is spearfall, fourth is the charge, fifth is the feet sweep, sixth is the flying monkey.

All of them, unironically.

DSPs 300+ deaths to 100 average disagrees
he hasn't even continued the DLC and he already racked up 100 there

>DSP is some metric to how hard a game is

Are you a fuckind idiot?

he's the average player, why not?

Was this a joke too? It's pretty funny. I thought what I said was simple, that the whole post looked overdramatic and exaggerated because of how it was worded. You're the one that zeroed in on that part, said it was meant to be funny and followed on this dumb conversation, instead of just continuing to discuss the game when I sided with your point.


He's way below average.

Another top 5 huh? Keep in mind almost every skill in the game has it's uses. But in my opinion for spear it would be Twisting Spear, Chidori, Tornado, Spear Shove and Twirl.

i have never played nioh
is an unarmed build possible

I literally never said it was meant to be funny, you did, it's right there for everyone to read.

I'd love to talk about gameplay but obviously i am the only one up to the task since i'm the only one who did it throughout this whole conversation, some fucking gall you have to bring this up. You obviously want nothing but to continue with this pointless shit, you brought it up in the first place. I'm done indulging you, come back to me when you have anything substantial to say on the subject that does not involve pretentious posturing.

No, it's bare bones meme shit.

why is that

with the amount of people only just here having difficulty with completely trivial bosses, I'd say he is average
if he's played all 3 plus Nioh, his performance and the difficulty of the "soulslikes" should be comparable

if you want an unfun bullshit challenge run
unarmed is only "viable" when you get summoned 3+ difficulties below your power level

I think you need that one Ethereal set

It's just a basic moveset a la Dark Souls and a parry. You can do it but it's not fun or good so even though it's technically "possible" it's not something you should sell the game on to other people.

DSP has the same consistency as diarrhea

ah well
thanks for info

>I can't beat Sekiro, can I play this game on easy mode?

Sekiro isn't hard, you just need to learn to parry, you'll get it in time, just keep practising.

Only hard part of Hollow Knight is the palace of saws.

This is a really weird post. Everything about it implies I should be the one that made it, right down to how I made the last post in the chain that brought up the game and you bringing up a sense of humour, that everyone can scroll up to and look at, and how you keep going with whatever this is supposed to be. But you are the one that made it. I don't get it. Maybe I should get some sleep.

Yes, please, fuck off


>Literally block your path
>Submission literally summons two of them

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This is my build, weapons only for now. Don't have pics on my armor, helps me through Way of the Nioh easily. Took a while getting to it though, but you can get a gist of what you should aim for.

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Show me some footage of boss fights in this game looking impressive. I literally can't find any. Even whne a sitter is playing the boss fights in Sekiro can look impressive and grandeur, but in this game it's a bunching flashing lights and cheesing.

Serious request.

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How are you getting weapons that high? Mine are stuck on level 150

These are my stats to use the weapons with max effect.

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I seriously hope they announce the Nioh 2 alpha test today.

>get rid of all the fun and unique mechanics
>lewd poster

seriously lewd poster are the most cancerous fuckers around here.

Just make a LW build i think i bore myself to death because i hit floor 999 without any problems.

Why today?

Remove Onmyo and Ninjutsu, tweak living weapon, remove diablo loot garbage and this game is a 10/10. Really, just get Itagaki back and give me NG4.

The more Way of the ____ you unlock, the better weapons drop. If I remember it correctly.

>remove everything
>game is just sekiro
nice glad you don't make games user.

Each DLC adds another playthrough and increases item levels, the last being Way of the Nioh at item levels 320+40, going up to +~138 in the Abyss. You can unlock each 'Way' subsequently by finishing the Queen's Eyes mission in the Omi region.

>comparing glorious team ninja combat to fromshit
brainlet post

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>brain dead cheese garbage
>"fun and unique mechanics"

You're the cancer. Too ignorant to know better, too much of a coward to accept change.

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Look up XLHGladiator on Youtube.
Later difficulties increase the level caps.
It seems like a decent time for finally showing something, just as long as the test itself happens later rather than sooner if they announce that, a week or two at least.

Sekiro is a significantly better action game than Nioh, like it's not even close.

>muh team ninja combat

Is nowhere to be seen in this game.

You don't need to use any of the onmyo magic or anything what's the problem? It just creates more options you brainlet. But the reality is if slots exist you're using it like everybody else because you're the shitter here. Stop acting tough.

even killing a grunt in Sekiro can look "impressive and grandeur"
the gameplay is flashy animations on rails

>Sekiro is a significantly better action game than Nioh
lmao, come back when you can use more than one weapon in your slow-motion babbu game

Nioh is no Ninja Gaiden, but it shits on anything from ever produced.

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Very cool

>Look up XLHGladiator on Youtube.

Ok, now what? Where are the impressive fights. Pick one you think looks impressive and show it to me please so we can be on the same page. Also doesn't he purposely use meme wood weapons to prolong the fight? If so that disqualifies the entry.

I can see i am talking to a fanboy. If you pick 10 things from this game at random 7/10 of them are bound to be game breaking.

No it doesn't create "more options" you fucking brainlet, it cheapens the game.

>every weapon art is useful and you have to use them

>weapons art are useless and you're better of spamming rb


>tfw the first time I played I was constantly struggling
>couldn't even do one area of the first DLC because everything killed me in two hits even though I had heavy armor
I'll be doing a new playthrough today, is there some really obvious stuff that I could have missed? I literally entriely ignored ninjitsu and Omnyo so maybe that was it.
Are you supposed to do NG+ before doing the DLCs?

>Are you supposed to do NG+ before doing the DLCs?

Having more weapons and moveset is the only Nioh has over Sekiro, everything else pales in comparison. Most importantly of all, Nioh is item and not skill based, me calling it an action game is doing it a favor. You're being biased and not logical.

No, Nioh is no Ninja Gaiden and it's sad that Sekiro is closer to it than Nioh is.

>every weapon art is useful and you have to use them

A literal lie

>fighting this bitch

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Just watch any of the compilations or "must die" videos, there's plenty there. I don't understand your attitude. He doesn't use wooden weapons, though some have lowered leveled weapons. I don't see why that matters except for goalpost moving, I thought you just wanted to see the game at a higher level of play judging from the post. Many videos of that exist.

more useful than sekiros weapon arts you get my point?

I shouldn't say everything because they are both well animated and have good art design but Sekiro has better presentation and the art the design is allowed to shine through the crisp visuals that aren't clouded by rainbows, flashlights and NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS. Also Nioh has substantially better waifus, but not better characters as every single one of them feels like a literal who.

Not really, literally both of them are useful in their way.

I don't know about you, but I play video games for the gameplay. I couldn't give a flying fuck if Sekiro has better art direction, looks nicer etc.

Heavy Armour
Atlas Bull

No, you just need to look further into your options and inventory. The DLC assumes you know all about the base mechanics and doesn't pull punches, but is very much meant to be started right after beating the game, that's the basis for the first mission in particular. Nioh wants you to dabble in everything to an extent, crippling balance issues aside.

Purposely gimping yourself is not "at the higher level of play", that's artificial. I'm not playing some 4D shitposting chess, i genuinely want to see examples of boss fights in this game that look "cool".

I play games for the whole. If i played Nioh solely for the gameplay i wouldn't play it at all since it's shallow by virtue of it's balance and some design choices and not skill based.

replay value and player choice is better
define an "action game", you still get items and upgrades in Sekiro and you can choose if you want to upgrade or not to do some challenge run
you can do the same thing in Nioh

>would rather move goalposts and twist words while ignoring the words of others instead of looking up readily available footage of the game even after having a name dropped to start with
>while also trying to start a shitposting war in a civil thread between two games that by all rights should share their fanbase
Could've fooled me.

I'm not gonna get into an argument with someone who is trying to claim the itemization in Nioh and Sekiro are even remotely comparable,

Attached: tfw.jpg (1152x2048, 389K)

k, take your toys and leave then, I'll take it as you conceding.

I've been looking at that footage, non of it fits my criteria. Also i have played this game fyi.

stop trying to turn nioh into ninja gaiden.

you're not going to define an "action game"?

What does any of that has to do with Ninja Gaiden? I specifically wanted Nioh to not be Ninja Gaiden, i just wanted it to also not be bad while doing so.

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youre trying to remove the things that make it interesting and turn it into another boring series. the rpg mechanics are what make the game enjoyable.

No smarty pants, I'm not gonna define a "genre" that has been nebulous since inception. Stick that hot potato right back up your ass and stay on the subject.

You wanna start calling games where you can one shot bosses simply because you farmed for a hat "action games" then be my guest, open that can of worms.

That must be why it's one of the most dropped games in recent history. All the "enjoyable" "RPG mechanics".

Keep your Diablo cancer away from my action games.

If you want to have fun, get Tobi's Gunsticks and get ready to rain down explosions on everything.

>Dropped games
>massively successful enough to get a PC port, and a sequel with a larger budget
Yea ok nerd
Keep your action game wannabe souls shit out of my rpgs.

You're really not one for self awareness are you? If you have played the game you would surely have more of an idea about how it works and what to look for or even do such things yourself as there's plenty to find. Maybe the only one who needs to leave is you if you're still this triggered about someone agreeing with you.

this is the cancer that will kill Nioh 2.

>sales = quality

average completion for dark souls: 43%
average completion for bloodborne: 37%
average completion for nioh: 28%
people bought it, saw it was shit, dropped it

I played the game and the idea i have is that boss fights are not exiting, shallow and lame, hence why i asked the question in the first place. So i guess now in know, there isn't any footage because they really are as bad as i thought they were

Where are you getting these statistics?
Also people not finishing the game doesnt mean its shit.

I'm thinking about coming back to this game since I never did any of the dlc's, would it be better to use the save I beat the game with or has enough changed that I should just start a new game?

this one shot meme seem way out of hand
you'd have beat the game 5 times then you would have to go through hundreds of Abyss floors to make a whole set that powerful

Play tonfa, they're fun as fuck and as close as you'll get as far as a real unarmed run would go.

One shot is the extreme case, it's not a meme if it's and the number is not the point. It's the fact that you can reduce what is supposed to be the hardest challenges in the game into a mere gear check.

I don't understand why Niohfags are so defensive about this if they are not Diablo shitheads themselves. This shit is unacceptable and it needs to go, it's all there is to it. I can't even believe Team Ninja made this game.

*if it's real

The main game was updated with some of the DLC enemies but you can save that for when you do Way of the Strong/Demon. Practice a bit with the save you have to get back in the groove then continue, you can respec almost everything if you want to anyway, if you want to replay Samurai.

but if you really want a challenge you can always choose not to use it
there's quality builds that just buff your whole moveset on average
that's what I'm gonna use to clear Abyss

There are A LOT of things that you "just don't use" in Nioh in order to have any fun. At which point are the devs accountable for their game design and not balancing the game? It's too much, it makes the game cheap.