What the fuck?

What the fuck?

Why were reviewers saying they had 50+ hours in the game? This is pretty disappointing.

Attached: sekiros.png (1152x619, 386K)

because it depends on how much you suck
>This is pretty disappointing.
why? witcher 3 is 200 hours and it's all boring tripe. quality over quantity you zoomier fuck

Too bad this game has neither quantity nor quality.
Wasn't expecting much given Fromsoft's hit or miss track record, but this was a pretty low point.

Because if they don't lie about the game then they won't get review copies for future games from the publisher, or the publisher may decide to not run ads for their games on the the reviewer's website.

t. can't git gud

yeah it's pretty trash, can't wait until Yea Forums gets over their honeymoon phase

it says right there the average leisure time for someone who likes to explore is 53 hours

I kinda regret paying $60 for it, it’s a good game and all but I gave money to activsion, and it’s the least replayable fromsoft game.

you can just change the states on a trainer. it's easy

it's one of the few games worth 60$. giving it to activision should bother you? it's voting with your wallet, if this sells well we get more similar games funded by them instead of generic battle royale shite

I thought it was an appropriate length for the price I paid for the codex edition.

So half of Yea Forums is complaining about it being too hard and the other half is complaining about it being too short...

Attached: fscniating.jpg (754x638, 81K)

actually the problem was that it was too easy

if I died more, the length would've been appropriate

>it's one of the few games worth 60$
look at the playtime though it's nowhere near even 60 hours. it should be $30 or less. you can't justify paying that for the hours so the pirate is more worthy

yeah, there isn't an additional 10hrs of cutscenes and that sucks

witcher 3 had 200 hours and it's not worth 20$, quantity over quality you zoomier fuck

i pirated that as well. a game should have , quantity AND quality. anything less is a ripoff

quality over quantity*
shit fucked up my shitpost

fuck zoomiers either way and fuck movie games

nah, most 10/10s out there are around 30-40 hours. then there's amazing 10 hour games with superb replayability like DMC, RE etc

too bad you can't pirate taste ehehehehe

>, most 10/10s
okay this is trolling at this point

just go play some bethshit you zoomier fart

I don't know what monkeys on meth were reporting to this site but they clearly were rushing through the content like braindead retards.

It's as if the game only counted overall time to completition, disregarding any and all failed attempts.
Oh wait.

nope they just don't suck as much as you

Are you implying that the game resets your playtime when you die?

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your a dumb fuck. you can't have it both ways. its either quality or quantity. reason theres a saying quality over quantity.


please show 1 example of both quality and quantity.

Metal Gear Rising only counted the time you were making progress. We had a nice shitshow about it's lenght.

I completed the game in 20hrs with everything collected except for the 2 prayer beads in the 2nd ending.

Sekiro is the perfect example of people swallowing up tripe as long as they can feel a false sense of pride.

because they keep getting game overs (they're bad)
It took me 36 hours of fucking around to get all endings. NG++++++ is really, really easy even with hard mode because everything carried over and you're already experienced.

lurk more you tasteless newfag

It's super easy bro. Just parry everything.

Sekiro is shit because it's easy and boring, prove me wrong.

I see Sekiro as From Software testing the waters to see if people will eat up a smaller game with less content. It looks like it worked and expect the next game to be even shorter and less content but with multiple endings.

>smaller game with less content
Sekiro has shit load of content you idiot non-player. play the game instead of parroting rumors .

Everyone buying into the meme that From makes hard games has ruined that company. Sekiro is their easiest game yet once you understand just how abusable everything is, but shitters can't comprehend game mechanics in any way so they think its really hard.

yeah, I know I suck, but i'm at 25h and only half done, didn't even kill the ape yet and only genchiro
also cheesed snakeeye from this position and not ashamed

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>Sekiro has shit load of content you idiot non-player. play the game instead of parroting rumors .
kek, no it doesn't. It has 7 areas and like half the main bosses are backloaded in the last 15% of the game.

why is Yea Forums full of retards these days, it used to be at least half and half

That's why you guys need to shut the fuck up and appreciate good games like this instead of time-wasting games with an empty open world for no reason

If you want a long game that will waste your time and is not fulfilling just play any
Assassin's Creed and get your bang for buck.

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Just finished it at 37 hours, doing absolutely everything (except two beads that are probably tucked away in a corner somewhere).

In my opinion it has way better pacing/consistency than Soulsborne. The only problem is that the two worst (conventional) bosses are right at the start of the game. It took me 10 hours for the game to really "click" but once it did I had a ton of fun.

Attached: fromsoft.jpg (1920x1080, 514K)

so you don't count mini bosses as content? fucking retard. the mini bosses are way more exciting than the main bosses and there are a lot of them.

>I have no argument so I'll call him a retard
Game is pretty content sparse and has zero replay value. Playtime is further inflated because anyone who understands how broken stealth is taking advantage of easy de-aggro to easily, but tediously, get through every group.

Kek based

yeah copypasted sword generals and purple ninjas are the height of game design

there is nothing to use argument on, you are parroting retard who didn't play the game but watched some 10k hours in souls streamer breeze through it

I finished the game with the second ending in 15hrs with all items collected.

There literally no reason to play anymore unless i want those other endings and useless end game skills.

I wouldn't buy this game. Glad i pirated :^)

>Shitload of big dudes with a katana
>Shitload of big dudes with a spear
>Bitch with a gun thats also a spear
>Centipedes with the most easily beaten attack pattern of any enemy in the whole game
>Armored Knight which is just a way to justify the axe being in the game for something other than shield enemies
The only ones with somewhat interesting attacks is pro wrestler-kun and the drunkard.

>over 50h only if you slowly drag your ass through the game and do every single possible thing

>He doesn't like the game so that means he hasn't played it
The only retard here is you

Attached: Sekiroplaytime.png (341x123, 46K)

That would be retards that never realize that exploration is meaningless because it almost always results in shitty, useless consumable items.

Like any FromSoft game the length is based entirely on how good you are. Shitters will take 10x as much time as good players, and speedruns will take a laughably short amount of time.

so, you didn't get past ashina castle yet?

That’s a complete lie kid

Nope. Beat Guardian Ape Saturday night and didn't play it today because I had other things to do.
Needed a break anyway because the game is so boring I think hammering a nail in my dick would be more exciting. That being said I have a retarded friend who blasted through the whole thing and he warned me to not do the evil ending because it cucks you out of a bunch of bosses.

Attached: Sekiroape.png (275x123, 37K)

You can just fight Owl and not locked to bad ending, fag.

keep living in your head sperg.

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Sekiro should've been a $40 title. The combat tweaks alone do not stack up to what FROM has offered in the past.

t. beat the game.

Alright? I mean I want to fight all the bosses and see all the content that I can out of a sense of fairness but as it stands I haven't had fun since hour 4 or so.

Not him but you should also show time played just to confirm.

Many contents are locked until you beat Owl and get a gun fort key from the cute shota.

wouldn't getting all skills take a fuckton of grinding?

Yeah DO NOT take this website as something truthful, people lie about how long it took them to finish games all the time, even more on this website

Fair enough. I don't want Sekiro to be bad and if it has cool stuff I'm down.
Also for one positive I feel that the Folding Screen Monkeys are the best puzzle boss From has ever done.

Have you only played Soulsborne with all the DLC bundled in or something?

In terms of base-game quality Sekiro is easily the best of the lot.

I didn't even have to try for some reason the monkeys just kept appearing right now to me

>check HLTB for DS3 and BB
>31 hours and 35 hours
Wtf? Are people that shit at those games or did they just get lost constantly because there's no verticality to get a vantage point on the map?

>17 hours
Sounds like bullshit to me. I've been playing for 10 hours and so far I've only beat that horse guy and Lady Butterfly. How much do you have to rush to beat this game in 17 hours?

no, they just have far more content than cuckiro

How much do you have to suck for taking so long? Everything is straight forward even the secret rooms since there's hardly any.

>10 hours in and only 2 bosses
Fucking how?

well there aren't many story-related bosses in thi game

>17 hours on a first playthrough
Bull fucking shit