Pokemon games will never have this much soul and spirit ever again

>pokemon games will never have this much soul and spirit ever again
Why live?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Would Yea Forums prefer a Pokemon sex mod in the GBC era or the GBA era?

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azure dreams was better

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no, what the fuck
why would anyone ever want that

The gba azure dreams was more fun

I like GBA sprites and palette better personally.


She better be a blacksmith and that better be an overalls swimsuit.

tfw just realized all of the pokemon in and around lake of rage are evolved early

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Only if it has straight and gay content and I can play as male


It's funny how soulless these threads have become.

she isn't a blacksmith

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Why does the music still make me feel these feels all these years later?

Can't tell if sarcasm because of pokemon fans

It's full of zoomers that like Leaf Green and Fire Red

Don't say the K-word

GBC please.

omg SOuL!!!11!!

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I remember playing Pokemon Silver on my bed at night and listening to this


Kanto? Why?

What emulator user?

But it's overalls, right?

Was it really?

>mfw my childhood friend made a pokemon mod of her confessing her feelings to me
mfw its still on youtube

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that's what it looks like, user

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[x] fugg her butthole


Would I be able to fuck the Pokemon, or just the trainers?

hope u gave her the D.
big thanks.

I played very little of the ps1 game, but the gba one is a bit more charming
But there are no tiddies


I miss the spooky and mysterious soundtrack of GSC. B&W and B2&W2 had good music though. Too bad BW2 was the last good pokemon game before gamefreak completely sold out

Just beat Crystal again.
The sheer amount of content they managed to cram into 2MB... I'm stunned

damn this sounds good

Do you have a link, user? Or is it easy to get personal details from it?

I'm replaying all the games. I'm doing

I don't write gay content

The problem is the lack of out of combat sprites in the Pokemon era - plus as Pokemon has gone on, I think only the DS era Pokemon are fuckable.

I actually wanna play BW2 but I dont know why the though of emulating seems...not fun. I like the idea of keeping my pokemon on an adventure and being able to transfer them to the newest games.

*in the GBC/GBA era

hoo boy

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It's just my oldboy premium.
Modded gb pocket soon though for extra comf

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how did it end

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Best Gen II/III ROM hacks?

Play Prism rn

I think she made a video telling me to fuck off but I honestly forgot why. It was like 10 years ago.

I still love Gold/Silver/Crystal the best as I had played pokemon since it began with red/blue. I loved the games all the wait until platinum and then stopped caring. I only played black/white 1 and thought it was decent at best.

My time to enjoy pokemon was simply over and I had realized that game wise there was nothing that would surprise me anymore. It was simply my time to move on. From then on I never cared about the games at all.

I never felt this way with a game franchise before. Probably the closet to my heart and it hurt so much to move on. It's simply a franchise that has stagnated for me so It was time to stop playing.

It eventually happens to all pokemon fans.

G/S/C is still amazing though and the OST is untouched. Something was missing with Gen 5 that I felt in Gen 1-4. Not sure what it was. Different directors? Artists? Composers?

I like crystal clear
>pokemon crystal experience but then more starters, full kanto, all pokemon catchable, shit like trade pokemon evos available
>gyms scale based on how many you already finished

Fuck it's amazing how much limitations on color and graphics can breed such soulful and creative visuals.

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That screenshot has zero fucking soul what are you talking about

Is there any route scaling, like with wild battles?

Hacked 3DS + Pokémon Cock version is all I need

The issue with modern games is that nothing is ever left up to the imagination anymore. Everything must be fully detailed and realistic, and it takes away from games as an artistic medium. Things become less stylized and unique, and more bland and samey because they're all trying their hardest to perfectly imitate the same thing: the real world

That is not what I was hoping for and brings so many awkward internet conversations back. I can't believe I used to hang out with people who talked like that.

DP to Plat and BW to B2W2 were huge quality jumps, but nothing’s ever going to top going from RBY to GSC. Fucking masterpieces of their time.

So many gen 2 sprites look nothing like the official art. I don't know what they were thinking.

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Absolutely amazing amounts of soul. These Yea Forumsirgin zoomers got no idea how hype Pokemon was during the late 90s boom. Being warped into those tiny cute little regions back then amazed my young mind. Shits today cannot get into a game unless its graphically up to date. Always about graphics with these fags. When Pokemon came out it basically looked like an NES game long after NES went out of style and there were tons of better looking games. We didn't whine like you fucks do now.

That actually does a lot to explain why FTL was such a good and addicting game.

And while everyone else has been swallowing the 3D meme, Inti Creates has been off in the corner honing their 2d sprite sidescrollers and mastering the art of soulful waifubait love interests.

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I like the sprites though

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They wouldn't understand how Pokemon blew people's minds especially kids that were young back then. It felt huge and mysterious. Barely anybody had an internet connection so you had to figure out the weird shit on your own or with a friend.

at least slowking is on-model there

Having the internet actually added a lot to the experience back then, you had all the sites cataloguing glitches, random theories and rumours tossed out like Mew under the truck, the Pokegods, Bill's secret garden, Pikablu, etc.
The fact that a lot of the time all you had for info was poorly written rumours on cheat sites, or fansites like trsrockin made the experience very interesting.

This is why I've played through gen1/2 10+ times
I hope sword and shield has less of a plot
Also if anyone is wondering who's autistic like me about the series let's go is good but until you do all the content don't catch more pokemon than is required the candies and exp can ruin the level curve

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-10-14-48-24.png (1080x1920, 338K)

>has less of a plot
It won't. More boring story packed in there to somehow justify a lack of content once again. This will be X/Y all over again.

>Barely anybody had an internet connection
I want to go back. I’ve pissed away the past decade on fapping and getting mad about irrelevant things when I could have been out exploring life.

They could do an oracle of seasons/oracle of ages thing where one is freeroam/less story and the other follows the status quo but that's too smart but with sun and moon version differences it could be something they've considered I know japanese players prefer less plot in rpgs

You gotta stop man, drop the negative habits and keep the positive ones
You won't even miss masturbating after you stop long enough it's literally just an addiction but porn is more of one and much more dangerous the only time I masturbate now is when I feel like I have to, maybe once a week

Right side looks better you fucking faggot.

I want another HG/SS situation when it comes to content before end game and for it. But that's asking way too much, and they're more concerned about yearly iterations and selling the inferior version first.

Why in hell they don't just do a longer dev cycle on the mainline games, but have things like Ranger/Dungeon/etc released in the off years is beyond me. The company is too greedy to care about quality.

>rounded pink retard with a balloon shell and incorrect feet
stay seething
I didn't make these btw

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Three inch penis.

How do you even play it like that?
I remember playing it with the green and black tint the original gameboy had

I hate the 3D models, they look so lifeless. Is there really anything they can do about that though?

You are unironically a cunt and a bitch. Go fuck yourself. Nobody gives a fuck about your worthless edits.


Why are you so frustrated?

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>Leaning over like his body was just lazily rotated
>Blank, vacant expression
>Stiff pose
>Large, expressive grin
>Both arms in the air, clearly excited
>Pose clearly had time put into it

Your edit is shit, user. If you can't capture the level of expressiveness the originals have, you've failed as an artist.


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>lvl 9 caterpie

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>your edit
I got these from an user on /vp/ I can't sprite myself for shit. Your post summed is basically "I like goofy off model shit because of nostalgia"

Make better models.

I never really noticed that poliwhirl had fingers in gen 2.

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Theres nothing wrong with it being off model. The original sprite is more expressive and looks better. Nobody fucking cares if its off model except for people with severe autism like you.

Every single reply from you is autistic tard rage because someone edited a sprite a little. Get some help.

Being on-model doesn't mean a thing if your shit looks like it was motion tweened in flash.

I don't think either make sense considering the weight of the shell. . But one could argue that in the second sprite he's using his psychic powers and its affecting the shell.
Gen 1 slowbro sprite is kino however

With enough of a budget yes but improvement in business usually requires pressure so I'd give it two gens at best before we get the high detail/more realistic models in terms of things like sand hippo leaking sand and that ice tree having leaves fall off of it when it moves but they would also need to come up with a new art style essentially which I think would be plausible as let's go could continue as the game with that artstyle ands be the more kid friendly series

It's togepi

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-17-00-40-12.png (1080x1920, 411K)

How can you even call these off model when they're the original sprites? kys

Nobody likes your trash edit. Now fuck off.

I said I didn't make them you autistic subhuman

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How do you play red and blue with colors? I remember them in black and green

Wow you sure are eager to defend something you didnt make. Its almost like youre a lying bitch and youre seething that no one likes your shit. Too bad faggot.

By playing them on the GBC.

Based boomer
but myboy is what I use however my friend was having the same issue somehow

Super Gameboy Palette. Some Gameboy emulators can add that "effect". With the real games, you needed a Super NES and a Super Gameboy Cart. It also added neat borders to games

I make gen 1 romhacks in romhacking general on /vp/. I'm defending it because it's good work.

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Super Game Boy or a Game Boy Colour

What was the last good era with soul here?

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Playing them on GBC make Red and Blue be in their respective colors. Only Yellow was "Gameboy Color enhanced". You could, though, play Red and Blue on your Super Gameboy, where they had palettes similar to Yellow

Nintendo still exists so all of them

>shitty lifeless edits
>good work

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

Yellow pallets are inferior imo

You can change the colours if you boot the game up and hold a button + a direction on the GBC logo.

Early millenial, with no doubt. Core millenial has its things, but the soullessness starts there

they look like the official art so they're inherently better

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Where the fuck are things like EEnE, KND, Courage and CN City?

eene and courage are in the pic blindie

But the whole game will be in that palalette you select on start. You wont have a blue Dragonair against a red Charizard with green life bars. Everything will be in 4 shades of whatever color you chose on startup.

You could use that in RB to bypass Rock Tunnel without having Flash, btw.

The only way to have Gen I in "true" color (as in colors change during gameplay and different Pokémon have different palettes) is by playing Yellow on GBC or RBY on Super Gameboy.

Source: I have all those things right besides me, can show it to you if you want

The original also looks like the art. And it has a nicer pose. So its better.

Shit is randomly crammed in there, don't act like it's easy to find anything.

Well, the picture that user posted was exclusively in blue.

I know I'm shitting up the thread by arguing with a retard but Slowbo only blinks its eyes and turns its head a little in crystal. The pose is shit. Why is a huge slow and stupid animal doing jumping jacks?

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Life bars have green and yellow. You're making me set up my SNES, nigga

Im torn, should I replay Gold or HeartGold?

I dunno how anyone figured out missingno but I heard about it on the playground, tried it out expecting it to be a fake rumour like a lot were, and was terrfied

Why the hell is Mister Roger's Neighborhood and The Electric Company 70s only?

Its not that Red doesnt have plot, it's just that its all subtle since it's the first entry. Gary Oak's arc is pretty well conveyed, and reading the reports of them cloning Mew in the destroyed lab is kino levels of lore

Definitely HG, it's the remaster which all the other vidya remasters should be trying to copy.

*the highest level of coping*

Because hes trying to get in shape.

This is Blue (in Spanish) being played on a SNES. Notice the blue Articuno and green Metapod

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This is the same game on a GBA (it would be the same on a GBC, but I don't have batteries and don't want to take form a remote, also GBASP has backlight so it's better for this).

Everything is blue, even the Pidgey

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The plot leaves gaps and an entire one for your character, it's actually an rpg

You can only play with those colors on a real GBC or if your emulator supports GBC bios. The GBC had built in color palettes that pokemon games could make use of.

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Anyone got that picture explaining exactly what this user said and how its happening to art? That is a good pic to show what he means.

Are there any good early pokemon mods?

It's like if you motherfuckers don't read the thread.
If you play RB in GBC you will get the whole game in red or in blue shades (unless you change the palette at startup). Only playing on Super Gameboy will get you different colors for each city and Pokémon (also life bars)

I miss the tone of Red. Every game after is all about Gods and mythical creatures. Red is more science based; the three birds are just rare, theyre not worshiped as deities, and the only other pokemon is a science experiment gone wrong. Then you have the subtle darker elements, like Lavander tower, Marowak's ghost, Gary's Raticate, and the destroyed lab. It didnt go overboard, but there was a little touch of reality in it, which the modern sunshine and rainbow entries completely lack

Crystal Clear is almost a perfect game. If Gen II is early enough for you

I think there's a careful balancing act to be made.
RSE were the first games to actually have the story centre around the legendary pokemon of the games, whereas in GSC it's possible to completely miss out on Ho-Oh and Lugia if you don't go back to explore their areas - despite the fact those pokemon appear on the box art.

Having a bit of lore about legendaries being special or worshipped in some way does help make them feel more special, although having some secret ones where there is a puzzle/dungeon needed to find them can do the same (e.g. the Regis in RSE).

Well Crystal throws Suicune in your face like 20 times throughout the story

>she never wants to speak to you again
the fuck did you do, clyde

Would have argued with this post but seeing the retarded Raticate point made me lose all the will i had to.

>giving a flying shit about pokemon after the Switch version reveal, showing that they have absolutely no fucking intention of ever moving the series forward or giving it any meaningful attention

Fuck Pokemon and fuck Gamefreak.

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>It's another "Pokemon was my first RPG and thus I have no standards" thread

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I don't have to care for the new version (although yes I'll probably have to beat it to satisfy my autism) to talk about the series

I remember playing Red on the SNES with the gameboy attatchment and it gave the game color like that

This is why I've always said g/s are better than crystal.

Seems a bit like a case of over-correction there!

To be honest, I find the formula used in RSE, DPPt, BW and XY worked alright, with the main villain group wanting to basically use the power of the legendary like.on for themselves which inevitably leads to a boss fight against the title legendary on the box. It's formulaic, but it works. X and Y kind if didn't do it as much justice though because I think there was a bit less lore to be found relating to xerneas and yveltal.
Sun and moon did take an interesting new direction on the legendary's role, but i felt like the battle was a bit contrived with the "oh they want to be captured by you now". Had I written the scenario, if have had cosmog go berserk after transforming and run off into ultra space. Then the player would have had to explore a dungeon in ultra space and battle solgaleo/lunala at the end and either capture them or defeat them to "calm them down".

But there's nothing to talk about.

140 replies

>I've been playing Pokemon all my life
>took me all the way until my adulthood to realize that they're not games for the sake of games, they're just moneymakers
>have been boring and bland since kalos
>they're not going to get better
3d models were a fucking travesty as well

>tfw can now only play pokemon if I have a X3 or X4 speed mode
god damn I've ruined myself a series
everything feels so SLOW now at standard speed

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At this point I'd be happy if they moved backwards from their dumb focus on storylines and theme park region design.

>almost perfect
>those cringey OC characters and memes
Maybe a little further from almost perfect but it is quite good.



>own the absolute biggest video game franchise on earth
>still do low effort games never moving the series forward
>not even taking a single risk
fucking hell

The actual environment design of sun/moon was a step up from X and Y. Not perfect, but it felt like game freak were starting to understand how to design a 3d environment. If sword and Shield continue the trend then their environments ought to be pretty good, the main requirement will be to make areas that feel suitably expansive

At least they're better than non-GSC sprites.

because we all know change for the sake of change is good and saved many franchises like fallout

reminder that G/S/C also had different colors for morning as well

Attached: morn1.png (477x431, 13K)

The core formula works for most people. Why would game freak need to risk changing that? I think most fans just want bigger and more expansive regions, plenty of exploration, a good challenge and plenty of good-looking pokemon designs.

What would you actually mean by "moving the series forward" anyway?

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Why do these sprites feel so soulful?

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>Still have that one memory in my head of me waking up at 6:56am and playing Pokémon Gold in the morning and then my alarm going off at 7am and feeling really proud I woke up before my alarm, and the continued to play Gold.

Weird how the mind works.

I dont know what went wrong there or who's to blame but it feels bad when two people that know each other for so long and have what im guessing mutual feelings just "break up" one day and feels even worst when one of them goes "Dont ever talk to me again". I hope you've found happiness once again.

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Probably because you played the game when you were younger and more impressionable and had a more vivid imagination, so you subconsciously were able to attach more vivid imagery to the sprite because of the lack of detail.

You should have also mentioned the criminals of the game, mostly Team Rocket. They were basically just a gang.

We've had basically the same 3D models since X/Y, they won't be changing them any time soon.

Strong, dynamic poses giving each sprite character.
The soulless meme is just lack of artistic direction.

Nah, the colors are just better and they just look better overall

because they are. Good designs and nice colours

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GSC ain’t shit compared to BW2 or Platinum. Never forget that that faggots.

this looks like actual garbage

I’ve been doing this the past year. I’m up to Omega Ruby now with the only real rules being I need a team of six mons all from that generation except with remakes

It’s just purple

Someone recommend a good GBC emulator on ios please, I've been overcome with nostalgia

Yeah, it's being played directly on a 1080p 40" LCD TV with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
This was supposed to be played on a small ass CRT TV in the 90s. Of course it looks bad, faggot, it's an upscaled GAMEBOY game



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If I run silver and gold on an emulator on my phone is it possible to synchronize the in game clock with my phone clock? because the problem in gomd and silver emulation is always the day/night cycle

the old pokemon games looked like dogshit.

I can tell you've never actually played them

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I feel blessed to have played these games during my childhood.

Pokemon G/S/C are unparalleled at conveying atmosphere.

what the fuck is wrong with their faces

>what the fuck is wrong with their faces

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Just buy a r4 card and put the rom on it. They're like $15

christ, and GF is going to keep getting away with it as well because the fanboys will keep buying everything regardless of effort

im talking about the fucking portraits

they look so fucking ugly and strange

Attached: file.png (124x100, 14K)

you find it odd because modern anime has lips a mile away from their nose

if you want to give them a realistic approach to face shape, don't fuck up the eyes then

Had the same struggle for a while now with silver. Still haven't decided or started any of them.

HG is much slower and full of pointless dialogue. The music is fucking awful too.

Heart gold.

HG and SS are better than those

I found a bunch of the old games recently. Between my brother and I owned all the games starting at gen 3 at one point. I plan on going through then and playing them all again or at least the ones that don’t have really good files on them.

>soul and spirit
= nostalgia

>soul meme

Attached: Yawn.webm (1280x720, 428K)

Thank Iwata for that.
Gamefreak was too incompetent and stupid to pull that off y themsleves and they were going to cancel the games before he stepped in and saved their asses.


Late millennial, though Chowder exists. Chowder was the last good cartoon network show.

The new anime is very cute, it is a shame they still use that loser as mc.

wouldn't that bitches arms be freezing or something?

Why do the DS games look so shitty?

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Facebook frog

No soul and the music from the gbc era is miles better

Preach, brother. Probably the first Pokemon game I won't ever buy.

you mean less soul than the ds games?

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they don't.

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That looks like ass

it looks the same as any other 8-bit jrpg, just with less colors. you only think it's "soulful and creative" because you have nostalgia for it.

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Is the girl in back casually holding a shaymin?

sure, if you're blind.

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based. the merge between 2d sprites and 3d environments might look iffy at times but the moment they shifted to full 3D is when the soul vanished in an instant.

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What defines soul anyways?
Whatever OP thinks it is?

Oh fucking MAN I’m getting flashbacks here

>What defines soul anyways?
Anything old

gen 5 had a really unique aesthetic, it's kind of like a better version of what octopath traveller was trying to do but without all the brown, bloom and tilt-shift.

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Not a mainline game and not developed by GF.

You wouldn't recognize SOUL even if it bit you in the dick, you nostalgia blinded fuck.

Genwunner scum

The gen 2 sprites are way more on model than the gen 1 sprites.

Gonna have to agree. Late Millennial was the last era with any SOUL and when things started to go to shit. It's probably not a coincidence that popular culture started to suck when the Internet became ubiquitous.

Attached: Gold Sprites.png (1120x728, 153K)

Batman B&B was bretty gud.
Though you could argue it was a bit too much of batman wank literally.

Attached: Silver Sprites.png (1120x728, 155K)

Who the fuck is this?

Attached: Crystal Sprites.png (1120x728, 154K)

>not animated
im disappoint.


It has more to do with games being realistic and thus all end up looking samey. So you only judge them based on gameplay merits alone. But the thing is that different artstyles can look pretty nice, and you are negating their existence when you go "yep, I want to make another ultra realistic looking game".

Attached: 5CH on the current STATE of Pokemon full vers.jpg (1662x2083, 2.27M)

dump it user

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As if.

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Goddamn I'm replaying the pokemon games, and I am enjoying it really well. I have played more than 50 hours now, and it's still fun.

what is this?

>all of the pokemon in and around lake of rage are evolved early
fake, that myth already got busted long ago

Attached: rare-pepe_gp_5538525.jpg (600x450, 86K)

A rom hack. I think Coral.

>That first time playing in Johto
>That fucking time when nighttime came

I was so blown away by that holy shit.

Yes, they're currently taking care of one.

Pokemon Coral

Attached: sewer.png (897x481, 21K)

I like that Politoed, Kabuto, Mew, Azumarill, Forretress, Parasect, Pidgeot, Tentacruel, Nidoran F, Persian, Seel, Krabby, Electrode, Chansey, Seadra, Gyarados, Feraligatr, Noctowl, Cleffa, amd Granbull sprite

>ends after 3rd gym

if you have a dsi or 3ds it's pretty easy to hack it and load ds roms onto it through the sd card

Making a full-length RPG all on your own is pretty time-consuming.
t. also making a rom hack

him probably

I'm not upset with the developer, I completely understand but it just sucks to see an interesting map/hack that's half-finished since there's so many projects that just get abandoned in general.

Crystal Clear is Kino

Attached: 1541020653610.png (160x144, 4K)

HG is great

It's open source anyway, so even if he does drop it someone else could pick it up right where he left off.

it's a remake, you utter moron
a remaster is an updated release of the same game



absolute kino

Why are youtubers like this?

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