>gay character doesn’t mention his sexuality, could easily be confused for straight, would never know he was gay if the game didn’t tell you >Why is he gay? Why isn’t he straight? What purpose does him being gay add to the story? This is forced diversity you just added a homo for brownie points
>gay character acts gay, mentions a husband, flirts with other men (like men would flirt with women) or has a love interest >wow stop shoving your gayness down my throat, good gay characters don’t go on and on about how gay they are
Gay characters in NV are there for the Confirmed Bachelor perk so you can get some unique dialogue options for choosing it, which adds some extra options for a male character and gives more incentive to pick up the perk besides damage.
It's not like he tries to have buttsex with the courier as soon as you meet him or wears rainbow. He's gay done right which is subtle and not completely defining his character.
Leo Davis
>>Why is he gay? Why isn’t he straight? What purpose does him being gay add to the story? This is forced diversity you just added a homo for brownie points I've literally never seen anyone say this. Why do you need to make up other people arguing against you nonsensically? Does it give you a sense of accomplishment to defeat the opinions you made up?
Mason Cooper
I hate gay characters for being snide and sarcastic.
Robert Anderson
That's the facebook argument.
Isaiah Lopez
They do that so tops will ravage their assholes in rage
Noah Smith
There are a myriad of examples in games where a character wants to fuck you and acts openly sexual the moment you meet them so why is it not okay if they're gay and do that? Ignoring that I can't actually think of any examples of the former and that you're just being a whiny /pol/-kool-aid drinking faggot.
Sebastian Miller
>There are a myriad of examples in games where a character wants to fuck you and acts openly sexual the moment you meet them Really?
The only examples I could think of where a character acts immediately sexual to a protagonist is when they're literally using seduction to get them to do what they want. This is less viable for a gay character because of the relatively small population you can manipulate doing so. Though, you could potentially, get around this by crafting worlds where it makes more sense to act this way (eg a particularly promiscuous or sexually indiscriminate society). But that's really the point of it. You need to think about how something like sexuality affects the characters in the world. Arcade is good because he treats his homosexually very realistically to how an intelligent and secretive gay man would in a world like New Vegas. He's not ashamed by it, but there's Roman Larpers crucifying anyone they consider to be a degenerate and as such doesn't parade it around. Him being gay adds perspective to the main conflict of the game without really even needing to directly address it.
No? Most of them tend to be lovable rogues, street smart charmers, or hopeless romantics that eventually join your party or help you out.
Sebastian Martinez
gay video game characters are done right, when they are tall, hairy and muscular chads with massive horse cocks.
Alexander Sanders
>haha silly boy, cant you see im gay? im so gay that i want to have sex with you LOL rainbowsssssssssssssss
>he seems like an average guy, oh whats this? i didnt knew you were gay.
William Cox
The best gay representation in video games were those two guys from God Hand
Levi Sanchez
fpbp and should've been /thread
Evan White
>I've literally never seen anyone say this. Are you serious? It's fucking everywhere whenever gay characters show up in popular games. Especially on Yea Forums
>well made gay character can't be in your face Fuck you, you can make as big as a faggot you want and still make him likable Just fucking make them interesting Entire ladies night mission dialogue was gold >She should have got suspicious the second anyone expressed an interest in that thing. Actually, wait, I can see you driving a pink car, T. >Why? Because people call me "Gay" Tony. In that case, you'd probably think I've got massive sculptures of cocks in my apartment as well. Gay guys love that shit, you cliche loving moron. >There was that one marble thing you bought. >That was art! >Yeah. Giant, veiny, penis-shaped art. At least you made a profit on it. Those were the days.
>There are a myriad of examples in games where a character wants to fuck you Name them nigger. Name them. Oh whats that? You're bullshitting? Yeah i thought so. The only ones you can have sex with that's not part of the story are the prostitutes.
Andrew Fisher
Him being gays is not what makes him interesting. That's what most people miss, gay is just a color in the canvas, not the whole art piece.
Nolan Jackson
i just hand this faggot over to caesar
Jason Sullivan
Ironically enough I like how Respawn treated Gibraltar's gayness in the game . In his backstory a boyfriend is mentioned but his sexuality is not mentioned once in-game or in his personality or his quips .
Thomas Perry
Man i never knew he was gay until i read some wiki stuff a couple of years ago. That was a damn well done character and a real bro.
Andrew Richardson
>Implying people didn’t complain about Soldier 76 for exactly this reason
Wyatt Nguyen
Camilla from Fire Emblem Tharja from Fire Emblem Faye from Fire Emblem Seraphina from Disgaea