Wall yes, I do indeed roleplay. How did you know?

Wall yes, I do indeed roleplay. How did you know?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

>Wall yes

Because your female blood elf's roleplay info talks about how big her futa penis is.
Want to ERP?

>Wall yes?

Attached: 1549963556355.png (561x424, 289K)

Attached: 1543826906282.jpg (600x600, 57K)

Wall yes, I do indeed roleplay. How did you know?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Obviously scottish, don't bully

Why did i pick the female character you ask?
Well, she seemed pretty cute dont you agree?

Attached: ultrachad.jpg (831x1024, 69K)

Stop posting images of me

>pic unrelated

No, Chad. Cats and Dogs are cute. The kind of thing you wanna pet. Women are sexy.

cause you're doing it right now with an image of some photoshopped buff guy

wall if you say so

It's not photoshopped it's me.

I might have to politely disagree with you on that one user, i think there is more to women than raw sex appeal. I, for instance, prefer when a woman is well behaved, smart and has a golden heart.
Even then, i respect your opinion on the matter and will take that into consideration from now on

Attached: hyperchad.png (680x760, 191K)

>well behaved woman
ive given up on humanity as i work in retail

My condolences.

It's sad that Chad image is used to mask insecurities and obviously pathetic activity now.

I thought these images were 3D models at first. Looks like he was baked in Blender ffs.

Well yes I prefer 2D women to 3D, isn't that obvious?

Attached: captaintsubasa.jpg (365x1024, 27K)

Come meet me right now

sure humongous faggot.

i wish i could roleplay, turns out im just as socially retarded in fictional scenarios

Attached: 1406012345175.jpg (135x196, 7K)

Where would you roleplay nowadays? I remember roleplaying in forums. Was nice but it'll probably be cringe now.


rate me

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Bans take time to process, you're going to die forever

Gigachad preparing for his bayonetta cosplay I see

fuckin enough dude damn

Hey it's V!

i never fully understood people that walked with canes, they look mega autistic