What game let me use scissors as weapon?
What game let me use scissors as weapon?
this can't be real
doesn't beat banning sandwiches but its still not vidya just because you use the word 'game' somewhere.
It is.
It is
why are americans here so obsessed with UK?
Salt and sanctuary
Imagine being european
Hitman 2016
Hitman 2
Postal 2
can't wait until they ban fire extinguishers from schools
>one thread a week
Plus they're our dad, why wouldn't we talk about them
Obvious mention
I think it's because it's kind of funny in many people's eyes.
Why are you so obsessed with Americans that out of all the countries in the world you assume they're the only posters here?
Budget Cuts, the stealth VR game about killing robots with pointy objects.
It's real, but it's not as bad as you think because they'll get their scissors back once they're licensed to use them.
i saw this exact thread just last night desu
>getting mad at the british for not wanting to get stabbed by monkeys
the monkeys just use acid instead
Living in the UK must be a living fucking nightmare.
Those pink handled ones look exceptionally deadly.
>getting cucked by monkeys
game of this
This image just gets funnier and funnier
stupid and gay niggers, you are
>banning sandwiches
elaborate please. where and when did this happen?
oh yeah yeah
you really think they aren't looking to stab londoners at any opportunity
Maybe they should stop letting the monkies in then.
I know you're not actually asking, but Remi Lore.
Thats the story where the principle had a kid allergic to something so they banned all sandwiches so that they wouldn't have the chance to eat it, right?
>implying the monkeys handed over their scissors
Now the monkeys have scissors and everybody else has no scissors to defend themselves with.
I don't see a problem, the UK wants to make sure that only their military has weapons, this is an essential for a unified State. Countries with widespread gun ownership are tinderboxes waiting for a civil war.
Its pretty weird that so called fascists on /pol/ actually dislike powerful governments, seems to me that they're just a bunch of pansy liberals individualists.
This isn't real... is it?
Hey man they were right to confiscate that wheel
Londoners deserve to be stabbed for being Londoners.
Fucking mudslime country.
Ah yes, we have to take your weapons from you because the monkeys might get them! If you got caught calling them monkeys in the UK you'd literally go to jail.
UK is a laughingstock
Funnily enough I was going to post real life, but I guess even scissors are region specific now.
>Abdul holds me down to have his way with 8 year body
>grab a scissor to stab him
>it harmlessly bounces off him
Whats a sausage among friends?
When will they ban assault pencils too?
>have you own rentfree version of /pol/ living inside your head
>be surprised that the site/board is actually different from that of your head canon
how could this ever happen
Imagine being this much of a boot licker? How's that leather taste?
Stab with what, you can't even buy spoons
Bristol banned the selling of cheese toasties in a local park because it 'attracted biker gangs.'
It's the only other place were there is something new nearly everyday to make fun of them over
As a Londoner, I agree
lmao just how cucked the UK is damn
No one sues if your books die in the hands of the police
Nukes, preferably.
It's a pair of fucking scissors. Literally everything can be a weapon if you want to treat it like one. I could break a branch off a tree and now have a 'deadly weapon'.
Also disarming a country is the first thing government does when it's afraid of losing control
God damn it...
Mate I could rip a branch off a tree and stab you with it and it would do more damage than a knife because the wound would be full of splinters and bugs n shit. Are they going to ban trees next? I could bash your skull in with a rock, they gonna ban them?
Nothing wrong with that.
It's not real but honestly the UK is so fucked it may as well be.
but they might be pointy!
ARK survival evolved. It's a weapon. It doesn't hurt though. Like the binoculars from new Vegas.
What's a cheese toastie? A grilled cheese?
I'm a strong believer in the greatness that mankind can ascend to once the people are united in a single all-powerful State, when individualism and democracy are crushed.
The problem with the UK is all the beuacracy of people pretending they actually have a job and have to keep up the illusion by doing arbitrary shit.
Forget rocks. How many buildings are made out of bricks?
should'a 'ad a doivin' loicense
Why is UK so cucked?
Luv me nanny state.
For all the shit Burgers get for their retardation Eurocucks being about 10 steps lower is always humorous. And scary honestly.
>hand in combat butterknives and tactical paper scissors to government for your own safety
>criminals don't
>get slowly scissed to pieces by thugs
This is your brain on Bongland
britbong here let me try to explain this
Legit never seen anything like that before around where I live
I think they only act like this in london or big cities
Caus London is not really part of UK anymore, it's a sea slum of migrants, only the city centre is affluent
The people who set those up know it will never work
But they do it anyway because they are not allowed to stop and search
We had a huge knife crime uprising in like 2008
So police were given stop and search laws
There was a lot of fuss and anger about it
But it worked
They confiscated a shit ton of knives
And knife crime dropped
Now in 2017-8 it's rising again
And they're considering starting the stop and search laws
I got a big hunting knife and like 4 pocket knifes carried them in school and college nobody gave a fuck
But all those ridiculous things u hear about like that twitter pic
That's just london and other shithole big cities
It's the police silently protesting that they can't do stop and search
So they do dumb shit they know is dumb
Like arrest children buying kitchen knives
In the hope that there is a change
And they are let loose on the meat of the problem
Ie gangsters and shit
I like the UK. The country side is a very quiet and comfy place.
I too love fantasizing about idealized scenarios. I then put down my fiction and step into the real world
>"If we don't have guns we'll just use knives! England has hospitals full of people who have been stabbed... So sad..." -president Trump
>so far this year there is a knife attack every other day there and we have something like 102 gun deaths a day in America
Why'd they pick the ugliest one to be in the center?
>People confusing London for the rest of the UK.
I mean they're trying, but the Police are just pathetic nowadays.
A scissor is just 2 knives so I can see where they are coming from
UK burns but US stands tall
>need a license to watch tv
>need a license to look at porn
>need a license to buy spoons
The fuck is going on in the UK?
Is that a plastic knife?
>single all-powerful State
>in any way benevolent to its subjects
>It's pretty weird how people I believe should act one way are actually acting another way
That just means your dumb opinion was wrong in the first place.
Postal 2
Kids got some weird boobs too
They're all ugly as sin
History repeating itself.
Victorian era crime in Britain was hilarious, with people shooting each other left and right.
So they banned guns (pistols specifically)
Now they have knife crime, so they're trying the same. except a knife is a tool beyond shooting someone, unlike a pistol.
Are britfags allowed to have anything sharper than a butterknife?
>Not keeping monkeys in the zoo, where they belong
unironically against the law btw
>a pistol isn't a tool
simple as
They also had a weird guy who would run around slapping people and would jump over walls to evade capture.
>you need an ID to look at porn in the UK
name 82 things you can do with a pistol besides shooting someone.
London may as well be a different country and due to tax loopholes, it basically is.
Imagine trying to get a gun permit in London.
It's piss easy to get one here in Yorkshire.
shooting something
Shoot 82 different types of animals.
shooting muslims
How fat are Americans that they just eat grilled pieces of cheese?
shoot a apple off someone head
no its a full tang spreading knife
name 82 things you can do with a hammer besides hammering things.
ill wait.
What the fuck am I going to hunt with a shitty .22 that I can't already hunt much better with a fucking Shotgun?
Grilled cheese sandwich you mong
as real as it is a war crime to teamkill your friends in battlefield 4.
Name one thing a knife can do better than a more specialized tool that isn't as good at killing people. All weapon regulations are shit man.
Not him but
>hunting with a pistol
be serious user
>.22 is the only kind of ammo
This is why Australia's "implied right to free speech" terrifies me.
The moment every countryhands over all weapons and stop being tinderboxes, is when we will see a change from our leaders. Us having weapons dotted all over the country is the only reason we still have all our rights. Big govt are all holding hands so this is a benefit. I hope anons aren’t sheep enough to think they wouldn’t enjoy watching our blood spill
Don't you mean nationalists? They've been more of a problem than trucks of peace.
Name one object that cant be used for violence.
prostate stimulation
Springheel jack was just a myth mate.
>game takes place in America
Feather duster
remove nails
>it would do more damage than a knife because the wound would be full of splinters and bugs n shit
you know your body would just absorb any organic material left in it right people with broken tailbones dont get it set they just leave it in and it'll go away
Literally the only use pistols have are for gangbangers to fire blindly.
I don't want an inaccurate niggerblaster if I am hunting or sportshooting.
Damn you must have saved so much time by not typing those extra 8 characters. Talk about efficiency.
People that laugh at these don’t fully understand the true nature of British Chavs.
One problem causes the other
you're pathetic
>he was reprimanded
That's incredibly normal. What's the problem here? He thought he'd have a laugh while on the job and dindu nuffin?
Throw it at people's faces.
Hammer is a fucking extremely wide range of motions, not a single fucking action you retard.
>cheese toastie
Why do bongs have the most obnoxiously juvenile names for everything? Literal fucking baby talk.
Yes. You'll also notice it's covered in dirt. Some poor family had a picnic in a park and dropped a plastic knife so Inspector Plod came along and picked it up and said he'd found a dangerous weapon and asked for a promotion. They're an absolute fucking joke.
Jesus Christ what a fucking shithole
Can be shoved down someone's throat or eyes and you could beat someone using the handle.
Not as pathetic as teaching your nations children to just accept that they will be murdered.
Absolutely lynchian
Aren't allowed to carry pointy objects.
How did UK fags ever get to this pathetic point? Like at what point did they say "fuck it, I don't need to be my own man, I want the government to control me and my possessions"?
I mean the whole breathing fire and shit was obviously made up, but I wouldn't be surprised if some Victorian nobleman went around and did it for shits and giggles
>pull nails out of things
>use it as a paper weight
>magnetize it and use it as a magnet
>shove it in your ass
>throw it threw a window
>if it's heavy enough you can use it for excercise
>spin it and use it as a fan
>brush your teeth
>sharpen knives
>as a spatula
>as a spoon/fork
>row a boat
>climb a mountain
Do I need to go on?
I'd argue why is American english so formal and cold.
>he says that when burgerclaps unironically say "yikes" and "oof"
Better than calling it a cheese toastie like you're a 6 year old
That's very common for small game?
That logic can be used to excuse the shittiest behavior anywhere.
Nah, that's just stupid millennials who are mentally 5.
>Ch for chad
Maybe, I think there needs to be a deep introspection into the Victorian era because we're facing the same issues today as we did back then.
>Growing social divide
>Massive drug problems
>Socialist infilitration collapsing the left
Why does everything have to be a weapon? Do you not understand that knives have more applications than murder? Guns don't. That is why guns should be banned and knives shouldn't be. Why do I have to explain this simple concept to you,are you 5?
Always why do you think Americans told them to fuck off and started a war
The Rock of Gibraltar
Every day I'm thankful I was not born a eurocuck.
>be american
>someone breaks into your house
>you can gun them down
>be european
>someone starts raping your 5 year old to death
>hit them with a telescopic plastic stick
>go to jail for ten years for owning an illegal weapon and hate crimes
what the fuck is a kid supposed to do? scream and cry?
Why do americans think britbong laws are common in Europe?
Calling sweets "sweeties" is fucking stupid.
>Guns should be banned
City cuck detected, I have my shotgun to hunt Deer and boar because you crying faggots keep letting the woodland suffer to your bleeding heart shit.
Is the UK just a giant mr bean sketch?
Shoot back
That's not a question.
I for one support virtual training of soldiers
You can't just give people real guns to train with, even if they're soldiers, that would be anarchy
>throw a fire extinguisher at someone's head
>knocked unconscious and probably hit their head on the way down
>somehow not dead
>That's his maniac screech! Get out of there, Spongebob!
Not defending it as it really is stupid but it doesn't stop people from defending themselves at all.
Don't be. Australia's laws and attitudes are quite good for the most part in relation to civil liberties.
he was court martialed you fucking retard
>Calling sweets sweeties is fucking stupid.
Nobody calls Sweets Sweeties unless you're under the age of 6 or someones nan.
We call them Sweets.
Postal 2
It's real, the UK is really fucking horrible when you take a close look.
People just read the headline and assume he got some massive excessive punishment.
I thought Mr Bean was a documentary of an average UK citizens life
not all homicide is murder you excessively stupid faggot
Recent Fallout games must have scissors as junk and can be thrown
It's just a bloody slang name for a type of food, calm down.
>only their military having weapons is essential for a unified State
Yeah, under a fucking tyrant. How many times does disarming citizens lead to loss of freedom? Everytime
>Us having weapons dotted all over the country is the only reason we still have all our rights
Tell that to MOVE they firebombed the whole block 64 houses were destroyed because blacks tried to organise and it wasn't the first time the government firebombed black communities. You think your guns will help you now with drones, spying, radiation weapons, and all sorts of other crazy weapons. Guns in america is the biggest joke it didn't help when the government committed atrocities in the past it won't help now
the guy you're talking to must be CGRascal.
You can call me a cuck,faggot,liberal or whatever. But don't you dare insinuate that I'm a city slicker that is where I draw the fucking line.
Weapon bans are just to keep the people from rising up against the goverment. Always have been in every country at every level.
>Spongebob! The maniac's IN the MAILBOX!
>literally that spongebob joke
Yes asking for a grilled cheese is much more mature. Do you also order your steak as a seared meat? Is soup called liquid vegetables?
No he didn't.
In the news says he got reprimanded for the excercise and charged with disobeying orders.
That's just a NJP, it's just a slap in the hand for being a dumbass.
I fucking hate you
You got my fucking desk wet you piece of shit
no you've got to have a loicense to do
Yes. Fuck London.
To be fair, the Military is under direct command of the Queen in Bongland.
So we can never stoop to macron levels of bringing the Military in to dissenters.
I would laugh at this but I remember how much kids cut each other with scissors at my school
You're like a baby, read this:
>>climb a mountain
Go to bed Todd
Live their childhood without a constant fear of being killed? Crazy idea but hey
I don't think that one is real but the real ones are barely any better.
The UK government seems to think 1984 is an instruction manual.
Stop trying to promote banning guns in the UK. If anything we need to appeal the laws against owning shotguns and home defence.
We used to have BETTER Laws than the US for home defence, now we're fucked if you even defend yourself.
Did you not read it?
Steak is what the cut of meat is called. Soup is what that type of prepared food is named. A grilled cheese sandwich is a descriptive name, it's a cheese sandwich that is grilled, sandwich taken off as shorthand. Calling it a "toastie" would be the equivalent of Americans calling it a grillie cheesie. I don't shit on it as hard as the guy you're responding to but the brit shorthand is definitely more juvenile and your logic is retarded.
>Well I might be forced to sell my body to dirty muslim men, but at least I won't be shot
Because Billy-Bob wanted to commit genocide in peace and didn't want to pay his taxes.
I don't post these anymore, but just for you, user.
just let these sensationalist have their fun. Their daily reading comes from clickbait headlines and blogs about how gamergate is still affecting games today
As opposed to selling it to spics while you are shot at anyway?
I know you're trying to be funny, but it's expensive and time consuming to set up training scenarios on the field, so training like this is more about "what should you do" rather than weapons training.
seething kafirs
This. Your rights mean absolutely nothing to anyone with even a modicum of power above you and the only reason you haven't been obliterated yet is because you haven't been deemed too inconvenient yet.
>Service History
>Football Hooligans and Martial Artists
All values are inversed. It's like I slipped into an alternate reality
No, actually I agree with your stance, especially the last half. We don’t stand a chance but at least we have something. An even bigger joke would be to hand over any/all chance of fighting back, how well the weapons will work is the next step. We need to have them, don’t be foolish. At least that battle is still ahead of us. When all countries hand over weapons to their govt, we will see their true colors
I really don't get how people still go along with this blatant hypocrisy. Are people really just that stupid?
>like fifty out of several tens of millions of kids die from being shot in school every year
You people have a really wacky view of the world
It's plainly descriptive and contains zero slang, whereas "toastie" is just cutesy.
Seethe, kafir. Islam isn’t going away.
Toastie is a descriptive term for a vague amount of grilled sandwich or panini style foodstuffs.
It's a nickname like how you call every biscuit type a cookie despite 99% of them being fucking baked.
Ain't any Muslims in my country nigga. Funny how guns haven't helped you with that problem either.
>britbong criticizes 13-colonists for war crimes during the era of British Imperialism
l m a o
Also, it was still British armies carrying out all that ethnic cleansing prior to the Revolutionary War.
rockthrow thread?
>Americans call "grilled moo moo meat" steak
>Americans call "swimmy veggies" soup
it says chin
That britbong got shit and WILL NOT respond.
Football Hooligans are literally a school of martial art when it comes to their capacity for violence.
Toasted would be, toastie is a cutesy version. That's fine man it's not inherently negative, why deny it? Things can be a bit silly without being bad.
Oh shit, you really were one person. I get why you stopped though, I can see how this comic captures a feeling, but it makes the mistake of too many political comics and is overly reductive to where it doesn't represent anything beyond a feeling.
The police force is. They're not actually allowed to do any real police work so all the old school get-shit-done types fucked off and now we've only got retards chasing themselves and HR departments asking if investigating child rape is racist.
now how will they defent them self from those who did not give up their scissors?
Are bongs the ones who started the chicken tendies shit too?
Not denying this but it sounds to me like you all want to be sitting ducks. I can’t say we’re alike. I’d rather go out fighting than not, so idk what you’re trying to get at. Yeah we don’t stand a chance against the ones who run the game, but I’m not going to tie my hands behind my back for them.
No... you don't. You call a cookie a cookie. You call a biscuit a biscuit. What kind of ass-backwards country is England, anyway? dafuq
I mean, I am a Britbong who rather likes Amerimutts.
But you do know the British Empire stance of Natives was "Give them a shirt and make them work for the Empire" right?
It's why we imported tons into Canada.
No, that was autists
>public officials aren't even held to such a standard that they can /will use the correct form of your and you're.
Get me out
No, misinformation makes the world a worse place.
>I am a Britbong who rather likes Amerimutts
>toastie is cutesy and gay
>but veggie is fine
It's "Cutesy" because it's slang. I mean if you want to argue stupid slang names we can talk about American Sandwich names like fucking Grinder and Sub.
You named a sandwich after the bread sort of looking like a submarine.
That's pretty fucking cutesy too.
rockthrow thread
>school banned having compasses outside of being given them for exams due to some guys shanking eachother with them
People joke about loisences but why do bongs like shoving objects into eachother? Lack of guns so we have to make do?
Also, Kill la Kill OP. Maybe MGR if you cound Sundowner's weapons, but we all know what this thead's about
I'm not trying to discuss actual history here, I just wanted to make you upset over the internet. Let's agree to go our separate ways, eh?
>Me in the bottom left corner
God LSD is so much fun
What’s the difference?
>>be american
>>someone breaks into your house
>>you can gun them down
dont act like its that cut and dry people have gone to jail for thinking they can just shoot someone who walks in their house, you cant you can only use lethal force when presented with lethal force and legitimately threatened and even then you still need to make it clear that you can and will use lethal force if required. The only people allowed to gun people down in america without warning is ironically the police. So get back to the writing board and come up with a new dumbass meme
Looks like every country has its share of problems in the end.
Nigga are you going to try and pretend Cookie is not the most common shorthand for Biscuit in America? It's like fucking Soda.
Notice how he doesn't say "wrong"
I agree. Our separate cultures have a variety of shorthand for different types of food, I don't know why brits were denying that cheese toastie was one of them.
Depends on the state. Google Castle Law.
>grilled cheese
>isn't grilled
>contains, but does not solely consist of, cheese
>That's just london and other shithole big cities
Finally a man of sense here
lol please tell me this a shooped ruse. This can't be real... oh, my across-the-seas brothers, you are TRULY fucked
Regardless, he’s half right. At least you have the option to gat that pedo fuck down. In the other situation you’re just a fool
>fights fascists
>becomes fascists
Why are Europeans so retarded
The idea is that Islam is like Christianity, but centuries behind the time. Religious tolerance goes hand in hand with tolerating Christianity. There is a shift in the faith as it becomes more like Christianity, but the culture that comes with it is lagging behind still.
Meanwhile, Bill Maher and Dawkins are anti-muslim leftists.
Britbong here; We used to have what was basically Castle Law.
But we also unironically have public right of way laws, so the entire mess gets complicated and requires the Police to actually do their job.
Our issue is, our Police right now are literally lazy useless cucks who don't provide protection and exist only to offer intimidation.
Napalm your cities, britbongs. It's the only way.
i had to show my ID to buy popcorn once. Yes, I had to be 21 to buy popcorn
The problem started with the labour government in the 60 who decided that police should be reactionary rather than preventetive. That's why they don't patrol he streets any more. We have more police than any time in history both per head and total yet they cannot un-burgle, un-stab or un-rape you so crime is constantly on he rise.
I'm not saying do nothing, I'm just saying being too much of a nuisance doesn't work out well. You have to slowly work the system against itself.
>you still need to make it clear that you can and will use lethal force if required
In some states, this is incorrect. No need for warning. If you see some guys coming in and you see they're armed, you're free to let em have it.
>you can be arrested in Britain for annoying people on the internet
I'm making some calls, and a lot of you guys are gonna be in SO MUCH TROUBLE
MOVE was literally a fort that withstood police intervention once. And the police firebombed the entire block one officer was killed and they lit up 64 houses did you read what I said you don't get a fighting chance, war isn't a romantic battlefield where you can stand your ground and make it out alive if you " rather go out fighting than not" war is quick brutal and absolute. The moment you get outgunned is when your gravestone is marked
>stalin poster in the background
for what purpose
>There is a shift in the faith as it becomes more like Christianity, but the culture that comes with it is lagging behind still
Wishful thinking
This is why Britain is fucked. We expect the Muslims to act like our Christians.
Aka, cute little pastors holding nice social meetings of tolerance and not wanting to step on the toes of the larger secular society.
It was sort of working until Tony Blair opened the floodgates with thousands of under the book Muslims who surprise surprise, were influenced by the Muslim brotherhood.
American cops are the same. They are just lower class soldiers essentially, intimidating those who commit petty crimes and turning blind eyes to he bigger problems. They only appear when public attention demands it pretty much. Like they won’t let things look scripted down to the letter, but clearly they aren’t protecting and serving us
I didn't know the mid-east had cucked Londonistan this hard. Holy shit
I like the UK and feel sad about current events there.
Didn't Bitcoin collapse like a year ago?
>kids aren't allowed to fear for their lives because they lucked out of school shooting roulette
This is the response to like 70% of articles posted here. Why are you all so desperate to let everyone know how much you hate this country? It's not even in the memey /int/ way a lot of the time either. Some of you are genuinely white hot with fury about a silly little island.
Checked and verified
"tough love"
If it doesn't solely contain cheese it's a god damned melt, not a grilled cheese.
>monekys are attacking me with scissors in my home
>throws out the scissors but keeps the monkeys
? ? ?
>implying our faggot police come to Yea Forums
They're not allowed to, it might undo the brainwashing.
Underrated post.
Why on earth
Are you posting
As if you're writing
A poem?
How bad was it though? The "truck of peace" meme seems out of date since no muslim happening continued.
>walk by a Coinstar after some grocery shopping one day
>notice a sign on it claiming you can now buy bitcoin with them
The issue is the British Police used to have extremely rigid standards; they used to be the shining example of a Police force.
There used to be a restruction that no Police Officer could be under 6 foot.
Now we have women who are 4 foot tall.
Bongs are from Bongistan, Autists from Autistan
>lucked out
>by not being part of the losing group which numbers in double digits among tens of millions
That's not luck, it's expected. Shootings are not a threat to the safety of the typical kid man. Gun violence in general is not a big deal for the average white. A ton of our gun deaths are suicides and most of the rest are niggers killing other niggers.
Absolutely Orwellian
I did hear you. You still sound very pussified to me since you’re still making a point against what I’m saying. Yeah, I know we don’t stand a chance with hand guns and semi auto weapons vs drones and such, and that’s very crazy that they went to that extreme for a one time offense or whatever but it sounds perfectly logical, and you arguing against keeping weapons in the public hand is playing into their end goal. They will run all of our shit in every country without mercy when there is no opposition. Right now they are playin under the guise that the power belongs to the people and it is for a reason imo. I’m not saying we should get bombed like those guys but don’t sound like such a sheep man
> because blacks tried to organise
they were squatting and killed a police officer you dindu
It's mostly died down because the Police have been forced to deal with muslim radicals more and more as evidence is shown.
But there are places in the UK where English is not the Primary language, and I'm not just talking about bumfuck wales.
What is MOVE?
>cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another
This shit is so nebulous. How do laws based on such purely subjective measures even get enforced?
Eliminate the monkeys and congrats, you are now the new monkeys. Dumb asses
This post has been exorcised from this thread.
Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace
*dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab*
Move is what they should have done before being firebombed.
The Labour party being taken over by a bunch of Marxists who demand complete control who are supposed to oppose the Tories who want complete control
Because the media has brainwashed people into believing it's a good thing.
Go take your low T European ass somewhere else.
( ´_ゝ`)
Okay, that was funny as fuck. You win the Internet for now
As an American, I agree. I hope you get stabbed, too.
>fifty out of several tens of millions of kids die from being shot in school every year
that's still fifty to many either america needs to take mental health of children and teens into consideration (they're not americans just recently started to accept that sugar is one of the leading causes of fat and not "fat" so anything health related is a long while off from them) or deal with the gun problem in america or at least go through rigorous lessons to teach people that guns are dangerous tools that should not be accessible to people deemed incapable of not shooting people because they're angsty
>My house is infested with termites
>Exterminate the termites
>Now you are a termite
I fucking hate you people so much.
/pol/ valued freedom but freedom means others are allowed to be what you don't approve of. Many of them went fascit and anti-capitalist as captialism tends to favor globalism as you can see with what used to be white male dominated hobbies like video games branching out and pandering to wider audiences.
>somebody made this and didn't see the irony
What kind of humourless fucks are working in the UK Government?
It's so funny watching Europe from afar being a real life parody while acting like the high ground over amerisuperiors.
>The idea is that Islam is like Christianity, but centuries behind the time.
What fucking rubbish
Catholic monks copied thousands of ancient menuscripts
Muslims burned down the library of Alexandria
Stop believing communist propaganda
>there are places in the UK where English is not the Primary language
There are places in every cosmopolitan city on earth where different languages are spoken. They aren't speaking English in chinatown.
>this country
A britbong wants to NOT weigh in on how cucked they are. How quaint.
Sounds like sanctuary cities and Chinatown in the US.
It's like the video game cliches user, if you kill them you'll be just like them
Don't apply logic to them. They only understand emotion.
This country as in this country we are talking about. You have a problem.
its not real its some parody
Issue is this is not "Cosmopolitan"
It's "Every city with a large muslim population that is centred on itself"
They are literally enclaves of another culture.
0,0001% of american kids are shot by schoolshooters
3% of european kids will be raped by refugees
>equating sociological norms of billions of people to video gaming behaviors a fraction of that
>being this retarded
>gun problem
They're used defensively millions of times annually. I accept the 50 dead kids.
>fix the gun problem
Guns only get more and more regulated and yet school shootings go up in number. Clearly the problem is not fucking guns, but a societal issue you actual retard.
>this person can't be trusted with a tool that can kill someone!
just fucking execute them. If you can't trust a person with a gun because you've determined he'll kill people, why the fuck trust him with any object? Any object can kill one or more people. What's the acceptable number of people that he can kill? Fucking retarded logic.
its basically a group of black people who wanted reform in the way civilization and society is they believed that civilization is to based on how things of the past was and that those beliefs lead to things like slavery and overpopulation and other things and how relics of things believed to be behind us still lingers around in modern society like zoos( slavery) and stuff like that it also promoted the helping of african americans such as helping people free themselves of drugs and other things that generally helps MOVE the community and society forward and away from their roots
They wish they were that advanced. hahahahaha
What does low T mean?
Old Christianity would have you punished for looking at period blood.
Where did you learn that it was Muslims who burned down the library of Alexandria? I thought it was an African Christian sect, but now I'm seeing I'm wrong and it was Caesar? And it was just an accident? Google isn't being helpful.
>School shootings are commited by mentally unhinged children and adults.
>It MUST be the guns
Britbong here; A gun cannot kill people without a person behind it, the issue in America is how fucking crazy the medical and school systems makes the kids, not the fucking guns.
The only thing good about brits, or europe in general, is the depressed brit nihilist blogposter
It's obviously just an example. Reading comprehension.
It means you're a reddit migrant
probably because kids keep trashing the theater with popcorn and roberts sick of cleaning it up
See, that's the fun part.
We're not in Old Christian times, we're in the 21st century.
So Christians in the UK are forming Sewing cricles.
Muslims are forming rape gangs.
no its more like my house is infested with termites exterminate the termites and now my house is infested with spiders get rid of the spiders then its flys then its clutter then its you
>T O A S T I E S
If that's what you take issue with, then why are you poking fingers at Britain? The majority of our foreign population have been here for a generation or two and are relatively well assimilated as a result. Unlike Europe, where they just let in the entire population of Syria and ask the native population to let them live for free and do what they want.
Biscuits are a different thing than Cookies in America you fucking mongoloid brit cunt.
>faggot kafirs still seething
pretty sure it was julius ceasar who did it by accident
postal 2
Well nobody else is eating away your home but you now that the termites are gone.
Because I live in Bradford mate. The Muslims literally throw their rubbish in the street to let it rot and cause so much crime it's become a huge issue for our Muslim-worshipping council.
>Call it a Biscuit
>it's a fucking Scone.
They've been banning videogames for a long time. I don't know about other stuff but that alone makes your point bullshit and probably translates to a lot more dumb shit like that. And some of it is occurring right now because of the recent happening. Ausfag. You guys act so tough on the internet but you're one of the most pozzed nations in the world.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. If an alcoholic hobo who shits himself every five minutes breaks into your house and starts living in your bathtub you aren't just going to ignore him because if you deal with the problem you might eventually turn on yourself. You are fucking retarded. I am actually mad at how stupid you are. Never fucking speak again.
The UK is a dystopic nightmare
>she can clap with no hands
Weren't muslims relatively chill for the time period until the crusades?
Quick, what sort of animals should represent the UK for their cowardice against the invaders?
>>it's a fucking Scone.
Nope. Scones are a different thing as well, britfag.
What kind of tame ass motorcycle gangs are attracted by fucking melted cheese in bread. What are they afraid of, someone revving an engine too loud or holding up a bit of traffic? Or perhaps the gangs don't eat the crust and leave them in the street, those foul hooligans.
something something 1984 big brother something something orwell I’m so smart
did you read what I typed I pinned it all on mental health but america is reluctant to do anything regarding health its boomers saying they dont want to pay taxes on drug addicts and millenials not wanting tax raises due to america's failing economy its all just problems falling on each other like a tower with guns at the bottom if they won't do it the easy way and start from the top (mental health) then they can go from the bottom (guns) and be surprised when a new weapon takes its place i'm not opposed to guns im opposed to the laziness my country has infused in both its citizens and government and how either are to lazy and delicate to make a hard choice
What is that cunt saying? I can't hear anything.
it's not fair bros
>wanting an armed society
Do you really want those christian kulak animals to be able to just freely kill us?
>Weren't muslims relatively chill
> islam bad
I'm really glad I can walk down a city street without the worry of being stabbed
No, they've been expansionist warmongers since their inception. How the fuck do you think they spread from Iberia to India before the crusades, missionary work?
We don't. We know that euro's are worse, but britbongs are closing the gap fast.
>Call it a scone
>it's a fucking lump of dough
Americans pls stop.
no it wasnt at a theater it was at liquor barn, like it turns out i have to be 21 to buy a candy bar or tic tacs too, i had to talk to the manager about this one
>calls a biscuit a scone
You dense motherfucker. Next you'll say you buy milk from a plastic bag like a fucking leaf.
right but that was pretty chill for the period
>yakety sax
>if you're not gonna solve the problem of mental health
>just make it worse by removing everyone's ability to defend themselves
pants on head retarded """""""""logic""""""""""
nice joke americuck
its just a bad application of the slippery slope fallacy and you're just providing even more cut and dry versions of it which makes it seem even more incoherent if you just throw out the bad every chance you get every inadequate thing is gonna become worse and worse by comparison
>What is Spain
>What is North Africa
>What is the Middle East
Hell, the reason for the Crusades started, was because christians were being killed in the Middle east
They aren't kidding.
>Be British police
>Say they are too underfunded to do real work
>Have a "diversity budget"
>Spend hundreds of thousands to paint their cars in LGBT color schemes as part of said budget
>Confiscate anything that could even be perceived as a weapon from scissors, to hammers, butter-knifes, and one chap even got arrested for a potato peeler
>Also this crap
The whole country is run like a teacher would run a kindergarten
It was not, because they also practiced particularly brutal piracy and slavery against european "infidels."
For a time many Muslim dynasties considered themselves Inheritors of the Roman Empire and Early Islam takes great wisdom from Ancient Greek texts.
But then many caliphs utterly fucked it up and made their crazy laws into religious doctrine with the hadiths and even mohammed became pretty crazy.
>We know that euro's are worse
Are you retarded?
The UK is, by far, the worst country in all of Europe.
Next you'll probably get mad about the whole chips/fries thing.
Besides that, U.S. scones aren't lumps of dough. They are similar to U.S. biscuits, but U.S. biscuits are less dense than scones and are more buttery. They also don't have anything added to them (cheese, fruit, chocolate chips, etc.) like scones sometimes do.
Dunning Kruger in full effect.
>i'm ready to settle down
t. Hans
pretty sure that was only enacted by a minority of muslims
Don't forget that our reluctance to talk about mental health is so great our president looked at video games again as the cause of gun violence:
>grilled cheese
>isnt grilled
Only if you're a lazy cunt
Fucking told!!!!!
Oh I know, I quite like American biscuits.
Your scones are shit though, Sweet Scone with cream and strawberry filling is the toppest tier dessert.
>how quickly they forget
The whole EU is the pinnacle of cuckoldry. At least UK has people who want to reject it so they're still ahead.
No, seriously, all this dystopian shit only happens in 1984.
I live in Southern France and i've been smuggling weapons for 10 years now due to how terrible weapon control is here and in Spain.
Even automatics are easy to smuggle to the rest of Europe except to the UK.
even the cop in the picture seem to not fully understand how this bullshit came to be true
Then why is every euro under the sun jumping at the chance to live here? Are they moving country ironically?
In UK guy got 20 years in prison for defending his kids when armed burglar broke into his house
>not all muslims: 9th century edition
The Barbary Slave trade was pretty widespread and common in the western world.
Islam has no tennants against slavery and many hadiths promote it.
I'm Finnish and these Ameritards are obsessed with "freedom" even when they have none
>has more people in prison than every country on Earth
>can't wear American flag T-shirt to school or donald trump hats
>can't wear blue or red shirts to school because of gangs
>can't insult gay people or minorities or lose your job
>can't go without medical insurance
>can't do anything without risking civil lawsuits
They also have almost 5x the homicide rate of the UK, so I can only cringe when these fat fucks think they're above Europe's problems.
The UK has nothing but a dystopian 1984 government, that has it's capital ruled by a muslim and will import their muslims on their own.
I have no idea why the US considers UK an ally and doesn't invade already.
Hm, I wonder why he isn't in jail
>british police
Those aren't police.
For that shit you can unironically blame the EU.
That's EU human rights laws intefering with UK stand your ground laws.
>Your scones are shit though
I actually don't disagree on that one, but I think that's mostly a result of the U.S.'s best native food coming from the South, who didn't really fuck with anything relating to Europe for a long time, resulting in things like our biscuits being way better than any of the stuff we tried to make that was more of a Euro/Brit thing.
Last thing I would do is change my country from one being occupied by muslims, to one that's already occupied by violent chimps, that's taken over by spics and where even whites behave like niggers.
Weird. It's almost like... the more people there are, the more violence there is.
Fucking retards...
>if you're not gonna solve the problem of mental health
>just make it worse by removing everyone's ability to defend themselves
>pants on head retarded """""""""logic""""""""""
what dont you get thats the point the only proper action is to focus on mental health but americans are inclined on doing exactly not that the only other option from that is to go the rough and dirty way and get rid of guns ( the symptom of the problem) but they won't do that so instead they make the whole situation even worse by ignoring both their only real options and making the entire country suffer from it. no politician is gonna suggest raising taxes to help the overall health of americans and they also wont suggest getting rid of guns so every time a shooting happens its "too early to talks politics" and when its the "right" time the news has moved on to something else and no one cares anymore the only time guns and mental health comes back into the debate is when another shooting happens even this week 2 shooting survivors have killed themselves because guess what america mental health is a thing but still nothing happens
Normal people actually need to hammer shit
Normal people don't need to shoot things
>I have no idea why the US considers UK an ally and doesn't invade already.
That I agree with. They got us involved with the middle east in the first place, and they didnt warn us about their own rogue royalty defecting to the Japanese Imperial army which had a heavy impact on their attack on Pearl Harbor. All of which they knew about before it happened.
Anyone with a fucking brain understands that there are levels to this shit, you weigh the good against the bad. Termites do fucking nothing but eat through your wood and ruin your shit, they have no benefit, get rid of them. Spiders? Eat flies, stay out the way, not a problem. Clutter? Clean your fucking house retard. If you weigh your good against your bad and find yourself lacking then by all means go ahead and kill yourself. Jesus fucking Christ, if you came home to find a burglar took a fat shit on your carpet are you just not going to clean it, because the slippery slope of inadequacies might lead to you drinking bleach? No, you're going to clean it because you don't want a stinking fat shit on your carpet. Sadly this analogy does fall apart because you'll always have a stinking fat shit on your carpet for as long as you still draw breath. You dumb cunt.
Now I'm reading that pinning it on muslims is most likely nothing but anti-muslim propaganda.
>The final individual to get blamed for the destruction is the Moslem Caliph Omar. In 640 AD the Moslems took the city of Alexandria. Upon learning of "a great library containing all the knowledge of the world" the conquering general supposedly asked Caliph Omar for instructions. The Caliph has been quoted as saying of the Library's holdings, "they will either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous." So, allegedly, all the texts were destroyed by using them as tinder for the bathhouses of the city. Even then it was said to have taken six months to burn all the documents. But these details, from the Caliph's quote to the incredulous six months it supposedly took to burn all the books, weren't written down until 300 years after the fact. These facts condemning Omar were written by Bishop Gregory Bar Hebræus, a Christian who spent a great deal of time writing about Moslem atrocities without much historical documentation.
>The idea is that Islam is like Christianity, but centuries behind the time.
>hey got us involved with the middle east in the first place
No, that was your obsession with sucking off Israel, to whom you should declare war too but you won't because they own your government.
You got me there.
But Christianity was also pro-slavery at the time. In fact I don't think anyone was really against it.
Going against the pharma lobby is anti-semitic
Muslims don't do anything but invent algebra.
>Bishop Gregory (((Bar Hebræus)))
>NZ hired a "chief censor" who made them have to turn in all their guns after a few muzzies get killed
>they also made it punishable with up to 14 years to share/display/have the shooters manifesto
How cucked is the west, this shitty phase should be over already.
Why do you think the crusades happened in the first place? Bunch of people just got mad at all the peace and chill happening?
Imagine being a filthy *nglo.
and the common number system
Hey! Leaf our bagged milk alone! It's convenient!
Look up the Iran coup dummy. UK begged two different administrations to take it over for oil for you fucks. First admin refused.
>I'm a literally who
> npc: slavery bad
> me: why?
> npc:
The point is actually that Christianity went through multiple reforms. Islam never did and never will.
>guy invents algebra
>muslims conquer his land
>they get credit
>his people invent nothing for 1500 years, because the two digit iq rapebabies they have become
>the fat as fuck father and son who are best friends
is there a better duo
idk maybe
Actually, the Catholic church stance was strictly against the slave trade.
And in fact the biggest push for banning slavery in the UK was from the Anglican church as it goes against the core ideals of the Magna Carta.
See, Christanity didn't see black people as not human, just stupid humans. It's why it developed the white mans burden.
And that’s a good thing. Reforms are for cucks.
>confiscate objects that nobody in their right mind would imagine as viable weapons
>inject the idea of using them as viable weapons into law abiding citizens and impressionable children
>inadvertently make it even more likely that law abiding citizens will become victims of assault because criminals will just resort to crude, east to conceal makeshift weapons like prisoners
>they'll pretend like this is okay because they're trapped on their island
>they'll pretend like they have to do this because there's no other alternative than a country filled with gun toting manic depressives
islam was once the scientific capital of the world til the mongols showed up
>Implying monkeys obey the law
who tf cares if its anti semitic who cares if its anti black or muslim or white its pro human to recognize that people can have problems and that as a society its best to work toward helping and providing new medicines to fix it
You mean when they were expanding everywhere and conquering everything they could?
Look up USS Liberty.
>taking hundreds of millions of guns from tens of millions of armed americans
>removing the defensive capabilities of the millions of americans who use guns defensively
>only real options
You're insufferable because you think you're even-handed and thoughtful and approaching this from an angle silly, less evolved Americans just won't consider, when in reality you've only given this the most shallow thought.
>Gee, if only more people recognized the problems of mental health...
>but they won't... And they won't melt all the guns?
>Hard being so enlightened...
Eat dick every day.
>Arabic number system
>Invented by Muslims
The Arabic Number system predates muslims.
That's not cucking, that's taking action. He killed 49 people get his name and his work out there and he did it in NZ because it didn't have the harsh gun laws of Australia.
When you're a caliphate, we'll decide what a scone is.
Most of the “science” was gay philosophy shit and that’s why they got wrecked.
>npc: slavery bad
>you: why?
>npc: *post FBI crime statistics of minorities*
Look up Sykes-Picot Agreement. Look up William Forbes Sempill.
Don't bother, the amerimutt defends Israel by instinct.
Was it in London though? An old guy in my area chopped up a guy who'd broken into his garage with an antique broadsword and got away with a slap on the wrist. Our self defence laws allow you to defend yourself with anything at all so long as you can prove that you weren't keeping it for that exact reason. Because it was hanging on his wall, they couldn't fault him. There have been instances of people getting away with shooting people in self defence because they were on the way to a range and had their guns in the car.
>implying philosophy isn't important
We could be fucking moonmen for all that happens but a shitty lump of sweetdough is not a fucking Scone.
Scones need to be able to be cut and filled.