You get 3 wishes Yea Forums keep em vidya related

You get 3 wishes Yea Forums keep em vidya related.
>btw wishing for more wishes means you get none.And your favourite game is erased from history.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wish companies would consult me directly for what kind of games they should make.

I wish that technology, for videogames, would jump about 200 years to allow for immersive VR.

I wish I was the best in the world at video games.

Breast expansion becomes a more common theme in video games
Repeat first wish twice more

>I wish companies would consult me directly for what kind of games they should make.
From software calls you asking for advice on bloodborne 2 what do you say

this except for transformation

this except for giantess

Look to some other contemporary horror authors for inspiration. Particularly William Hope Hodgson with his books The House on the Borderland (1908) and The Night Land (1912). While it is more obscure than other cosmic horror it is still fascinating and good inspiration for the game.

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i wish to have sex with a vidya girl of my choosing any time i wanted
i wish sonic was real
i wish for california to disappear overnight

I wish for the rule disallowing more wishes to be removed

I wish for total immunity to backlash for the previous wish

I wish for more wishes

I want God Hand to get a remake that gets tons of praise without changing any of the game's tone or gameplay.

I want DmC to be completely forgotten aside from the memes and the Spanish Soap Opera mod.

Lastly, I want a good Guilty Gear. Something that tops XX AC+R.

I'm a simple man.

Can you not read?Who grants the wishes here bucko?

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It's either that or I wish for you to become my onahole until I use up all my wishes (I wont).

I wish I had the power to make anything I write down in English with a pencil on paper come true

There the perfect wish. You can do anything and you can control what you do.

Continue soul reaver with the original artdirection and storytelling.

Erase and prevent all of sjw shit and make those who push that agenda be fired immediately from the gaming industry

Erase all of the stadium and soccer, nfl, baseball, basket from the memory of all himankind.this applies to the vidia related too

i wish that the greentext is irrelevant
i wish that vidya now isn't filled with microtransactions
i wish for more wishes.

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I wish to have the power to gain the powers from enemies I defeat from video games
Brb going to defeat God in JRPGs

this except for hyper weight gain and furry

>I wish companies would consult me directly for what kind of games they should make
where's the fun in that

I wish Konami sold the rights to Suikoden to its original creator.

I wish Sid Meier would make a sequel to Sim Golf.

I wish Yuji Horii could live another 50 years.




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Well it seems i have been outsmarted

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I wish that Sega would finally make Sonic Adventure 3

I Wish that Sonic Adventure 3 and Almost every future Sonic game was good

I wish that Mega Man X was DLC 2 in Smash Ulimate

>Fromsoft sells the rights to Tenchu to Team Ninja
>Level 5 gets their feet out their asses and makes Dark Cloud 3
>Naoto Ohta gets a blank check for a development studio dedicated entirely to developing new Ape Escape games.

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every tcg/ccg from the past and present gets a aaa title that has a ton of effort put into it on with cross consul and pc play
gundam vs 40k as a rts
companys start making games for older systems again

ONE: I wish for all modern monetization schemes removed from video games.

TWO: I wish for all Chinese influence was permanently removed from video games. (I would say remove China from the face of the Earth, but that would be less vidya related)

THREE: I wish for gaming to not be mainstream and never become mainstream.

Thank you, Genie.

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I wish everyone involved in making and selling video games actually enjoys video games.
That's the only wish I need.

> Gundam vs 40k as a rts
I didn't know I wanted that, take my first wish.
Make guild wars 3 in the same vein as the original, and forget all about 2.
For the last, I dunno, make me really famous or really good at video games so I don't have to do anything else.

1. I wish Nintendo and Microsoft finally release their old catalog DRM-free either on or Humble Store.
2. I wish for a remake of the Westwood Blade Runner game.
3. I wish PopCap did more casual games that don't have monetization schemes.

I wish for a (You)

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I wish half life 3 to come out
I wish vr headswts were not so expencive
I wish zelda had a better ending

that's a cute rodent

>btw wishing for more wishes means you get none.And your favourite game is erased from history.
I wish more Genies

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What is the purpose of the green and red boxes?

No clue, maybe the original meme was about hitboxes


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i wish sega never dropped out of the console market
i wish china was wiped off the fucking map by a fucking barrage of nuclear icbms
i wish for a new night into dreams

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I wish to play a game that's so immersive, expansive, and high quality, that it is the culmination of every RPG, JRPG and WRPG and it would never get stale.

I wish to be put into the game.

I wish to be made immortal and eternally youthful so that I can keep playing the game.

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I wish Dimentio would get into Smash.
I wish Super Paper Mario would get a sequel.
I wish Snivy would get into Smash.

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i Wish EPIC wasn't a virus and was a a really good alternative to steam

i Wish for a postal 3 that was made by running with scissors and was a perfect successor to postal 2

i Wish TF2 killed off all furries and had a bigger Dev team with more SOUL and budget

>Level 5 gets their feet out their asses and makes Dark Cloud 3
Trust me, you don't want current Level 5 to make anything. Dark Cloud 3 would just be Ni no Kuni reskinned.

>I wish to be able to erase vidya stuff from history
>I wish to be able to magically create games instantaneously
>I wish to be given a respawn option whenever I die
Now I can recreate my favorite games, but better, and also make bank off of creating Minecraft/Fortnite/any other big-earning game. Gacha stops existing too.

I wish for your freedom, Genie.

>first Wish
I want Disney Interactive back in action
>second Wish
A new whole remake of Crash Twinsanity
>third wish
Remake of pic on spoiler

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I wish for than Djinn to have will smiths face

thanks man

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Wish #1:
SEGA stops being incompetent, causing all of their dead/dying/mismanaged franchises to come back better than ever.
Wish #2:
Same thing as #1 but with Square Enix.
Wish #3:
Matchmaking dies forever in every FPS title, forcing the return of community servers with a few officially run dev servers.

yes OP I read the new shadman comic as well

let me play it on PC

I wish for the Bloodborne PC port

I wish for Titanfall 3

And finally, I wish that WoW's retail loses all it's whales and it finally dies like it should have years ago

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it's better to word it as a *good* Bloodborn PC port

Video games become a niche hobby again. Normalfags and the media lose all interest.

DLC is no more. All games will release in complete physical editions DRM-free.

Every game ever becomes open-source.

I wish for WoW Classic to be released tomorrow
I wish for Tauren hitboxes to be the same as other races
I wish for Hardiness racial on Orcs to get changed to 20% less stun duration as opposed to straight up resisting stuns on a 25% chance

I'm just going to wish them separately and see what happens with each wish.
>I wish I could get this girl off my mind so I can enjoy vidya again

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>I wish for WoW Classic to be released tomorrow
The game releases in an unfinished state and is quickly cast aside by the playerbase who go back to private servers. This causes Blizzard financial ruin and they go bankrupt, assuring that a stable release never comes.
>I wish for Tauren hitboxes to be the same as other races
The hitbox is made the same size as Ogres and you get hit by AOEs constantly.
>I wish for Hardiness racial on Orcs to get changed to 20% less stun duration as opposed to straight up resisting stuns on a 25% chance
It stacks additively with the talent on Orcs and makes all stuns have terrible duration. It makes Orc Warriors even stronger than before.

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I wish for Metal Gear Rising 2
I wish for God Hand 2
I wish for more genies

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This is genie wishes, not monkey paw wishes

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First wish, everyone currently browsing Yea Forums(nel) without a gf or bf gets their perfect vidya-related waifu or husbando.
Second wish, everyone get browsing Yea Forums(nel) is taken to a new reality with their waifu/husbando. This reality includes vidya logic, including levels/stats/etc. Think Konosuba, but with modern tech being possible and mixable with magitech.
Third wish, I am the first God of this new word.

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I wish I was good at vidya
I wish for a good sandwich.
I wish Yea Forums was good.

I wish everyone in this thread was in the DOOM universe

I wish pick ups were completely removed

I wish secret areas were removed.

All multi-platform multiplayers support crossplay

Dissidia 1 and 2 combo pack released on ps4 and PC

a single, unified, digital marketplace. I just want all of my games in one place.

Genie, i wish that you are free and I can be good a fighting games.

1: I wish Mega Man X was playable in Smash Ultimate and not an echo of Mega Man
2: I wish Doomguy was also playable in smash
3: I wish for your freedom. Those other 2 wishes were the only ones I needed.

1: baklava
2: a little more


A Super Robot Wars game with Moon Dweller level animations with my dream roster
Dynasty Warriors 9 retracted and heavily revised so thar it can be a great reboot to the musou series.
A proper Jump tribute game for this gen's consoles, not Jump Force.

I wish that the new Souls clone being out wasn't thinning out muh dark souls remastered switch servers

I wish for the new pokemon game to NOT BE SHIT PRETTY PLEASE

I wish that something changes in my brain and I can enjoy games that are not dark souls and pokemon

Half Life 3 that won't disappoint me.
TES 6 that won't disappoint me.
Ability to stop time while playing so I will be able to finish all games I want before my death.

1: a console that plays every single console game ever released (1-8 gen) with 4K resolution and enhancements
2:MGSV uncut without budget constraints and exactly the way KojiPro imagined it
3:next Splinter Cell game is better than Chaos Theory

VRMMO's become real.
You can get trapped in them.
My life becomes a "good" isekai via VRMMORPG fuckery.

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Aight, here goes.
>unlimited funds for any developer who is passionate so they may create everything they wish to add into their games
>everyones favorite franchises get revived and become healthy, including old videogames now having active multiplayer online, even ps2 old
>Every single game is now optimized to the point of perfection, so much so an intel hd integrated card could run Witcher 3 on 120 fps with no chugging or hickups.

TES6 is released tomorrow and it's perfect
TES7 is released in five years and it's even better
TES8 is released in ten years and virtual reality has improved so much that I can just go in and never come back

I wish sony didn't turn into a bunch of cock blocking prudes.

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god damn it, this is chink gatchashit isnt it

I wish for Final Fantasy VII Remake to be the best game yet.

I wish that Final Fantasy VII Remake will come out in my lifetime.

And lastly, I wish that companies start following the Capcom/Hollywood way of announcing their shit - which is to show something off for the first time when it's about a year away - not six+ years away.

this except for gender bender

I wish my vidya waifu is my real, loving waifu.
I wish vidya companies would make historical themed vidya not riddled with so much inaccuracies.
I wish for a new game, from my waifu's franchise, that captures the same soul as her first game.

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I want bannerlord

>No chinks allowed
>EA undoes all the damage it's done to the companies it ate
>we get the original monkey island 3 concept released, from pre-sjw Schafer.

No it was a jrpg

>get their husbando
You are a kind god, I shall serve thee

I wish for a Lost Kingdoms reboot from From Soft.

I wish that the Wii U library would be ported to the Switch.

I wish that the industry as a whole pulled a "Fine Art" and ultimately rejected any further censorship, rating or oversight beyond avoiding literal criminal or tort charges.

I just want bannerlord

Soon friend, soon

It still hurts. I was look forward to that game so much, and I never look forward towards games.

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..oh yeah its japanese, just reverse image search is all chinese & korean

No this was an actual mystery dungeon RPG that was seconds from being on store shelves till sony said NO. It got rated by ESRB and everything. So not only did PQube not get to sell their game they lost a year or so of dev time. Because sony got pissy.

It's a real kick in the dick alright. But I feel really bad for the localizers. All that time wasted.

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>I wish my vidya waifu is my real, loving waifu.
Done. She is indeed very loving, but not towards you!

>I wish vidya companies would make historical themed vidya not riddled with so much inaccuracies.
Done! Get ready for EA's brand new historically accurate game, 1400s Basket Weaving Simulator!

>pulling off some wishmaster shit on me.
Back into the lamp you go, you blue nigger! I was even considering forfeiting one of my wishes for your freedom.

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god damn, it looks good too
>going sony exclusive in the current year

I wish I was as rich as Wario
I wish Genie was turned into Shantae
I wish Shantae would become my wife and we try to make quarter-genie babies every day

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I wish for Bamco/Dimps to stop making endless DLC for XV2 and release a good XV3 already

I wish for Hunter X Hunter to get a good Xenoverse type of game

Finally, I wish to be more motivated to work

I wish for more girls in video games that aren't mentally deranged
I wish for Fred and Paul to win their Lawsuit
I wish for game developers who publish on kickstarter to spend an hour in hell for every dollar they squandered

The game came out before Sony went Basedny. If it came out a month or even a couple weeks earlier it might not have been a problem. The next game in the series is on the Switch and the devs said they'd like to see it get translated so we'll see how that grows.

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Oh, right. Word filter.

i wish all games have character creation with lots of options, even games with a set character let you change their outfit however they want without clipping or anything
i wish for a mod that will forever be easily accessible for free, can turn any normal game into a fetish game of the user's choosing
i wish people on the video games board on 4channel could enjoy and care about games more

1) I wish i could enter any videogame world by touching the screen and saying "Engage" Time moves slower in game
2) If i Die in the videogame i just go back to the load screen or checkpoint
3) I can choose to what to bring with me into and out of the videogames.

Load up some sorta character creator game.
Slide that fitness scale all the way to "Fit"
Find a game with something that gives me god mode,
Rape my way through all the videogame worlds
go back to my boring 9-5 life every now and then

Vampire: The Masquerade 2 actually turns out to be great. Relic makes good strategy games again. A Dominions game with nice looking graphics.

1. forget every videogame i've played so i can re-experience them fresh
2. i own all the systems and games
3. the genie is trapped in the lamp forever

I wish Saber was my wife
The other two wishes don't matter

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I wish I had the power of Timestop
I wish for Immortality
I wish for your freedom, now get the fuck outta here, I got shit to do

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I like you user

>Western version of the game has been cancelled after being blocked for release by Sony America and Sony Europe
at least the japanese version is out, sucks all the localisation work went to waste but hey, just learn japanese 4head

Yeah, but even Japanese devs are getting hit with the censor stick going forward. The guys who make OL were SUPER pissed.

I highly doubt a game that was carried mainly by story is going to do well without the story. People like that can only really manage a good game if they just don't have a story like Apex Legends. Best case scenario you get a more gameplay heavy Night in the Woods with vampires.

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>infinite money which of course I'll use to develop a single game over the course of many, many years and it will be like star citizen on steroids
>complete immunity from all laws; that's present, past and future laws to do as I please because I need it to break new grounds in game development and the gaming industry in general
>perfect health for exactly 400 years rendering me immortal for that time, it will be enough and not something bat shit retarded like permanent immortality - I need the time to perfect my game(s) ahahaha as if there will be more than one

good, i cant think of a good reason to not just go multiplat unless sony is funding most of the development

Ninja Gaiden remastered on PC.
Enough with SJW cucking vidya, give me tiddies and violence.
Real life Honoka to smash 24/7.

I would have said Halo on PC but that wish will be granted.

Get rid of paid digital distribution, the only type of digital distribution that should exist is piracy
All games are sold physical only via DRM free physical copies
All paid digital distribution platforms like Steam, GoG, uplay, origin, etc cease to exist and the people that made them are executed
Boom, gaming is saved

EA died in 1991 and all the studios they murdered are alive and well producing high quality videogames of their franchises

Sega never bailed of console gaming

DLC, lootboxes and the like never happened and we still get full expansions for successful games

Shit taste.

How does that wish stop it from having a good story?

I wish everyone's favorite game gets erased
I wish everyone gets no wishes
I wish for more wishes

..wait but you deleted all wishes then made another wish, thats illegal

New Pokemon ranch for each new Pokemon game
A true Mario 64 sequel that lives up to the original
And last, I somehow make a 10/10 game that makes me a gaming icon and nets me a fuck load of cash
I would go with some shit like "I get to choose every new smash bros character" but that feels like wishing for wishes desu
Is this thread meant to be for genie-ing where you're gonna turn my wishes against me or are we just judging eachother

>bankrupt all gachashit developers
>paid online on consoles is abolished forever
>KotOR 2 and New Vegas are properly finished as the developers intended

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