Rated M for mature
Rated M for mature
it would be Ao
A lot of M rated games have all this.
Why can’t the industry cut the bullshit and say it's +18?
TS4 with mods.
Manhunt is the most violent video game I've played. There's other games like DOOM, Serious Sam, Left 4 Dead 2, etc. that are just over exaggerated violence that make it dumb and fun. But the kill animations and sound effects in Manhunt make it such a brutal game
Because they then wouldn't have an AO rating to punish indie developers when they try to be too edgy. I always thought that GTA V was AO-worthy, it would be nice to see if consoles were to reject that title.
>game where you kill innocent people is rated AO
>any rockstar game is only rated Mature
Why the fuck do we even have both M and AO. does a 1 year age difference make a difference?
Yeah, that Ping Pong game was too explicit.
To be fair to the ESRB (which are quite full of shit), they did rated AO the uncut version of Manhunt 2.
On the other hand, Manhunt 2 isn't as popular as fucking Grand Theft Auto.
Because "videogames are for kids"
As said, let's just call this obvious AAA +18 game that’ll give us tons of sales +17. But that edgy indie? +18
i was hoping steam's "anything that isn't illegal or trolling" rules would pave the way for console manufacturers unbanning AO-rated games, but instead valve caved in immediately, continued to content police even T-rated games, and games are the furthest back they've been in several years.
So we have somewhere to categorize porn mostly
AO-rated games are only sold in GamersGate (tho the only one they had was removed), Amazon, GOG.com and Steam (only with Hatred, Seduce Me was taken down). Consoles don't support them and neither does brick and mortar stores. It's basically there to punish developers that aren't part of the Entertainment Software Association.
holy shit I remember rockstar's table tennis now
Rated HD for "Hangs Dong"
things that are really inappropriate for children versus things that are actually illegal for minors to buy or use, like pornography or real money gambling
except for games rated AO for violence because uhhhhhhhhhhh
>porn is AO
>but explicit violence is M
wtf is wrong with Americans?
>"You know, up to this point most people associate AO with sexual content," said Vance. "We've actually assigned AO ratings for violent content as well; it's just that most of the time that product gets edited or changed in order to warrant an M rating, so you never see it in the market."
Rated N for
Rated R for retarded
It's illegal for minors to purchase or acquire pornography in some locations in burgerland in that stores will get into trouble if they do. America isn't alone Japan is also notorious when it comes to regulating porn too.
"Tim, they've got your wife!"
"But I'm not married!"
"You are now, to AMERICA"
Violence never hurt anyone
*gets shot*
Pegi 18
Reminder, the original uncut version of Quantic Dream's Fahrenheit is AO-rated. But the remastered edition by Aspyr is M-rated, despite being exactly the same gameplay-wise.
Does it still have the interactive sex scene?
What game? Asking for a friend.
Yeah. And even more strange, it has less descriptors (Violence, Nudity, etc.)
>Beyonce Fans