This game is insane. Playing it for the first time now and I'm instantly in love.
This game is insane. Playing it for the first time now and I'm instantly in love
Other urls found in this thread:
Can I get a link to your blog?
now imagine if dice had just copy pasted this game and gave it a graphical overhaul and multiplayer galactic conquest
instead we get the on rails garbage dump that is nuwars eafront
so are there any mods to check out or just stick with the vanilla?
there's shit ton of mods and they aren't hard to install fag, go to moddb.
can you recommend some great ones?
You have to have mods to play the steam version
what do you mean?
You need to 1.3 patch to mod your game. Im not sure if the steam/gog version already have it so google that before modding.
Battlefront 3 legacy (it's a beta so is a little unstable)
Battlefront 1 map pack
Sky to land battles pack
Clone wars expansion
not to mention the fucking reload animation being fuck retarded
thank you man
No probs man, if you like the Base game mods will blow you away.
Have fun
OG Battlefront II aged like fine wine. Still looks and plays great.
ya i really like how it looks. i saw some graphic mods on moddb but i dont think i will bother with them.
just like the simulations
You must have autism. He's starting a Star Wars Battlefront II thread incase your mental disability stopped you from catching onto that.
I love how they took an ip like star wars, already had the ground work for a fantastic game and somehow managed to shit all over it along with the movies. They could have made SO much more money.
Why are Battlefront II memes so funny?
I'll put my wrist rocket into your thermal exhaust, faget.
They needed to redesign it from the ground up to get as much of your greasy dollars as possible
Cuz if the game is good, so are the memes
They do warn about wrist rockets in EAfront 2, though.
>>I'm taking you down Plastic boy
But they would have made more money if they just created a solid game instead of pissing about with mtx garbage and not delivering on certain things. Literally all people wanted was the old game with next gen graphics and some new heroes/villains etc.
Nu-battlefront is fine. People overreact to it because OLD GAME GOOD and they think they have to follow along.
It unironically gave me a new appreciation for the prequels
But then actually rewatching the movies took that appreciation away
If it's good, I'm hoping the first one or this is going to be offered with GWG next month.
Seems likely as we've already got Jedi Knight Jedi Academy and Republic Commando
God playing on the Republic side on Geonosis was such a FUCKING BITCH!
Yeah, the damn bugs were a pain. I liked pushing a squad up to the high citadel early, that always seemed to give an edge.
Then people would have expected battlefield 1 & 5 to have had actual content and no microtranactions. If they made the game we wanted it would have set a standard EA had no intention of meeting
So cheap and pretty effective. I always liked having that, Sabotage and Leader on hand if I could.
this is more case of OLD GAME PERFECT
Garrison bonus for maps that could go either way, sabotage for space battles and hero as a treat because I've done well capturing those planets and I deserve something nice
God this game was so good
I usually saved the Leader bonus for two maps in particular: Naboo and Polis Massa. The AI always seemed to kick my ass on those maps unless I got a quick lead against them with a leader.
>I skipped out on its golden era because I didn't like the prequels.
Dumbest shit I did next to also missing the 2142 period because "Hurrdurr it's got ingame ads I dont wanna support that"
Naboo was probably one of the worse maps in the game. Still fun but it always came down to who owned the central plaza. Owning the other cp's didn't matter.
Polis massa had a whole area where you could tank battle outside on the meteorites surface but if you did it'd guarantee you lost.
If they rebalanced some maps this game would actually be perfect
>The retarded Rebel AI that would just pistol the shit out of dead imperials
>The slightly hammed up Imperial officers being annoyed when their troops lose an objective. Not full on nu Wars retard evil but just miffed
>Dumbest shit I did next to also missing the 2142 period because "Hurrdurr it's got ingame ads I dont wanna support that"
No, you did right in the latter case. 2124 was most likely a fun game but you gotta draw a line somewhere. They ended shoving DLCs, microtransactions and other shit down our throats, but imagine how much worse could it be if we bent over right off the bat.
>The Imperal Commander when you lose a game
This and Republic Commando were the best SW games I’ve ever played
Not Battlefront, but Jedi Academy: Movie Battles 2 is even BETTER than Battlefront.
Shit's insanely fun and well-made
Is MP still alive for this game?
>nu-battlefront is fine
lmao please tell me you actually aren't this retarded
to their credit they did port over a bunch of old bf2 voice lines into the new game, including that one
How mod-friendly is the Steam version? Just for aesthetic mods mostly like the Clone and gun models
Kind of, there's like two active servers, jedi cantina battle and space battle but they get old after a bit and are usually laggy as hell
>tfw Galactic Conquest will never become a proper strategy mini game inside of a Battlefront game
Just imagine the expansion you could make just based off of 2's system. Capital ship upgrades, more variety of ground battle advantages, currency farming etc.
ADS is a good thing, idiot
What about the very first Battlefront? Is it any good?
I saw the Xbox version fairly cheap and I'm thinking about buying it.
The Clone Wars is the only Star Wars movie setting that makes for good games
Even DICE realized that with the fact that literally everything for BF2017 after Solo has been Clone Wars stuff.
The first one was basically a beta for the second which came out not even a year later to cash in on Episode 3.
Well, you saved me a few bucks.
Thanks user!
Awesome, cheers! Extrapolating from that, are mod maps usable in online servers?
First one actually does some things better than the second one. For example flying vehicles on ground maps (Because space battles weren't a thing in it), Bespin Platforms and No fucking playable heroes thank fuck. Battlefront should be all about the struggles of infantry in the Star Wars universe damn it.
Nah this is bullshit. You people playing singleplayer against awful bots dont understand how Oldfront 2 translates to actual 64 player multiplayer. it was 3x the clusterfuck of Nufront2.
Yea, but other players have to have the mod maps installed aswell.
It has some of my favorite maps
>it was 3x the clusterfuck of Nufront2.
Yes and? The clusterfuck was part of the charm of old battlefront, especially on maps like Endor with speeders.
Looking forward to Capital Supremacy and am hoping it stays Clone Wars-only.
Both Rhen Var maps were kino. Bespin as well.
Pretty sure they all got ported over in some mod ages ago though.
Still better than EAfront 2?
It's not even a contest.
ive always found 1 more interesting gameplay wise than 2. every class is unique and there seemed to be a little more charm. also the maps were better. especially the GOAT geonosis
Yes it was part of the charm for certain people but have you heard 90% of the complaints about Nufront 2?
>These corridors are a no fun cluster fuck
>The map is too narrow
blah blah
If people got what they wanted the game would be even deader. Oldfront would have 1 single hallway on some maps with 25 people with rocket launchers on 1 side and 25 on the other with rockets and the other people endlessly and quickly refilling their rockets and grenades. It was retarded. And people want that... while complaining that newfront is a cluster fuck. It's like theres some disconnect that I just can not understand.
Most people just remember maps like Genosis, Mos Eisley (Tatooine from Battlefront 1 also counts), Theed, Yarvin 4 and Endor hence why the clusterfuck was more spread out. That and Command posts meant you would be constantly splitting off trying to capture more than one at a time rather than the main modes of EAfront which is usually escort thing or capture this single point.
>the bridge on bespin
Man I’ve got PTSD from that
There were more maps than just Polis Massa, you know.
>Not hopping into a flyer and flanking the enemy from behind.
Not him, but if you played the game you'd know that EVERY map was a clusterfuck. Death Star gives and Jabba's Palace give me worse PTSD than Polis Massacre.
Geonosis in 2017 looks and sounds better than Episode 2 itself.
How do they do it?
Why the fuck are a handful of maps set in places where there was never a battle anyway
Who the fuck watched Episode 3 and thought "this medical facility on an asteroid should have a ground war in it"
episode 2 came out in 2002
The whole game is composed of hypothetical scenarios. It's not like the rebels would have ever had a chance of winning at Hoth, yet in Galactic Conquest they can do so repeatedly. The droids can win at Kamino and Coruscant, leaving Tatooine the last bastion of the Republic, etc. 1 included an EU planet just to squeeze in a little more variety.
a fucking year of work.
I rewatched EP1 for the first time since it came out, about a week ago. And mannnn I was so impressed by their use of 3D during the pod racing. So well done for being so old, buts many newer stuff I've seen to shame. Especially the pod crashing.
1999, madness.
The maps in the base game look and sound just like or better than the movies, too.
Especially Death Star 2.
the maps were better in 1
>that rhen var map with the walker
still mad they didnt put that in
I wish I could watch every star wars movie with everything muted but the sound effects
>land behind forces
>9 droidekas spawn as you’re flanking
Nothin personell, shieldlet
I would torrent the PC version, there are some cool mods that blow away the stuff people have made for the sequel.
agreed, ruined by the shitty map design and disney stupid approval process.
mods, my dude.
People can bitch about CGI all they want but Lucas still used a lot of practical effects in the Prequels and did shit he really didn't need to do like rebuilding the ANH Tatooine set for Episode 2 and 3.
This thing? I'm pretty sure Pandemic actually invented this one, for their original Clone Wars game.
Wait, why did they mod that into 1 instead of 2? Are they stupid?
Was that in Battlefront 1? I vaguely remember it from the Episode 2 tie-in game... or something.
He meant the Rhen Var map that spawned in an ATTE/ATAT for the Republic/Empire. Harbour is the map I think?
Rhen Var was actually in battlefront two, along with Bespin
As paid DLC for the xbox version
>Geonosis as Clones
>Team either doesnt get in AT-TEs and they get destroyed without moving or the guy who gets in it doesnt move forward
Its pretty easy to understand now why the AT-AT is on rails
I don't think 2 is just 1 with more content, 1 just FEELS a little different. I think they may have fucked with the engine a little between games, so maybe that guy just prefers how 1 feels. There's some stuff in 1 that isn't in 2, so that could be it as well.
>first person cockpits for vehicles
>ability to go prone and bellycrawl
>ragdoll physics for flying bodies
Thanks for reminding me that this was how it began.
is there a pirated version working with online?
I can't believe that i realized that the original gamespy servers were playable with keygen just when they were about to close.
Oh that lightsaber autism.
Really brings back memory of me spending one week of vacation getting trying to not get destroyed by pros there.
It has better maps, and for being more simple it feels more streamlined so better.
Also it lacks some of the funky units that 2 has so it's not as much a clusterfuck. It really is just a bunch of soldiers fighting one another, rather than elites (which you have to earn access to first) throwing all kinds of dynamics and buffs and strange weapons into the mix.
ALSO one of my biggest annoyances, but from 1 to 2, they really fucked with some of the classes and their weapons. A prime example being the Dark Trooper in 1, had a blaster shotgun which suited a jump-jet deep striking unit perfectly, compared to the stupid electric guns of 2. There were a few changes like this between them which were irksome.
Fantastic game, but looking back on it, it is fairly basic mechanically.
Like halo some games are better without the gimmicks of modern shooters
Dude just get it on gog for £2 or whatever currency you use, it's cheap as hell and you can play against people with the steam version as well
Yeah, but the balancing does leave something to be desired. Against bots, you can just pick a regular soldier and get a 50-0 K/D ratio with no effort whatsoever.
The game’s biggest strength is that it’s an elder-god tier RPing sim.
That's exactly why it's so good
I'll admit weapon balancing is kinda poor
>The shotgun having 3 foot range and a 2 inch spread with 1 second cool down and 3 second reload
>beam rifle is worse than the standard sniper as it gives your position away
>with all the medals normal difficulty is too easy, but on hard the Ai is so fucked you get annihilated every time
I still love the game but these would need to be fixed if it was re-released
This and the instant action mode mean it is infinitely replayable for any length of time.
Even on normal it's super noticeable that the AI focus on the player WAY more than any more obvious targets. If only an AI rebalance were possible
Imagine if nu battlefront actually tried to build and improve on the originals instead of being poor imitations with shit gameplay and micotransactions.
It has good gameplay though.
>No Droidekas due to Engine Limitations
>Commando Droids instead
Im still happy, its time they got the Spotlight
>Ahsoka/Ventress 99% confirmed for later this year
Awww yeah
>Shit single player
>no galactic conquest
>no droidekas
>grenades on cooldown
>having to use battle points just to use vehicles instead of just having them spawn on the map
>the entire star card system giving advantages to people who have played the game longer
>didn't get clone wars in until the sequel and it still has less content than the original games
Nah, it's shit.
I want to marry and impregnate Ahsoka
I dont feel like responding to all but cool down grenades are way less spammy than resupply grenades.
>No Droidekas due to "Engine Limitations"
More like they were just too lazy to code all their unique animations/movement. They did Grievous' crawl, so I see no reason why they can't do Droidekas.
do cards still exist? had tons of fun in the beta but the card shit kinda spelled trouble for the game
the rolling part
Cards do still exist, but game wise nearly un-noticable as everything is completely at random
The only ones that notably change anything are the alternate abilities ones
Alternate abilities are fine, the only annoying ones are the hero survivability ones that allow saber users to tear through entire groups and walk out fine because every kill heals them.
I actually prefer it a lot over the second game.
Spent hours just having fun with it.
Bespin was my favorite map to pick.
I highly doubt that they can't program the roll mode into the game. They just didn't want to bother with creating a new non-humanoid set of animations.
Some of the maps are better and the classes are better. However some of the maps are legit the worst thing ever (I'm looking at you, night time Kashyyyk), no dedicated space battle maps, no playable jedi, no Episode 3 content, no campaign with a godtier narration.
Most complains about prequel are bullshit except for shitty anakin/padme romance.
Nostalgia fags are too blind to accept how prequel pushed cgi bounderies in modern cinema and game.
I am still waiting for this to be topped.
(This is from the third movie so if you didnt watch it yet don't open the link)
Pretty funny how people think it is just easy to make a star wars trilogy and lucas was just incompetent. Now you have disney with unlimited budget and experience in entertainement and they are struggling to put two coherant movies.Both movies failed as standalone and as a trilogy, there is zero creativity ,zero hype, zero world building. Who cares about having any good villains or technology? It just like if they took every single thing that made star wars so popular and throw it out of the window.
Just how much the prequel became sucessfully a central part in star wars video games ,cartoons and other shit. Sometimes i even forget that the original movies are supposed to be star wars core.
I play it more than 2. I like playing as a simple infantry soldier rather than a jedi, and love strafing enemy soldiers in the maps with ships.
The only thing I miss about 2 is the variety of jedi, so I'm stuck playing minefield with Mace or Luke most of the time.
>waiting all game for a cloud car to spawn
Steam vanilla is fine
>have bespin and ren vhar on dads modded Xbox
>try to configure some settings
>Xbox red rings and lose my dlc
I watched it all originally when they were new, just watched them again since that point. I did a full Starwars timeline watch a week or 2 ago over the week. Ep1-3 Solo, Rogue one, Ep4-8. I'm like the only guy who likes them all. And i like old an newfronts. Everything gets too much hate. Each had good and bad parts.
How the fuck is programming rolling hard
geometry + physics + not janky + maps not originally designed with it in mind = hard
battlefront 2015 is much better than the old gay games
Yea Forums has absolutely shit taste and no intellect to speak of which is the main problem
>0.00001 eabux has been deposited in your account.
>fast omnidirectional movement
>good accuracy
>rapid dodge roll
It's all you need to be fun.
dice talked about why they did bx instead of droidekas a while ago. basically they're a balance nightmare if you try to make them accurate to the lore, but if they ever get them in a role they feel is fair and balanced clone commandos will be their counterpart.
i like all the movies from 1 to 6 and rogue one.
But 7 & 8 are shit star wars movie for me. They are probably ok hollywood movie compared to many other in the boxoffice but as something from lucasfilm it is just dispointing.
The biggest problems as i said are lack of world building. They are lazy as shit can get lets just take same empire technology and make the "new order". Lets replace the emperor with snoke and vader by kylo except that neither of them is menacing or interresting enough. Lets replace the death star with starkiller base, tatooin by jakku...
Also no continuity from the other movies. Lucas made movie 3 feel like a perfect introduction to 4 but imagine how disney failed doing it from 6 to 7.
As i said villains are as boring as they come and hero are as bad. Just look at rey adventure it feels like something out of cartoon where she never fails or does something wrong. Finn is just so out of character. I am not racist or anything but a black guy as a clueless stormtrooper who suddenly became a good guy is just so forced. If you don't believe me , i loved the black bounty hunter guy in rogue one because he felt so fit for the role and acted well.
For your old “game”
>no customizable weapons
>no customizable grenades
>everything has to be like battlefield due to lack of identity
>overpowered lightsaber users
>people can have 2 of the same hero on the field in assault
>AtAt are OP, and people can hog up the vehicle the whole game
>no customizable attire
>black bounty hunter guy in rogue one
I knew what scene you were linking to before I opened it. It's amazing but episode 1&2 does have very dated cgi. I think it's only by episode 3 that the technology was really ready
Forrest Whitiker
Oh, i didnt know he was a bounty hunter. He was pretty pretty cool, like a hobo vader with his robot body and emphysema gas mask.
In terms of Disney Wars,
he was the leader of a rebel extremist cell that was basically the star wars equivalent to the taliban
I've experienced that so many times.
>Dee Bradley Baker
>not Temuera Morrison
The 2008 cartoon was a mistake.
>he didn't like solo
They have Dee voice clones, yet have Temuera “Big Jake” voice the Fetts
I didn't watch solo yet
>muh customizable itamz, waaaaaaaaaah
spotted the manbaby
don't even (you) me, fuckface.
The clones everyone is so nostalgic for are voiced by David Boat
People meme on solo for being bad, but I thought it was genuinely good.
Well they were originally gonna have Temura Clones, but Sam Witwer (who voies Maul, Palpatine etc) Suggested they use DBB instead, as more people see him as the voice of the clones, and it wouldnt lead to confusion when Boba is on the field
BF1 Clones > BF2 Clones > EAFront 2 Clones
Woody Harrelson's character was fucking amazing, people who act like the script was predictable or that it was formulaic is a fucking retard.
Sorry you can't be a special snowflake and customize everything.
>le trust no one
>people can’t be trusted in the end
So unexpected
Amazing critique bro, if I could be a mindless retard and merely only remember that last 10 minutes of a movie I might think the same thing you do, it's fucking scary to think that if I was just a smidge dumber, I'd be agreeing with you.
Gives me chills, really.
Dice has been programming tanks for decades now. You can't fucking tell me they have trouble with a bouncing ball.
I wish these games didn't suck.
These games would be a dream come true with those graphics and that motherfucking sound, but what is it worth if the game just sucks donkey ass to play?
It's better than 2. It's the best selling SW game ever made for a reason.
Aye bro watch yo jet. Watch yo jet bro WAT YO JE-
kek fpbp
It doesn't work like that, from a marketing standpoint. Today's audience is completely different than 2005's audience, and the old battlefront wasn't even a box success
And be a mindless retard and watch the whole thing? What even was the high point of the film, besides le Maul and Terras Kasai
>Geonosis in Nu-Battlefront 2
>give droids no means to damage the AT-TE's
>Clones win by default if they make it through phase one
Great design retarded swedecucks. Recycle the same shit of grabbing eocket out of crate for like four naps and you couldn't out it into this one?
Most of this is weak shit but AT-AT being op is just plain wrong. The tow cable is an instant kill and it's not hard to pull off. In Battlefront 2 they're even easier to kill because of vehicle weak points. You don't even need a speeder to take one down.
Probably the part where I fucked your mom while eating baked beans in the theater
>this your jedi commander for the several months you were on Geonosis and Palpatine has just told you to kill her
What do you do?
Kill her because she was already taking Kit Fisto's dick.
Shoot the Jedi
>those guys who would waste so much time trying to make a safe landing on the enemy ship in multiplayer while I just slowly straffed the ship from outside with the bomber and out-fought the retards who tried to shoot me down
It's good. I love BFII but the hero units are busted as fuck and BFI has some better maps. If you just want straight infantry vs infantry BFI is the game you want. Its Galactic Conquest isn't anywhere near as good as BFII though.
You can spawn literally double the amount of LAATs during that phase, and the ion cannon for heavy deals shit-tons of damage.
just don't be shit, bro.
>even considering disobeying the Chancellor for a jedi thot
blast her
LAAT's do nothing but chip damage and ion missiles are fucking worthless because of the cooldown. Kill yourself for defending shit design like that.
*Felucia, god damn I'm retarded. Ayyla Secura was one of the few female jedi do she took everyone's dick and the fact she's a twilek meant she was already a slut.
This is true but on some maps it made them unplayable
Tbh Battlefront was best with just a couple mates playing local multiplayer
Played a single game of Galactic Conquest for like two years with one mate of mine
siege cannon you stupid nignog.
you mean other than the tanks, ai controlled spider doids, and 3 anti-vehicle weapons heavy's can spawn with
There’s Steam, but it completely crashes every so often
>when a speeder tries to trip your AT-AT, but he makes a turn slightly too wide and gets directly in front of your heavy lasers
One thing I liked about the first game was that if you conquered most of the planets in a row you got the option to eviscerate one of the enemies planets even if it was just a cutscene.
Is there a lot of player ? This would be fantastic this game is incredible
God I wish it had been Geonosis.
There used to be a decent amount of people, and it was a lot of fun. The servers kept going down (either bad connections or Disney screwing fans over with their monkey paw), but people always bring another one back up seconds later
GOG fixed the multiplayer a year or so ago. Then also made that available to Steam.
They also fixed Episode I Racer.
I already bought the steam one, do platform cross play ? Seems to be decent number of player on steam
Kill jester
God I want to play galactic conquest again so badly
Wish I my old mates had not drifted apart
Yeah, pretty sure it's all just one player pool. As I said, GOG fixed it and then that version also got a Steam release a bit later.
nuwars eafront1&2 flopped harder than you're mom in bed
i bet you if they just took the classics with the classic modes and gave them a new lick of paint it would have sold like crazy
>there are people that actually defend on-rails dogshit on Yea Forums
im getting too old for this shit
some of us actually like to drive things while our buddies are in the gun/passenger seat and vice versa
fuck you dumb cunts
>Starts screaming "STUPID NIGGER!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT!!!" at an 8 year old that took his ATAT
no i simply throw myself into the fight and channel the rage into destroying my opponents and/or wait for it to respawn when the 8 year old inevitably crashes or otherwise dies soon after
And when the 8 year old turns around and gets stuck or goes back to his unacappable goin in circles, what do you do?
if it's a needed resource on the map to win the round ill get an admin to kick the kid's dumb ass or tk the tard.
Teamswitching or asking the enemy team to kill the retard are also viable options
>calls mommy admin
>admin isnt there
>team damage is off
>cant switch teams, other is full
>saber users tear entire group
this is dead wrong, the only hero that could do this is Anakin since he's stupidly overpowered. Heroes in this game are piss easy to kill.
>team damage is off
what makes you think ill even bother playing the game under this circumstance at all?
Because its a dead game and theres 2 servers cause no one wants to play nostalgia wars with gameplay that was outdated 20 years ago when it came out to capitalize on prequel babies.
>it came out to capitalize on prequel babies
it came out to capitalize on people who like large scale fps and star wars in general
too bad the EADICE has no idea what sense of scale even entails
>activate vanguard
>accidentally instakill Han Solo with a headshot, thinking he was just another Rebel in his Hoth skin
>shotgun headshot Luke then finish him off with purple thermal detonator after I roll through his attacks
>get like 3 other kills with that grenade
>win Hoth as the Empire on overtime
Heroes are an absolute joke in BF2.
He doesn't mean aim down sights user
>he hasn't seen a maxed out Vader get 60+ kills
Based and redpilled
I don't think anyone has seen Vader since Grievous came out.
Grievous doesn't take up 4 hero slots on a team
The most common hero comp on a GA team is Dooku, Vader, Grievous, and Palpatine or one of the Bounty Hunters
I've always liked it better than the second one.
I finished downloading on steam and I don't see any match is that normal
>a while ago
source? is it on reddit?
They better put the Commando Droids and ARC Troopers on the main menu with the update
I'm sick of listening to the steady brapping of a lightsaber while waiting for a match
I'm pretty sure their main issue with droidekas was animation. They also stated the main reason they chose ARC Troopers over Clone Commandos for the new mode is so they can reuse assets.
creating Droideka in EA Battleront2 would probably not have been feasible given DICE‘s current situation, especially their manpower. Animating stuff takes time and money. Add to that this isn‘t a two legged human, but a 3(?) legged droid. Then add that there would probably have to be different animation sets for the active shielded battlemode and their rolling animations. Of course, there would be a battle mode walking animation as well. And so on and so on.
No, they said the main reason they didn't go with Commandos is there isn't a lot of canon material to go off of for them and they'd have to make shit up.
What is their current situation, exactly? They're the only successful developer EA still has at this point
Also Criterion needs to make a Rogue Squadron
What lazy fucking excuses. Isn't that their job as animators? How sad that something made in 2005 can't be redone in current year time because "I-it's to h-h-hard!"
It was very active on PC last time I played 2-4 years ago.
Where are they dice Swedecucks? You've made the only fucking modern Star Wars game with Clone Wars material and you don't have one of the main CIS droids in it.
That was a secondary point.
Just now realizing that all major publishers are agreeing to make shit games to lower our standards to increase profit.
Is this game worth picking up if I'm only interested in playing alone?
Can I play against bots or is there dedicated solo modes?
most of the dev team is shifting the development to BF5. well it's the thing I heard since the game is being developed by DICE Sweden while DICE LA busy developing next BF title
battlefront 2 is great but 1 is even better. SW Battlefront is unironically the only series that has gone completely backwards in quality as the series progressed
Coming from you. I find that amusing.
Yes, unlike nu-Front, the original Battlefront games are fully playable offline. They also have numerous, quite expansive mods.
>shoots your corpse hunched over in the middle of a hallway shoot out on the tantive iv map
People seems to like the first one better judging from the replies. They're right.
The reason why most loves BF2 more is because it's more wholesome.
The prequels were dogshit, people don't shit on him because it's easy to make star wars, it's because they erroneously assume he was the sole mind behind them a myth he perpetuated himself.
Nobody told him no, he didn't have his dead wife to rewrite the scenes, the actors didn't have the balls of Harrison Ford to tell him "nobody fucking talks like this" they weren't rewriting their own lines, it was a rushed cluster fuck that got Lucas's ego bruised.
They went forward witha rough draft that needed far more passes, and Lucas needed to take more shots from more angles. Don't even fucking dare to equate the games successes to the movies anything in them could've easily found a replacement from t he EU in a heartbeat.
>Gets in the LAAT you just landed
>Flies it into a building
fuck off
it's literally one of the worst games I ever played
>Land boarding craft in enemy ship hangar
>Get out
>AI gets in, attempts to take off and crashes
Pissed me off until I just started RPing as a commander while I sat in the pilot seat.
>there will never be another goodfront-tier star wars game ever again with disney
>not treating it like a suicide mission
>not storming the enemy ship alone
>not killing 100 men as you charge boldy into the ship's life support and engine rooms
>not chucking grenades at the generator while potshotting any rebel that comes through the door
>not valiantly escaping with 20 hp in a rebel ship you stole seconds before the victory music plays
>with disney
meant BECAUSE of disney
fucking pleb
hard case of contrarianism
the first ea battlefront was equally as good if not better than these two games you suck off daily
thanks gonna go shoot myself in the mouth now
there is a timeline where this actually happened btw
Battlefornt 2015 can be kinda fun despite being casual as fuck, the second one from 2017 is the biggest piece of shit I have ever played, one of the worst Star Wars games
I like how you zombies just repeat what you watch, hear and read and immediately "change" your "minds"
both of them have their strong points and both are absolutely worth getting
but it’s really hard to argue that it’s better than 2
>we gonna get B1 droids in battlefront! is that not awesome?!
I hate these fuckers so fucking much
Imagine how much of an impact EA could have made with their first battlefront game at the peak of Star Wars hype was actually decent
It's not and I can prove it to you
Anyone who says 2015 was anything but a literal pile of shit is a fucking moron
2017's post-launch content is at least free, 2015 released with four fucking maps with a season pass that cost $50, complete with pay-to-win guns locked behind said pass.
Maybe if the player limit wasn't 3 vs 3 and the main point wasn't getting count kills to unlock fucking units
>he doesn't know galactic conquest is releasing tomorrow on the nu-BF2
Seriously tho, they renamed the game mode but it's pretty much the same thing. You win by blowing up the enemy capital ships.
>releasing tomorrow
Fucking awesome. And today is firestorm for BFV, im having fun.
oh fuck nevermind I forgot what galactic conquest was. I am retarded ignore this post
It is not quite like galactic conquest but it's still similar to the old battlefront
You capture command posts and blow up capital ships
The mode is still Clone Wars only for the moment, that's a huge step up from the regular modes where Tacodana, Fakku, Shartkiller Base, and Crate are available
>you will never be 15 again doing space battles with your brother or just going onto that one map and having jedi/sith slapfights
take me back, Yea Forums
Your only complain is muh skins, lightsaber users OP? really? they die like bitch to anyone with brain and AT-AT being OP when 1 single dude can fuck these with a rocket launcher in the weak point but I guess you didn't know that a weak point even existed
Now I can play Clone Wars maps till I die
Ahsoka is kino.
Anything from SWTCW is kino
I just hope we get proper server selectors so I can set it to play in specific eras.
>Villains get added first so we'll get Ventress before Ahsoka
any videos? they max of players in that mode to no be fucking 10 vs 10 where you can't even find people to kill and there are point that the enemy team can't go because a fucking timer kill you for being toxic
the prequels are fucking dogshit you dumb zoomer.
Its 20v20 on the ground (plus 12 reprogrammed bots a side, so effectively 32v32) and then 20v20 in the ships
5 Command Posts on the ground
Apparently Classic Style Voice Lines too
it's as linear as the other modes so always plays the same?
>new conquest mode
>phase based... because DICE has suddenly lost the ability to create flyable transport aircraft
>still only 20v20
>oh but also 12v12 of this game's retarded ass AI who will probably keep shooting Anakin while he's charging Heroic Might
>command posts... but you can't spawn at them, defeating the entire point
>Republic still doesn't have a tank, so the shitty AT-RT is still the only counter to the AAT
This is the power of a year's worth of AAA development.
The basic premise is the same (capture posts, get reinforcments, board ship and blow it up) however the game can theoretically go infinitely as long as each team fails to blow up the ship, as if the attackers lose the boarding phase, the game resumes on the ground until reinforcments are gained to board the ship again
>you can't spawn at them
what the actual fuck
I really like how these fucking shills avoid to say anything like this
and I guess the only map is Geonosis because is the newest right?
I love 1 because I prefer some of the maps over 2
Yes, although it's allegedly a different area to the side of the main Galactic Assault map.
I really want DICE to go bankrupt
shit remember that leaked video of bf3 from original devs that showcased the seamless transition in a spaceship from space battle to ground battle?
That's been emulated to an extent in this BF2 mod:
yep 2019 and we still haven reached that
What I find sad as shit is that battlefront 3 was actually released, but only on PSP under the name Elite Squadron. It's actually a really fucking fun game, but it's so unfinished compared to what could have been.
The biggest news I just found out is that nuBF2 didn't had conquest mode from the get go. Hell, it didn't even existed on nuBF1. Holy shit, what a fucking trainwreck.
(You) just like the rest of the Yea Forumsermin only focus in what is negative
(You) need to stop being so negative and let people actually have fucking fun
>dood game=bad
>"I dont think game is as bad as you purport it to be"
Drink bleach
I want a fucking battlefront that's not on rail shit with shitty mechanics and is fucking fun to play to got it shill?
elite squadron is great but they fucked up by not having droideka. they did roll all the droideka abilities into unlockables but it's not the same.
>he's fishing
I though it was really shitty but mostly attributed because it was released on PSP. I genuinely wanting it to be released on consoles back then because you can see the glimmer of what could had been. It's so unfinished that the plot and cutscenes are such fucking mess.
>Game has less features than a 15 year old predecesor
>Wow, stop focussing on the negatives. You're so entitled
Fuck you
Also the unit customization was leagues ahead of nuBF2's which is fucking ironic
Why were the Clones such dicks when issuing field orders?
When telling someone to follow me they say:
In a aggressive manner.
Also, when ordering to cease following me, they say:
In a asshole kinda way.
>tfw you always liked BF1 more
What makes it worse is that they are screaming into the radios in their helmets while saying it. It would make more sense if they, you know, didn't have those.
Because the clones of a mandalorian isn't pussies like you
>Jango Fett
Fucking EU you ruined me
Not even the EU
Lucas, Filoni and Pablo have all said "Jango Fett is not Mandalorian" and it is spoken in The Clone Wars
Of which Traviss REEEEEE'd over it and got Barred from Star Wars
Day of Infamy is the only recent war shooter I can think of where customisation was handled properly
you're not batman, you're a regular soldier with the same choices as everyone else
>you’ll never be the poor bastard playing clones on Cloud city and having to defend THOSE corridors again
This. People don't know how badly the 2008 Clone Wars cartoon fucked the canon long before Disney did.
You'd think it would be obvious by the pacifist Mandalorians and complete lack of any mention of Ashoka in the movies, but I guess not.
No it doesn't.
Only Ewok Hunt is good
>fucked the canon
More like improved, Traviss mandos were complete shit mary sues
Dee Bradley Baker is best Clone voice.
I loved that game as a kid, so much better than the 2017 version.
Lucas is the sole mastermind behind star wars and there is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING you can do to rewrote this universally known fact. Disney is poison. Marcia lucas is a worthless shitter and so is gary kurtz and kasdan.
Don't mind me, just posting the best load screen music, I just wish the game had an option for background audio so the game didn't have to have focus for me to hear this while it loads in
Wrong, zoomer.
Sure, I think we can all agreed that the old games are good. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I went to the older ones, expecting something great. However, I was faced with the grime reality: nostalgia is a bitch!
The older games came out in 2004 and 2006, respectively, and it shows...
I'm just TOO used to good and engaging gameplay. The lack of star-cards most specifically.
I thinks it time to put the old Battlefront to bed, and welcome the future of the series!
OLD GAME GOOD is unironically correct
It's a Titan mode from BF 2142 you dumbass. Of course you don't know BF 2142 since you are probably 15.
Nostalgia can cloud sound judgement. But it doesn't automatically cloud sound judgement.
The old games were better. They weren't just a front for a pay-to-way lootbox system.
Jango is a mandalorian and this will be FACT till the end of time. The character in the show who calls him a common bounty hunter thug is obviously biased and untrustworthy. Just because the government of mandalore doesn't consider him a mandalorian doesn't mean he wasn't raised by mandalorians. They have every reason to deny Jango being a mando, it makes sense. It would look bad. Also, Pablo is also talentless redditor and Filoni is just a showrunner. Karen Traviss is a better writer than any of the people witing for The Clone Wars CGI shiow and her realistic, grounded adaptation of the movie is superior to the childish movie itself.
prequel EU > TCW. Fact.
t. zoomer
>to hate when you do not understand
So this entire thread in regards to BF2017?
Any time someone mentions pay-to-win they've immediately invalidated their own argument
both EAfront games are garbage too with terrible quality control to boot. They should dump bf2 and make a new game already with only OT and PT factions and game assets that are actually accurate to the films (and the show). Give it battlefield 3/4 type gameplay not this mobile game-tier trash like in the current EAfronts.
EA's battlefront series is a completely different type of game.
It's like comparing basketball with catching AIDS from a nigger, you can't really compare the two.
>Lucas said himself Jango isnt a Mandalorian
Rev up that direct quote from Lucas. I'll be waiting here till the thread 404s because a direct quote literally doesn't exist. You can't prove it. Jango is a mandalorian, end of story.
Starfighter Assault is objectively good and proof that Criterion needs to make their own Star Wars game
Lucas is a fat idiot.
I hate him with all my heart
take that back
Even if you hate Lucas you'll find most of this crap is never from his mouth, it's from untrustworthy fatasses like Dave Filoni or Pablo Hidalgo (trash peddlers trying to sneak in their own shitty ideas)
>when asked about the origin of Jango Fett
>"Jango goes *pew pew* and then goes *bang* and then *pew pew* again. He's simply too complex to anchor down."
- George Lucas, 2009
>Fucking dead mode
Ya nah
Jango is a mystery. The real Jango Fett is the friends we made along the way.
AoTC 2002 on-disc behind the scenes footage
I don't think that EA's BF2 is bad but it's just really inferior to the OG, it feels too much like Battlefield, it's not arcade-ish enough
fuck you
the single player is fun but tryhard no fun allowed faggots ruined multiplayer. it's all dodge roll spam and faggots with rocket launchers.
FUCK YOU...?!?!?!
>tryhard no fun allowed faggots ruined multiplayer
if your not in it to win it then your just holding your cock
git gud whiny faggoot
Remember renegade squadron?
i don't care about winning or losing, i care that 90% of the playerbase uses the same weapons and tactics and the entire game revolves around those tactics. there are so many weapons and abilities and fun things you COULD do that you can't because everyone is spamming rockets.
yeah both PSP games were shit and not as good as the Battlefront 2 port. Having no classes rendered them completely unplayable garbage.
shut up faggoy
so what people rocket and before you ask yes i rock-it the rocket hahaha get it faggor
adapt bitch
enjoy your dead game no one plays anymore because of faggots like you
I played this game with bots for years now. It really makes me wish games still had them so even if the online dies I can still jump in and have fun.
>The fall in the reactor was done by reverse a jump infront of the laser port
It's the little things.
I hear there's suppose to be a new mod coming for nu-Battlefront that's kinda reminiscient of Titan mode. There's a control point(s) both teams fight over, whoever owns it for a time period moves to the next phase of the fight which takes place inside the enemy's cruiser, where you try yo blow it up from within. Failure will move everyone back to the ground battle. Also, they're sticking with 40p and adding some bots.
Not the best outcome simultaneous fight in land, air and space, with 64p minimum, but it's a step in the right direction for DICE I suppose.
>new mod
>faggots like you
do you mean WINNERS...? ADAPTERS...? SURVIVALIST...?
darwin would chew up youre ass and spit you out you trash
>animation for a three-legged robot is hard
in the original battlefront droidekas had
>shield on and off
>crawling into a ball animation
>deploy animation
>walk animation
Some devs made it happen twice in the old battlefront games almost 15 years ago, now with twice the resources and money it's just "too hard".
You are a retard if you truly believe what you post and the only excuse the new battlefront has is that (((EA))) wants maximum profit through minimum effort.
>Original BF2 was the pinnacle of starwars team based shooters
>NuBF2 was a shitty battlefield 1 reskin
>Same studio that made nuBF2 hasn't made a good game since battlefield 2
I look forward to EA's inevitable death
I didn't even notice the 1st time but in the republic ending they just use the council chambers to re-enact the duel between windu and palpatine
You sound like a manbaby
>Gar for everything land
>Sab for space
>Leader for polis masa because fuck that planet with a burning passion
Galactic conquest was pretty fucking rad
>a fucking melee weapons
This game was a blast
Vehicle cockpits available on default.
Vehicle weapons are so OP it's amazing
Starfighters in ground maps
Better maps
you can actually go prone in 1
>can't aim at the spot person is dodge rolling to
it's your fault for not being able to punish a button as shitty as dodge roll
>The cinematic clips in the game show red and blue shield gates of the space cruisers.
Why were they cut?
for your new "game"
>every weapon feels the same, everyone gets a pew-pew space laser
>vehicles have no strategic value, so having explosives are just for the retarded children that don't know how to aim
>game is copypasted battlefield
>clusterfuck of heroes in every battle, none of them is actually powerful. The point of jedi is that they are OP.
>AT-AT is a level prop
>no mods
A feature that I thought was odd to remove.
Nothing comes to mind to why they wouldn't add that option back into the game.
based and Sheevpilled
>Lucas is the sole mastermind behind star wars and there is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING you can do to rewrote this universally known fact.
Interesting how everything begins its slow descent after 2. Which is also when certain editors left. Hmmmm.
I like video games :)
>every GA game has anakin abuser
yeah fuck this shit, people got too good with the heroes and bunch of skilled hero players can and will dominate the game, or in the case of anakin having 2 brain cells is enough to dominate
yes, the singleplayer campaign is absolute kino
with the right mods skirmishes are better than multiplayer matches
You do know p2w loot box shit isn't in Nufront right?
cuz you don't really see them in the films or TCW
did anyone here ever actually use the squad commands in this game?
Once I got the hang of them, yeah. After reaching General, having four AI lads running alongside you is pretty useful, especially for capturing Command Posts in hot zones.
They taken a command post... TAKE IT BECK!!
Their reinforcement count is dwindling.
Both Rhen Var maps and Bespin Platforms
it does some things worse and better than 2 but overall i like it better
Galactic Conquest in II got pretty annoying with the constant space battles
>rebels, republic, and CIS just capture a planet
>empire fucking destroys it and removes it from the game
Good times
MBII niggas represent
>stomping jediniggers as a B1
>curbstomping ARC faggots as sith
>dabbing on wookies w/ red style saber
What a glorious game
Look away from her eyes
What did elite training actually do? better aim for the ai? they get more aggressive?
You don't see Command posts either
People bought stuff other than the cheap as fuck 200 point reinforcements?
i think over the course of 10 years i've tried and learned lightsaber combat 3 times because when i come back it's completely different
it was fun to dab on your friend when playing GC split screen against each other
Sabotage is invaluable in Space Battles, and also very effective in certain land-based maps, like Kashyyyk. Hero is a good way to turn the tide if you know you're going into a rough map. I hate playing Felucia without it, for example, but if I'm playing Empire, I get stuck with Boba, so I'm still kinda fucked.
They're kinda annoying when they push you outta cover.
Also, sometimes the AI automatically follows you. But don't follow you as closely as when you order them to, which is more practical.
Which is kinda odd.
>not buying the hero reinforcement
What the fuck is you doing?
I went outta my way to ensure space battles were minimised.
dab on as hero*
movie battles 2 is a garbage game filled with 70 IQ third worlders (literally only bulgarians / polacks / whatever the fuck countries) that spam some retarded "LOL" binds at everything, seriously the chat is constantly a flood of Pawelowskis spamming LOL, ROFL, LOLOL
Otherwise it's an okay mod, albeit the saber combat is for autistic people
>They're kinda annoying when they push you outta cover.
I guess I've never had that problem, but I'm the run-n-gun Elite Rifle shit blitz type of player.
Can confirm.
t.self-loathing poo(r)lack
>The retarded Rebel AI that would just pistol the shit out of dead imperials
I thought that was deliberate. Elites did that in Halo 2 I remember.
Everybody loves them but I thought they were tedious as fuck. I'd give up a planet just to avoid a space battle.
Oi. You got a license for that teamkill mate?
What else are they going to spam the chat with, you asshole?
I play on the elite difficulty with a ps2 controller with no aim assist.
I can't afford be so careless.
2 never fucking ever
maybe that's a good thing
Wasn't the protagonist of GoldenEye Rogue Agent discharged from MI6 because he let Bond die in a simulation
The worst was when you'd destroy an enemy's ship and they would put their new one right next to you and just start another space battle.
>I'd give up a planet just to avoid a space battle
I never went that far.
>have different voices
Noo... thank you
>no aim assist
Respect. Me too.
>elite difficulty
I ain't THAT good tho...
Imperial Commando sounds so based tho. And I wanted definitive closure with Sev. He was tough sumbitch and I'm convinced he could have made it off Kashyyyk alive despite the odds.
Most of these people probably read the headlines on the beta and haven't bothered reading anything since.
nuBF2 has it's problems but BF2005 isn't perfect either, especially now.
>I ain't THAT good tho...
Me neither, get raped relentlessly when focus is disturbed by negative momentum.
But, I want the battles to feel threatening. And, if you can endure frustration, it does.
I always loved how in the first battlefront you could suddenly stop the AT-AT and the speeder would panic and slam into the side of you and blow up.
I played the first ea game beta and got bored after like an hour. Ive never played the second nuwars and ive been waiting like 10 years for a new star wars game. I dont want to wait until the ea license expires so is it worth 10 bucks? Even if its not very good will it satiate my need for a new star wars game? Currently replaying kotor 1 and having a blast but something new would be cool. It would be on PC in NA btw.
i actually enjoy/love playing nu-battlefront 2 from time to time
yea fight me!
>dabbing on wookies w/ red style saber
My nigga
EA's Battlefront series STINKS OF POOPOO...!
this game gives me flashbacks of fighting count dooku and vader and getting absolutely destroyed because the AI was an actual god that would deflect all my shots
I only remember being able to kill them by running them over with a vehicle. Was there another way?
you can enjoy whatever, user
just now the original is a timeless classic and the new isn't
With a mine/grenade/rocket launcher blow them off the map in levels like Bespin, or into the Sarlaac
Fun fact: the Gamorreans (featured in the Jabba's Place map) reuse the animation-sets of the Jedi from the original game. Just minus the ability to block.
Gamorreans are just reskined BF1 Jedis.
I think I managed to kill count dooku with multiple grenades but I burned through a few tickets
I killed Dooku once by shooting at him but I just googled it and apparently they drop dead when their team gets down to less than 20 points.
Running down the fuckers with a speedy bike was very satisfying, and humorous.
how fun was it playing online?
That explains so much. Those fuckers were brick shithouses of pain.
>a game from 2005 could animate and have playable droidekas but a triple A game from 2017 can't
I don't care if EA is your publisher you have to try to be this incompetent
Plenty. If you liked Battlefield, it was like a light version of that, but in Star Wars.
When's EA's SW games licence expiring so GoG can get to restoring and uploading Battlefront 2004 into their store?
Have you seen the original models?
Just look at that shit.
Don't hurt me even more man star wars is kill as a medium
Yeah the models were not very good
is it bad currently
I love these derpy models. Despite being so strong, their AI was so stupid
They actually just reused the Count Dooku model, with no alterations, for SWBII.
Flying Kick beats Lightsaber any day.
What are you talking about?
Dooku in EABF2 looks amazing
>two white men and two black men
its just progressive trash
>That dark helmet vader
Holy fuck how did I never notice how bad that is.
EA reduced the Battlefront series into uninspired, shooting-gallery garbage.
Does nufront 2 has an offline mode against bots? Is it any good?
More like all style and no substance.
It looks and sounds fucking amazing.
But the gameplay is so dull, the gametypes are boring and there's little variety. No fucking mod support or custom servers.
Its main selling point is nostalgia, else they would have used a different name.
No, it doesn't, other than a shitty five minute arcade thing with braindead AI.
Defeat is not acceptable. FIGHT HARDER.
Fucking original battlefront 2 had them, whoever is responsible for advancing the tech, is clearly doing it wrong
If I fight any harder I'd shit and piss my sweat pants.
You don't have time to notice when you're shitting your pants trying to get away
I actually only own this version on PC (not 2) and have always really enjoyed it. When I played the second one I think that I thought it was mostly better, but after looking at some of these posts I'm remembering some of the things that I prefer in 1.
Also, even if I thought some things were better in 2 I still absolutely love this game. So, I think it's worth it. Well, whether you choose to buy it or not I hope you are satisfied with your choice!
but she is your companion
I was grabbing nearest blaster turret and was just shooting near their legs to send them flying. As soon as they land they got healing animation and rose up, so I had to do this till the end of the game. It's still better than them murdering literally everyone.