Fuck this cunt

Fuck this cunt

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>having trouble on the bull

I have bad news for you..

I bet the horse rider guy in 3 tries, but the bull is just annoying

im guessing you dont realize your a fucking ninja with infinite stamina?

Dont lock on
Run with bull

Get him near the wall and stay behind him. The game gets much much worse in terms of difficulty.

Mist Noble went down too easy. This worries me.

This mini boss BTFO the parryfag, you actually have to Run here

Firecrackers trivialize this fight

I don’t parry though. I’m using the firecracker and sprinting but he still always kills me

Is this, dare I say it, one of the most satisfying boss fights in Souls history?

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DSP one-shotted this guy.


I like how almost every boss punishes you for trying the strats you've learned so far and forced you to completely relearn your muscle memory/instincts to beat them.

And then proceeded to die around 20 times to the Well-Ninja and another 20 to Seven Spears

Holy shit guys this game is difficult. I was good at souls and this game is making me feel retarded.
>currently stuck on Drunkard as well as Gyoubu

for me the most satisfying is the last boss with isshin form

He sucks dick at turning, get him stuck in a corner and circle around him. I beat him on the second try.

Ha, he wasn't so bad, though he looked more purple when I killed him? Might have been in trouble if he'd had more than a single DB counter.

>I was good at souls
That's your problem, everything you learned in souls will work against you here.

It was a good fight. Once you get it down it’s not so bad.

is he still using his whiny manbaby persona or is he playing normally now?

Remeber, there are upgrades trivialize almost every early game fight. For The horse guy just buy the grapple attack and he is ez af.

>I was good at summoning in 3 helpers

Does anyone know which enemies the loaded spear can rip armor from? I overheard two guys on a bridge talking about some armor dude like 8 hours ago and never wound up using the spear for that purpose.


just how? Not the easiest but he's very predictable


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Oh fuck my life, I get to fight this faggot again?

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it's only been about 3 days and i doubt everyone is a shut-in no lifer like me

Same. Including the guy near the temple bell walkway, where it seemed like it 1000% should have done something.

The first time I fought the bull I was skittish as fuck just tapping him once then running around, the second time I went in with a vengeance and just stuck to his neck and backed at him nearly nonstop, if he ran I'd run after him and throw fire crackers in his face and do it again. He died in like 40 seconds, it seems the same really rewards you for being aggressive as fuck.

>blazing fast run speed
>literally infinite stamina
How do shitters say this game is hard when those two things literally make it easier than any game ever?

I am the opposite of you, the horse rider kicked my shit in over and over but I got the bull on my 2nd try after panicking the first time.

Maybe because the games been out less than a week and it's the sort of game most people enjoy taking their time and exploring in?

no joke, run to the nook on the right. he just does circles and he cant hit you.

with 3(!!!) phases!!!

No it doesn't. After beating the game I can say confidently there was no point that felt anywhere near as bullshit as the actual bulls shit. It was a terrible miniboss, and by far the worst enemy in the game. Cheese-strats aside (Inherently not fun) There's nothing fun or satisfying about running around a bull doing chip-damage for 10 minutes until the deathblow. The key mechanic and draw of the combat is entirely lost on this fight, and the novelty of it doesn't outweigh the sheer fucknormous tedium of beating it.

where can i get the prosthetic esoteric text though? just beat gyoubu and on drunkard right now

please end my suffering

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i primarily use the spear and have never "ripped armor off". fortunately the spear is just really useful all around.

I really don't get it.

Did none of you notice that if this guy gets even the tiniest tap on his nose he staggers over for like 3 seconds? Did you not learn from the immediately preceding boss fight that charging animals are vulnerable to shuriken when they're turning around after a charge?

I knocked this dumb animal around silly.

For drunkard if you dont mind being cheesy go left stealth kill the two jabbronies in the building follow the path stealth kill the dude with the shield then run back to the water give enemies time to reset go back and try to take out one or two max of the minions each time. Eventually itll just be the drunkard left, go around him through that building again get a stealth blow so you take out 50% of his health then run to the guy standing in the water so he helps you fight him, let drunky focus on him and just wail on him from behind, if he turns around to focus on you GTFO and let him get back to the other dude

Still manbaby.
I sincerely doubt he’ll finish this game.
Butterfly alone nearly sucked out his will to live.

Yeah, I got really excited after I landed a deathblow and he started talking about how nothing could pierce his armor, and was immediately let down after swapping to the spear.

go to hirata estate, collect the prosthetic thingies there, when you fit enough the sculptor will give you the book

dsp doesnt actually want to play or learn anything, he just wants to zone out and collect tips.

No where in the description does it say shurikens are good against charging animals

literally just strafe around him and don't let him charge you. i thought this bitch was impossible too, then it just clicked and i didn't even need to use a healing item. he's honestly that that hard.

Gasp, maybe you should try things and see what happens. One of the first things I did was try and rack up a bit of damage on Gyoubu after he went past with shuriken. Didn't take long to realize that if I hit him as he was reversing directions it nearly causes his horse to fall over.

the bull is easy enough

i'm on seven spears yamuchi and he's just making me dislike the game, does an extreme amount of damage to me and i do fuck all to him

>deathblow armor warrior twice
>not working
>he literally just says "HUH ARE YOU TRYING TO KNOCK ME OFF!? IT WONT WORK"

well im stupid. still one shot it.

Just take him to the door after the sculpture idol and you can cheese him, for some reason his AI dies there.

Who the fuck is Robert anyway?

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His name was Robert Firecrackers.

The inventor of firecrackers

its actually 2 still

you can skip a entire phase by grappling to the tree during the mist technique and jump stabbing him when he re-appears in the middle of the bridge

Don't fuck bulls, please.

Game just came out and people not really playing the games they buy isn't unusual.


In the firecracker shinobi thing says something about him

just beat him by cheesing him on the stairs

must have taken at least 50 hits and that's with one of his life bars down

what the fuck is this game? the bosses so far have been alright but that was just ridiculous