So is it safe to say that Sekiro has taken Bloodborne's place as From Software's magnum opus?

So is it safe to say that Sekiro has taken Bloodborne's place as From Software's magnum opus?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No. It's good, but Bloodborne it is not.

>From Software's magnum opus?
That would be Dark Souls 3.

Casuals are intellectually weak.

If you walk away from a challenge in a video game that says a lot about you as a person and tells me that I can walk all over you and you won't do shit. I will purposely go out of my way to berate you if you're a casual.

I'm so sick of hearing "it's just a game" no, it's a right of passage. This is a pathetic excuse that casuals hold onto instead of strengthening as a person. You are inferior to me in every way.

Not even the third best title with Souls in the name, faggot.


so if you use stealth or choose to beat optional bosses first to get better prosthetics you are also weak, yes? you didnt beat sekiro with default starting gear and skills? weak

It never will be in Yea Forums‘s eyes because too many autists have invested too much of their lives shitposting and fanboying about how Bloodborne is the Magnum Opus of the Souls games and will never be topped. There’s no reasoning with them.
See? The first post as well.

I definitely feel the "difficulty" most people bring up while playing Souls games. Can't say the same about BB for the most part.

>no multiplayer
hell fucking no. I'll probably finish it tomorrow, and then never have a reason to replay it.


No, Bloodborne is still better. Sekiro is a 75/100.

Nah, Dark Souls 1 was already better than Bloodborne. I say that as a staunch sonibrony. Hell, I even own a vita.

yes, although according to miyazaki DS3 was his magnum opus. hes right too. bloodborne was shit. edgy atmosphere that appeals to a niche group of autists and even shittier combat that dark souls because parrying could be done from safe distances.

Yes. Possibly the best action game ever made.

Sekiros aesthetic is blander
Enemy variety is weak too
Music has good moments but not as good

Nah BB is better

t. I quit after 20 minutes because I got my ass kicked so I could only see a few enemies

I'm on Lady Butterfly and Horseguy

literally 20 minutes into the game. you haven't even beaten a single boss yet.

pasta retard

The later areas of sekiro are way more colorful and beautiful than anything in BB.

You don't need to lie, there's no Bloodborne twist in this game.
There's no Moon Presence

>Enemy variety is weak too

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Sekiro > BB = DS3 > DS1 > DS2

Sekiro does some cool stuff, does some dumb stuff, overall it's 8/10. Not bad. Not GOTY. Just a good game. I'm on NG+ and feeling bored though. This is one of those games you play maybe once a year, whereas something like Bloodborne you can instantly pick up and play through multiple times cuz muh build variety.

Nothing in BB (ability-wise) is as cool as mind-jacking enemies with the puppeteer jutsu though.


is this OC?

I just want BB on PC for faster loads and higher frames. Epic games I believe in you to fuck this up

It's okay but it's entirely built around a single gimmick that isn't as satisfying as the dodge ballet of Bloodboner.

i want this game so bad >_

>posts a miniboss that gets thrown in twice to pad the game

not him, but I agree that there's no twist like BB. The environments are pretty samey. Enemy variety does improve a little bit as time goes on though, like new ninja types.

bait aside, do people actually think this?

>20 second boss
>pad the game

the clank of a perfect deflect is the most satisfying thing in any from game

>built around a single gimmick
why don't you fags ever play games before posting about them? don't you get tired of falseflagging? the game has tons more gimmicks than muh parrying

That is a lie.

Wouldn't make much sense for it to have a twist, Miyazaki isn't M Night Shamala. It gets fantastical and that's all it really needs to do.
I will say that it needed another major area that was mystical, we only have fountainhead palace which while cool, is just one area.

The only thing Bloodborne has over Sekiro is the OST and the setting. The gameplay, story, world and level design is way superior in Sekiro. So Sekiro is the better game.

Yeah but that's the thing, there's no fucking crazy Nightmare of Mensis shit. I got spoiled on a cool boss or two but the environments like you said are bland

>taking games this seriously

The game is built around parrying, though. He's not wrong.

Das > BB > Des > Sekiro > DaS2 >>>>>> DaS3

What dkea a twist have to do with aesthetic and enemy variety, you fucking retard? Mt. Kongo and the divine lands shit all over BB areas. Literally the only good looking BB area is the starting central yharnam.

I'm not saying it has to, I'm just saying that Bloodborne is more interesting because it has so many varied, special, and unique locations.
There's nothing like the fight with Rom in pure wtf factor


the first part about avoiding challenging games saying something about you as a person is true. typically low IQ sheep who just indulge themselves constantly with social interaction, parties, and drinking instead of being a contributing member of society are less likely to find the challenge of a game with complex mechanics (any kind of game: video, board, card, etc.) to be fun

finally feels like what a finished fromsoft game would be like
I just wish other titles got the same treatment

Just based and redpilled all around the board

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yes. this game is hard enough and have that right dosage of getting unskilled players mad to make it a hit on twitch.

>Bloodborne, not Demon Souls
>Demon Souls, Not For Answer or Armored Core V
You dont know From do you?

>it's a rite of passage
Have you lost your virginity?
It's a rite of passage as well

Switch BB and I agree. I don't look back on DaS after the four great souls too fondly. Things like Lost Izalith, the Demon Ruins, Ceaseless Discharge, and the Bed of Chaos are like a Triforce map to me.

It's basically just souls if you moved souls retarded jump button to a face button and added posture. It isn't too different, honestly.

the only from software game I played before the demon souls series was king's field. I'm not a zoomer, retard. mechas just aren't my thing.

its not, you should be attacking more than parrying. the gimmick is that the combat is almost turn based. you attack and then if the enemy deflected you have to watch what they are doing so you can choose the right counter. some enemies don't even need to parry, they can just go into a hyperarmor move after a normal block.

Yes, anyone that disagrees is a casual shitter

>nostalgiafagging this hard

mt kongo is now my favorite level of all from games
so fucking cool

Mt. kongo and divine lands put BBs brown/black dark dungeon #132 color pallete to shame.

what an idiot. multiplayer in these games are awful. nothing like being immersed in a game and then get invaded by XxSephiroth420xX

You're on crack if you think DS2 is better then 3

it's real purrdy

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>its not, you should be attacking more than parrying
Wolf can win fights without attacking until the deathblow. Wolf cannot win fights by going nothing but attacking. The games core feature is the parry system, not attacking. Denying this makes you look like a fucking retard.

>Casuals are intellectually weak.
>If you walk away from a challenge in a video game that says a lot about you as a person and tells me that I can walk all over you and you won't do shit. I will purposely go out of my way to berate you if you're a casual.
>I'm so sick of hearing "it's just a game" no, it's a right of passage. This is a pathetic excuse that casuals hold onto instead of strengthening as a person. You are inferior to me in every way.

yo, is this OC or copypasta because this shit is so cash

It certainly is the best shinobi game I've ever played. it captures perfectly the sense I would have playing those old shinobi games for the mega drive.

>no armor
>1 weapon
>no mp
>lacking replayability
>level design is the easiest of all games
>doesnt look the best
>weaker setting
>weak story
>weaker lore
>worse soundtrack
Sekiro is by no means bad, in fact its pretty good, but i would rather play any of the souls series again except DaS2 over replaying Sekiro. Its a one and done, and that one time is good, but not amazing.

Does anyone else legitimately enjoy this game more with the music turned off?
I feel bad for saying this, feel bad for turning it off, but I haven't heard one interesting/memorable track the entire game, and exploring the world actually becomes fun, almost as fun as it is in previous From titles.

sure, why not. who cares.

It is
t. 300 hrs in ds2

>>lacking replayability
the bosses do different moves and there are different skills in ng+ and ng++ so there's that

Id youre only deflecting youre a shitter. Your first attack after a perfect deflection gets a boost to posture damage. So you want to do one or two attacks after most of your deflection. Its supposed to look like a dance.

Bloodborne is better in every way.

Even dark souls 3 is better.

No because it's not an exclusive to never ever shitpost about.

nah, you are still wrong. if you don't attack some enemies will also stop attacking and let their posture go back to 0. if you even got to lady butterfly, you'd know that you don't even use parry on her at all, just dodges.

This but post-ironically.

Played shinobido? absolutely nothing on Sekiro scream NINJA GAME to me. Love the game aside from that.

no, faggot. just play the game, fucking faggot. wy the fuck you hate the ambient soundtrack so much? it's like an autistic kid suddenly crying in front of all the aunts and grandpas because he heard a waterdrop from the sink faucet

>>t. an autistic fag with terrible taste

Everyone knows Ds3>Bloodborne>Darksouls 1> Dark souls 2> Demon souls

I havent played sekiro yet so i cant put it in the spectrum

>Hey remember Solaire Haha
>Hey remember Anor Londo Haha
>Hey remember Demon's Souls Haha
>Hey remember the eldest son Haha
>Hey remember the Chosen Undead!? Haha
>Hey remember Gwyn!? Haha

Fuck you, all DaS3 was, was nostalgiafagging.

Attacking is literally the biggest thing about Sekiro. You HAVE to be aggressive. See

Attached: sekiro.exe 2019.03.24 - (1280x720, 2.9M)

The best pvp and build diversity in the series. Fight me, faggot.

How do you beat the aimbot halberd cunt that is the Shinobi Hunter? Every time I manage to get one bar done on this fag he instakills me with his delightful instant grab attack. Doesn't help that 90% of his attacks are unblockable.

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>wahhh I cant coop the bosses because I'm a shitter

Is this confirmed or are you just assuming it, do you have any source showing new moves? Might make me want to go for at least a 2nd playthrough (at least this way i fight the old man isshin fight i missed).

mikiri counter

>all of these people shitting on BB for looking dull and boring

It has a central theme to its aesthetic and if you dont like it, you can admit that you're braindead

it's p boring tho? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

the generic combat theme for casual mobs is just annoying, too

Demon Souls > Dark Souls > Bloodeborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2. is the correct one.

I was gonna grab this but sounds pretty meh according to this place. Oh well i already have a huge backlog anyway

You have terrible taste.

mikiri counter is a must have skill. it has like a half second window. you can stand still and press circle so early that you can see wolf almost completely finish the dodge animation before the thrust attack even connects.


Switch DeS and BB and ya got it, chap.

I respect my DeSbros profoundly, tho.

Bloodborne has a more unique aesthetic so I hold it closer personally. Gameplay wise definitely.

After playing Nioh Sekiro feels way too familiar

Fucking based.

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>sequel includes thing from the gane it is a sequel to

I'm unemployed and I have been for years. I contribute nothing to society. I am frequently drunk before noon. I like hard video games. Shut up, retard.

you're not required to deflect, you can literally just mash R1 and get some opportunistic vit damage in.

Ds3 improved literally everything about Ds1 while giving the fans everything they wanted how could it possible be below the Ds1. Also the expansion zones were some of the best in the entire series aside from Bloodbornes fishing Hamlet

BB is still my all time favorite, but Sekiro is an extremely close second.

King's Field 3 > Armored Core 2 > Lost Kingdoms > Enchanted Arms > King's Field II > Otogi: Myth of Demons > Dark Souls II > Armored Core: Verdict Day

Sekiro is fun but lacks replayability

meanwhile we’re still playing BB in 2019

no they don't, I'm on NG+ and nothing has changed so far. I've beat horse dude, butterfly, genichiro, and a bunch of mini bosses, and ROBEERTOOOO

I share the same opinion, wish Sony would greenlight a DeS remake, more people need to play that game.

Dark Souls is still the magnum opus, not Bloodborne.

I haven’t finished Sekiro yet, but it feels hard to compare it to the Souls games.

No i stole it from an user that was being dead serious

So you're nostalgiafagging. Neat.

lmao playing that game at 24 fps. i would rather kill myself vomiting blood sausages.

how to tell someone doesn't own a ps4 -

Sekiro's fucking horrible. The game is way too simple for how long it is. There's no point exploring unless you actually enjoy getting consumable that are as useful as firebombs in DaS. The prosthetic doesn't matter at all. The areas are hardly distinct from each other.

sekiro soundtrack is worse than dark souls 2 and it plays the whole time

i had to force myself to even finish bloodborne. i couldn't imagine wanting to replay it. meanwhile i cant wait to replay sekiro.

I agree, it’s probably the worst part of Sekiro to be honest. I might turn off the music in subsequent playthroughs.

I've only beat Bloodborne twice because I get bored like half way into the game, I've already beat Sekiro twice.

Based. Love Kings Field 3. Armored Core 2 played a lot as a child. Otogi, Dark Souls 2 suck ass tough. Verdict Day didnt played it.

Sekiro is way more beautiful as a game and has really great movement and combat once you get used to it. Ask dragonrot isn’t as bad as it sounds, and overall it’s not as stressful as other souls games, even though the bosses and mobs can be much harder at times

yeah, right. Just looking makes me almost puke by the slow motion. it's worse than when I felt playing the original doom a long time ago.

Yeah Dark Souls 3 was a great game. But didnt brought nothing new. Meanwhile Demon Souls went on to build everything and was a great experience, Dark Souls made the world more connected instead of using a hub and maps.
DS 2 was a disapointment, DS3 getting behind all of these games does not mean that it was bad.

I hate contrarians more than anything else. I don’t understand how your brains work. I love Bloodborne and Sekiro is fun. I’m not going to pretend to hate Bloodborne because it’s popular

>no, it's a right of passage
video games are toys for children. actually do something with your life, you limp-wristed faggot

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Horrid thread, Bloodborne has had 4 years now to solidify itself as the best game of the generation. Sekiro is fine but it's in no way a masterpiece and a triumph of the video game medium like Bloodborne is

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Why is every fromsoft game take place in a dilapidated ruined world that's crumbling to shit? It's getting old

game became more enjoyable for me when i turned it off. i doubt i will replay this game as it did not grab me as much as previous fromsoft games but its still refreshing and fun.

why are pc games so fucking expensive i can get it for 60 on ps4 right now but on PC its 85, what a joke

BB is for aggressive players.
Sekiro is for defensive players.
DS is for variety.

Yes. Bloodborne is the same static souls gameplay, sekino is on another level.

what's crumbling in sekiro's world?

I think Sekiro is a great game, but the world/story/etc. don't have nearly as much work put into them as BB's does. Further Sekiro is kind of this weird mesh of a bunch of lore points from other games in an almost frustratingly traditional jp setting. Its own identity is something that isn't really clear at the moment.

Sekiro's world isn't going to shit.

>same static soulsgameplay

D-Did you play the game?

BASED AND FUCK CASUALS. Every tranny casual from Twitter and tumblr kill yourself.

I would really love a HARD scenery change in their next game. Maybe like a techno-future where your main enemies are a robotic police force or something, but the world is eerily clean/pristine instead of apocalyptic.

dragonrot is a fantastic punishment that really makes the player feel bad, except it made me even dread entering another boss fight because i knew id just accumulate more dragonrot. that is, until i learned people can't die from it. now i don't give a flying fuck.

i think the idea of punishing a player by fucking with their friendly npcs is a very good idea, but dragonrot is definitely not the best implementation of that concept. it makes you dread even playing the game until you learn dragonrot actually means nothing at all and then it might as well not even exist.

Depending on your view of society as a whole, one might disagree.

sekiro wolrd is the sengoku era, retard. the time where a shogunate united japan? it's literally the birth of their current nation

Sorry user, Sekiro’s environments are beautiful, and lets not forget more vast given their verticality. I like Bloodborne more overall, but Sekiro wins in the aesthetics department.

sekiro's world isn't dying. its at war. its the liveliest fromsoft world since demon souls.

The whole castle is a rundown shithole that's and most of the world has the same gloom as the other games it's better in this new game but it's still present

dodge method on lady butterfly is the shitter's cheese method of stunlocking
you're supposed to trade attacks and parries with her

Bloodborne? Yes I got the platinum. You dodge and attack, guns were alright. Sekiro is better and more clean in every way, being able to hop between buildings is fucking awesome too. You don't have to say soulsborne is shit when admitting sekiro has better gameplay and took the formula forward.

I just want a Fromsoft game that’s colorful and fantasy themed god dammit. Don’t care about this boring Japanese setting

That sounds boring as fuck. in fact it's so boring and generic that it sounds similar to Platinum's new game.
Much rather get something like Blame!

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Damn dude, chill.

Sekiro world isnt going to shit, just Ashina that will lose their sovereignty after Japan unifies the government of the land. Similar but not the same.

That's because the Ashina clan is falling to pieces, retard. That's not the entire world or even the same thing as other From games.

>right of passage
'Rite', not 'right'. Retard.

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Doesn't it halt quests and dialogue? Pretty shit, to me. I find the dragonrot to be the most annoying mechanic in the game. I find a tough enemy that is clearly not the way I'm supposed to be going, and feel pressured to not attempt him.

nah, its not even cheese. she still takes forever to kill. you are supposed to be trying to win, right? why would i not use the strategy that i observed to be the most effective? parrying built up too much posture on myself, while dodging behind her enabled me to punish her for dodging back herself.


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The fuck are you talking about? Yeah the outskirts sure, but the castle itself is pretty clean on the inside.

It's amazingly shitty.

Expectation: If you revive and then die afterwards, it comes at the cost of your NPCs being afflicted and dying if you don't cure them. This makes reviving a risky buff you use in specific situations.

Reality: Get punished for dying but nothing happens and you just heal everyone if you feel like moving a sidequest forward.

You're expecting a proper implementation of World Tendency and you get....this.

People who make demands to good devs are fucking annoying and don't understand the art. They should just make whatever they want and fuck what people say.

Are you implying that bloodborne is supposed to be a colorful vivid beautiful game? It's supposed to be disgusting and horrible and nasty by design

Sekiro is mediocre on every level. Hell no. It's barely on Dark Souls 2's level.

You clearly haven’t gotten very far in Sekiro.

it was trying to be a joke about The Surge but i accidentally combined Astral Chain and The Surge in my head. I think in the Surge you fought construction robots or something? Idk i only played it for a few hours

you can kill both her phases with posture damage in 1.5 minutes by parrying her, shurikening her in the air and jumping on her head after her sweeps. That's the most efficient method. What you're suggesting is the safest and most boring method.

That's really subjective, user

I'd say the aesthetic design of BB escalated in the perfect way when tackling something as complex as Lovecraft. It's not meant to be "pretty" in the traditional sense because Lovecraft is all about making you uncomfortable. Fishing Hamlet is by far my favorite area.
It's different in how you would approach enemies and whats at your disposal. Not saying its better or more complex then Sekiro, its not. But calling it static soulslike is not taking into account how they made the central idea of aggression in gameplay forward.
>Yes I got the platinum
Prove it

I’ve been reviving and heading back to bonfires most of the time, rather than fully dying. Is that what the game wants me to do?

So, how do you add something into a game that doesn't pad it? Genuinely curious, from a cursory glance it seems that with the information given in that post just about anything used more than once is padding. Still haven't figured out how being a miniboss contributes though.

But this is From Software's true magnum opus

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You fight crazy people in exoskeletons mostly, didn't finish the game to figure out why everyone was crazy.

Good fight. Proved himself to be a shit ninja in the end tho.

So Mirror's Edge?

>by parrying her, shurikening her in the air and jumping on her head after her sweeps
this is the same exact thing as i did except i dodged instead of parrying. i saved shurikens for phase 2 though because phase 1 is easy enough. 2 minutes feels like a long time when the combat is as involved as sekiros.

No it isn't, but it is a ton of fun.

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Nigga I just fought a single swarm of 20 armed monkeys and some boomerang tengu ninja after being chased by an anaconda and this all led to a gorilla using a great sword and its own severed head as a weapon.

Yeah id rather not lose out on 90% of the npcs because I died 40 times to oya of the water thanks

This is some autism ass autism

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>FROMsoft makes a definitive BLAME! game in Souls style

My dick might explode from the amount of blood shooting into it at that thought

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>Bloodborne combat in a Mirror's Edge aesthetic
>thinkin about those SPLATTERS

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BB is PS4 exclusive so its by default better

t. this entire thread

I agree with you and that's one of the only criticisms I have with the game.

Not having to farm gems alone makes it better.

Fair enough, aesthetics do come from visuals and sounding matching the theme, and BB it’s hard to compete with. That being said, Sekiro’s environments bring a new beauty that hasn’t been seen in Soulsgames thus far.

yeah it's really nice they made the shinobi emblems not only way more common than bullets, but they float to you like older action games. very small but good change, makes it more fun to play around with the alt weaponry/skills

you sound like a gamespot reviewrer.

Sekiro = Fallout 3
Nioh = Fallout New Vegas

You know this to be true.

Just relaying my experiences. Hard to put into words the kind of ‘awe’ you get upon arriving in a new area or witnessing something unforgettable.

Put it in right now then, it's pretty much r1 spam and little else. Bosses can be cheesed in 30 seconds. Also I don't have to prove anything to you, besides I could just get any old plat screenshot and you wouldn't know the difference. I don't care to prove it to you.

Casuals are intellectually weak.

If you walk away from a challenge in a video game that says a lot about you as a person and tells me that I can walk all over you and you won't do shit. I will purposely go out of my way to berate you if you're a casual.

I'm so sick of hearing "it's just a game" no, it's a right of passage. This is a pathetic excuse that casuals hold onto instead of strengthening as a person. You are inferior to me in every way.

Or Blood Vials.
I know someone's going to reply with "Having to farm blood vials? You're shit hurr" but dying to a boss again and again and then having to farm vials because of it isn't fun gameplay, it's just tedious. No idea why they went back to that system when DS1 and 2 had consumables that came back when resting.

You have terribly misunderstood the concept of "magnum opus"

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How to BTFO snake eyes?

Absolutely based and redpilled. Really sad that this board has forgotten this, now half these cucks would defend a story only option in any of these games.

Also you should have a really high IQ to understand Rick and Morty

>get to shinobi hunter
>killed all of his friends
>just R1 spammed him to death
Did I miss something? Was that a glitch?

"complex as lovecraft". dude you're delusional. lovecraft is far from complex as conan is far from Orlando Furioso

>on top of castle for first time
>the fuck is-

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You've worked out how to beat the game, congrats.

You can dodge or parry but unfortunately R1 spam is everything.

R1 spam until he attacks. Deflect if it’s deflectable. Jump if not. Repeat. Get up in his face and do not relent.

Hahahahaha you didn't get past a single boss retard

That part and ROBERRRRRRT are fucking rad.

Never wanted to be a ninja, it was just the perfect job for someone manipulative like him.

I'll give Sekiro credit, they had a clear visual in mind in where they wanted to go with the colors, and matching those with the atmosphere they wanted, but it's hard for me to praise it when it's something I've seen done before. The enemy types are really crazy and I love it, but its aesthetic design feels typical, and its a shame when comparing to BB when trying to expand on a core concept
>you know what dude, i dont gotta prove nothing, just take my word that I cheesed the game
You just proved you didn't play the game
I'd say integrating Lovecrafts visions into a somewhat cohesive aesthetic is complex. His worldbuilding and stories tend to be all over the place, as they usually jump from spooky unseen colors to giant chimeras in human skin.


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cunty grab can't be jumped though. and the bullet attacks rip 50% hp through parries

Does anyone else think BB's skyboxes are fucking ugly as hell?

Okay, so I accidentally aggroed Jinzaemon and wound up killing him while fighting the 2 Nightars right after the 2 Guardian Apes in the Ashina Depths.

Did I just basically lock myself into the bad ending because of a minor fuckup or was he just going to attack me anyway like that shinobi dude from earlier?

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>Bosses can be cheesed in 30 seconds
don't you get tired of falseflagging user? how sad is the rest of your existence that you find falseflagging fun?

It can't be From's magnum opus when the combat is full of all this dirty, cheeseball trash. Even NG2 wasn't this retarded.

God I love the ability to one shot enemies with a well timed parry. So far the most satisfying feeling I have had was when fighting the first ogre, that spear user tried to sneak attack me and I parried the fuck out of his thrust and took him out in a second. That kind of gameplay is truly spacial and I find it much more interesting and rewarding than r1 spamming a group of enemies.

He has nothing to do with the endings but no he didn't attack me, I finished his questline normally. I didn't know you could even attack NPCs in this game, the ones I tried to kill has a force field protecting them.

Every boss is beaten by running around and spamming R1. Headless is like the only exception since it stops you doing that.

Dodging does nothing and Parrying is only worth it if you do it perfectly, otherwise you eat shit. When you consider it's just rote memorisation, it's boring because in Souls/Borne you always have a variety of options to deal with tough enemies.


>you know what dude, i dont gotta prove nothing, just take my word that I cheesed the game
>You just proved you didn't play the game
We were discussing a platinum, how did I prove I didn't play it? Calm your autism

you were saying that lovecraft's "vision" was complex. It's just pulp fiction, penny dreadfuls, retarded and pedantic. lovecraft was a terrible writer.


heh cute but no...

That goes away toward late game, sadly

Because you just told me you cant prove it and you dont have to.
His vision is complex. It's alot of monsters that cant be slain, cant be stopped, and the heros end is either go insane with the truth or die when the gods wake up. Its about the idea that you are helpless no matter what, and the ways he can go about this, as silly as they are now to read, it cant be denied that eldritch horror is complex. Not to mention he likes to write them with unreliable narrators.

I never understood the Bloodborne meme. Yeah, it was good. But it's not a godsend like some people claim it is. Not even close.

what's complex about this? "eldritch horrors" lmao. go read dante's inferno

Other devs: Let's improve our engine and graphics year on year
FromSoft: Lmao let's reuse every possible asset we can and stick with the same 300 year old engine
Coming from someone who loves every Soulsborne game btw, and Sekiro

fuck you Yea Forums im buying this shit because of you dumb memes again

Every developer does this, idiot.

from software won, apparently.

BB and DS3 look better than Sekiro.


>pink petals and funny Asian roofs #3847

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so when is this game coming for the switch?

No I told you I don't want to and I don't have to, and I don't care to. I could but it's pretty meaningless like I said.

No, Bloodborne is fun. Sekiro is just difficult

Witcher 2 -> Witcher 3 = massive upgrade
Battlefield = graphics upgrades every game
Every Naughty Dog game = major upgrades
Horizon has great graphics
God of War 4 is a massive improvement over previous games
Most developers apart from Acti with CoD and Bethesda improve their graphics, there is a THREE YEAR gap between Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro, what the fuck was their engine team doing? Do they even have engine developers?
Bloodborne maybe because everything ugly is hidden in darkness, DS3 is about the same as Sekiro but has more standout areas that look better due to lighting, but also way lower lows than Sekiro.

Its complex when breaking it down within his own text, considering most of his narratives are only loosely connected, I'd say its complex, and most modern explanations and additions to the cthulu mythos and general lore of Lovecraft weren't actually written by him

You're an idiot. All of those developers are guilty of doing the same thing, especially Naughty Dog. You should go back and play the original Crash trilogy.

Where do I go after killing centipede giraffe man? Seems like I'm at a dead end.

how can you have fun playing that came on a frame rate as low as 20? I've seen some videos on youtube and it's ridiculous. There's a whole session of the game where you play on a frame rate of 25. It literally made me nauseous while watching. fuck your console and fuck from software for making this game exclusive to it.

Are you genuinely retarded? Crash is over 20 years old, I'm obviously talking recent years where developers have more freedom in terms of technical limits. Not only do FromSoft games look ugly as fuck, they run poorly too. If Sekiro had For Honor visuals, it would be literal perfection.

You're so wrong, it hurts even from here.

Sekiro has some of the best boss fights in the series due to the mechanics, wish they did more with the variety but the armored bridge knight was neat (no idea why they false flagged him with the spear gossip though)

Sadly the trek to the bosses is pretty bland, there are so many save points scattered everywhere it’s easy as hell to make progress. The souls games beat Sekiro there because getting to a bonfire was a huge achievement in itself sometimes, in Sekiro it’s trivial.

no because muh console exclusive

breaking it down to "within his own text" all I can see is pre-comic-book garbage that evolved from the pulp fiction and penny dreadfuls from that time. it's overtly baroque in its expression. It's badly written and what you call "complex" it's just badly digested english gothic literature.

Age is irrelevant, and Sekiro isn't ugly, nor does it run like shit. For Honor actually does play like shit and it also runs like shit too. I know this because I tried it when it was free last month on PS plus.

Is 60 on Steam, or free through torrent

At the final boss, will probably beat him either tonight or tomorrow, but outside of the Owl fight everything past Gyouba has been really fucking boring
>every single enemy plays out exactly the same where you fan the deflect button while mashing attack in-between
>your own poise doesn't actually matter that much since the parry window is incredibly generous and after learning an enemy's moveset, it's very easy to just get them to reset your poise after one of their combos
>every single boss has been the generic attack string with a couple unique moves thrown in, but not unique enough to make each fight feel special
>after Gyouba, combat arts, ninja arts, arm tools and nearly every single item don't mean shit outside of divine confetti for a few fights, and shurikens for nothing more than just closing the distance or killing garbage enemies
>the game is just overall fucking boring and doesn't take advantage of anything in the full package like it does in the first couple hours
The game looks great, sounds great, and I love the setting, but holy shit it's turned into such a chore to play. I'm going through it less to have fun and enjoy myself and more to just complete the game just so retards don't assume I'm simply bad at it. And I really think comparing it to Souls games is incredibly unfair, because even in Souls games you had enough unique weapons, items, spells and different builds to personally tackle each fight in your own way, as opposed to how Sekiro more or less forces you into 1 specific, repetitive playstyle.

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back to the castle, beat genichiro at the top, then talk to kuro and emma, then isshin, then kuro again to get the key to go past gun fort

If you said sekiro was better than bloodborne to my face in real life I would actually hurt you physically. Probably penetrate your butthole with my giant dong as well

Japanese setting>European setting

I can't speak for the PS4 but For Honor runs at a steady 60 FPS on mostly high settings for me, whereas I get drops to 45-50 FPS in Sekiro frequently. For Honor is a generation ahead in terms of visuals, there's no reason for Sekiro to run so poorly. I've also seen PS4 benchmarks and it has issues there too, so you're either blind or lying.

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oookay, internet tough guy. I'll say here then: SEKIRO IS MUCH MUCH BETTER THAN BLOODBORNE. Now rage more for our entertainment.

Isshin is one of the worst boss fights From has ever designed. it demonstrates everything wrong with Sekiro's combat. They give you all of these fancy new tools to use but the game still fully adheres to needing precise reaction times to fucking everything. You don't have time to do anything other than deflect, attack, and dodge. Everything else takes too much time to do and isn't as effective as just simply doing those basic moves. Using the fan shield to absorb some of his ranged attacks and deflect them back at him sounds really fun, but hes so fucking fast and switching between prosthetics takes too long so doing that is just more effort than its worth. The game could have been so much more if the enemies weren't designed this way and you could actually make use of all of your tools at your disposal. Also most of Isshins attacks are just unfun bullshit. His thrust in his second phase looks like hes getting ready for a spin attack. His overhead slam not only tracks you IN FUCKING MIDAIR but also has a terrible hitbox AND will sometimes disengage lock on as he flies over your head. Its a terrible fight and it showcases everything bad about Sekiros combat. Prove me wrong.

You would attack someone over a video game opinion? Do you have anger issues? Do you throw your controller like a sperg?

Armored Core V? Are you even a fan of the series? Jesus Christ. I am, I wouldn't be projectile vomiting if you at least said Verdict Day instead, but V?

4A is was pretty awesome due to it's speed. Literally the exact opposite of V. But there are so many other great AC games that listing V is gross. 4A is at least a good pick.

Holy fuck, I just realized the last AC game came out 6 fucking years ago.

Enchanted arms was a terrible game. Almost every single AC game is better than it.

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at least you can play it at 60 fps

If you're playing on PC then this argument is dumb. You can make anything run nicely with the proper components.

Nice falseflag Sekirofag. BBbros aren't that pathetic and retarded.

dude I was just putting > (these signs) over names I randomly picked on the from software page in wikipedia. relax I don't care much about videogames

not him, but learn2logic dimwit, your statement doesn't contradict his.

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Bloodborne isnt on PC so automatically Yea Forums hates it

>the game doesn't run poorly, you just need better components
Is this seriously your argument right now?

they are meant to look like a hellish dream world/werewolf moon and they work pretty good for that

>He thinks Sekiro is a souls game

thank god Yea Forums is so based.

Yes. Because it runs like butter on my PS4, and it's not even a pro.

>no response because everyone knows hes right

It runs fine on my pirated copy on pc too.

Or maybe there is nothing to respond to? Not every post needs a response you attention whore.

Spends the entire game throwing new animations that deliberately attempt to trick you and shit on your sense of rhythm and pattern. Parry window has obnoxious start up frames and you can spam it.
Godlike fucking masterpiece that has you fighting player like NPC's in glorious fair combat in a battle of pure skill. Instant parry window more satisfying than cumming with the force or a thousand suns. Miss the parry at all and you're fucking dead.

If only From could walk away from its obsession with deliberately gaming animations and slow floating startup / recovery frames. I was never that guy mad at it in the souls games but now it's annoying as hell in an actually hard game.

Thanks for the (you) fren. I haven't really been on Yea Forums in the past couple of days so I could just focus on the game, but it's really grinded every last bit of enjoyment I was struggling to have with it. At least Bloody Palace next week.

What do you gain from lying on an anonymous image board?

t. hasnt actually played the game and just watched dunkey's video

That video proves nothing. Buy a PS4 and try it yourself.

>Holy fuck, I just realized the last AC game came out 6 fucking years ago.
At least your franchise is getting SOME attention with rumors of a new AC in the works. Fromsoft has been sitting on the Tenchu IP for 11 fucking years.

Eleven. Fucking. Years. Sekiro was going to be a new actual Tenchu game but then they hackazaki came through and decided to souls it up now here we are. Now fans of Fromsofts usual stuff will just want more Ninja-lite shit like this and Tenchu will never resurface.

Convenient that you ignore the posts that make Sekiro look like the shit game that it truly is. lmao.

It’s not a fantastic game wow what a scholar and detective you turned out to be user.

I've played Bloodborne on my PS4 and it has the same frame pacing issues, it felt so so shitty to play that I only ever beat it twice and never touched it again.
Watching this video, the same performance issues are clear as day and looks like shit compared to even my unstable FPS on PC. If you can't see them then that's great for you but don't like they don't exist just because you're blind to it.

FromSoft has literally no reason to ever stop making Souls-type games. It’s a winning formula in every way, there’s still so much to expand on, and the Soulsborne games are probably the single best series of games this entire decade. No reason to stop now when they’ve just gotten started

What is consistency?

I really hate them for this. The tench games on the old playstation were god tier. maybe it's just my nostalgia talking but I remember loving beating those games. It was methodic and you could be stealthy, it was like being a real ninja. it was fun as hell.

Yep, they were a C-tier developer that no one cared about and now every game they release is an 85+ apart from Deracine. It would be like telling DICE to stop making FPS games and work on something else.

Souls games are so great because they must be so cheap to make. Lite on cinematics, little to no voice acting, story mostly in item texts, re-usable assets, camera angle means you don’t need high res textures, re-usable animations on multiple enemies, easy as hell hitbox settup.

They must have really good profit margins for the titles.

nah, they had their king's field translated by fans long before dark souls was even a thing. they were recognized by hardcore players before casuals and twitchers found them out.

I don't think I can. That's how I've felt for most of the game, and Isshin just exemplifies all of the core issues that the game highlights for itself.

So I'm confused, having seen the events after butterfly what is even going on in this game? You remember back to a time when you had the fake arm but somehow before you know the shota. Then he gives you the power to come back and 3 years later you start the game with your arm yet you die/lose the arm even though you always come back? Is there more to this and I'm just asking too early but this seems to be a very strange plot hole

I didn't mean no one in the literal sense you doofus.

You're right, From Soft has some 250ish developer I think and they're working on 3 games at a time. Meanwhile other major AAA titles have 400+ developers and take 4+ years to release one game.
On the other hand, they don't sell nearly as well as those AAA games and feature no microtransactions and shit like that.

For Honor run at steady 30fps on old PS4, with rare drops on transitions to cutscenes and no framepacing issues

Sekiro got almost solid 30fps, but horrible framepacing issues, which make the game looks awful stutter, the same goes for Bloodborne and DS3, is a common problem with From Software

They don't have to stop making souls games. Thats fine, theres definitely a market for it. My angst stems from the fact that when they TRIED to make a Tenchu game themselves, they wound up just making another fucking souls game but with a few ninja quirks and twists. Tenchu was SO CLOSE to finally being resurrected and now there's virtually zero chance it ever will, because sekiros existence means Fromsoft can't focus on making just a full bodied stealth-oriented ninja experience. If they were capable of it we'd have a new Tenchu instead of Sekiro.

If they're not gonna make an actual Tenchu game they need to sell the fucking rights to a studio that will, Like Team Ninja or something. Could you imagine a Tenchu made by TN? It would probably be the best fucking ninja game since Wrath of Heaven.

neither did I? I didn't even notice you used those words. it's not what I'm talking about and you know it, faggot.

I thought the __Owl__ fight would be hype as fuck but it felt surprisingly bland. It was like the same damn fight I've been doing with minibosses and Genichiro for the past several hours but with the easily avoidable shinobi tools that barely added anything to the fight. . I think the game's combat is fun but it's definitely worn thin now that I've reached what I assume is the end of the game.

it's not even remotely like a souls game. play the game first, faggot. Yea Forums is beyond salvation.

Then what's your point in relation to my post? I said they were C-tier and they were, most of their games have >70 on metacritic and sold fuck all compared to their newer Souls-type games which are all 85+ and sell millions.

Yeah I bet you they are going to be making two more Sekiro’s too with the assets. It’s a safe investment, all they need to do is keep that core fan base buying and the game in the minds of people and they will sell enough to make another one.

At this point they would have to really fuck up to loose the fan base.

They didn't make a Tenchu game because they said it restricted them too much, considering how utter garbage the stealth in Sekiro is I don't want to imagine their attempt at a full stealth game.

>Its not even remotely like a souls game
I have played the game, faggot. Yes its very different, but "Not remotely like" is spewing retarded shit. The similarities are obvious. I love Nioh and think its better than pretty much every souls game ever made but I wouldn't say some retarded shit like its "Not even remotely like a souls game." Its the same formula but with vastly better combat mechanics.

I just want Fromsoft to stop sitting on Tenchu for 11 years running. I don't care if they make 100 more souls/souls-lite whatever the fuck you want to call it style games.

My point is that they weren't a C-TIER developer, you retarded faggot. They were recognized as god-tier developers long before you even played games, faggoty zoomer. long before you watched you twitch idols playing it because you're too bad at videogames, fans loved their king's field series.

>they weren't a C-Tier developer because I personally loved their games
You are beyond help you fucking ape.

Trying to beat Dark Souls felt like playing a game of operation.
Trying to beat Bloodborne felt like trying to find the g-spot.
Trying to beat Sekiro feels like I'm bashing my head against a wall until it breaks.

Yeah for real, they have the same undying, immortality god theme going throughout the whole thing. It’s a rehash of the same themes in a different setting.

Frankly the setting has more of a story then the story itself.

Were they C-tier when they were developing Armored Core games back in the early 2000s?

No one knew demon souls existed before dark souls came into existence. (demon souls wasn't released in the usa). From Software had already a very estabilished reputation among connoisseurs. You're a zoomer faggot who only knows from software from fucking sekiro. just kill yourself retarded underaged zoomer.

No one knew demon souls existed before dark souls came into existence. (demon souls wasn't released in the usa).
what planet are you from?

Then stop playing it? Don't know what to tell you, user.

You should have told him he only knows from software from fucking twitchers playing Demon's souls "blind".

For one, it was released in the US and was released before DS1 you dumbass. Two, I started with Dark Souls 1, now shut the fuck up because you clearly have no idea what C-List means.
>This C-List celebrity is A-List because they have a cult following
Literally you rn.

>No one knew demon souls existed before dark souls came into existence. (demon souls wasn't released in the usa)

What in the goddamn are you talking about? I'm pretty sure I was being spooked in Latria far before Dark Souls was released.

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not him, but demon's souls originally wasn't released in the usa. it was released internationally long after it was released domestically and only because fans asked it.

I'm someone who likes all the souls games except 2, as well as Sekiro, and god damn are you trying hard to be part of some exclusive club. Stop.

Okay but it still came out WAY before Dark Souls did in the US regardless?

no one is forcing you to play their games? why this animosity? are you some kind of neet that have nothing more in your life than rage against a random developer?

Based. Gael alone makes it the best of the bunch.

nah, it's up there but sekiro's gameplay just ends up being game centered around getting a deathblow.
It is also both the hardest and the most streamlined fromsoft game

it came only by digital purchase.

i agree. people who complain about getting invaded are babies and literal retards. just play offline if you cant handle it.

Lol no.

Just the lore alone, Bloodborne is still the best compared to Sekiro's gameplay and lore combined.

And don't forget the music, Bloodborne has good soundtrack.


I'm not trying to be in an "exclusive club". fuck that. I'm just trying to make the point that from software wasn't a "c-tier" developer before they made dark souls. they had their cult classics. and it's bullshit you guys trying to retcon history. demon's souls were obscure as fuck. it was only sold digitally and were virtually unkown until dark souls became a hit.

heh more like magnum anus

I'm enjoying the head bashing though

Of course but soul babies will deny because they can't summon help or cheap out bosses/enemies anymore

I literally bought Demon's Souls at my local FUCKING GAMESTOP a full year before DAS1 came out you fucking ass milk.

Do you know what A, B or C list means? It refers to popularity, A list would be Bethesda, Sony, Ubisoft, etc.

>it was only sold digitally and were virtually unkown until dark souls became a hit.
Excuse me? I picked up Demon's Souls in person from EB games.

Bloodborne is still my favorite. Experiencing the game the week it was launched seeing with a bunch of my Yea Forumsros how Miyazaki pulled a sneaky with the Van Helsing atmosphere and making it all cosmic and shit is still one of my fondest memories playing video games. I've replayed BB like a dozen times since and those reruns arent as fun as the DaS replays I've had but when it comes to experiencing the game as a whole for the first time no Souls like game comes close to BB

Except I bought Demon's Souls at Gamestop a year before Dark Souls came out. Did someone lie to you or are you really from another timeline?

What's with the Old Blood / Dragon Blood?

What's with the blood fetish?

Is Sekiro really a casual version of Souls games?
I never played a Souls game before, and I heard people say it's a casual Souls game. But this game is fucking hard as fuck.

dragon blood gives you immortality. the only reason why sekiro is even able to beat all the things that he beats (as far as the average player is concerned) is because he has the dragon blood from kuro. the dragon blood gives him both the resurrection mechanic AND allows him to respawn at idols. you would want it too if you were genichiro.

>ass milk
Got a heh out of me. Even though, who cares if it was digital or physical anyway? It's not like playing the game from a download is any less legitimate than playing a game from a physical CD.

So I can die as much as I want and do not pay attention to that dragon illness?

I swear this sort of criticsm for DaS III is autistic as fuck. Literally the WORST thing they did was repeat a segment from anor londo, yet you have retards anal ravaged that Andre is there.

Not really. It's unfortunately a bit more streamlined with some less in depth mechanics, but the act of fighting itself I would argue is more in depth and engaging than the Souls games.

Come to think of it I would say it's much closer to an action game with some unlockables as opposed to an action RPG like the Souls games. Relatively simplistic in its design.

Absolutely. It is by far Froms best game.

>although according to miyazaki DS3 was his magnum opus
He has never said anything of the sort retard, he didn't even make DS3 that was Tanimura for the most part.

No, the game is nowhere near as exciting or intriguing or mysterious or fun.

>least amount of plot
>least amount of exploration
>now even the non humanoid bosses are tackled the same way
>least amount of variety
>no multiplayer
Pretty sure it's their worst game. Bet you real money it doesn't even outsell bloodborne.
Every From game is obsessed with stripping the player of more and more freedom.

It's fucking ass you retarded imbecile. Dark Souls 3 was miles better than that piece of shit with no soul.
t. 600+ hours on ds2 base game and 100+ on sotfs

It's just a game dude, a fun time waster

lol yes it does you completely stupid fucking loser

If someone stops playing a game because of difficulty, then that means it stopped being fun. I've walked away from numerous games because of difficulty. If you try to walk all over me, I will fight you IRL like I have with the people who tried to bully me at school, my dad, and one of my coworkers. Deal with it, junior.

What were they thinking not having confetti in the shops before the end game. Jesus Christ.

It is doing pretty bad on Amazon. Yoshi is beating it for fucks sake.

Pretty much. Bloodborne would have been perfect if it was harder, rally made the game way too easy.

Yes I know why it's all gloomy andshitty I just want to know why they chose that same style every game

This. Dark Souls 1 aged like shit, everything feels dated in a bad way.

>Yoshi is beating it for fucks sake.
Cant blame shitchtards, they starved for games.

Sekiro shits on Bloodborne easily.


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Nip lore

Divine blood and shit

>hitting the spot

>no soul
Ironic, considering DaS3 was cobbled together with scraps from Bloodborne while old DaS models were covered in grime for cheap feelz and nostalgia pandering.
The gameplay was shit, too.

kek, this

>You are inferior to me in every way.

Have you ever kissed a girl?

Dark Souls = Dark Souls 3 = Bloodborne > Sekiro >>> Dark Souls 2 for me.
>DS1 was my first and blew my mind initially, but I'm still disappointed by the last 3rd of the game
>DS3 felt like they were running out of ideas, but the gameplay was pretty much perfect aside from rollspam, it had tons of great bosses, and it had the most staying power for me
>BB lacked the variety of DS and the dungeons were kinda boring, but gameplay is fun and challenging, and the aesthetic is tied with Okami for being the best in video game history
>Sekiro also has no variety by design, the aesthetic is okay, the music is lacking, but its gameplay is unique and incredibly challenging
>DS2 fun is shitty to play, shitty to look at, has boring music and levels and enemy designs
>never play DeS

multiplayer made by From is always trash and a second thought

I'd become a Monk just so I could live in Senpou Temple.

I can't believe three passive chimps are my favorite Souls boss of all time

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I was creeped the fuck out ny the fourth chimp. Was expecting him to backstab my shit any time.

Sekiro might've had a chance if the game was about twice as long. It feels very streamlined and there's less emphasis on exploration and more on rushing around and covering ground quick.

Also there's a lot of interesting lore stuff with time travel, immortality, yokai and other stuff but none if it is explored at all. It's just there.
Which is ironic, considering this is the first game where the protagonist speaks and has a character of any kind.

Lack of replayability is a legitimate concern. I never summon or do pvp but I enjoy being summoned and helping people with bosses. Being summonsed for friede and midir, or ludwig and kos are some of the most fun things ever. Imagine being summoned for the ape duo. It’s a shame they didn’t add online

This dude gets it.

this but unironically

people don't complain about literature being too hard to read, or art being hard to understand, or movies being too highbrow etc

if you're the kind of controller throwing monkey who wants accessibility and the game to hold his dick at every step, you should be fucking embarrassed. a literal masterpiece is in front of you and you will never be smart enough to enjoy it


>people don't complain about literature being too hard to read, or art being hard to understand, or movies being too highbrow etc
People complain about all of the above. "Pretentious" has been used as an insult since forever.

This is a copypasta now. I will be posting it at later dates. Thank you for sharing.

Sekiro is 13th on the best sellers list.

>Tfw playing with mouse and keyboard

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pretentiousness is not the same as having an entry barrier of difficulty

#1 on Steam's global top seller list.

It comes close, but story hasn't opened so far and that is the cherry that makes bloodborne the best

I'm not gonna compare them, but Sekiro is definitively KINO. I hope we get DLC that delves into the more otherworldly aspects. Also I'm genuinely surprised we never get a gun prosthetic

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the bloodborne parry noise is way more satisfying.

This reminds me of the video that used to circulate Yea Forums where the guy makes a bored face playing Arkham Asylum and “wins” a brawl by mashing Counter. Except, yaknow, you can’t actually win fights that way, and if you’re determined to make an experience dull by engaging with it as little as possible, why should developers try to cater to you and why should we listen to you

>t. Eaten 300 bags of shit
I guess shit is delicious

how does one beat Owl? i keep getting posture break'd into the fucking ground no matter what

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Nah, bloodborne is still better.
Length and number of bosses alone make it better, sekiro is too short and has too few by far.

Don't let him do any of his combos, he has a lot of moves with lengthy startup that can be interrupted with a sword swing such as that one move where he runs up to you and does this huge slash, or the little jump kick he does, or the shuriken/bomb throws. Try to get him into a corner, he will try to jump backwards which is free damage for you. Generally just keep attacking once to bait out a counter attack from him, deflect it and keep that going until he does something different.

I just bought it and made it to Hunbei the training fighter guy, taking a break to eat. If it stays as good as it is so far I could see it being my favorite soulslike game (fuck you it's souls + naughty dog stealth, at least the first hour I've played is) although that really depends on if the combat gets old fast. Hopefully the lack of build variety/equipment doesn't make it boring.

h-hopefully there are some pretty big DLCs on the way

The parkour isn't so good.
Why can't Sekiro vault over walls if they just barely reach his knees? Why do I have to press a different button to grab onto a ledge rather than just holding forward and/or the jump button? I'll forgive them for making it so walls have to be perfectly flat to be grabbed at least, since it'd be unmanageable otherwise in terms of level design.

Aside from that Sekino is a masterpiece, both in terms of gameplay and level design.

BB is legendary with the amount of unique weapons that have 20+ moves each plus transformation attacks as well as 26 bosses in the base game.

Yeah me too

Jumping is a different action than grabbing.
Auto grabbing is for casual western games like AC.
Even nu-Tomb Raider understands this and has a separate grab button.

its on PC and 60 fps so yes

The stealth+using grapple to hide and reset stealh plus the corner/ledge takedowns remind me a lot of the predator parts Arkham games.
Good thing the combat is souls and not that mash square to win shit.

What does KINO mean?

literally "film" in many languages like russian and german, but on Yea Forums it means "good" because it means "good movie" on Yea Forums but they abuse it like everything so now it just means media thing, not even a movie, is good

that will be $5.99+ tax and an additional $9.99 per subsequent spoonfuls

don't fix that part, it strengthens the pasta

So now it's "Kino"? Few weeks ago it was "Based".. this site circlejerk more than a fucking facebook.
I'll paypal you with a $1 tip

kino is a literal years old meme by now faggot, go be a boomer somewhere else

My god is the camera that worst it's ever been in a From game.

Really shows in indoors fights with fast enemies like the one with the Lone Shadow Swordsman.

never EVER

I guess I'm not hip with the cool kids anymore.

It's obviously meant to be an abstraction of how difficult it would be to follow enemy movements in real life, like how when Butterfly jumps over you and it breaks the lock on.

They never made the old games retard

Sekiro's an interesting side-project, but it's hardly ambitious. From's best work has yet to come, melding aspects of King's Field and BB with something entirely new

By default because it can be played over 60fps on PC

I would like to see a more fleshed out game like this with 3 campaigns maybe choosing between 2 clans watch has different bosses and units and maps

And here is the real reason OP post happened,
salty mustards are still salty about BB.

While Sekiro excels in the combat and difficulty departments, everything else is sort of forgettable.

>forgettable story, lore and worldbuilding
>forgettable characters/NPCs
>forgettable soundtrack
>immersion and atmosphere isn't as dense or in-depth as it felt in Bloodborne
>stealth gameplay isn't anything special or spectacular
>lack of multiplayer, build variety and weapon variety prevents it from having legs

It's pretty damn good, I'd definitely put it above DaS3 and of course DaS2, but it's no DaS1, DeS or Bloodborne.

It excels in certain aspects but it doesn't quite manage to deliver a longstanding, well-rounded experience.

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Nah, in just few years BB will be emulated and consoleturds will lose the last thing keeping them alive

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Hell no. Wouldn't place Sekiro above any Souls game. It's decent but the early game is balanced like pure ass and came out in 2019 looking like a 2013 game.

For what purpose?

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this is what happens when video games are the only thing you have left as a shut in and muh skill is your only """redeeming""" factor left.

The reason some people don't like your "hard" games is because they can't be bothered and would rather do something productive, like reading books, mastering art or watching good movies. Those do not require mastering control mechanics and such like you're doing work, they simply require wisdom and original thoughts which you clearly seem to lack. There's nothing impressive about banging your head against a wall until it cracks which these games are making you do.

Nope. I really enjoy Sekiro, currently on NG+, but it is severely lacking those moments BB had where I felt like the game was taking big leaps up the staircase instead of step by step. That, and Sekiro's camera is the worst I have had to experience in a long time. Aesthetically it doesn't hit the same peaks, either.
I prefer the combat of Sekiro with the parries, do wish Bloodborne had thst as opposed to the rally system, but I also find Sekiro enemies to be easily manipulated in to doing the same thing over and over. Potential memory leak again, but I doubt it.

Overall, Sekiro has been a more challenging game to grasp initially, but it doesn't have the strides of Bloodborne (which, admittedly did benefit hugely from its DLC). It's hindered more by things like the camera and enemy AI, while it does have very engaging combat (before the AI shits itself) and great world exploration.

This. Best sungleplayer and best pvp in the series by far.

t. Bloodbornecuck

objectively correct tier list, shitters and DS3fags fuck off
DS1 = BB > Sekiro > SOTFS > DeS > DS2 > DS3

I do not understand how ds3 is this bad.

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I think people sleep on Sekiro's story/worldbuilding because it's not as grimdark as Bloodborne's and such. But I really love Sekiro's setting, by the end of the game I cared so much about Ashina, and I feel like the NPCs are way more interesting and better written. Also I love the fact that it's a very colorful game. I had enough grim cathedrals with BB/DS3.

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>better than 3
If we go maybe by experience during their respective times, now though? The game is pretty outdated. Dark Souls 3 is better in every regard.

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S.noy fans have a hate boner for DS3 in this site.

Hell no.


Sekiro is the weakest Miyazaki game yet.

I actually felt bad killing some of the enemies, like Gyoubu and his horse.

>Miyazaki game
What is DS2 doing in your list, then?

>make Jap Dark Souls, but force player into a dex singlesword build, as well as that make most of the game take place around the same jap castle and make every enemy kill you in two hits because you can't be bothered to be creative with your difficulty

Already completed it, so fuck off with your git guds. Nioh and Souls are better.

If you're talking aboit Sekiro you can just pirate it

I don't want to play baby mode controller

DS1 is better in terms of level design, gameplay (roll spam =/= better gameplay), lore, PvP, and NPCs, all while having the best world design in any video game ever.
DS3 on the other hand is a linear piece of garbage for shitters who want to spam rolls and pretend that they are good, which is probably why so many shitters are getting outed by Sekiro. The bosses in DS3 have undisputably better and more complex designs than most DS1 bosses (but not Bloodborne) but they are all wasted due to how much of a joke the core gameplay is.

Samurai are intellectually weak.

If you walk away from the challenge of fighting the One-Armed Wolf that says a lot about you as a person and tells me that I can stance all over you and you won't do shit. I will purposely go out of my way to stealth kill you you if you're a Samurai.

I'm so sick of hearing "ロバート" no, fighting me is a right of passage. This is a pathetic excuse that a Samurai holds onto instead of strengthening as a person. You are inferior to me in every way.

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I completely agree with you when it comes the level design and the color; really makes me hope that From's next big project is a colorful game because I'm also getting tired of the over-excessive dim and dark edgy themes.

Opposite of me
I find the setting generic and boring and Sekir's atmosphere to lack soul

I keep reading statements about BB's OST being good, but... I can't remember more than four of the tracks. Holy Blade, Maria, Gherman and Wet Nurse. The late-game bosses had some great tracks, but a lot of the early and mid-game just sounded like random chaotic orchestra asses.

Well it is pretty low fantasy, maybe that's why you find it generic. It's a matter of tastes. I don't mind fighting humanoid enemies instead of monsters given how good the sword comat is in this game, and I found so many areas breathtaking to look at. So many aesthetically pleasing backgrounds.

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bepis looks apologetic like I didn't mean to spawn the clown crab force but here we are

I can't remember any songs from any Soulsborne games, they all sound like generic orchestral shit which I'm not a huge fan of.

I love how Gyoubu shit-talks you for using revive. I need to kill him and the Butterfly lady. The others were cakewalks.

no. if anything sekiro is weakest soulborne from ever made (but a great tenchu game)

The final DLC boss ruined everything.

Orphan of Kos is just as bad but everyone gives BB a handjob and a pass on that one.

Those are the two first real bosses.
Just wait till you get to the first miniboss after Gyoubu though, that fucker's a pain.

But its literally the easiest souls game

Where do I go? I had to look at a guide (hate doing that), because I couldn't get past the snake. So I read that I need a new ninjutsu that I get from a mandatory boss, in the area that I'm trying to find. I don't want to read more guides and get spoiled even more. Can anyone just tell me from which sculpture I need to travel in a general direction? Last boss I beat was the monkey, then went to Kuro with the flower and through the poison passage behind big monkey were I found the snake (and couldn't pass).

If anyone honestly thinks Sekiro has better art direction than Bloodborne I legitimately consider you to be a tasteless plebeian.

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It's not a souls game you fucking retard.

Unironically this.

Tastes differ, who could've known?

How? That's literally one of the best boss fights in the entire Soul's serie.

I can't imagine touching bloodborne or any of the souls games after sekiro

Like what are you gonna do, r1 or heavy r2 between rolls? "Mixup" with weapon art or transformations? Lol. Please.

Let it all stay buried. We okami now.

If Sekiro was PS4 exclusive instead of Bloodborne then you would praise Sekiro's art direction

It's better than Bloodborne in every way except music.

Bloodborne has good art direction, but you can probably understand how all base game areas looking so samey and dark can make people enjoy them less than Sekiro's. The truly plebeian opinion is thinking good atmosphere necessarily means grim and oppressive. Sekiro has an excellent setting and it shows that From can make a colorful world work. It doesn't mean Bloodborne is bad, both Bloodborne and Sekiro are From's magnum opus. One of the main driving forces behind Sekiro was Masaru Yamamura, one of Bloodborne's most important game designers, after all.

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I just killed Gyoubu without him even killing me once this time. Last night I was mostly out of gourds and revives before the first deathblow. Had a bit more trouble with the purple in Hirata.

Sekiro has actual variety and color. Bloodborne has better character design but far worse environments.

>more varied world
>more playstyles
>more unique enemies
>actual multiplayer
>actual customization

Yes, there is totally zero reason to go back. Sekiro is such a gamechanger for having spaz-boy parries instead of spaz-boy rolling, how revolutionary

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Agree. For a Shitchu game it's okay. But it's disappointing when you think about how insanely good Souls games were.

>more varied world
lol no

Bloodborne is alot more fun and has way better story/lore, Sekiro is fucked up hard and not as story driven so I wasnt very into it, although I've only gotten i think the shitty ending which is Immortality severed

Can shitposters seize their shitflinging and actually talk about the game for a minute?

Yeah I hope multiplayer dies out fast for those dust collectors

Sekiro feels like it was made by the C team

It's actually even easier since no stamina and deathblows everywhere. It's like finding the parying shield/knife and destroying everything in your way.

you got dark souls "veterans" getting their ass kicked.

>crtl-f: lol no
only 2 matches. oh brainlets are arguing about what is or is not difficult again. of courshe

but lol no Sekiro is nice as fuck. Bloodborne lovecraftian kino it is not.

faggot nigger uhtrance was so thirsty for views he uploaded a video with the final boss name in the title to flex his e-dick
first FROM game I've had spoiled so fuck, how can I enjoy Sekiro now knowing Emma is a fucking cunt

I can picture you in real life, you're eithera fat neckbeard or a skinny nerd. And either way you're way too autistic to act like you're saying. Seek sunlight.

The ultimate tier list:

DS1 > Sekiro > BB > DS3 > DS2

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You haven't been spoiled, in fact you've been misled. Keep playing.

>monkeys with guns
the balls on miyazaki to partner with Raimi to make a Chicago location

That only happens if you refuse to learn and think what works for one game will work for this one. Doing the undead guy tutorials after the first miniboss is all you need to completely BTFO everything in the first areas.

Breh, fight the sword saint and get back to me on how its easier.

DeS > Sekiro = BB = DS1 > DS2 > The Surge > A wet poo > DS3

BB>Sekiro>>>>>>>>>>>> irrelevant shit souls games

Bloodborne is the best souls game.
DS3 is the same as DS1 but actually finished. Second best souls game.
Sekiro is a soulless bait for basement dwelling "git gud" tryhards.
And nobody actually cares about Demon Souls.

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>anything behibd Shitkiro

Cringe level off the charts

>right of passage

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Comparing Sekiro to Bloodborne is like comparing a bobby car to a ferrari

Nice, even more R1 spamming to win than souls and bloodborne

Sekiro > BB = DeS > rest
Maybe it's because I'm a fan of whatever wuxia aesthetic it has going on but I absolutely love this game

>terrible debater
>has PS plus
>age is irrelevant

Pedo confirmed.

>I think people sleep on Sekiro's story/worldbuilding because it's not as grimdark as Bloodborne's and such.

Because it exists as a completed whole. Demon's Souls had a pretty simple, nice and straightforward good vs. evil story in a dark fantasy world where victories came with a price that was mostly told through hints and item descriptions, rather than NPC infodumps. People liked the style of storytelling but thought that the story was meh, or crafted out-of-the-left theories to make the story and the world ohsodeep. From noticed. The DaS trilogy and BB cranked the hint storytelling to eleven, and simply removed huge parts of the completed story and lore to leave players with deliberately incomplete pictures and let their imaginations run wild (Silent Hill games also employ this method). Note however that this does not actually make the story deeper or more complex, but only more ambiguous, allowing players to project their own opinions on it to a greater extent.

Sekiro abandons this method. You know what you're doing and why and can get definite answers to questions.

>Yea Forums: the post
half bait, 25% truth, and 25% unironic autism

>Is Sekiro really a casual version of Souls games?

More like the hardcore version of Souls games with drastically less opportunities to reduce challenge.

Sekiro is inferior to every Soulsborne game, EVEN DaS2

Based post, be blessed.

>with drastically less opportunities to reduce challenge.
Plz dont lie, theres strategies for every boss that trivialize the fight

ITT: mad Soulshitters who can't get past the bull


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It didn't improve atmosphere, world design, and level design.

Where can I see this in HD? I looked for it yesterday with no luck

>Plz dont lie, theres strategies for every boss that trivialize the fight

Which is absolutely true for nearly every boss in Soulsborne ever, except that at least half of them fold on the first try simply if you have a competent build. Furthermore, proper strategies in Sekiro are more like turning a fight from a very hard challenge to a manageable one. Shit like coming at the Nameless King with a bow (just naming the hardest non-DLC boss from the last of preceding games where bosscraft benefited the most from the previous experience and you couldn't easily shieldtank/poisetank bosses) truly and entirely trivialized fights.

t. Brainlet who didn't play the game and doesn't understand the mechanics
If anything the bull is one of the easier to deal with for soulchads since he doesn't rely on parrying but on good spacing/hitting
Basically midir


Sekiro is good but as far as From games go, Bloodborne may be unbeatable. The Lovecraftian shit just goes way too well with From's autism about never fully explaining things because there are not supposed to be explanations in lovecraftian horror which just merges perfectly with it being a From game and how they approach lore


Based. This is why faggots here dropped Cuphead so quickly.

>all these attention-seeking DaS1 babbies

It's a great fucking game, FROM did it again I believe. Though it still have some criticism. I find no incentive to use the martial art skill tree and many of the prosthetics. It also funnles you into a rock-paper-scissors style of combat, which hinders player expression in that regard, though I personally did found it engaging regardless. Sekiro has the best aesthetics when it comes to games with a similar Feudal Nippon setting, but the art style of these settings are still pretty bland. A lot of the mystery and intrigue that made BB and DeS alluring is kind of missing in Sekiro, and from a lore and world building stand point it's pretty weak. The OST is a mess, Yuka Kitamura (even though I like some of her tracks) really homogenized the OST in Sekiro, and it was pretty telling that was going to be the case when coming off of DaS2's and DaS3's OST, in which the OST in both sounded generic for the most part. Exploration is great, and really opens up at the midway of the game and added vertically to the map design was nice. Bosses were consistently challenging, and some of them are the best FROM has devised. The stealth is very primitive, and it serves more as a moment to moment gameplay mechanic, not something you can wholly rely on. The node grapple mechanic also sucks, having to grapple to predetermined points felt relatively restrictive, given how much mobility is granted to the player (we can finally jump without running in a FROM game). Also, ganks suck dick, as the Sekiro is the game where the combat is geared towards 1v1s. All in all, I enjoyed it, but it has some questionable design choices. Hasn't really topped Bloodborne, but it's still a fantastic game with enough innovations that makes this game stand out among souls-likes.
Fuck that final boss though, it was the only time I had to cheese in the entirety of the game.

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Sekiro lavks the soul of Souls. It's a shitty Tenchulike.

Don't use your phone in class, zoomy

>Bloodborne is one of the best action games of the decades
>Sekiro is one of the worst action games ever made
>Durr is sekiro better?

tfw from hasn't made a decent game since ds2

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I havent even finished BloodBorne, because I dont own a console myself, but from what little I played, I can tell that its the better game in most aspects.

>haven't made a decent game
>since DaS2
I are you sure about this, big guy?

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Are you ppl retarded;
Ashina has been plunged into a war that has pretty much destroyed everything from the dude whos been dying for 3 years to his mother etc
Furthermore that dragonrot has reappeared killing of the populace as Emma informs you. Why>?Because everyone is obsesed with immortality (for different reasons obviously) even the monks that Ishin calles degenerates that he states there is no road anymore to the monastery as they have forsaken Buddha to look for immortality. Also look at what is going on the spiritual world, all these old spirit nobbles that are mad and only think about sucking youth essence living in a dilapidated palace on the mountains and feeding that overgrown piece of shit carp. Look at the mist noble boss that as soon as you kill him you see the reality a destroyed temple in a desolate forest.
ps. they are even running out of salt...

Bloodborne has negatively affected every game after it.

Red and basedpilled

I loved how the game explored the theme of immortality honestly. It was really well done. Kuro being the voice of reason and seeing how his dragon blood was causing all this madness was engaging to me.

Anyone figure out any other ending yet? I think I just got the normal ending.

sekino > ds1 > ds3 > bb > des > ds2

Based. Souls-chads report in!

If Sekiro is an 8.5 I would give BB a 9/10. BB is a longer game that doesn't feel like areas are half-assed at the same time, its got a WAY fucking better soundtrack, it has weapon variety and fashion to reward your exploration but most of the bosses are uninteresting big guys you just dodge around and hit a few times and repeat. Its got two dogshit fights in Rom and One Reborn, while Sekiro has the Armored Knight has a dumb gimmick boss fight and Divine Dragon is the best gimmick boss they have done.

Sekiro also has the better range of endings, with the bad ending having 2 unique boss fights, one of the good ends having an upgraded boss fight of a previous boss, and combat arts for doing specific endings.