When are we getting his game? I wanna kill all Adepts as a science hero

When are we getting his game? I wanna kill all Adepts as a science hero.

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I guess I should play Gunvolt series while I wait for more BM2 stuff. Is it as good as MMZ series?

No, but it’s decent. Copen in 2 is the most fun part but they’re both worth a play.

right after Leibniz gets his jobberpussy loosen again

Get off of Yea Forums Copen.

I liked it. They're fun games but whether they're better than MMZ depends on the person. I don't really think so but they're still worth playing

What the fuck man?

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He's gonna redeem himself and revive his lost droidfu and rub it in Jason's stupid face.

delete this

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I could have sworn Jason just straight up asked "What the hell is his problem?" to Eve in a scene. Does anyone have that screencapped or am I remembering wrong?

>Jason's stupid face.
t. Leibniz

Leibniz and Copen should help each other, lift each other up, so they can both get the fuck over it.

>They just decide to fight their rivals some more

I don't think either of them could tolerate the other.

Probably not. Jason and Gunvolt would probably hit it off at least.

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What would Leibniz think of Copen's "doll"?

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>tfw Crimson Raider was already taken.

>Is it as good as MMZ series?
nope, the Zero series was already pretty terrible to begin with, this is just Inticrates autism unbound.
it's not fun, the waifu-moe pandering is off the charts and the gameplay is trash.

God I hope this artist gets into Blaster Master Zero so he can draw cute Eve butt

>his game


Leibniz in a nutshell.

>the two BM02 threads died before i could finally post this webm
feels bad
sorry it took long

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I mean, he helped stop Eden and save humanity.

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Was she, quite literally, built for marriage?

>you will never be cucked than Gunvolt and Leibniz right now
feels good

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Nice. Eve is very cute

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Uh, Joule is the one that got cucked...

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Built and mutated.

Pretty much. If the remake series is to go by the original game’s timeline, she essentially set herself up to be impregnated by Jason twice.



If you really like high scores then Gunvolt is for you.
But if you aren't then you get a shorter and easier experience compared to Zero and ZX.

imagine the labia


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>Been 2 months since they teased the shadows of the bosses.
What the fuck Inti Creates? Give us more info, start hyping the game.

hahaha u wait for gamu gaijin or we add more suffuruing in gamu *raughs*

>or we add more suffuruing in gamu
There's no "or", you know they'll do it anyway.

>I wanna kill all Adepts
Look forward to killing your sister, fag.

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GV will get that loli pussy soon. How often do games let you steal your rivals little sister

But she was the cuck of the relationship. If anything when Gunvolt is looking at her he wishes he was with Joule.

who wants to bet either
1. Copen kills his own sister on accident and just goes crazy then and there, setting up a villain for GV3
2. Mind controlled/armored/whatever GV in the game just murders Quinn because boy hasn't hit suffering MAXIMUM yet
I'm betting the second one so we're sold on what a horrid monster this mysterious blue demon is

>3. His sister can not stay "normal" for long and will die without powers

I'm already erect for that 3rd silhouette

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But fellas: will Copen get a melee weapon?

I wonder who will they cast for Roro's voice now that her former v.a took a break.


I want him to get his fucking shield back at least.

did she really? that's a shame, I really liked her singing

I would rather get back the hoodie, that shit was cool.
Indeed a shame.

Gibril Love!

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i want to fuck roro

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any art of roro getting mating pressed?

The best you're going to get

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>made these colorful characters with endearing personalities
>kill them all
What the hell is Inti's problem?