Just a reminder real Snake is Kiefer Sutherland

Just a reminder real Snake is Kiefer Sutherland.

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based eceleb thread


Is it sad at this point how he clutches onto his role as Snake so hard?

i agree

Akio Ohtsuka is the true Snake, Kiefer Sutherland is an acceptable substitue.

The real snake is also the fucking Guyver.

>Cutting your dick off and taking HRT are human rights
WTF happened to this world?

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He literally has a twitter just for politics which I Kinda respect that he keeps that separate but he is a massive cuck


Fuck off commie

What a tucking talentless neverwas.
He was one of the main problems with a Metal Gear. It was good in spite of him. His characterization of Snake was fucking goofy and awful.

I really like what Keifer did despite him clearly phoning it in and wish that was his voice from the start

>To avoid #FakeNews Aggregate news from actual journalists: @AP @Reuters @BBCWorld @nytimes @washingtonpost @TheEconomist
this guy joking or what

i'm straight, but i really want to fuck a trap / hot tranny

David Hayter was much better as Snake. Kiefer Sutherland barely ever spoke in MGS5.

David Hayter IS Snake

Literally The Amazon Times. Is Snake losing his mind?

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So then you're bi or gay, traps are males

Keifer was pretty good. I wish MGS3 had actually gotten Kurt Russel to be Big Boss though, as Kojima wanted

just imagine

but they look like females, that's more important

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Hayter has a more iconic and fitting voice, the whacky gimmick with his voice gives Snake so much personality.

Sutherland is just your bland average middle age white guy, he's a good actor but not a good voice actor.

>white guy
what does his race have to do with anything?


but MGS1 Snake was Hayter's best performance

>some hack doing a pitiful Clint Eastwood impersonation

Pick one, you fucking dunce.

I'm 6'4" and the only canonical Snake/Big Boss voice is Akio Ohtsuka.

sauce. i really hope its not a post op.

>white guy
Dumb commie confirmed

He was only good in mgs1. Mgs2 was way too over the top and trying to sound cool. Mgs3 was just okay. 4 was fucking awful and so was pw and po

They have the human right to the freedom of subjecting themselves to that, yes.


Source? Reverse image search finds nothing

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What the fuck hayter is that you?

I'm 6'5" and the only canonical Snake/Big Boss voice is Richard Doyle.

Who exactly is stopping them? Oh right, nobody.

Open wide, little babby


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{spoiler] pp intact [/spoiler]
Now you've got my attention

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Only a fag gets up in arms over "trans" shit. Just ignore it. They'll all kill themselves in the next 10 years, anyways.

How do I play MGS in japanese

yes very


nobody remembers shit about mgsv's snake and it's mostly kiefers fault with his shitty and lazy acting. It was just a paycheck for him

>i really want to fuck someone with a dick
not straight man, not gay but clearly not hetero gg

B-but Smash! He's back baybeeee.

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kojima straight up ended this dudes entire career

>nobody remembers shit about mgsv's snake
Because he was given like six lines the whole game.

Yes so you agree with Hayter that its a human right, great

>kojima cuts out half your dialogue

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Him throwing a tantrum on social media after being let go ended his career.

Are there any articles explaining the terrible voice acting decisions for MGS after MGS2? I thought Akio was a meme but after hearing a couple of clips there's no doubt he's the superior Snake VA

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Themselves, yes. Pushing it onto children? Bullet to the brain

my fucking dick

i want a trap / shemale gf now

Why do you guys hate trans so much anyway? Genuine question. The amount of SEETHING gets to the point that I honestly get the feeling it's a meme.

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Hayter was great for the more corny MGS games, but can you imagine him in the "we'll make diamonds from their ashes" scene? It would be the most ridiculous shit ever. I only wish Kojima wasn't retarded with his silent protagonist bullshit and let Kiefer play out more dialogues or monologues, or at least didn't cut what was already there.
>there's no doubt he's the superior Snake VA
Is there any way to play MGS games with Japanese VAs and English text?

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none of them look like that
stick to 2d dick and save yourself the trouble

>Hear chief's BB voice for the first time
>mfw all BB quotes are in his voice now

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my body is ready

>transfag pays someone to say thing

He isn't alone in doing this kind of thing.

Did Snake get any new lines in Smash? Could have sworn they were all reused

I like what I've heard of Akio's Snake (and Japanese Gray Fox). Kinda wanted to play MGS in Nip because of that, but that's one of the few Nip series that feels better in English to me just because it fits the settings so much better.

This. Seriously this

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I fap to hentai traps, but I've never seen a man in real life I'd be willing to fuck.

I love Kiefer's voice so much. It's orgasmic to my ears, it's the perfect voice for a broken man.

Hayter can really just go fuck himself after all the embarrasing, childish shit he has said and done since MGSV's reveal.
He seemed like a cool guy before, but I don't think I can respect him anymore. It's just pathetic seeing him still clinging on to a role that he has only performed decently maybe twice in his entire "career".

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There's millions of middle-aged white dudes as protagonists in games, and while I don't consider that a problem, Kiefer's performance barely stands out from any of them. He wasn't bad, by any means, but there's a LOT of actors that could have done the same thing he did just as well, if not better. Nothing was gained by hiring him. Quite the opposite; The only thing Kiefer did was make Snake more like most other video game protagonists, only slighty better acted (and I do mean slighly; Kiefer had his own share of problems with his performance.)

On the other hand, nobody could really do what Hayter did as well as he did it. It's true that Hayter sounded a bit like a goofball, but...c'mon, Snake WAS a goofball. The over-the-top nature of his performance fit the sillyness that came with that role, particularly with Big Boss; this is a legendary soldier that curls giant robots and believes in Santa Claus, for fuck sake. He sounds ridiculous, but the games it was all part of were incredibly ridiculous to begin with, so I never saw a problem with it. The voice fit the character like a glove.

However, I don't think Kiefer's really the problem here; the problem with MGS:GV/MGSV is that it tried too hard to be taken seriously, when the franchise's biggest strengths always lied in the absolute absurdity of it all and everyone in it hamming it up as much as possible to fit into this goofy world. an that meant that when the serious parts came, it felt genuinely heavy, whether or not you liked whatever plot twist of the day lead up to that point. Kojima trying to change MGS's over tone worked for the trailers, sure, but the game itself, not even counting how incomplete it was, just felt like it was missing that special sauce that made MGS such a joyride to play through, and the plot was still SOMEHOW more retarded than the other games, regardless of the shift in tone, so what was the point?

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There's a lot more lines that were cut.

But yeah, Kojima tried to sell it on "physical capture" because lollovesfilms.

Asians can be passable traps. Now and then you can find some really good ones period, but they're rare.

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>You will never learn Japanese
Do yourself a favor user. I watched some Jojo today because my hearing is trash. I'm aiming for N3 this year

Remember the identity crisis Hayter went through when Kief got the role?
>inb4 he was merely pretending

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>I paid him to say it
Pathetic, david
The je- Patriots got to him.

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there is nothing wrong with being trans


its always the face that puts me off, no matter how hard they try to hide it you cant hide a masculine face
i do by coincidence have a huge facemask fetish though

Go join the 40%

Only the biggest of the the big faggots will say Hayter is the better voice actor. His voice acting has literally reverted Snake/Big Boss to absolute meme-tier (over the recent years, especially) while Kiefer has added genuine emotion and impact. I love the original trilogy to death, but I feel nothing when Snake/Boss actually talks in scenes. The ending of MGS3 is so memorable to me because Boss is literally not talking at all.

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and when they're hot, there's nothing wrong with my dick getting hard either

>replaying mgs HD collection
>cringe every time Snake talks
It's so jarring after Keifer in 5
I wish they re did all the VA with Kiefer's voice, except mgs4 BB

I thought it was some stunt at first, but I was also starting to wonder if he was going to eat animals in a forest. Then the games came out and it turns out that he was just freaking out, yeah.

>while Kiefer has added genuine emotion and impact.
I cannot think of a single line in the entire game where he sounds more than "slightly introspective" at best. There were actually a couple lines that made me giggle at how seriously they were trying to be taken when the writing was so awkward.

I read on Yea Forums that a tranny paid him to say this in Snake's voice.

>I read on Yea Forums
Well it must be true then!

Well yeah, this entire service is "pay me and I'll say the lines". Might as well have been a tranny to pay him.