Epic bad

>Epic bad
>Steam good

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Other urls found in this thread:




Correct OP.

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>le epic monopoly retard has arrived

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Both are bad but Epic Games Store steals info.

Epic... Good...
Steam... Bad...

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Epic could be the same as Steam, but I would never, ever give them a single cent because I fucking hate the chinese.
Fuck those backstabbing chinks, I hope they get nuked someday.

Why do people not take offense to the fact that many Steam games are exclusive to Steam? Acting like Epic is the only one who does it is retarded. Most games on Steam, even if you buy them elsewhere are just a license key to obtain them only from Steam

Which games are exclusive to Steam?

>Epic tracks you and collects data
>Steam can ban you at any time losing you all your games at a moments notice
Pick your poison

>Steam can ban you at any time losing you all your games at a moments notice
When has this ever happened?

Epic can do that to, so Steam still wins

I pirate every game and think you castrated consumers arguing over your copyright leasing "stores" is pathetic

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Except Epic can ban you too and Steam never bans your account for dumb shit, only actual crimes like credit card fraud and such.

Its more like
Bribery bad
Free market good

fucking bolsheviks

>cheat nonstop in steam games
>get vac bans
>go off and be an absolute shithead that spams nigger in every game I play
>vac ban
>buy games with stolen credit card
>lose account
I guess you don't be a nigger and you'll be just fine

>Commit credit card frauds
>Get banned

>look at me I'm an attention whore taking a meme created to mock typical Yea Forums bullshit and posting bullshit with it.

Here's the you you desperately crave.

Yeah it's kinda unfortunate how Yea Forums was finally, finally realizing that Steam isn't the best thing ever and that it's not good that it has so much control, and lost all site of that just because the Epic Store is worse. Epic Store is shit and deserves every bit of hate it gets, but that doesn't mean Steam is automatically good because it's better. I wish there was good competition (that didn't resort to locking certain games to stores), but unfortunately, an enormous percentage of people who regularly play games are retarded and don't recognize that competition is good for them, they just want their favorite companies to "win". I can at least excuse the kids for being retarded, but the 20 somethings don't have an excuse.

You would be hard pressed to find a game exclusive to Steam (other than Valve games) because Valve does not pay developers money for exclusivity agreements. Most games are available else where on the PC.

>pirate every game
hope you scan for RATs often

Literally never happened. Might as well go

>G-gaben has a lot of knives
>h-he could stab you!

A lot of games are sold on Steam and nowhere else. Or well, you can find them in other stores, but they're just Steam codes.

Most games are Steam(works)-only because of the lazyness of the devs/pubs.

buying games bad
piracy good

that place is the most retarded thing I've ever seen, imagine being so contrarian that you unironically defend billion dollar corporations just because GAMERS hate them

not even, anything is better than ebic.

It's the fact that they can that's not very good. People said the same thing about DRM. "Oh who cares, when has a company ever gone bankrupt and the DRM prevented people from playing their games again?" and then it happened to the Mac version of MGS Rising and another game or two.

>lol macfags

Indeed, but it's not a good sign. It WILL happen to PCfags too if it hasn't already.

most games are Epic only because of the devs too. Epic gives them a better cut of the revenue

Steam bad
Epic worse

>dev uses steam to sell game because of massive install base
>"steam bad!"

>epic pays developers to only put their games on the epic store
>"epic good!"

Been doing it for like, 15ish years, kid. It's not not 100% safe, but it's not as dangerous as people would have you believe if you have at least half a brain.

>a lot of games are only sold on steam
>or these other places

Right. Even if we took that statement at face value instead for the retarded nonsense that it is, you do know there's nothing stopping devs from publishing their games elsewhere, right.

Epic gives the publishers a better deal, the idea that they’re giving the poor sod working 100 hour work weeks anything more than what they would be paid normally is straight up propaganda. They’ll also most likely drop the extra shares revenue if they ever gain market dominance.

Steam takes too much money away from devs. Having more of the revenue is luring devs away

Steam does not moneyhat its exclusives, unlike Epic. I would be fine with Epic having their own exclusives if it wasn't built on the fact that it is built upon them paying the devs off to keep their games exclusive to their platform for a year, especially when people were anticipating a Steam release during that year. Let's turn the tables a bit, if a game was promised to release on Epic store and Valve moneyhatted the game to be a timed exclusive on their store, then the journalists would throw a massive hissyfit and portray Steam as the devil for such a move. The difference is that it's not Steam doing that shit, it's Epic, so the journos praise their shit because of that.

Besides, for many devs, especially Chinese and Japanese ones, it's either Steam or nothing if they want to release their games on PC in the west.

Nice of you to exclude the important part about most other places just being a Steam code, so it amounts to the same thing. Try harder next time.

>you do know there's nothing stopping devs from publishing their games elsewhere, right.

Absolutely. The problem is when they don't, and that's a lot of the time.

cant you buy epic store codes from elsewhere too? forcing you to use Steam even if you buy it from another store was always shit, but only Epic gets crap for it when they do the same thing

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>Having more of the revenue is luring devs away
No, getting handed bribes is "luring devs away"


the issue is not with developers deciding they need a better cut of the revenue. the problem is epic going out of their way to buy timed exclusive rights. that's some nigger console shit that all of you should be against.

I don't care about shitheads farming (you)s in these threads, but I seriously hope none of you actively support epic. just pirate if you want the game bad enough.

making games is about making money, big surprise.

I can tell youve never pirated in your life
Lmao, kid


Stop being retarded, anons. You can publish your game on Steam and also have it on origin and uplay and gog and whatever the fuck else you want.

If you publish your game on epic, there's only epic.

do you not see that making games is a business? devs don't work for free

Only from Humble Store.

Did you mean to type Sony there by accident. I can't think of a single notable instance of this happening

I want this feeling

No, they paid them a shitton of money AND a minumum of sales.

A lot of games don't do that and are only exclusive to Steam. Good luck playing any FROM game on GOG

I like fortnite

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If that's the case then publishers should be casting as wide a net as possible by having their game on as many storefronts as possible.
Taking bribe money to host on only one storefront only to piss off your consumer base is shortsighted and suicidal.

so THIS is what chad does when his sister's friends come over

>Epic tracks you and collects data
>Epic can ban you at any time losing you all your games at a moments notice

Attached: happy enutrof.jpg (548x566, 75K)

>Why do people not take offense to the fact that many Steam games are exclusive to Steam

Because steam isn't bribing developers with money to fuck over their consumers

Except Epic is going to raise their rates once they're larger than .00001% of Steam's size.

did anyone raise the same stink when Blizzard's games were exclusive to their own client or games being only on Origin?

>shit that's okay
-paying cash to a developer to only create(develop) a title for your platform(bloodborne)
-deciding to only publish your game on a single platform just because
-create your own launcher and publish the game yourself
-offer free games and other goodies to get people to use your platform

>shit that's not okay
-pay developers to only put their games on your platform(no cash is put towards development, only bribe money)
-pay developers to time exclusive games and DLC

glad we cleared that up

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Consolefag here, what's the big deal about Epic and Steam? Does it really matter?


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They don’t bribe developers. Buying exclusivity rights isn’t bribery

>>epic pays developers to only put their games on the epic store
The worst part is that they don't even pay developers they just pay the publisher. Sometimes the developer doesn't even know that it will be exclusive until Epic announces it
30% is the average cut Epic is an exception
Besides, if Epic ever dominates Steam in the market do you really think Epic is going to keep that cut the way it is? Epic has already shown itself to be liars and cheats so they will likely revert the cut to be higher if they ever succeed

having to not pay royalties on using unreal 4 is cash towards development. saves a lot of time having to not make an engine yourself to avoid royalties

>persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement

Okay user

30% is too high and is criminal.

It's even worse than console exclusives because they only fund 1 Year contracts instead of actually funding development for the game to happen in first place

Why do people say Epic is chink shit when steam bans you for saying Tiamen Square and Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh in forums

>They don’t bribe developers
a lot of people missed this part. Epic simply offered them the exclusivity deal, and it's up to them whether to accept it or not, in the latter case they would be able to release the game on other stores just like bloodlines 2. not to mention most of the time it's not the devs, but the publishers that decide.

It funds the next game user.

fucking lost

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30% covers server maintenance and a shopping list of other features.

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smooth criminal

But what about the consumer my fellow jew

Your right delete your thread now.

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the big thing for developers is
>Epic would also forgo the standard 5% revenue fee normally applied to games using the Unreal Engine if they were published on the Epic Game Store.

combined with how little they are already taking. This is why a lot of smaller devs are wanting to switch

Someone needs to make that Jeb! meme but with itch.io

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

I'm gonna say the T word

>Kill a bunch of non-violent student protestors in 1989 and prevent your citizens from knowing about it through censorship
>Stick your fingers into every game company you can get your hands on but avoid owning a majority so that when people accuse you of controlling foreign interest, you can claim you're just investing
Pick both poisons.

That is funny but the problem for epic is...ALL THOSE GAMES SHIT ANYWAYS HAHAHAHA!

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>Epic simply offered them the exclusivity deal
"please only put your game on the epic store. here's enough cash to make it worth your while. you're free to say no, but why would you? you're a publisher, and your main concern is making the most money possible. it's true that this act might upset the majority of consumers, but we're confident that epic store users won't care. in a year or two, it will head to steam and by then everyone will have forgotten"

30% buys Gabe a new lambo

Let me guess, you didn't have this opinion until this year

>EGS is owned 40% by chinese
>This user parodies stereotypical Japanese accent

I care less about the Epic Launcher on some moral or political standpoint and more about just not wanting yet another fucking service I have to sign into to play games. I don't need 15 different clients that fracture my collection of installed games into 15 different buckets.

A smaller cut doesn't mean dick if your customer base is as anemic as your morality.

No because they weren’t sniping third party games months after people had already pre ordered the games for different platforms

>trying to gain a foothold as a competitor against an established giant by adopting policies that just create problems for the consumers.
truly a foolproof plan

No. I work with the Apple store, which charges a similar margin. It's disgusting and companies are starting to rebel there too. See Spotify.

How's it going chinese shilling faggot

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Epics exclusivity is super fucking skeezy. It just promises a certain quantity of sales so they don't even spend any money if it hits those sales targets. Its just splitting the PC market for no fucking benefit to the consumer.

I have never seen Valve going out their way to stop a game from releasing in GOG or any other store.

And that's the main issue, if these game were in both steam and the epic store nobody would be complaining, in fact there would be a lot for people rooting for the epic store.

>people actually think Steam isn't also collecting massive amounts of data on its users
Both are shit. Hating Epic and praising Steam is retarded.

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>on a PC
leave that cancer on gaming consoles
>PC is a gaming console
it is not

When you make PC games exclusive you're not only taking it away from the "monopoly" Steam but other less used company's like GOG, the fact that a game was made and at the last hour was sold to Epic without anyone who made that game aware is trash, don't support PC platforms that do this shit


welcome to hell
you can blame the devil or you can blame yourself
only one will care

You pcbros can keep up your racist anti China talk as much as you want, we are not offended.

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no, why would we? developers/publishers are free to create their own launcher. I don't like it, but it's their decision to make and it's totally acceptable behavior.

>Give me a chance here man, I'm just fighting for the rights of the 1%. Who cares about consumer options, just shill out a bit more cash goyim

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Pubg is on Xbox ratard idk what that other game is

more like
>epic shit
>steam slightly less shit

I take it back your second example is also on ps4. You’re gay and retarded.

I don't realize you need to buy another PC to install Epic launcher

Who's rights are you fighting for exactly? Gabe's right to buy a third lambo? Yeah, in on the side of developers over that fat fuck and I'm proud to say so.

30% is a disgrace.


Ive been wanting to do this for a while but they haven't bought out any good exclusives yet. What gives

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Why are you being so retarded? The alternative you're proposing is that developers should be forced to release their games on every platform when they release a new game on Steam, which is obviously absurd.

Yes, games are practically "exclusive" to Steam, but that has nothing to do with Valve's policies. You can for instance play:
Mass Effect 2 on both Origin and Steam
Far Cry 5 on both Uplay and Steam
Divinity Original Sin on both GoG and Steam
Halo MCC on both Windows store and Steam (soon)-

You can even buy the Orange Box on the Window's store, but I'm not sure if that's got any Steam integration due to the online modes.

I suppose that you're just baiting, but this reasoning is beyond retarded.


PCfàts getting upset that a game being exclusive to a store.
It’s not even like a console since both platforms are free, so you aren’t spending $300 to just play 1 exclusive

>The alternative you're proposing is that developers should be forced to release their games on every platform when they release a new game on Steam
but let's just force the developers to release their games on every platform when they release a new game on Epic

Is there a bigger cuckoldry than buying digital? Especially giving your hard earned money to take big daddy Gabe's cock up your ass and then DEFEND doing so on an anonymous taiwanese stone carving website?

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This. In general, chinese business are just as trustworthy as western ones.

This is the thing. People don't like when you promise something and then do the opposite.
Hell, the new fucking X-COM clone got a fucking crowdfunding promising GOG and Steam releases.
That's fucking criminal.

>this opinion is wrong
>look how silly you look for having an opinion
>no I don't have any reason for disputing this opinion, you're just wrong for having an opinion

Literally just download the Epic Game store.
It’s free and any spyware shit also happens within Steam.
You people act worse than the console strawmen you put up.

How about access to a good marketplace, being able to review games without epic throwing a fit about me being "problematic, not being spied on by the chinese, not having to open 500 clients up for a game I want, being able to buy what I want, being given games that we've been promised to without needing to worry that some corporate faggots sniped it from developers beforehand and hiding behind an exclusivity clause, or how about just being given a better service

But none of that has to do with developers so I guess that doesn't count to bootlickers

>Literally just download the Epic Game store.
Fuck off gook
>It’s free and any spyware shit also happens within Steam.
It's ok if steam does it because it's not run by gooks.
>You people act worse than the console strawmen you put up.
Nobody gives a fuck go back to console land loser.

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The Year, 2026.
After the success of the Epic game store, Epic at the direction of new majority share holder Tencent buys a declining EA. At the same time through shear buying power and corperate espionage Tencent has made itself majority share holder of Disney. Now almost all media in the US is forced to conform to the standards of the Chinese government. Later that year the North Koreans cross the DMZ and Chinese boots land on Taiwan. The US helpless as its Pacific Empire is swept from under it. The US economy held hostage by the Chinese government and its bought American companies. The America. Allies in the Pacific are also helpless, namely Austraila and Canada as targeted investment in real estate has held their housing markets hostage. With their plans complete the Chinese bring about the Chinese century made reality.

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that is correct.

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Tencent could bought Electronic Arts with the money made in two long weekends in China.

>implying China isn't going to get itself Jihaded by its attempts to buyup and control the middle east, splitting their attention from the west.

He could try and mimic Chinese speak, but all the insect clicking is hard to express through text.

Store exclusive games is the absolute best thing to have happened to PC gaming in the recent years. On top of disturbing the fat jew's monopoly it might actually motivate the store owners to fund and release exclusive games to attract customers.

>”Uuhhh. We’re not like those console pesants. We only whine about what game will be sold on my favorite fucking store! Devolopers that change their minds on where they will sell their games are literally Hitler for making ME use a different free to access store on my PC. Yuck.”
If being a whiny cunt makes you feel supperior, then ok I guess.

>Thing that sends all your data to a murderous communist dictatorship good
>Thing that don't pay for exclusives bad

Kek using racist as a way to make you seem like a better person and because of people like you the world is becoming meaningless go back to resetera you stupid nigger.

And btw I also use origin,Uplay,GOG desura this isn't a Fanboy thing you stupid mongoloid none of this would not be a problem if Epic wasn't being Sleazy and trashy especially their shit security system.

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>It's ok to take games off a platform it was originally meant to be on for cunt reasons
>Putting console wars on pc
Fuck off and die you little gook faggot!

I like fortnite

People claim that Steam also has spyware but is there any proof of that happening and if so what do they take?

it was meant for PC
it's still on PC

>Launchers Good

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Any proof of Epic store actually taking it?

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>most OC Yea Forums now gets is just shills trying to implant their shit memes by force of repetition
Come back when Epic is no longer CCP property spyware, it has games, actual features and convenience, user reviews, non-shit download speed and competitive prices, and not a moment before.

Desura died a long time ago.
A pity, because it had the only DRM-free releases of the first two FNAF


None. But if we keep saying it, it might come true.

>Steam bad
>Epic Worse
Just remember, when in doubt, everything sucks.

>yo bro did you know that only 40% of our users use Steam?
>where did we get it from? i'm just psychic bro

Attached: Epic Spy.png (1286x1112, 1.08M)

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No one in Konami had the fucking source code?

on a mediocre spyware riddled launcher made by subhuman gooks.

>people hate epic for tracking your data
>happily use facebook and google

Ok lmao

>80% less buyers
they need all the penny they can get.

>implying that china has the morality of the west and wouldn't just depopulate the entire area

Epic steal it without permission.
Both Google and Facebook ask you to do so.

>food analogy

I just like fortnite

Neither Google or Facebook ask you for permission to steal your data.

And then they do it anyway.

Valvefags will defend anything Valve does that can be seen negatively. That's why they're Valvefags. You're having to put up with clients that restrict access to what you wish to play because of the Valvefags that accepted it lying down so they could play Half-Life 2. Epic, Origin, Uplay et all. They're doing what Valve set in motion, only they don't have the rabid faggots that Valve does to defend their shitness.

>valve bought exclusives
Every time, epicfags
>b-but bought studios
Not bought exclusivity

valvefags are truly the worst all they can do is pretend they are somehow superior to China.

You can get shot at any moment. Doesn't that concern you?

Pirating a game because it is on another platform that you don't like, that is easily accessible makes you look like a whinny faggot

Pirating a game because you can is what makes you based

Piracy is a service issue.

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No, you're missing the point. Epic's store demands exclusivity. It's in the contract. That's what makes it different

That's because they ARE superior to China.

sekiro is on ps4 and xbone

No one will ever beat China. Epic is slow, but it's already making alot of people mad because of how fast they are winning tho.

Still had it installed just never got rid of it so I guess it was useless for me to list that.

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Where did this fucking narrative that I, the consumer, gave an IOTA of a fuck about your well being or profits as a developer come from? Show me the benefits to me. Are you dropping DLC, micro transactions practic, pre order incentives, early access, and other nickle and diming practices , and finally releasing a full product that's worth my money? Are you cutting the price of games to match your higher profit? No? Then what the fuck are you preaching to me about "the little guy", when you're just another predatory business? Jesus fuck, and that's not even getting into politics, and how you refuse to not treat your product as a propaganda tool for your political beliefs.

Epic bad
Steam bad
Epic entering the market is good because it forces both sides to try and act competitive and maybe Valve will finally step up their fucking game.

no they're not

everyone's trying to take this moral highground stance when i think it's just fucking dumb that i have to download yet another launcher because some chinks think they can beat steam by simply buying a game's exclusivity, its inconvenient as shit and only takes up more space on my pc

>Epic winning means wasting money on devs to inconvenience me, the consumer

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Yes. China is shit

>step up their fucking game
By buying their own exclusives? Good idea

Even Pajeets are superior to China, everyone is.
Chinks may be proficient at some things, true but they're absolute subhumans, I would be closer to calling a 40IQ nigger in Africa a real human than the smartest chink in exsistence.

replace Tim Sweeney with Trump, and China with Russia
and you can see the reason why

Epic store is doing what took Valve 15 year in 6 months, Valve has done nothing in the past 10 years. all you need to do is accept that the Epic Games Store will soon be bigger than all stores, just like fortnite. Just imagine how good things could be if you would just stop complaining and stopped being so anti chinese just because some random company owns less than 50% of epic games.

I don't trust jews, but I trust the chinese even less.

Pretty sure chinks aren't allowed to use Steam because it respects human rights to a degree.

Valve was one of the first niggas to do that shit though so it wasn't expected for them to make a better quality service

>takes months to make a search feature
>takes 2 months to search for a genre of games
>takes 5 months to add in the ability to make a comment on a game
>takes 5 months to put a list of games you want
>takes 5 months to make a watch that counts how long I have been playing
>takes half a year to bundle the games I want and buy them at once
>god knows how long it will take to buy a game and send the game to someone else
Are a bunch of chimpanzees updating the store?

Attached: Epic length.jpg (1646x917, 78K)

I mean they already hired chimps to create the store in the first place, hence why it lacks such important features.

it's funny because epic store is actually banned in china, where you have pic related for steam

Attached: chinese-users-review-bomb-steam-horror-hit-devotion-over-xi-jinping-winnie-the-pooh-moron-meme-15509 (989x553, 236K)

but they will still win, the features are coming trust me.

>Mark Kern
so Em8er is going to epic as well, I guess
if they ever finish that shit

>Based on user surveys

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Both suck, but EGS would have never even been attempted if Valve were boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam like they should have been. I started pirating after PC went digital only because of Valve, I am not willing to pay for digital distribution.
Death to Valve
Death to Epic
Death to GoG
Steam was the consolization of PC
You don't care about choice, you Valve drones had no problem with Valve taking away choice and making digital distribution have a monopoly on PC, you are just worried about your download licenses.

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Physical releases on PC are dead, user.
Also, companies need middleware to distribute DLC and patches and multiplayer.
There are DRM-free alternatives for multiplayers and we could began to reuse expansion packs, but players are too lazy to keep track of patches.

Literally when has this happened?

Shut up chink

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Underage b&

devs put xi jinping winnie the pooh as easter eggs
the whole game got pulled out afterwards

Attached: sketch1553240541021.png (1052x720, 325K)

That's not Steam banning you, it's the developers that manage their own Steam community banning you from their steam community.
You fucking retard.

>posting Steve

Fucking based

>That's not Steam banning you, it's the developers that manage their own Steam community banning you from their steam community.
>You fucking retard.
I'm not talking about the community, retard. The game got deleted from Steam, and I'm pretty sure only Valve can do that.

>it's another "Steam has exclusives" retard

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Epic bad, Steam also bad but at least it's less bad

they use proxies and vpns for everything, despite that they will make tons of throwaway accounts to review bomb any game that insults their government.

Bribery is part of a free market, is it not? Is it unfair for me to pay my employers more if they work for me and you can't pay that amount?

>only Valve can delete games from Steam

Attached: 936.jpg (625x626, 31K)

They shouldnt even exist in the first place.
Death TO ALL DRMs.

my point still stands, the developers got their game removed from steam because they put xi jinping winnie pooh easter egg. if that's not chinese intervention on steam I don't know what is.

>It's okay to have bad business practices because Steam has some bad business practices!
>You should support more online stores so that you end up with 7 different DRM - this is healthy competition and will definitely benefit you, the consumer!

>only Valve can delete games from Steam
>that's not true
>my point still stands because the game was deleted
The game was removed by the publishers, not by Valve you fucking retard

so steam IS chink shit

Yes, trust me, goyim, it will come eventually, if you just download Epic Games Store™. Trust me, I don't lie!

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What are you implying?

The devs removed it because they were being harassed (by chinks) you mouth breathing twat. All the more reason China needs region locking


ah, so glad they have forums and user reviews section

The users voluntarily filled out a survey, Epic didnt spy on users computers to get that percentage. Not that it isn't spyware, it most certainly is.

>Harassment is only okay when WE do it

Valvefags are genuinely fucking pathetic.

Attached: 7gfa reviews.jpg (1964x958, 152K)

hey just because democracy is shit in the west doesnt mean we should just you know replace it with say what passes for democracy in shitty arabia

Well I would have said the same thing but I myself have Epic Games installed and I was never given a notification asking me if I have Steam installed
I guess they could have just gotten a small number of people but that's still extremely dishonest to review only a minority of your userbase


Yea Forums btfo

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ding dong, fling fling, chink chonk

Fuck Steam though

Shit nigger are you really this retarded

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>r/gamingcirclejerk meme
yeah, not touchin' that

the only people who hate gcj are the people who get made fun of by gcj

Empire Total War

Enjoying those Chinese shekels?

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>you Valve drones had no problem with Valve taking away choice and making digital distribution have a monopoly on PC

Valve does not have any exclusivity deals, devs are completely free to release their game however and wherever else they wish, if they only use Steam then that is on the dev, not Valve's fault.

The difference is one is a private company, the other is publicly-traded and partially owned by fucking China.

Imagine his face when 12 month later he get cooked by all those girls for a massive bbc on Steam. Oh, he will keep Fortnite at the end, lucky him, I guess ?

No it can't.

in your own words valve did this first and they got a lot of the systems somewhat perfect,Epic should have took what valve did and implemented the same thing.

they could have put out a product just the same but they didn't

they could have come out with a product with the same features but they didn't

all they did first was bare bones at best while they're going to try to add the rest later and that should not be okay and it's astonishing that retards like you accept this Epix store can be a true to competitor but using exclusives and being scummy it's not a good way to do it.

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Hello Changs, Wangs and other dog-eating creatures, Winnie the Pooh here.
Do you know anything about Tiananmen Square massacre?
What are your thoughts on freeing Tibet?
How about your respects for Human Rights?
Do you enjoy your STEAM GAME?

>don't like Valve cut
>still develop for consoles that take same cut

>Hello Changs, Wangs and other dog-eating creatures, Winnie the Pooh here.
>Do you know anything about Tiananmen Square massacre?
>What are your thoughts on freeing Tibet?
>How about your respects for Human Rights?
>Do you enjoy your STEAM GAME?

Based but cringepilled

Except they actually sell on those consoles


>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!

fuck valve

Except sales are worse on Epic due to tiny install base.

you dont need to install epic store to play epic exclusives

Or do you?

t. tumblr

no, i dont

yep, like any other game, really

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If a game is exclusive to Steam it's because the devs/publishers didn't want to put it on other platforms, with Valve having no influence over that decision. If a game is exclusive to Epic it's because Epic paid for the exclusivity. I would love it if every game on Steam was on GoG but some publishers just can't live without their DRM.