Achievement thread

Post games you have 100% completed

Steam, Xbox, and Playstation are all good.

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Just yesterday I got my platinum in horizon zero dawn.. so worth the time I put in


I have no regrets

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Only games i have 100% completed is Witcher 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Working on Stardew next

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Oblivion on 360 and new God of War

I've been meaning to check that out. It's between that, RDR2, and Far Cry 5. Which is the most fun of the three to keep playing?

Someone explain to me what makes the "LASO" achievements in Halo so difficult?

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Is 100% Sonic Unleashed and Vanquish on Ps3 Valid kudos for getting all achievements?

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At 69 plats right now, almost lvl30. I used to go hard on collecting trophies back when PS3 was its peak, then come the middle of Vita's life cycle and PS3 dying, I just lost interest and just played games without having to worry about checklisting shit to prevent extra playthroughs.

Horizon was more fun and had a way better story than farcry 5, haven't played RDR2 yet tho so I can't say

I've only gotten 100% in RDR1 and MGSV

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The only games ive Platinumed were the original Neptunia 1 and 2 games
I would of 3 but a glitch in my copy locked me out of one trophy

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100% completion is for chumps

How do I stop my autism and wanting to 100% games I like? The last couple of trophies are always a huge pointless time consuming grind but it doesn't feel right to be so close to 100% and just leave it at that.

>play a single-player only game, thinking it won't be bad for trophies/no worry about servers being shut down
>it has an 80hr grind that is basically "get everything"

God asked Abraham to kill his son to prove his love to him.
That extra trophy is only for the most dedicated. It may seem rediculous, but it is the true final fan filter.

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Monster Hunter World- got all achivements last month, just beat AT Zorah to make all his armor.

Damn some of those AC games must take so fucking long
Been meaning to play bloodstained. How easy is the 100?

are you asking because you strolled through it or because you don't know?
if it's the latter it involves playing on the hardest difficulty and then activating multiple gameplay modifiers, most of which are negative. LASO is straight up unfair and imbalanced to the point of being unplayable at times. That said, LASO is an exercise in tedium as the best way to play is slow, boring, and ultimately formulaic. The "difficulty" of completion has more to do with your willingness to burn time than anything else.

Bloodborne, DaS1. All three console banjo kazooie games(except the dlc for N&B, shit sucked). That’s pretty much it, most games are horrible to 100% because they only make sure each individual item is possible to get, they don’t care if it’s any fun to actually get all of them.

The AC ones can take a bit yeah but I like the series overall but isn't too bad. The Bloodstained 100 is super fucking easy. You can get multiple playthroughs done in a day. Boss rush mode is easy as shit, there's a cheat code you can use that gives you infinite energy in that mode so you just keep spamming wizard and it's GG.

Just hit 9500 and persona 5 play being that.

t. Heroicfag
It's perfectly playable like anything else. People have speedrun it.

ok thanks
I think I might have it through games with gold

Players owe nothing to the developers


people speed run everything, so that's hardly a measurement of difficulty but whatever, enjoy the ego boost for playing videogames I guess

i got all trophies in all of the metal gear games including revengeance, MGS4 was the hardest

except peace walker fuck peace walker

My problem is that a "Biggest fan" mark on a virtual account is kind of worthless, especially on Valve. Back then good games used to reward people with cool bonuses and game modes for going the extra mile.

I don't know how to sort that shit on my PS Profile, so I'll just post them.

All PS4/PS3

>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Resident Evil 4
>Fallout 4
>Resident Evil Revelations 2
>Battlefield Hardline
>The Evil Within
>Battlefield 4
>inFAMOUS Second Son

LASO stands for Legendary All Skulls On

So it is already set to legendary difficulty, but then these additional aspects are included:
Blind - Entire HUD is gone. No crosshair, no health bar, no ammo count, nothing displayed on screen
Famine - Dropped weapons have 50% of their ammo
Catch - Enemies throw grenades 2x as fast and 2x as often
Tough Luck - Enemies are more evasive
Thunderstorm - Enemies get a rank upgrade
Tilt - Damage Tables multiplied. Bullets will now barely damage shields, plasma will barely damage health, hardlight will barely damage prometheans
Mythic - Enemies have 2x Health
Iron - No checkpoints Reatart the level upon death.

>all Halo games
>100% Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2

How is doing this even fun? Legendary is already pure madness with some games.

Can’t post because not home but on PS3/4:
-minecraft ps3 edition
-minecraft ps4 edition
-gran turismo 5
-gran turismo 6
-final fantasy 15
-senran peach beach splash
-senran estival versus
-doax3 fortune
-bullet girls phantasia
-modern warfare remaster
-sonic mania
-wild guns reloaded
-shaun white snowboarding
-mirrors edge

Mega Man Legacy Collection
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
Mega Man X Legacy Collection
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2
Mega Man 11

I feel proud.

nice, a true master of jump and shoot man

You should be proud fren

Goat Simulator, Tropico 4, Bully, and Castle Crashers.

Games for Windows Live's Tinker, Fallout 3 and Resident Evil 5. Also the single-player achievements of GTA IV.

Hollow Knight
Mark of the Ninja
Into the Breach

I really want to get all the achievements in Crypt of the Necrodancer because I love the game but it's just all so beyond my ability.
