*Slowly inhales*

*Slowly inhales*

How is leveling a shadow priest in vanilla?

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As far as I can tell, this was the origin of the "melt faces" meme. It came from a blizzard forum post asking the same thing.

nah not really.
At least not full shadow priest.
It's more optimal to just take 5/5 spirit tap from the shadow tree, and then put the rest into Holy and Discipline, while fighting with Smite instead.


Smite should never be used once you have MB.
Optimal is MB -> SW:P -> wand until dead

From what I've read it's more Wand spec but it's decent enough.

It's been so long since I've been home bros, but we're almost there.

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have fun getting ganked lmao

Mind Blast?
That's apparently one of the worst spells for mana to damage efficiency. You'd be wasting more mana that way, and as a result have to spend more time drinking between battles.

>learn enchanter
>craft a magic wand
>autohitkill lvl 8 ghouls in tirisfal in a timespan of 20 seconds

0 tmog 0 mounts shit graphics lmao

It's painfully obvious you've never levelled a priest (or have been doing it wrong). The mana regen while wanding and then Spirit Tap is enough that you will never need to drink.

Will I have a chance as a complete newfag to WoW or will turbo autists chase me out of the game?

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okay user, i gonna teach you the best way to level up your shadow.
first you need to learn this sentence:
"hey, you guys might need a healer?"
if they ask about your specc you'll allways reply with
"dont worry, im holy"
they'll never notice the difference.

Fuck, I hate classic now.

Why cant we have a sword art online style MMO? 1-100 layers every 10 layers is a raid superboss with a high kill count. Every 5 layers is a main city and some players just camp a certain layer in most playthroughs. MMO but with newgame+ basically and getting to layer 100 is like clearing naxx mythic+ legendary mode. So few players even can newgame+. Basically carrot on a stick progression is always there because you are always leveling. PvP at level 30+ man I can see it now, the perfect MMORPG.

>Why yes, I do plan on rolling on an RP-PVP server. How could you tell?

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I'm not sure, I am gonna start fresh as well as a new player rolling a Tauren shaman and the only way to know if the autists will chase me out of the game or not is by trying.

Mana to damage efficiency is better in the long run.
Smite is not that much weaker, but less mana costly.
Holy Fire to Shadow Word Pain to Smite to wand is better.

word. fuck warlocks for taking it. gay fucking losers, get your own memes

I played priest on nost and it was really fast. You have zero downtime if you do the wand meme and when you hit 40 your second only to hunter/warlocks.

also this you can get away with healing as shadow up to BWL

Which spell is most efficient depends on what level you are/what rank you have and will change a few times as you level

>Give a try to retail wow because free time
>Forgot why i loved Moonguard in the first place
>End up doing some roleplay and erp
>Decide to not spend more money on the game because fuck blizzard

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Poopsockers will probably stick together chasing things like server first clears and GM/HWL when the pvp system is put in.

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Not if you take the talents that increase holy or shadow damage into account.

Wait, which graphics are we getting? Are we getting the old or the newer models?

unironically what every spriest ends up doing. you just have to prove yourself on the first couple pulls and then nobody gives a shit

Everything is 1.12

I just worry it will be a similar case to the remaster of dark souls, with people spending sixteen hours a day creating maximum numbers builds and destroying any hope for someone trying the games mechanics for the first time. I don't mind playing with veterans, I mind them being whiney bitches that I have no idea what the fuck is going on and figuring things out.

There's going to be a bunch of different types of players, just stick with casuals until you get more comfortable.

There's a huge population of 25-30y/os who have jobs/kids now that will only play 3-6 hours a day. I wouldn't worry about min-maxing autists, they tend to raidlog or do premades all day.

Main difference is that the people who played the remaster could already play the original, for Classic it's only the private server people who can play it right before release, which are not going to make the majority.

Oh yeah I getcha, but as I said, the only way to know that is by trying.
I've been on these threads a couple of times, and hanged around with other people who plan on playing classic, everyone seems to be chill about everyone else trying whatever the fuck you want to do.
Just pick a side, pick a race, pick a class and roll with it, you will know by the time you get to max level if what you're doing is good or not.
There WILL be minmax autists day 1 competing for first clears and shit, try to find a guild or a group of people to play with.
Hell I wish I had a couple of newcomers like me to play with, it would be pretty cool to learn the game as we go.

My guess is most people on classic at the beginning will be people that never played it or haven't played in a long as time and probably can't play all day anyways. People that already have their talents, race and leveling path thought out with private server experience won't be the majority.

Making me optimistic, anons.

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be sure to contribute to the opinion poll. but make sure your opinion is correct first.


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Well hope to see you there.
Just roll horde, that's the real men choice.

>tfw no big blue booty troll gf
Why even fucking live? Hopefully there's gonna be a resurgence in rule 34 art after classic releases

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god imagine the smell

Mind Blast is a poor damage to mana ratio spell, but it's your hardest hitting spell and it's easier to regen mana when you're not spending it to heal yourself all the time.

If you can Mind Blast, SW: P, and Wand the target to death and take minimal damage and regen while wanding it's more efficient than Smite, SW: P, Smite, Wand, Heal. Sure if you're fighting something with a lot of health and you won't be the one healing you'll be more mana efficient to Smite, but assuming you're solo your primary goal will be to kill before you're killed. You can worry about regen when you're already ahead.

Where my teldrassil niggas @

Druid here, are nelfs good for anything else besides xXLegolasXx hunters and shadow priests (female)?

I'm of the firm belief that you'll be fine. Try hards will be in the try hard guilds just like they were in the past and just like they are in BFA. There will be tons of people who played when they were teens and are now back with a family and a more demanding job. They'll want to play Classic, but they're realistic and will be fine playing with decent players looking to have fun.

Hell, I'm looking to finally kill KT in an official capacity, but I'm not gonna be gunning for world first or even server first. So long as I can play with a good group of guys on a relaxed schedule and still complete Naxx I'll be happy.

But to add more to your primary concern. There's gonna be all sorts playing in Classic. People who have been playing since TBC, but barely missed Vanilla. Private server poopsockers. 14 year olds who were just being born when vanilla first came out. Older MMO players who passed on Vanilla, but want to try nowadays. Old school players just looking to reconnect with old friends. The list goes on. You'll find a spot, just avoid twitch realms. I honestly believe any realm with a popular streamer on it will be nigh unplayable. Once I figure out where Esfand, Sodapoppin, or Asmongold are going I'm gonna steer away from it.

>Mulgore at the bottom.
Makes sense. It's a beautiful zone, but it's so fucking boring. All the quests are shit and it feels like it takes forever to get anywhere there. I'm pretty sure Elwynn is bigger, but Elwynn is so full of shit to do and interesting locales that it feels tight and it's not a chore to run through. Mulgore just feels like shit.

What names you guys gonna snag when classic goes live?

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Just rush wand specialization and use that for most of your 10-40 adventure.

gimli on a female night elf priest

Old Judgement would be unironically more useful for my transmog collection.

All the nintendo ones and ransom them off at a super high price.

Mulgore is top tier for speed leveling and grinding though. It's all beasts!

I'll take Muigin, Larion, and Linken before you!



user NO! How am I gonna get my epic mount now!

Top: Soul
Bottom: Soulless

Female nelf warriors make the best tanks.

Gonna be that troll mage


Of all the version of wow, vanilla had the greatest emphasis on leveling. If you end up enjoying the gameplay you'll still be able to have fun. I doubt the community will be as great back in the day; a lot has changed online since then. But their still should be plenty of room for casual fun. Vanilla's mechanics actively worked towards making the casual experience more engaging by encouraging socializing from early on. So, as long as blizzard don't add any modern mechanics, their should still be a good community, even if we don't reach 2004-06(10) heights

Esfand tipsout staysafe asmongold and every other shitty streamer name I can on every server I can

I'll look up the most popular Twitch streamers and take those of course.

Redpill me on RP PvP servers. I've never played on one and didn't even know they were a thing until you guys started shitposting about them, but it sounds like a cool idea in theory. I'm wondering if that holds up in practice though and if I should go elsewhere for my immersive ganking and raiding fix.


Everyone walks to quests and there are coordinated large scale wpvp battles.

>being such a fucking mongoloid you actually play WoW, the worst MMO of all time

RP is just a suggestion and has no bearing on the actual gameplay of the server.

It's the Chad choice of a server type.

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