What did you think of Metroid Fusion, Yea Forums?
What did you think of Metroid Fusion, Yea Forums?
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Its my favorite 2D metroid and tied for my favorite metroid desu
one of the best. actually made me scared knowing if this body snatching bitch showed up, i had no chance and had to dip and maximum velocity
It the second best 2d metroid.
Just wish it was longer.
>nobody mentions the massive difficulty spike or the obtuse to get collectibles
>series is called Metroid
>they devise of something even worse
love it, wheres my sequel? metroid prime couldn't compare
Wasnt this game way too linear? I mean compared to Super Metroid
this is because she's on a space station and jumping zones would mean floating around in space, not moving around on a planet surface
One of my all time favorite vidya
It's my favorite
Best 2d Metroid.
When main reactor shuts down the game got way too spooky for my kid mind. And after getting chased by SA-X I didnt play the game for a year because I was so scared of it.
>difficulty spike
Which part did the spike occur? I do remember that the flying shits in TRO when you go get plasma did ridiculous damage.
Metroid 5 never ever
post yfw the water boss first flies past you with speed booster
the fusion suit is a really shitty, ugly design
That has nothing to do with it. The game was designed with literal story checkpoints, where 80% of it is:
>Section A is unlocked. Go to Section A.
>Section B is unlocked. Go to Section B.
>Section C is unlocked. Go to Section C.
probably for the best
the one nice thing about other M is that it's just thrown into some awkward part of the timeline that you're free to ignore
imagine if it were chronologically the last game
When was this spike?
I'm guessing Nightmare
That boss gave lots of people troubles
The path to the spider boss is also really long and difficult compared to the rest of the game.
thats all of the metroid games
>start on section a, use shot 2 to open b
>earn shot 3 in b, open c
yo what the fuck, did anyone notice that this song plays the same tune of Lugia's Flute from Pokemon 2000?
Yakuza gave me problems until I realized that you can dodge 99% of its attacks by balling in a corner.
Fusion's set pieces and crazy bosses wouldn't work nearly as well in a game structured like Super. The linearity let them build a proper difficulty scale and make moments like the SA-X encounters timed to story beats.
Supers more of an adventure game while Fusions more of a run and gun. I wouldn't say one style is inherently better than the other, Fusion executes what it set out to do really well.
It was good but it scared the shit outta me as a kid mainly because I got it second hand and the person forgot to erase the save file. It was at the part where the save rooms don't work and vines were everywhere just before the spider boss. Real creepypasta shit. Also I wanna fuck SA-X
The best part about the boss fights was how they would use your own abilities against you
I liked it, except for the linear progression.
Halfway there are enemies you can barely dent even with super missiles, and save stations becomes scarce.
Favourite in the series.
Metroid for all its popularity seems to be pretty underappreciated from what I've seen, people seem to know who Samus is and she has cool power armor, but that's it
Ridley scream/10
Thanks Doc!
It was good and my issue with it isn't some gay shit like "waaaa it isn't a real metroid game", it's just like... weird.
i think the best way to put it is that it feels like the 16 bit equivalent of the first metroid. shows a lot of promise, but the developers tried too many things they didn't quite know how to do just right.