When did you realize it was better than any of the Souls games?
When did you realize it was better than any of the Souls games?
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>Dude it's nothing like the other games, quit being obsessed with Soulsborne already
Pick one
About 10 minutes into it.
Its good but the replayability just isnt there. Started a second playthrough and its pretty meh without armor or classes/builds or weapon variety.
Nigga that wants to play dress up
what changes in New Game plus
When I beat rooftop Genichiro on my second try by playing aggressive, quickly learning his moves and not letting up on the parrying. This game lets you actually become skilled rather than dodge for 20 minute and land one attack when it’s safe. Hope FROM never goes back to that and keeps this style going.
Pretty much this, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it but I doubt it'll be something I'll sink hundreds and hundreds of hours into.
>inb4 pvp tryhard
Engaging in jolly co-operation to assist your fellow undead is the true calling of a Souls player, my Undead Parish twinks are fun too but co-op is where its at.
>game being fun isn't good enough of a reason to replay it
It wasnt
I beat it today and Ill never touch it again.
How do I kill the guy who spits out bugs?
does it go straight to ng+ like normal? struggling to see what fun any plus would be when theres no builds or anything to aim for
Around halfway. Souls games usually bore me to death but this one kept me asking for more. I want a sequel already.
Need a weapon that can kill immortals.
>I want a sequel already.
Trust me, you don't.
This but unironically.
Genchiro fight
this game is fun as fuck and I hope it gets some sort of sequel, even if the settings and characters are all different
>I hope it gets some sort of sequel
Trust me, you don't.
It gives you an option like in DaS3. I didnt even do ng+ though I just started another save.
Was never a fan of ng+
Dark Souls 2 is great fuck off
After killing Genichiro
Maybe. That's always the case with every new game though. I just want to see more and a conclusion.
Lots of the fun in the Souls games is derived from making new characters and using different builds. You get both with Souls, you play because its fun and you get to play a little differently every time.
>You don't want another excellent game
Why not?
Bloodborne and DS1 are two of the greatest games of all time.
Sekiro is DS2-tier.
NG+ in this game is borderline masochistic, which is funny because NG+ in Souls games is a joke until you get to the really high cycles.
white soapstone faggot detected
braindead NPC detected
what changes? also, I'm fighting owl right now, how much more game is there left for me?
>Sekiro is DS2-tier.
Let's not get too carried away here.
I like Souls 1 and Bloodborne more. Sekiro's below that though.
It's great but it's much more frustrating. It's both more challenging AND more punishing.
I still prefer Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3
Pre release when I realised it wasn't a souls game
>Sekiro is DS2-tier.
Its as good as one of the best games in the franchise? Why is that bad?
Youre around the halfway point/slightly over halfway.
Your posture regenerates a lot slower, so you can't rely on deflecting nearly as much. It fundamentally changes how you play the game.
Thanks man, I was stabbing that nigga for like 15 minutes
You don't have to pick one. It's not like soulsbourne and it's better than soulsbourne, from software made something new and different that beats out their old work. In fact you really should only being saying those two facts together.
holy shit that's awesome, I was afraid I was getting very close to the end
BB > Sekiro > DS2 > DS3 > DS1
Sekiro > BB > DS2 > DS3 > DS1
BB is the easiest one because of the rally system, though.
BB > 1 > 3 > 2 > sekiro
Its an action game, not an RPG, not as replayable
I'll play it once or twice and drop it
I'm actually glad to hear that, I find myself fishing for deflects more often than I like to, maybe it'll whip my ass into shape
the rally system is a blessing and a curse because it helps if youre aggressive but you have to be precise in your aggressivenes to not get screwed
Bb is the easiest souls game what are you even saying. Silver bullets are broken, you get health back, you're faster. Easily the easiest souls no doubt
It's far more replaceable due to being more mechanically rich.
I'm getting annoyed at how much enemies home in on you while attacking ala DaS2
Like when a guy does a jump attack and I dodge to the side, I don't feel like he should be able to curve around in mid-air to still hit me
Also why does the game love giving you tons of ways to traverse an area stealthily, only to bottleneck you into an unavoidable combat encounter with a horde of enemies all bunched up together surrounding the miniboss?
Overall it feels like the game doesn't know whether or not it wants to be an action/adventure hack and slash, or a sneaky ninja simulator. Still, it's fun for a bit, but I'm glad I didn't spend money on it.
Bloodborne is way easier than Sekiro wtf. Sekiro's a tier above every soulsborne game in difficulty.
DeS > Sekiro > DaS > 3 > BB > 2
I'm far more interested in doing NG+ in Sekiro than I have been for any Souls game.
Did you reply to the wrong post?
>it's better than soulsbourne, from software made something new and different that beats out their old work
that's some hardcore honeymoon phase
Once you have played once the game gets really stale really fast.
You keep all your gear and skills, so enemies are easier, not harder.
I think if you finish the game once you could start a fresh game and rush the demon bell by using the short cut behind the first headless as your 'challenging' run. Because NG+ is really fucking pointless in this game.
Final boss in sekiro is harder than anything in BB
It’s way easier though?
It definitely forces you to git gud. I didn't realize how reliant I was on deflect spamming until I started NG+.
What the fuck is that sword
What enemies can you strip armor off of? I haven't seen one. Just beat monkeys.
Also have I just gotten good or is claw dude piss easy? I deflected his combo jumped his swipe and killed him 6 seconds flat.
Action games are fun to replay because trying to master their mechanics is fun. Sekiro always makes you fight everything the same way, so that fun is gone and what remains is nothing.
That's pretty bullshit, I picked the other route and it gives you a final boss right during that choice and then locks you out of the rest of the new areas, whereas if you go owl route you have a whole half of the game to still complete?
And now I'm drudging through the shitty massive health pools of ng+ just to get to that point again, it's all so tiresome.
no it was experimental, innovative yea
good? no it was a mess of design and technically poor it is by far the worst entry in the series if youre going to compare them as games
i died way more on bloodborne bosses than sekiro's bosses, sekiro it takes me maybe 5 or 6 attempts max to down a boss averaging 2 or 3
maybe if you unironically try to parry his shit instead of just running away and slapping his asscheeks when he whiffs, but that's more of a self imposed challenge
Stealth and parry spam trivialize the whole game user
We all agree this is a top 10 From fight, right?
This game is mechanically rich, it's more fun to move about, it's kino, the setting is the best they've done, level design isn't a big like some of their titles. If we're grading on overall performance it's gonna be really hard for any one souls title to beat our sekiro.
lol no, first part is a weak rehash, phase 1 and 2 of isshin are a game of patience and deflecting
phase3 is a joke because of lightning gimmick
which first boss?
It's by far their best level design. The verticality of each level makes navigation itself a ton of fun.
It's the MLGS.
I've always thought it was the best, here's a good video on the subject.
It was the full package, no other Souls game as delivered it(though I didn't play much of BB because I didn't like it). It's not "technically poor" nor was it experimental. DS2 was experimental.
As soon as I started fighting enemies, it absolutely fucking btfos Souls piss poor excuse of a combat system both in terms of mechanics and feel/animations. Funnily enough the actual world layout is the best one since DS1 even though the game really doesnt need it at all.
I think I actually hate this game, and it's really bumming me out.
>most bosses and minibosses can nearly one-shot you with a single attack
And I fucking hate the mikiri block or whatever the fuck it's called.
>It's the MLGS.
How did you get it?
Is it because plebs can't cheese the game by advance leveling?
It's better than anything after DaS1 that's for sure.
the mikiri counter trivializes a lot of the mini bosses you brainlet
I can see why people wouldn't like that. I've never replayed any of the Souls games though so it doesn't matter to me.
So i see the bell to feed the giant fish but can't figure out how to get up there? if the game forces me up there no worries but if its something i can miss someone please point me in the right direction
and what the fuck do i do with the snake hearts?
Phase 1 is a joke
Phase 2 is a joke because his stupid Iaido moved have enormous recovery and he frequently spams them so you get free damage for no effort
Phase 3 is legitimately difficult, his alternating spear and sword attacks leave little opening besides mikiri counter on the thrust and a free hit when he swings his sword after a jump
Phase 4 is a fucking joke holy shit lightning redirection is overpowered as fuck
Yeah but it's really easy to fuck it up.
Mikiri is kino
>no coop to get carried by other players
>no shield block backpedal
>no vitality/end pumping
>no broken armor set
>no cheese weapon setup
>no bow poking
>no down-time during bossfights since their healthbars are posture based which means you can't just continuously run away and take a quick sippy if you don't want their healthbar to recover
>stats increase through limited items which means you can't just farm yourself to an insanely high SL to power through encounters
>weapon moveset is deliberately simple, low range, doesn't have easily accessible poke moves that you can hit from a dozen dick-lengths away
>no i-frames
Is he based?
>This game is mechanically rich
It really isn’t
>it's more fun to move about
I do enjoy how the movement feels. Grappling hook being only usable at set points sucks though
>it's kino
This doesn’t mean anything
>the setting is the best they've done
Sengoku jidai is really plain user, unless you’re a diehard weeb it isnt better than Yharnam or Lordran
>level design isn't a big like some of their titles
How is this a positive
>If we're grading on overall performance it's gonna be really hard for any one souls title to beat our sekiro.
Every single Souls game is better except DaS2
would say top 3
>All these “I beat it not going back there’s nothing else to see: ^)” falseflaggers
There’s four endings you retards. Do research before you shitpost
it looks cool as fuck but it's easy to fuck up
I guess when you take into consideration people who avoid learning/mastering the bossfight and go for the 20 minute cheese strat, he's not that hard
The game isn't that fun.
Stop being shit, you have to press forward and dodge to do a mikiri counter like youre dodging into the attack. And no ones one shotting you but even if they did you have an extra life you can recharge
>mfw Lady Butterfly's second phase
Gotta love that false sense of hope when you finally beat a boss only to find out that was only it's first phase.
It would be more fun if bosses weren't so blatantly unfair
its not if you dodge in place
how do i get over to that idol and item
You forgot
>no replay value
Mechanically rich? Fights boil down to deflecting everything and jumping unblockables with the alternate run cheese strats if you don't feel like putting in any effort.
Weapon arts are completely worthless, prosthetics are okay but can be safely ignored.
And it's so tedious too, bosses take so fucking long to get their vitality down as you sit with a thumb up your ass deflecting the same 2 anime combos and mashing r1 when it occurs to them that maybe after 8 parries it's time to let the player get 1 hit in before they block the rest.
Let me guess the replies
>git gud
>I must defend m'lady sekiro with my life
just you wait, it gets even crazier later
>>weapon moveset is deliberately simple, low range, doesn't have easily accessible poke moves that you can hit from a dozen dick-lengths away
I mean, you can hold down R1 to do a delayed gap-closing poke, which is pretty useful
>And no ones one shotting you
If you get hit by Seven Spears' thrust attack that's easily 9/10 of your hp gone.
If you get hit by any of the armored warrior's attacks that's easily 3/4 of your hp gone.
The secret true ending is pretty easy to get since NPCs explicitly spell out the requirements in very long dialogue sections. Why would you bother replaying just to get a shittier ending once you get the frozen tears
i agree with all of this that these are good changes, i just wish there was still an invasion mechanic like as a shinobi remnant or something to spice it up and add some replayability
Thank you based Miyazaki.
am I not supposed to be fighting Lady Butterfly as my second boss? I went into the memory right away and got past the drunk guy but she is impossible, I can get her to the 2nd phase sometimes but those little gold orbs are always getting me
FUCKING CHIMPS? I'm fighting chimps? Not that I have a problem with that, but I spooked when I bumped into one when I was sneaking around the tall grass. Hope this means the enemy variety gets upped a bit.
Also, that loading screen tip
>Spooky ghosts come out at night to seek vengeance
>Finished beating Genichiro and the sun has gone down and it's getting noticeably darker
w-what does it mean, bros?
>Deeper mechanics than any Souls game
>Very non-linear world layout
>No replay value
Why the fuck can't I collect a blood sample from that old lady's son?
based and vidyapilled
He swapped the model like people did with the Mortal Blade. It’s just a barebones mod.
I spam the fucking B button and I still get hit
DS2 is bested only by DS1, they both have the best worlds and the best RPG systems. The first half of both games is extremely open and it allows for tons of sequence-breaking, you can prioritize areas depending on your build and what you want to pick up. 2 has by far the best character-building, 1 has by far the best and most well-designed world.
More like nobody wants to replay it cause it's boring shit.
absolutely nothing
there is no change
becomes a lot less viable later when you get to enemies that can deflect too
you gotta jump to a branch which you can hookshot to near the locked door next to a waterfall, should be on the left side of the locked door,right if you have it unlock and coming from there
sekiro is fun and all but i would be way more excited if they announced bloodborne 2 or dark souls 4.
You have to beat the game without dying or using a shrine ez
from the palace ground waypoint, enter the building and go right, hook on the roof and on the left toward the feeding ground you have a branch you can hook unto
3 of them are nearly identical and the one that’s different give you two easy bosses and cucks you out of the rest of the game.
Maybe you should stop defending this kusoge
Posture bar is just a stamina bar in reverse and deathblows are just dark souls 3 guardbreak ripostes on every fucking enemy
You can run in circles and take as many sippies as you like because healing is faster than even dark souls 3 and once most bosses are below 75% health their posture bar takes forever to actually deplete
You learn skills you cant get in the other endings. Also new content.
You could use the lightning against him? Even when I executed the redirects, the lightning just went off into soace and didnt hurt him.
And yes im mainly refering to phase 2 and 3 because it took me 5 hours to learn all the parry timings and perilous attack queus
It's not. Just a done and done kinda game.
If you successfully deflect and counter everything while sneaking some damage in the vast majority of boss fights will be over in no time what the fuck are you talking about and the arts have situational uses similar to prosthetics, punishing whiffs with an attack that does a ton of posture damage for example instead of just the normal 2 hit combo
But if the game plays exactly the same every time I don't really care
I can just watch the endings on youtube if I'm that concered about it, I want to play again when playing again offers more variety
thats your fucking problem you brainlet youre supposed to time it as the thrusts is coming towards you, not when they pull back to charge it and not when its hitting you
Not really, it's the best attack to use against the final boss during several of his very small windows of vulnerability
thank you very much user.
you deserve it for forsaking your shota for a guy that literally kills you
i dont think you know what that word means
I mean yeah, it has some like any video game that isn't a complete turd and a slog, just not nearly as much as, say, an ARPG with lots of different builds and optional co-op and PVP.
I'll play it a couple times but its not something I'll be sinking tons of time into.
Nah. New settings and themes are a good thing, which is why my favorite games of this "series" are Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro so far. I'm hoping for Akira Souls / BLAMEborne next myself.
I hope it's Dragon Souls next.
Am I just bad or is this boss literally impossible?
Chained Ogre has a cooler moveset than the majority of Souls bosses.
Are any prosthetics good besides Axe?
When i finally mastered the art of parrying. Shit feels so good
His second phase can be cheesed by just sprinting away from him until he finishes a combo string then sneaking in a few hits and sprinting away again.
>replaying a 25-30 hour game just to see a different 45 second cutscene at the end.
Thats what youtubes for sweety. The most ill do is another playthrough were I side with owl to see what thats like.
I want to hug Emma.
If you successfully deflect and counter everything it doesn't fucking matter on most bosses because they just regen their posture immediately if you don't chunk their vitality, which takes ages because you only get openings when they decide they don't feel like blocking or deflecting.
"punishing whiffs" with a weapon art is not a thing because by the time the shit comes out they can already blocking, one more reason why the meme death sword is the only decent one against bosses.
I'm fighting Genichiro. He always does his thrust after his jump attack.
There's a fucking dust cloud shrouding him. I can't see his windup.
And even some of the enemies you can see windup, like Seven Spears, it's fucking disingenuous how quick they are.
And don't even get me started on the shitty gimick boss that is the armored warrior
>wearing such thick heavy armor that you can't deal vitality damage to him and can only kill him by knocking him off of the bridge
>oh by the way he's also fast as fuck
The random lightning strikes can be redirected, yes, but the actual overpowered nonsense is that you can redirect his lightning slash back at him too which is virtually guaranteed to hit, does a lot of damage and also stuns him for even more free damage. The tiny chip damage you take from redirecting is irrelevant, you can just run in circles and then jump in the air when he does the slash to kill him
>as many sippies as you like
>game just gives you like 10 healing items which are oftentimes not even enough to heal 1 attack's worth of damage
>completely misunderstanding how the posture system works
Did you even play it or is watching some eceleb on twitch all you needed?
just run around a lot and poke at him. Don't bother trying to deflect, ape has retard strength and fucks your posture.
Just sprint around and attack when he's not moving then use the firecracker things, then run away. If you hit him enough times you can knock him down twice.
holy shit thank you, been running around there for 2 hours looking for a way up
feel like such a retard i missed that branch on the roof.
Unlike a lot of people I don’t really care about character building in these games. The reason I play them is primarily for the enemy, level, and boss design.
DS2 has horrifically bad enemies and bosses (with a few good ones but most of them were DLC) and while the levels had a lot of great interconnectivity and non-linearity most of the levels individually were boring and ugly, the exception being the DLC once again.
After spending too long on this fight, just Sprint during phase 2 and almost everything will miss. Makes the fight a joke
The flame thrower is the best one.
Are you retarded? That's exactly what the posture system is, did you play dark souls 3?
8 sippies is more than enough coupled with free revive and 3 pellets. It's also simply factual that you heal faster than any souls game
Firecrackers will be complained about as the thing that people say ‘you just cheesed with firecrackers you’re not actually good’
They give you a free heal, a free interrupt of almost every move from a boss, and they let you get a double Ichigaru overhead to do massive posture damage.
Demons Souls is the best. Dark Souls 2 has shit graphics, shit animations, the world and boss design makes literally no sense(utterly soulless derivative garbage), all of the weapons and armor look awful and are poorly rigged, and its ""RPG systems"" don't even explain themselves. It's by far the worst in the series.
Glad to see all the casualshitters literally getting BTFO. Sekiro is unironically Miyazaki's best game made yet.
They dont, lowering their health to even 80% already lets you btfo them with a deathblow if you get a lot of good deflects and counters and all bosses are not only vulnerable after certain attacks/strings but many can just be outright interrupted mid attack there are few exceptions to this like corrupted monk but otherwise you can fucking beat phases in like 20-30 seconds if you play well
not him but is there a way to kill the fish?
I'd just like to say that both of Guardian Ape's phases were animated so beautifully I spent some time just admiring the animations at a certain point.
Fireworks are busted, everything else worthless outside of the one thing it's supposed to do.
That’s really only the case for Lady Butterfly and if you’re doing it REALLY well you can even deathblow her when she’s still got over half of her lifebar.
I’ve stopped looking at posture as posture and more like the primary life bar.
don't listen to these shitters, learn to parry phase 2 and he goes down easy
you'll thank me later
>Sekiro is unironically From's best game made yet
I don't think FROM is prepared for the mass refunds this game will cause.
>Unlike a lot of people I don’t really care about character building in these games
Well that's half the point in my opinion, and where most of the replay value comes from. It just sounds like you prefer action games.
DS2 has some stinker areas but most are and are visually distinct. The only thing I think is truly ugly about the game are the repeating textures covering large surfaces. DS1 is the only game I put more time into.
You're dumb, it's a pretty huge success on Steam and consolefags can't refund.
>Dying a bunch of times negatively impacts the game in the long-term.
Makes sense from a lore perspective but seriously? Suck my fucking cock.
No you idiot the posture is the exact opposite you do more posture damage the less health the enemies have so even just getting a few hits in gives you huge boosts. And you have 8 by end game until then not only do you have less but also a tiny hp bar to boot, its not "more than enough" especially considering Souls games not only give you more than that but also restore way more health per sip, and have enemies that do less damage. The results speak for themselves, Soulsfags get absolutely destroyed and complain about one shots
I am actually kind of surprised by how mixed reception seems to be this game. I think it's a lot more fun than the Souls games.
Magnetic umbrella is good to spam when you’re surrounded to shit out posture damage to the four+ enemies attacking you without taking damage or getting shoved around.
>shit animations
Its funny that people always complain about this when DS2 is the only game that used actual motion-capture and the models aren't contorting themselves into impossible positions and clipping through themselves during attacks.
>and its ""RPG systems"" don't even explain themselves
Oh, you're just shitposting about ADP, got it.
Normies will just grind up a bunch of skill points to get a shit ton of attack boosts from dragon mask. As much as people jerk themselves off about how hardcore the game is there's plenty of casual workarounds, fighting bosses buffed with consumables and full talent trees grinded out is night and day not to mention firecracker and dragon mask
Where can I see the refund charts that show refund percentages and compares to other games?
Talk to Emma and get her a blood sample. Dragonrot is practically a non factor.
His second phase really looks like a kabuki painting brought to life. A lot of enemies do to be honest
the way his movement goes from realistic to almost puppet-like is amazing
also, how he cares about being on fire in phase 1 but couldn't give a fuck about it in phase 2
What are you supposed to rely on then
are you fucking drunk? DS2 enemies are the epitome of contorting themselves into impossible positions during attacks, remember the drakekeepers?
in 1 and 3 they mostly just pivot their entire model and slide into place but they don't look as awful
You get ~12 full reset items throughout the game
If you’re dying enough to go through all of them you probably didn’t care about completing character side quests anyway
this game is literally
>what if from did a asscreed game
You need to rely more on dodging. Like I said, it almost changes the way you play the game.
You can’t get dragon mask before very late game
>Game is fucking NAMED after a mechanic
>But they discourage the player from using it
From loves making questionable choices, don't they?
Do enemies really not get stronger in NG+ unless you choose the option to do so?
It's a mistake thinking motion capture is in any way better than good hand made animations. I didn't know that, perhaps that's the reason why they were so shit. You are a fucking retard so you can't see how bad they are, but I'll explain it for you.
>literally every weapon looks completely and utterly weightless
>even being fat looks retarded
>characters feet have 0 regard for the ground, they just slip and slide all over the place without even trying to look like the player is interacting with the floor
>character, weapon, and armor proportions look like dog shit
>enemies all have fucking awful animations
And yea, among other things.
2 is shit tier.
I'm doing ok against Genichiro since he keeps eating the ichimonji double but his bow jump keeps catching me off guard.
They used motion capture for DS2, this is a fact, you are 100% completely, utterly wrong about this.
There wouldn't have been many refunds, you have to do it within 2 hours.
you only advance dragon rot if you respawn to a statue or w/e
Resurrect doesn't count towards dragon rot
And you can remove the disease anytime you like
i have killed every boss but the last and explored basically everything and i still no idea idea of how to get more lapis, what do
The tracking in this game is especially strange since I they do such a good job with the ranged enemies basically having zero tracking.
Sekiro is harder than any Souls
carp sidequest
I just started, do you ever get to buy more things than Spirit Emblems from the not bonfires or should I just be spending everything on those?
>lol its all shit
Subjective and not an argument, try again
Please help I don't want him to die because I suck
Those are objective facts, you're ignoring reality as if you were autistic.
there isn't much to buy early game, and it's wiser to spend dosh than lose it
I would stock up
What do I do for the Tengu after he moves to the Serpent Shrine?
wtf I went the whole game without getting the mist of the raven tool
Well first off don’t worry about that, second off are you sure he has dragon aids? He sounds sick even when he doesn’t, might be someone else. Also make sure you’ve talked to waifu enough to actually get told to do it.
yes they did, and it's also a fact that it looks like total shit because legs and upper body have to use different animation sets depending on what the mob does
please tell me your retarded ass actually thought "motion capture" meant every single frame of animation like swinging while walking backwards was prerecorded
How the fuck do you beat Genichiro?
I can't even try and heal without him whipping out that bow like the pussy he is.
dont sweat it you can get blood sample from merchant guy and if you just use the dragon drop deal you cure everyone anyways. you dont need a specific blood sample to cure someone.
I don't really understand how it works.
Yeah, but sword daddy is by far the biggest casual filter in the game and before late game you have plenty of other things to grind skillpoints for
what exactly is in the waters of the palace to turn its denizens into fish monsters
So what’s the deal with mist noble? I killed him before he could get a hit off.
Was he actually a good guy?
Bloodborne is by far the easiest. I didn't die to a single boss in the second half of the game, and I'm not even very good at Souls games.
enemies don't get stronger like in the Souls games?
You have no idea what that even means.
Stay on the offensive at all times and make sure you properly react to the unblockables.
BB... Get the fuck out of here. BB was easy as shit, even Demon Souls was more challenging. Sekiro has the hardest bosses in the franchise by far.
Generally speaking if you want a free second to heal use firecrackers. It’s easier if you get the mid air prosthetic martial art too so you can still stay moving while you toss them.
done that too
I have a friend who doesn't like the Souls trilogy or Sekiro but loves BB. Was BB made for casuals?
>Those are objective facts
>Dude the armor and weapon proportions are SUCH SHIT :^)
lol ok
That's the best you can do?
He specifically reads your heal input and shoots you if you try to heal--same rules from Dark Souls healing apply, wait until he is in the backswing for another animation to heal.
The key to beating Genichiro without tools is to constantly stay in his face spamming r1 and l1 until his posture is ripe for deathblow. An even easier way to kill him is to spam the Floating Passage combat art you can get from the carp scale merchant, which damages vitality through block and keeps him on the defensive through just about anything.
So basically be perfect with your dodges/blocks and never take damage?
Fucking hell.
It's way more forgiving than any other Souls game.
>It just sounds like you prefer action games.
I do. My builds tend to be fairly simplistic and I gravitate towards weapons with unique move sets over weapons that are really strong (though I’m perfectly okay with those two overlapping like gold tracer)
Sekiro>2(Not for good reasons though)>3>1>DeS
Experimentation with immortality, were you not paying attention? Of course it horribly backfired and now all the nobles are fishfucker vampires, but that's not really surprising knowing FROM
Fight was kino, loved cucking Genichiro from his bow move by spamming R1 repeatedly.
The fact that you get indefinite healing is what made BB the easiest for me. Enemies dropping Vials like candy and the rally system trivialized most non boss encounters.
Nah. The only boss in the base game that actually gave me any trouble was Martyr. If you include the DLC then sure, Ludwig and Orphan were brutal but otherwise, BB was easy as shit.
What elements from Sekiro do you hope are retained in From's future adventure games?
>Skill trees for special techniques.
>More traversal options (climbing, swimming, etcetera).
>Interspersing levels with proper minibosses.
Around the 20th time I failed killing the drunken lummox and his lads. That's when I knew I was dealing with top AAA quality gaming thank u baste kojima
Why would Sekiro not make enemies stronger in NG+?
In dark souls if you fuck up a parry you will get eat counter damage and get one shot
In bloodborne your parries are nearly instant, from range, deal damage (bloodtinge builds are their own dumb topic)and can be spammed risk free until you get one
Miyazaki has two things he absolutely cannot resist
Really oversized big dudes, and infested body-horror societies of people.
There is never any explanation for why a completely normal former bandit turned retainer like the horse general boss is 12 feet tall. There’s a passing enough explanation for the Omakade corrupted Buddhists at Senpou temple and other stuff that’s generally just Japanese folklore, but some things are just ‘eh it looks cool’
>Removed half the character-building so no one gets confused or frustrated with stats
>Most weapons have low stat requirements, again so no one gets confused or frustrated with stats
>Armor is fashion aside from a few status resistances, again so no one gets confused or frustrated with stats
>Only ~2 weapons, you can't equip more than two, always in the same hand, again so no one gets confused
Yes, the combat has a little more to it but everything else was simplified. Casuals know how to mash R1 but the RPG systems and character-building was too much.
You can obviously take damage, but you can't try and run around the arena to get on the defensive like you can with Souls bosses. You need to be constantly chipping away at his posture meter, or else you're never gonna kill him.
He's basically the filter of the game. If you can beat him, you can beat the rest of the game. He forces you to get good with the combat.
Dragonrot only spreads on full death, brainlet. If you resurrect and back off you can slow the spread.
i cant beat isshin
It was actually Activision’s suggesting to keep the tag line in the title.
When /bbg/ and /dsg/ went full damage control.
Why is she so perfect, Yea Forumsros?
Feel free to measure them, retard.
I hope they keep the traversal mechanics, but then improve on them. Mini-bosses are mostly great, however maybe space them out more and don't do such shit ones like the Flaming Bull.
While I don't want it to spread to other From souls-like games, they need to do a sequel that improves on the posture system, which is already near perfect IMO
how do you get to the ledge next to the poison pool idol, i have been all over the game and i still got no idea how to reach it
>Make my argument for me
Not how it works
You say the proportions are objectively shit, show me some spreadsheets bitch :^)
The vertical level design. From's past games had this, but not to the same degree as Sekiro. I also like the prosthetic upgrades and how you can cycle them.
I just hope they expand their team to make a 10/10 game. Some shortcomings in Sekiro were that there were few cutscenes but a lot of dialogue heavy conversations. If they animated them the story would have been much more engaging. And there are hardly any innocent NPCs, the kingdom being believable would improve the game as well.
> If you can beat him, you can beat the rest of the game. He forces you to get good with the combat.
honestly thought he was one of the easiest bosses in the game
low posture, weak to getting his face torn off, long wind ups, predictable combos
I thought it was kinda funny when he shows up a second time he's still a giant chump but with an extra worthless move to punish
Is this the most satisfying thing in the game?
Stay mad, 2 shitter.
i don't think there's any point to that ledge. it doesn't seem to lead anywhere or come from anywhere as far as i can tell.
I think part of it is just the fact that you can mash through certain boss fights and enemies because of the rally system. Some of the bosses in the second half I mentioned I literally mashed through and used almost no healing items. It makes sense they would design it that way though, since it was an early PS4 exclusive meant to sell systems they had to appeal to more people.
Ironically running around the arena chipping away at his health bar and ignoring posture is by far the easiest way to deal with Isshin, especially in his final phase where you can just redirect his lightning attacks back into him
Not him, but while I really like floating passage I find that a good amount of bosses especially aren’t programmed well around it, probably due to the fact that you can vary it’s length four times.
I noticed that when using it on Lady Butterfly, the boss whose whole gimmick is she parries everything to make you dodge strike, she would parry the first two hits then start the windup for a totally unrelated move while I was still hitting her. It has some weird interactions like that where the normal ‘agreement’ of humanoid bosses that they will block or try to deflect any of your attacks in neutral breaks down, and it isn’t always in the player’s favor, cause they can start an attack while you’re still swinging.
Would feel at home in a Souls game where bosses are just big sponges who don’t react to what you do at all, but it’s glaring in this.
gameplay itself is more fun but the Dark Souls world and characters are FAR more interesting
In the grand scheme of things, sure, but he's by far the hardest thing the player has encountered up to that point.
I feel like the posture system is a far more elegant version of BB's rally system in terms of incentivizing aggressive play. Some boss fights are a total slog if you play cautiously, but can be over in a matter of seconds if you just go ham and time your deflections properly.
Really, I just want their future games to have enemies that actually try to defend themselves from you instead of just acting like meat pinatas. It's a nice change of pace.
How far do you guys think he'll make it before giving up? Keep in mind, he was never able to get past Ludwig.
>Can't back up his non-argument
BB-babbies, everyone
Dark souls 3 has almost no replayability, DS2 is the only good game when it comes to this.
Old man Isshin or conspicuously-looks-like-Hitler-Isshin?
not the user you replied to but use it properly or it'll lose even more meaning
I haven't tried it on that many bosses since I mostly play like a pussy but I imagine it's not great against hyperarmor like you said. It's great against Genichiro and smaller enemies that tend to block regular attacks though.
He will never kill Isshin.
Genichiro is making me want to drop the game
Wait so you don't have to wait for the thrust to nearly hit you? You can just dodge forward into them and mikiri counter the attack at any point in the animation?
Because that's what it looks like.
Scaling the castle and fighting Genichiro is some of the most kino gameplay of this decade.
Agree here. The world building is really lacking compared to their other games. Which is kind of funny since this game has a far more coherent and direct method to storytelling.
Oh yeah, the posture system is absolutely the best part of the game. It's my favorite gameplay in any of the games.
I'm wondering where to go from here though. BB did the trick weapons, Sekiro does the posture, what next?
It wasn’t. It’s a stripped down version of Souls. If they went either way as an action game or another Tenchu game, I would’ve been happier. As it stands, I just refunded it because I find it severely lacking in what made me love all their other games.
He won't beat the game unless he somehow cheeses everything. Otherwise he'll never beat Isshin.
he intentionally plays poorly. i'm convinced now after seeing that he refuses to resurrect and only hits the "die" button
Dont be a bitch dude
whichever one has three phases and comes after another boss fight consecutively
He's so satisfying to fight. Just keep being aggressive and learn his moves. Jumping is better than dodging Though I hated how he had a couple moves that totally fucking tracked
What’s the best combat art besides the one you get at the very end from the final boss?
Yes, mikiri counters are very forgiving as long as your dodge animation lines up with the thrust you'll get it. You can even dodge into attacks that missed you to get them
>>weapon moveset is deliberately simple, low range, doesn't have easily accessible poke moves that you can hit from a dozen dick-lengths away
no, this is extremely gay and one of my biggest complaints with the game
it's so boring and you just end up mashing R1 all the time because of it
>DS2 is the most replayable
Too bad it's trash
mortal draw is kino
I really like the iaijutsu one, but I'm not very good with it.
>ape phase 2
>firecrackers don't do anything, unlike in phase one
okay but... why?
>It’s a stripped down version of Souls
How? The core gameplay is far more engaging than Souls.
The fact that you clash weapons and actually fight enemies instead of circling behind them and hitting them in the ass.
Ah, Hitler Isshin.
His Iado moves are very negative, so just wide running dodge them and then unleash with a combat art.
The posture and aggressive gameplay is the best thing about Sekiro.
It needs new primary weapons in the dlc. That alone would make this game go from an 8.5 to a perfect 10 for me.
>*does trump voice*
it is the appropriate meaning
>different opinion detected
>booting ur bad.exe
You actually can get there, but I wish I could remember how you do. I just remember traversing through some other area and wound up back at the poison idol through there and thought "oh so thats how you get here"
Is this From's most kino fight?
To stop you from playing like a nigger, time to actually learn
user, why would something without a head be startled by firecrackers?
Because the centipede is now in control and it doesn't give a shit since its buried inside.
lado moves?
The mikiri counter window is very forgiving.
Because the immortal centipede inside him doesn't give a fuck about fire
It’s not an animal anymore
It’s an omakade piloting a flesh golem
You’ll note it doesn’t even really know where you are and is mostly just swinging in wide sweeping movements to try and clip you
adding even two weapons with the same depth as the katana would make it GOTYAY
i can perfect phase 1 no problem
I keep getting cheesed out by TERROR damage
actually makes sense when you put it like that
>oh hey that's cool, there's a kite just floating around
>let me just walk carelessly on this rooftop
What's the best combat art that doesn't consume talismans? I've basically just been using the flowing flurry attack from the pot dude.
>don't want to use divine confetti because I only have a few of them
is there a way to farm these if I need? I haven't even fought corrupted monk or headless and I only have like 6
How is it being a bitch to stop playing a game I'm clearly not enjoying?
I keep trying to jump to dodge, but half the time he jumps right after I do and does his arrow volley for an instant kill.
yes some enemies drop them.
ichimonji by far
I thought the world was fine but since they added more narrative they should have added more world buildings as well. It was your typical Souls stuff with trade-offs here and there.
The double overhead is objectively the best and also objectively the absolute most boring.
Jumonji Double
>you can spear the ape to pull out the centipede
oh alright sweet
any tips on which ones?
It was in a way, that’s the part I lament. But all the content in games that they had made beforehand, such as customization, replayability and yes, co-op and invasions made me scratch my head at what seems like a step back. It feels more like a demo for a new system they’ll integrate into a sequel to Bloodborne or something similar. Again, I get what they were doing, I just think it was sorely lacking.
I think you can use mortal blade with 0 talismans
you can but it's got less range
The one that makes me feel like Rurouni Kenshin. Battojutsu is KINO
>fight Genchirnrouiror for the third fucking time
>jump when dodging a sweep
fuck I keep doing this
I like how presumably Buddha himself literally gives you a disclaimer before you start Senpou temple saying ‘don’t worry these guys are NOT COOL in my book you can kill them and FROM software and Activision have nothing but respect for true Buddhism, this level is for aesthetic purposes only, have fun’
but I wasn't even disagreaing with you, the fuck's ur problem?
fuck this guy's fucking spear, a sweeping move with active frames on the sweep except its also a thrust
Dlc will be in China. True ending suggests going west, where the divine dragon came from
I mean it’s true though
Buddhism is about literally the absolute opposite of seeking immortality
I didn't think of the warning in that way my first time, but I suppose it does put them in the clear for any potential controversy.
I can barely beat this game, pls no DLC
>gay ending
try the true last boss fight
Seven spear guy at the place where you return to the tutorial area is probably one of the top five hardest encounters in the game
I cannot imagine facing him without stealth striking his first circle
I was thinking the DLC would be the underworld where Genichiro got his sword. Maybe add in another ending where you get the second Mortal Blade instead of the first.
I just side stepped him my first time, probably not what I would do now but yeah
How many phases does Genichiro have? 3 or 4?
Me too, I realized he actually has two attacks he can do when you expect a sweep, one of them is mikiri counterable. So I just stopped trying to counter it and dodged.
If they go past Tomoe will absolutely be in the DLC
They play her up so much and she’s a girl. She’ll be the waifu boss battle
i had a typo, i dodge it fine by when I dodge away by accident i just can't recover
2 phases
Which Genchiro, beginning, rooftop or final?
Lady Maria 3.0 will be kino dlc
Top of the castle
>tfw boss gets to change weapons but they cant figure it out for the MC
>just big sponges who don’t react to what you do at all
They don't do a whole lot but they do change behavior on some level based on what you're doing, like Smough isn't going to use his big butt-slam if you're 30 feet away, he'll use it when you're right up next to him, often when you're trying to hit him multiple times.
Its a great game but I still like bloodborne more. Cant beat that amazing atmosphere and crazy lore
Honestly I think there should be different danger symbols for thrust, grab, and sweep attacks.
Usually it's no big deal but for some enemies the animations look the fucking same.
Consider yourself good for even getting past his first phase. I fucking can’t ...yet...
I fell like the other 2 human bosses are even better
honestly I spam r1 in the first phase. you have to watch fto deflect the overhead hit, or the jump attack. but other than that I can do p1 hitless. rarely P2
No, he was creating an illusion to block your path
If I ring the Demon Bell and acquire the Bell Demon, use it to grind some upgrade materials, then dispel the Bell Demon, can I ring the Demon Bell again to incur the curse a second time?
This guy feels like he's supposed to be easy with his non-existent posture but holy shit I don't think anyone's killed me as quick as this guy.
was wanting to pick this up
how many weapons are in the game?
Thanks for the tips user
and I don't think any mini-boss died as fast as this guy except for the mist guy in the forest.
Literally spam L1 until he loses his posture.
Yep, its essentially just a really obtuse toggle. No limit to how many times you switch back and forth that has been found yet.
The trick is that he has basically one attack that you can avoid by dodging to the right, then hitting him.
The problem is that getting hit by that attack even once will drain over half your health, and he has a move to bait you into dodging too early.
1 with a dozen prosthetic transformations that do various things. there's so much shit to upgrade related to sword, fists, ninjutsu and prosthetics though
He's a real fun minigame, not even a miniboss.
If you parryparry twice, you get a point. If you miss your parryparry twice, he gets a point. First to four points wins, unless you use healing, you cheater.
Deflect three times in a row whenever you see the flash of him unsheathing his katana. Be prepared to repeat this triple parry immediately because he's quick to do it again. This takes him down very quickly.
Alternatively, dodge to the side of him when he unsheathes his katana, use the Firecracker, and spam the Whirlwind Combat Art nonstop, only backing off when he goes for a sweep.
Some say NG+ is harder, enemies have large health pools, and your posture bar gets a nerf. Other say nothing changes unless you use an item to buff bosses.
Which is it? The former sounds more interesting.
Wish I could resurrect this guy and have it be varying timings that you only get a split second to react to based on the flash, he's legit such a fun little encounter.
like if it could possibly be better than fortnite ever.
>more interesting
Idk I think boss length is borderline too long as is. mitigated in part by aggressive play.
>enter room
>spam L1
Posture gets a nerf is all the Wiki says.
He's got a really obvious tell, but if you miss the parry, you're fucked six ways to sunday.
Why is it so difficult to deal with multiple enemies at once in this game? Even more so than it usually is in Soulsborne games?
>For the glory of Ashina...
>For the glory of Ashina...
>For the glory of Ashina...
>For the glory of Ashina...
Because it's partially a stealth game.
Because it’s realistic in that sense.
i have to replay it to save the guy who helps you fight the dunkard though. i almost saved him. he died when juzou was literally one hit from death.
Emma fight is more kino than this old fart
Should I be working on gitting gud at stealth then?
That's the incentive for the stealth.
People say the stealth sucks in this but I find it pretty fun the first time picking off people in a proper order one by one so I can have a final one on one with either a miniboss or a particularly hard to sneak up on enemy.
The issue is if you die to said enemy, doing the same stealth route all over again is really tedious, making you want to just rush in, which as you said leads to pretty chunky feeling group fights.
>throw shuriken while she's in the air
>literally ignores it 50% of the time and does 3/4s of your health
great boss
>still with the nostalgia googles and thinking having played DeS makes him special so he tries to brag about it on chinese forums
DeS was objectively clunky shit.
So I'm not that far into the game, but does Dragonrot actually kill people, or is just a story thing?
literally just spam dodge+R1
Not necessarily. Just fight like a ninja. When you see a mob or are surrounded, get to a rooftop, or outside the circle of enemies and bait them into a line you can slaughter one by one.
>Come, Sekiro!
>Come, Sekiro!
>Come, Sekiro!
>Come, Sekiro!
Yes, always approach an area with the intent to stealth kill as much as possible. Take advantage of the verticality of each level.
nah, it just prevents you from doing their character questlines. you can only get a limited number of dragonrot cures too.
>you can easily poison Demon of Hatred and it deals like 40% of it's hp per application
Around Ashina Castle rooftops is where I started to appreciate how valuable stealth was and even ended up taking the stealth latent skills. Fighting all of those Ashina pupils at the top at once is fucking suicidal, but you can very easily pick them off one by one with smart stealth play minus the last group of two or three. Its not even kiting one away either, like actually creeping and stealth killing them at blind spots in their patrol routes.
You probably won't have any MGS level moments of satisfaction from the stealth but I personally think its extremely valuable and enjoy it a lot for what it is.
Merely a setback
>finally beat Genichiro after three hours
>lol he actually has a third HP bar that was hidden from the player
>btw here's a tutorial for an attack that will OHKO you if you don't counter it perfectly
>btw if you die you have to beat phase one again
This is some next-level retardation.
I'm kinda lost here. List of bosses I killed:
Lady Butterfly
Screen Monkeys
Corrupted Monk
Now I need to get a flower for the boy. Anything I'm missing? Where should I go?
when will the recycling dead enemies as bosses stop? its really really shit
If you're talking when she's on the wire and blocking them, she's technically not airborne.
If you're talking about how you sometimes miss when she's flipping right above you, them's the breaks, shoulda thrown sooner.
But if you're talking about how sometimes for SOME REASON hitting her out of her airgrab and her falling down ass first still somehow damages you in a suspiciously large hitbox around her landing spot, yeah, that's pretty retarded.
>running around ashina rooftops
>get swarmed by 2-3 faggots
>i'll just run away and hide
>ninja fag jumps right after me
>heat seeking shurikens follow me across the map
I want to drink rice loli's kuchikamizake.
I honestly love this game but I didn't realize how much I could miss bloodstains, jolly co-operation, or random invasions till it wasn't there. Sekiro is 9/10 to me but with multi it would be goty material
>btw if you die you have to beat phase one again
Well, yeah. That's how boss fights go.
Lol, get to the final boss and then complain.
sunken valley
what's the upgrade material that looks like salt, and where can i find it?
you can find it where I'm sitting after 3 hours on the last(?) boss
I know but which part? I already explored that place quite a bit. I have these unlocked:
Under Shrine valley
Sunkey Valley
Gun Fort
Ashina castle near the large ponds out back, go forward over bridge to get to the Great Serpent Shrine. Will lead you to next area, the gunfort.
fulminated mercury
when you finish fountainhead palace ashina castle will be significantly different and contain enemies that drop it
Kuro was supposed to have given you a key to beyond the gun fort.
There's a door behind the centipede boss at gunfort. You need to open that and progress to the next area.
Oh I think I remember where that is, thanks, I'll check that now
thanks too
This is actually retarded. I've been playing it as though it was the complete opposite. Fucking stupid.
Third phase is just the same as second phase only when he does his AAAHHH IM DOING MY BIG WINDUP LIGHTENING ATTACK PRESS THE JUMP BUTTON THEN THE ATTACK BUTTON SEKIRO AAAAHH you have to jump and press the attack button, which does like 30% of his posture bar.
They also told you how to counter that in the room before if you read the scroll on the wall right in the middle of the miniboss room, the fact that you didn't find it makes me deduce you aren't exploring or being observant enough
Really though Rooftop Genichiro is one of the easier bosses, if you took three hours on him I can guarantee you're playing too passively or dont get how the flow of attacking and baiting counterattacks to parry works
am i supposed to kill the headless guy or just run past him and leave him for endgame? its impossible to keep up the posture pressure since parrying doesn't really work on him, dodging is removed, and jumping doesn't have i frames. the most i seem to be able to do is whittle at his health but it takes forever.
Yeah forgot about that, did that waaaaaay back. Thanks.
You guys were right. He was literally just a parry timing test. That was actually fun when you get the timing right.
please let me summon i cant play this
Yeah, I dunno if I like this game that much. I like Souls games and bloodborne, and I'm not trying to approach this like those games and trying to stealth, but I'm really not a huge fan of bosses being 1 big guy surrounded by dudes. The Drunkard guy in the memory is just not fun to deal with because of all the trash you have to pick off, and the dumb helper barely does shit. Nor do I like that the game seems to punish you for dying in a game where dying seems to be incredibly easy. In Souls games at least, you could go back to your bloodstain and pick up your stuff so you could still power yourself up. Sekiro just takes all your items you used and half your money like it's your fucking wife divorcing you
He's optional and is mainly there just to spook you
You need confetti to beat him. As a rule of thumb, all but one of the bosses that require confetti to do significant damage to are optional.
This but unironically
Lady Butterfly
It is like they took the best part of Bloodborne - the hunter bosses - examined what made them so good and then made a whole game with combat focused around that kind of rhythmic back-and-forth combat. And they sped up the pace + made parries a normal part of it instead of just a clutch move that you only pull off once in a while for huge damage, and also added jumping and aerial moves + abilities like that thrust-stomp counter
And also poisons your NPCs and can potentially kill them, while making the cure for said poison a limited resource
i went to lady butterfly with 2 sips on the flask, that shit made me "git gud" in every sense of the word, phase 1 was all about maintaining posture damage, parrying all of her multihit combos, then fucking phase 2 hits and you have to dodge her fucking bullshit on top of the phase 1 shit
couldn't parry his 2-hit for the life of me on ps4. seemed like i'd get the first one and miss the second one every time. i just used the mist feathers like 12 times
Just yesterday.
>bosses being 1 big guy surrounded by dudes.
There's not a single boss in the game like that. Even with mini-bosses that's rare and never a big deal since you can kill the adds pretty quick and easy.
>The Drunkard guy
Oh boy that's not a boss, if you can't deal with him you definitely can't deal with what's behind him.
Don't worry man, I hated the game when I started playing but all of a sudden the game finally clicked and now I'm breezing through. You'll get there.
How long until a criticism video gets uploaded and throws Sekiro threads into disarray?
basically cant die on the first two (OF FOUR) phases of isshin
Its sad to see people quitting and Drunkard so here
>Talk to npc
>Stay to the right as he's running forward proclaiming his famiry's honour
>All the enemies aggro on him if you just hang back a tad
>Get behind the archer on the right, backstab him
>Make sure Drunkard is running towards Honorabur NPC
>Run past and axe the two shildbearers, then the other archer
>Turn and run towards the two crusty ass dudes with the torches, backstab them too since they should be focused on NPC- if not, they're easy to take down
The NPC should at least have a little bit of life left if not him getting lucky and avoiding being poisoned, so now its effectively a one on one with drunkard
>throw oil at drunkard
>Use flame blast on him after and he'll be stunned for 2 seconds
>Unleash on him in those two seconds, preferably with a few cycles of your selected combat art
If dude is still alive, which 80% of the time he should be, just back up and let him stab Drunkard and he will switch aggro, allowing you to do another oil and fire cycle. Its entirely possible to do this method and even have NPC survive the fight, although he usually dies right near the end, typically from poison. Either way even if he does use it as an opportunity to learn how to attack and bait readable counterattacks that you can parry. You should only really be dodging when he does his E. Honda slaps or booze spit.
If you dont like it though you dont like it. But he took me like three tries, and I know other people do it even easier by stealthing off his first life bar.
Is there a limited amount of upgrade material for the prosthetics in the game? Or can I just upgrade what looks cool to me at the moment without caring?
Give me 2 minutes to make the clips.
I love the game though.
yeah this. After ten tries i realised you just have to big dick parry second phase or you're never going to get shit done
Learn to parry.
>enemy does long slash animation
>hit him four times
>not staggered
He did go back and beat Ludwig. That first time he played The Old Hunters DLC was when he was on a NG+ run and he got totally wrecked before ragequitting. His Sekiro playthrough has been very entertaining. The choices he makes sometimes are just baffling and it never fails to make me laugh.
If you are literally fucked anyway you might as well not revive as it reduces the chance of unseen aid. That unseen aid % is a chance at not losing sen and exp.
However, dying is literally the worst thing that can happen in the game content-wise, so there is literally no good reason not to use the revive unless you died two seconds into a locked boss fight.
you can actually reflect the lightning user.
Final one for now.
Honestly I think it's forgiving as fuck.
yo spear combos are the worst, you're really gonna flail like an ogre with hyper armor the whole way as part of your close range moveset?
You have to run and let them refill posture
>When you finally get good at the combat
I don't think I've ever had a game click harder than this one.
More like Sekiro>DS>BB>DeS>DS3>Shadow Tower Abyss>KFIV>Shadow Tower>KF3>KF2>>>>>>DS2>KF1
They need to nerf how much damage bosses do. It's fucking absurd that I spend ten minutes chipping away at posture, but the boss only needs to clip me in an animation once to completely ruin my run.
God I'm sick of you social game niggers.
Are you me? :^)
what boss are you fighting?
Such a fun fucking fight and game.
I truly think they've achieved that balance of looking cool while still being challenging while also not being artificially difficult memorization tests.
posture isnt everything, some bosses just eat hits and never flinch, and need to be chipped down health wise
>ranking BB that low
If BB isn't in your top 2 you should keep your ranking to yourself.
Doesn't matter who it is, I've felt this way for all of them so far
Pretty much. It just clicked out of nowhere and suddenly I beat about 60% of the game deathless. It's crazy.
I felt that way too until I got aggressive. a lot of boss combos can be interrupted if deflected early enough. followed immediately by an attack. Sort of feel out their hyper armor and you'll get them down at a decent pace
The regular enemy blueshirt monks with polearms still give me trouble if I don't use shinobi prosthetics
Dumb question, but this game auto-saves like the Souls games, right? I can just quit out at any time and resume where I left off?
Huh. I wonder if you can consistently have her do that.
Fuck Naruto coat
When can you just buy items?
I want to be able to restock on items without having to grind mooks to hope they drop shit
whats the strat for owl? just chip and then build posture? the fucker doesnt have sweeps or thrusts so it sucks that you cant do meme counters to do massive posture damage.
Am I supposed to be going down the monk path after beating lady butterfly? I'm not finding any more prosthetics and everything seems to hit extra hard
Bosses do their most damaging attacks if they are given time to wind up
Bosses very rarely like to let you just get free unblocked damage in, so its not like you interrupt them per say but if you stay aggressive and hit them three times in a row, the counter-attack they do is usually a pretty low damage, easy-deflect 'get off me' move
That's why this is so true. Before you figure this out, either overtly or subconsciously, you're sitting back letting Lady Butterfly do all of her high wire grabs and multi-kunai bullshit. After this clicks, you maybe see those moves once or twice the whole fight because you're forcing her to use her easy to parry ground spin combos. Its like this for the majority of bosses in the game.
be aggressive as fuck
Should we tell him?
I can't even beat this big drunk fuck and now the few characters I've met have dragon cancer. I might be too stupid to live.
I don't like the combat system. It's not actually any more difficult than something like Bloodborne - you just have no real choice on how to approach fights. You follow the prescribed formula, and you're punished for sensible reactions that aren't 'correct' (ex. jumping instead of dodging).
I spent forever at that horse boss because I just wanted to jump away after attacking, but I kept getting dumped on. Then I decide to do it the "right way", and the fight becomes a bore.
I know about the other two. As long as they're optional, I don't fucking care.
How. I need that. I hate that orange garbage.
He's definitely the 'smartest' boss in terms of he knows your shit
He does a certain combo string into a reeeeeeeally slow underhand lob of the anti-healing grenade. Use that lob animation to get your damage in.
des, ds1, ds2, and bb are all around the same
ds3 is a boring slog of a game with shit pvp and pve
sekiro is somewhere between these 2 groups
Go back to Ashina Outskirts, you don't have to fight the drunkard that early on.
There's actually a lot of merchants all over the place, but some items like confetti are drop only for 90% of the game.
Where are you at area wise?
A mod?
>beat horse dude tutorial boss
>Explore a bit more
>Stuck on knight dude
> Go around
>Get infected by bell demon (what does it even do?)
>Find some headles creature that I can't hurt and slows me to crawl
Is fear the new insanity?
Where do I grind the stuff I need to kill immortals?
How the fuck do you kill those straw hat guys that spin around. Deflecting barely bothers them and. I cant hit them
Yeah. I just searched it. Looks tight.
Install modengine by copy the ini file and the dll file in to the game folder. Then create a 'mods' folder in the game folder and copy the retexture mod ("parts") into it AND in the game folder as well. So in the end you'd have something like
Considering the boss is 10 feet in the air on his giant horse, what good do you think jumping would do?
>Soulsfags flipping all shit in full civil war over new installment with one new mechanic.
>Niohchads just waiting for our second round of action combat Kino.
TFW Sekiros existence is the final nail in Tenchus coffin, the first being K2s consolidation. It pretty much proves Fromsoft can't make their own competent Tenchu game. They tried, and it evolved into a souls-like anyway. Sekiro was fun and a definite step-up from your average fromsoft flavored action combat, but I can't tell you how many times I felt like I'd rather just be playing an actual full-stealth centered Tenchu game.
>>Get infected by bell demon (what does it even do?)
Do you fucking read the item descriptions at all?
Actually by doing most boss fight the "wrong" way you will succeed easier and more often than players doing it the "right" way
the bell demon is an item in your inventory.you can read its description. it makes enemies harder. you can remove the effect by "using" the bell demon just like any other item. you can always go get another bell demon, so don't worry about it going away.
Am I goddamn retarded or something? This is seriously one of the hardest games I've ever played.
Hey I got to Isshin phase 3 and can't get near him
Where does Guardian ape and Owl stack up to the remainig bosses in the game in terms of difficulty?
>it took me 5 hours to learn all the parry timings and perilous attack queus
>could have just ran for 5 min instead
dsfags win again
Yes, having a variety of viable ways to defeat your enemies is better than having only one or two
I haven't actually noticed a difference in difficulty or item drop rate but if I'm planning to grind some items for immortal killing figured it is useful
pretty easy actually
that doesn't work in practice though because it means that you can do literally whatever and still win instead of getting punished for doing things incorrectly. why the fuck would it ever be ok to try to jump on attacks that aren't sweeps?
Fuck I love Mortal Strike combat art
Outfit may be dope but dude plays like shit.
>Can't beat the Shinobi in the well
>Can't beat seven spears
>Can't beat Butterfly lady
>Can't beat Jinsuke
I'm a failure!
if you want a somewhat easy way to farm it laster, go to poison pool when it has 3 cannon users, steal kill one then jump across the tress to the one on the cliff and the drop down onto the island and stealth the last one, i got all of mine that i needed doing that using the bell and balloon
i only found enough prayer beads for 9 necklaces. i assume there's actually 10 necklaces cuz i didn't get the achievement. all that's left for me is demon of hatred and sword saint isshin.
Who cares. He did something useful.
>>Can't beat Butterfly lady
Come on, user.
>Owl and Lady Butterfly are the only shinobi trainers you encounter
>DLC basically guaranteed
Can't wait
after I killed Lady Butterfly
They are easier than those two or harder?
The prosthetic upgrade system is cool, and I like that some later tier upgrades require multiple previous tiers. I found it a bit weird that I was entirely locked out of certain paths because of missing gear though (can't get the second firework upgrade because of an irrelevant upgrade in the middle, etc)
Probably some treasure chests you missed. You of course got the hidden wall in Hirata Estate, yes?
I think Lady Butterfly is the only boss which took me longer than Guardian Ape, but that was before I learned of the dodge-R1-dodge-R1 cheese strat against her. Guardian Ape has by far been the most formidable and unpleasant boss for me. I had his first form down to an exact science, but I couldn't get anything reliable on the second. Kept missing the parry windows, kept being unable to run away from his terror blast, kept dodging when I meant to jump, it went on and on and on. I finally beat him by retreating and going in for one hit at a time after his four-swipe, which was the only move I could comfortably and reliably get an opening after. He was horrible. Horrible.
one easier, one maybe as easy, rest harder
i disagree with the other guy on this but why u think the mechanics are lacking
how many gourds and vitality should I generally have when I get to Ashina Castle
same boat as you, i have 9 necklaces and 2 beads, but i got no fucking idea where i could of missed them since i have killed all the boss/ mini bosses outside of the final one and explored what i thought was the whole game
No way. How did it happen? How far were you?
>having trouble with spear boss early on before learning about the spear counter
>come up with the bright idea to stealth attack and run away until the aggro dies down then go back for the other stealth kill
>go back
>see that he recovered the red dot
>MFW my cheesing ass got BTFO
that's when i realised Sekiro is based. I hope it resonates with me the same way Bloodborne did
Get in here, lads.
When I experienced the great level design and deeper battle mechanics
no one struggles with phase 1, idiot
Yeah, you can't double-backstab minibosses. The game gives you a few narrow opportunities for backstabs if you plan right, but you always have to fight them for at least one full bar.
DSP did.
I'm mad that I can't fucking enjoy this game despite trying my hardest to. I want to like it so much, but it just frustrates me to my very core at times and I can't stand it.
>The first half of both games is extremely open and it allows for tons of sequence-breaking
i really wish people would stop perpetuating this myth. you don't sequence break shit in DaS2, you get to choose between four different early game areas. DaS3 had more sequence breaking with the Dancer skip.
>hit guardian ape
>stop having fun
>fashion over everything
Disgusting soulsfag.
Best souls game so far can't wait for the dlc
bloodborne is baby tier souls game