They might show this for being OT, but really where else can you ask this is re: to games and the implication not only for consoles, but if you want to run a cable direct for your PC to your TV?
For those who don't know, 3-4 years ago they pulled a scheme one night, I even know the date. Was planning to buy a 54 inch OLED day after Christmas, had a broken led so asked by brother to drive me to bank that day to move some money around and check something. He asked me if I could wait a day, since "they aren't going to change the price the day after Christmas."
Woke up the next day, thought I was hallucinating. The TV set I wanted-- 4k, OLED? It had done from $1,600 to $3,200. Similar increases for all other OLED. What happened? Never found out, but I'm assuming Apple, Samsung, or both made a commitment to buying a bunch of the material used in OLED for their phones, tablets, in Apple's case for monitors. Have also heard it has to do with the chaos in South Africa.
Whatever the reason, thy are trying to dupe the gullible by selling "QLED" as opposed to "OLED" for the boomer types who don't know much, and have shitty eyes. entire point of OLED is the rather than having a "backlight" which therefore prevents the TV ever showing "true black," each individual peel acts something like....a multi-colored Christmas light which can change to a huge race of colors.
So my question is directed for those who either play a lot of console, use STEAM device to beam it from their PC, or run a cable from their PC-- what do those with 65inch+ OLEDs think of the picture they get? My TV is 4K, but not OLED. Have been waiting a year for OLED prices to go down, but they aren't going anywhere. Can those with "QLED" (a fraud) and OLEd give their impressions of how their console or PC games look? Also, some of them have 60 fps, while others go right up to 120 fps.Thanks.
OLED vs. "QLED" for your console and PC quality of picture- opinions?
>They might show this
eish, SHOAH this for OT. But, as already stated, where else can one discuss console and PC picture on TV and FPS if not here? If you arent already running you PC to a bigger TV when you get tired of sitting in your chair, you are doing something wrong.
But my genuine question is whether anyone has an OLED 65 inch + they are using as a main monitor. Also, it's quite curious that 43 inch, 4k TVs are going to under $400 now, while ASUS 33 inch monitors (with far less features, 80-100 FPS and without OLED obviously) are still over $1k. there high kikery afoot here somewhere...
Didn't read anything you typed, but buy QLED for games. OLED looks better but will burn in if you play games on it.
Gather your thoughts and make a proper post next time instead of this schizo mess.
>" each individual peel
You will burn in an OLED playing video games period. If you want the closest picture quality compared to oled, you're stuck with QLED. At the price of ~$2,000, you're options are an LG C9 OLED or a Vizio PQ65-F1 QLED.
>Gather your thoughts and make a proper post
Formatting might be shitty but the gist of the question is quite valid-- for those with consoles and those who use their TVs as a primary monitor, what do they think of the OLED increase to about $3k for a 65 inch, while 43 inch 4ks are about $300, and fucking ASUS 33 inch monitors with 100 FPS (overclocked) and with no OLEd are $1,300. How is that consistent in any way, shape, or form and how are people not being robbed blind??
This this this,
Never get OLED for gaming you will get burnin from hud elements. Ive seen people get burn in from TV networks'logos on OLEDS
QLED can also burn in though, so id recommend just getting a LCD with the lowest input lag possible
OLED is great for cell phones, but a big fat meme for TVs
Oled is so much better. Let qled fags buy their garbage TV's. No reason to try and save them
>You will burn in an OLED playing video games period
Do you mean solely from console playing or from blue ray and other TV watching? Do you understand the price discrepancy and how it makes sense, and am I missing something? 43 inch, 4k TV=$300
65 inch, OLED 4k TV= $3,200
What the fuck and how are they getting away with it? also, what suddenly constricted the supply of OLED materials to where the price fucking doubled in a single night the day after Christmas 3 years ago?
There is collusion and price-fixing afoot, and if I had the time I'd file the fucking suit myself. Or did Samsung, LG, Sony, and 4 others all independently decide to double the price of OLED TVs on Dec 26th, 2016? collusion is illegal in the electronics business just as it is in stock markets.
How much more reddit can you be? We gave you the benefit of the doubt with your shit blogpost much less now that your bitching about television prices that have never been cheaper.
First off op never buy OLED, as people have mentioned you are almost guaranteed to get burn in if you play for extended sessions from HUD elements. Some tvs have software that tries to correct this but it stil happens very often.
QLED is also susceptible but to a lower degree to burnin. if you plan on getting a tv for the purpose of gaming first LCD is the best choice.
Now lets talk framerate. A lot of tv manufacturers are literally lying about refresh rate; they'll use marketing terms like CLEARMOTION or some shit and say the effective refresh rate is 120. This is bullshit, all that matters is your screens Hz and 99% of televisions are stil at 60hz, the most important thing you need to worry about is how short the response time is anything over 100ms is trash do not buy
>Oled is so much better
By definition user, OLEd HAS to be better since each pixel is receiving signals and changing color independently without a backlight or any sort, so you have "true blacks."
For those not familiar with how TVs work, maybe it doesn't sound like it would make that huge a difference, but it does. when a Tv can display "true black" rather than simply "the absense of illumination from a lack of backlight," it changes entire dynamic of the TV and it looks completely different.
but if it's true that consoles really burn the fuck out of OLED and leave imprints, I'd expect a LOT more people bitching in the amazon comments section, which I'm not seeing. If you bought "QLED," you got screwed and it essentially defeats the whole purpose of what "OLED" was meant to achieve.
QLED can't burn in you dumb fuck.
>How much more reddit
Irony is, I've been here while you were still sucking your thumb, and your mother was around town sucking dicks. I refuse to go to ANY fucking site where I need to emter my personal information. You clearly HAVE, and you are accusing me of being the mainstan, bug-man glasses bag of shit you see when you look in the mirror. I'm just trying to get into here.
Do I come to your house and slap the cock out of your mouther's mouth? No, right? so leave me alone while I'm gathering info, and if you know so much about sites that make you set up fucking accounts, GO BACK THERE.
Another thank you to Aninta Sarslesszean and Brianna Wu for absolutely FUCKINg this site and bringing this type of vermin to my doorsteep.
I've had a OLED monitor for the last couple years, no burn in so far. Don't know what you fags are complaining about, its superior in every single way
>QLED can't burn
It can't, because it doesn't work like OLED does, with all the pixels operating independently. So, it seems like the only answer then is to get a really good, ~37 inch monitor, and then an OLED 75inch-70 inch for movies. As for consoles, the frick is so low low, if you don't insist on OLED or QLED, you're looking at something like $5o0 for a 70 inch 4k if you pick wisely.
but you are NEVER going to get close to the variety and depth of color with QLED as you will with OLED. Just aren't.
>I've had a OLED monitor
Interesting. you mean you just use an OLED TV as a monitor, or thet sold it as an OLED for that purpose? What type of inputs does it have? That is, does it have a Displayport import, and what are the FPS? If it has a DP import and the FPS over 100, you seem to have found the the Holy Grail of monitors I've been looking for...please gibs brand and size of monitor, would love to see specifics of it...
Lol tell that to samsung
user it's just the nature of how the different systems work. OLED_ Organic Light Emitting Device," meaning it has no "backlight," all the illumination comes from the individual pixels essentially, which, as already stated, means that when they turn black, it's TRUE BLACK, not just the absense of a backlight. QLED works in a totally different way.
There are no OLED monitors. That guy is full of shit. Even if there were they'd be over $1000 and still be susceptible to burn in. Dell was going to make an OLED monitor but it was too difficult to manufacture so they shelved it.
My phone is AMOLED and I've had the "always on" display that shows the clock/notifications/etc. all the time even when the screen is locked enabled for like 3+ years now and there's no burn in.
>tell that to samsung
when you buy anything over 1,000, should always use amazon and get the insurance package for $30, $40. they aren't perfect but if something goes wrong, far easier to fight them than to fight fucking Bezos, the greediest jew fuck on planet earth.
Because OLEDs have terrible production efficiency
>There are no OLED monitors
What I thought, unless he's just using a TV obviously without a DP input. also, before the huge price increase 3-4 years ago, they were selling ~40 inch OLEDs.
>Because OLEDs have terrible production efficiency
Might be quite true, but EVERY fucking major manufacturer decided that independently on Dec 26th-27th, and hence doubled the price? with NO collusion, no "price-fixing" going on at all, so one didn't completely undersell the other suddenly? IT's still fucling illegal what they did.
Wonder if "wy back" machine works on amazon, so I can show proof of what I mean..
For anyone reading, it's a life lesson-- if you see something you know you want, and have the shekels, GRAB IT right then. I was dumb enough to listen to my older brother: "NO ONE increases price the day after Christmas.." How about not only an increase, but DOUBLING from $1,400 to ~$3,000?
Oh that’s what you mean. Yeah there is collusion in literally every market nowadays.
I use an LG C8 for gaming and haven't gotten any burn in at all. But yes the picture quality is fucking excellent.
>we could have had 600hz monitors 10 years ago if every office on the planet wasn't being supplied with shitty 17" lcds