>Epic exclusives are anti-consumer
>Steam exclusives are just fine
Epic exclusives are anti-consumer
Good boy who would never maul a child.
No they are not, but at least you can understand that gog will not put denuvo garbage on their platform because they are based.
What games are exclusive to Steam that are not developed in-house by Valve and are exclusive to Steam by Valve's decision, not the developer/publisher of the game?
>steam exclusives are just fine
Said no one ever
They're not but Valve doesn't pays for exclusivity.
remember the publishers and devs couldve just not choesn to accept the epic store money and launched on steam
steam does not buy exclusives
games on steam can also sell keys on third-party websites
>Steam exclusives
Name 1(one) none valve game that couldn't be on another platform if it wanted to.
Steam "exclusives" are just because of faggot devs that don't want to remove DRM from game on GOG.
>Racism is okay if it does not involve humans
but racism is ok
>Racism is okay
Niggers aren't human sooooooooooo
Global rule...
have sex
Eat shit racist.
And neither are white people.
Yes it is a bear is more dangerous than a cat, likewise a pitbull is more dangerous than a lab.
But why?
can someone edit this to make it a pitbull
Is this a nigger hate thread now?
Retarded bait
The only steam exclusive are the valve games. Every other game could be in any other platform if they wanted to.
Really well formulated argument
Seriously, why the fuck is this still a thing? Soi is the rage comics of insults.
>Devs have a choice, that makes it okay for the consumer
People would rage even if an Epic exclusive was not paid for
>nerve = struck
>Look mom I posted it again.
I asked you a question. Please answer it.
My dick has exclusive access to you're mum's pussy.
How about it, OP?
I have a pitbull and he's a good sleepy boy.
I also have no problem with Epic
Le ad hominem
>I asked you a question.
you literally didn't
Every thread is a nigger hate thread.
If Epic started hosting videos of pitbulls getting shot, all would be forgiven.
Do you know the meaning of this: "?" symbol?
What are you proposing? People can sell their product in whatever store they want. This isn't a video game thing.
It happens with physical products too.
Whether a game is exclusive due to business deals or not does not affect the consumer. He is inconvenienced by only having one option either way.
how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, you brainless tencent slant?
Intent matters. Epic going "YOINK!" and promoting their shitty service by dangling a game in the faces of consumers is incredibly audacious from their part, and they shouldn't be surprised when such a move garners them negative attention.
I agree most racists on this site are underaged and don't belong here.
Pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world. Epic store is the NIGGER of digital storefronts.
Why do black people get triggered by words so easily?
Name one non Valve exclusive on Steam.
valve collection oh wait thats developed by them.... hmm
PC platforms exclusive are different from console exclusives because you can have all platforms easily.
Though it is a hassle for Epic users I guess.
remember all those times we spazzed out about origin exclusives... no wait
about the uplay exclusives..? hmmm