What is the most dsturbing, panic inducing enemy ever in vidya, and why is it the barnacles from HL?
What is the most dsturbing, panic inducing enemy ever in vidya, and why is it the barnacles from HL?
I mean, they're disturbing, but they aren't actually much of a threat in-game
Yeah, they pretty much only startle you once or twice and then they're just an accident
I actually like that aspect. Its like they are just part of the fucked scenery and not actually out to get you. Contributes to the atmosphere.
Fair point, although it does continue to undermine OPs hyberbolic assertion desu
I always panic when a demon spawns in God Hand. It's hard to tell when they'll pop out of a dead corpse and when they do the stage gets dark, the spooky music plays, and they flash step and pound your ass.
>[blows whistle in korean]
Le Reddit :)
[8 bit tune of doom plays in the distance]
OG Chryssalids, especially if it's a night terror mission
Newfags think big words and discussions are reddit. Welcome to post-2010 Yea Forums.
I'd let them kill me on purpose because it made my dick diamonds. The only thing that turns me on more in vidya is having a mod in skyrim that lets you get punctured with hundreds of arrows at once and watching my argonian with huge tits get skewered.
You're right. God this website is fucking exhausting anymore
Imagine letting them grab your dicc lol
the abyss leviathans in subnautica. they trigger my childhood fear of the out of bounds shark from jak and daxter while being 100000x more scary
*rattle* *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* *rattle*
I remember the first few times I encountered them I thought they weren't much of a threat since they don't have a ranged attack and go down after only a few hits. It wasn't until one got aboard the Skyranger that I realized how scary they can be.
Ah, a fellow man of culture I see.
These fuckers.
I hated going through rooms they were in.
i used to jack off to them eating alyx in gmod
im not even into vore
Fucking Winter Lanterns are.
My 11 year old mind couldn't fathom the idea of this shit happening to Captain Keys.
I'm not OP but HL came out when I was about 10 so they scared the shit out of me regardless
Dirty, stinking BARNACLES
>proving youre from reddit
The Re-generators/Iron Maidens from Resident Evil 4. I was 12 when it first came out and almost pissed myself.
It's not that bad.
He never said they were dangerous or difficult. He said they were disturbing and panic inducing.
I thought deathclaws and cazadors in fallout had that kind of intimidation whenever you see them. At least till fallout 4 made deathclaws look like playdoh figures
>fighting through a wave in legend
>patrol eventually worms its way over to us, cornered in the area with the first grim
>can hear packmaster's rattling at a subconscious level
>begin playing sloppier and nearly wipe, leaving me and dorf one sneeze from death
It's the thought of it happening that sets me on edge, more so than the act
You obviously haven't played Arx Fatalis.
You don't really appreciate the threat they pose until they grab you from clear across the room. Or shoot off both their arms and legs only to flop ontop of you and still kill you
Mr. X or the Feet from Bugdom
>ctrl+f peanus weanus
>0 found
I get turned on by them. The lack of HL2 Barnacle porn is laughable.
I remember in Sven-Coop if you get snared by one of these things, you will be disarmed with no way of retaliating it as it slowly chews you and spits out your giblets. Other players won't be helping you shoot it and instead thinks you are an idiot to even get caught at all.
the mere sound of footsteps is enough to trigger me at this point
>*faint door open sound offscreen*
>stomp... stomp... stomp...
>was thinking evil otto
>check thread
>someone actually mentioned it
I really love you guys sometimes. Evil Otto is easily one of thr most scary shit in video game history. And it's just a smiley face... Imagine
It freaks me out how you can get stabbed by these guys and still live. Supposedly the real life torture machine iron maidens would stab you in nonlethal places to torture you so I imagine these guys might do the same. It keeps me up at night sometimes thinking about what it would feel like to be alone on an island and run into one of these guys and get stabbed then get away, how painful and scary it would be.
Iron maidens aren't real.
They were made up to sit in museum exhibits, user.
M8 I played this when I was like 6/7 and had nightmares where my family was turned into these.
Like a deadly green landmine.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bloodlickers
Holy shit these guys were frightening when I first played since I didn't ever use the rifles. Also the spooky zombie you have to freeze is terrifying.
fucking hate these things. even if I don't die, I rage when they grab or stun me
I couldn't finish the game because these fuckers terrified me so greatly
These didn't affect me, it was the sharks.
GAY, fake and gay.
Legit, fucker followed you every where and kept the pressure.
Guess mine is a toss up between Facehuggers before press X to fight off and Hunters because when you don't expect them they'll close line you like they were the spawn of john cena, the hulk, sting and the macho man.
Bloodsuckers, I was just playing REmake2 so I got stuck with the lickers on my head
not the worst by a long shot, but genuinelygave me nightmares as an 8 year old. only enemies that ever really unnerved me, but an honorable mention for the leech man from the hospital stage of RE:Outbreak
can we make them real?
Where's this from?
>*charges through your entire group while in a hallway*
The T-rex from Dino Crisis. Reason being? It's a T-rex.
We could, I suppose.
These fuckers right here.
The way they walk and move. Their breathing, everything about them gave me the creeps.
That has nothing to do with OP's topic
Not even the most disturbing, panic inducing enemy in HL.
The Abomination from Afraid of Monsters.
Mega Man Legends
there's a regular green version you find early on, but then later there's an invisible red version that you can only hear the foot steps of.
this webm makes me so fucking nervous and I've never even played the game.
literally all Fatal Frame ghosts, that shit traumatized me
Reminds me of this now.
When he said "panic-inducing" it made me think he meant your reaction as you play the game
Oh it's panic-inducing alright, but not for the opposing team.
>not black headcrabs
That rattle, man.
These scared me shitless when I was a kid. I'd avoid playing that level at night because I just couldn't deal with it.
>MFW It starts mimicking your playstyle and learning where you would be most likely hide
>mfw all of Husky's videos have been taken off youtube
>let my nephew play
>gets to the t-rex part that smashes the window
>I wait for it
>He screams and pauses the game to catch his breathe
good times
except they are, if you want to "discuss" obvious shit and suck the developer's dick then reddit would be a much better place for you
>Go into dimly lit buildings, with busted radio's playing static
>Pass dozens of dormant sticky cocoons
>See these things creep out at you from the darkness
>hear cocoons pop
I opened every window and turned on the lights
spitter spiders in RW
>paralyzes you
>drags you off to be slowly digested
they're small guys
Fuck spiders in that game in general, they're all terrifying
They gave me boners when they got female resistance members
Knee Deep in the Updoots
>tfw low on ammo
>walking health packs
>both mobile fags
>both THIS assblasted about a two word reply
And it's them that have ruined this website lol
>barnacles from half-life
>like-likes from zelda
>pic related from king kong
These things gave me a vore fetish.
What an easy, boring encounter.
And I thought I was jaded
This. SA-X is fucking terrifying.
the fucking centipedes on the king kong game
fuck them
That level and the one in the woods with the invincible enemies were spooky
The dianoga from Shadows of the Empire used to scare the hell out of me.
>you suddenly hear a strange little tune in the air
TO THIS VERY DAY What even kills its babies?!
>goes through 10 sedatives in 3 minutes
>charge away
>hook extends and gets you anyway
>Iron maidens aren't real.
>They were made up to sit in museum exhibits, user.
You shouldn't repeat lies. People of old were exceptionally cruel.
Agreed. It's still unnerving to this day. The whole level is Halloween on steroids.
you can legit run into them and force them to melee you then parry and visceral them i learned to do that made them less horrible
I once had a nightmare I was caught by one of these.
I was playing the dreamcast version and this did not happen. I remember it happening in ps1.
>that time you push a lever and one of these fills a barney full of lead in front of you
>implying they aren't cruel now
They just keep it under wraps.
more like boomer lmao goteem