War of the Chosen is so fucking good, Holy Shit

War of the Chosen is so fucking good, Holy Shit

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Of course it is. It’s basically XCOM 2’s version of Enemy Within.

I sure love invisible enemies that are immune to overwatch, move like 10 squares and also have an OHKO attack.
So fun...

Assassin is alittle horseshit but the rest is great

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The assassin hasn't been too much of an issue for me
The fucking Warlock on the other hand...

>we're going to get a contemporary reimagining of Terror of the Deep for XCOM 3
Truly the best timeline.

Really? I found both the hunter and warlock complete jokes

Assassin's immune to overwatch and mobility is way harder imo

Is it me or are skirmishers way weaker than the other heroes, and sparks weak in general?

Literally git gud.

Skirmishers are really good, the problem is that the other two heroes are straight up broken

Come to think of it, the Andromedon Pilot does bare som resemblance to the Sectoids. Could the Pilot return and reveal them to be the Aquatoids?

Assassin should have been the last introduced and the Hunter the first.

Hunter was so easy that I don't even know what he does besides create a cone that you have to move out of.

Overwatch is a crutch

It depends on who you get first assuming you're not playing with story missions on after the first playthrough
If you get the assassin first you can get fucked before you get scanners
If you get the warlock first you can get fucked before you get mindshields
If you get the hunter first you're laughing your way to end game

On my last commander run he was the worst of them all because hes mobile and when hes not wasting time with tracking shot, his regular rifle shots do nasty damage.

Warlock is a joke once you get to mag weapons and Assassin is predictable.

I killed all three chosen, does anything else cool happen after that or is it just the regular game now

>Hunter has a flank on an X-Com soldier low on HP
>He just grapples around like a retard instead of shooting
What the fuck was his problem?

What difficulty?

In my experience
Commander: Reaper > Skirmisher > Templar
Beta Strike Commander: Skirmisher > Reaper >>>>>> Templar

Templars are fun late game, but once you get there you're just winning harder anyway. I think sparks are too expensive and have too many shitty bait abilities, but they aren't weak.

In my last game I hacked a MEC who then spotted the assassin. Everyone opened fire and she died in one turn. Was amusing.

Legendary, he REALLY loved to to use the grapple
It was back on release day tho, don't know if it got patched

You get their super powerful weapons for your own guys.

Basically yeah, the reward for beating them is they stop fucking with you and you get their toys to play with.
As for what happens if you DONT kill them, they appear in the final mission.

Post XCOM memes
Those ISIS memes we're gold
Those threads were some good times

I like their design
BioShock Big-Daddy esque

>sparks are too expensive
>he can't afford to build 6 sparks and 30 heavy weapons just to equip all of them with blaster launchers
LMAOING at your life

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>, his regular rifle shots do nasty damage
He can fire his rifle normally?
I've only seen him use the cone and the pistol without mods active, that is

Except Big Daddies are grafted into their suits permanently. Andromedon’s continue to fight even after the Pilot dies.

It's so good.
Other than the motherfucking Chosen feeling the need to call you up and filibuster your ass with their inane philosophies and grandstanding every hour of the damn day.

Maybe I was using an AI mod that makes them smarter. I probably was, now that I think about it.

>I often wonder Commander if you told them what you saw in the Elders' chamber. The truth of what's to come. No, you couldn't have. They'd be home screaming now if you did.
What did he mean by this?

Attached: XCOM2_WotC_Chosenhunter.png (200x200, 45K)

X-Com 3 as mobile game

There’s worse things than The Elders out there.

The thing the Elders were running away from