>Sekiro is a Souls gam-
Sekiro is a Souls gam-
How do you view that map?
Should I kill him with the Mortal Sword? He asks me to but I don't know if it's a good idea, From games have too many secrets
How do you access the Demon of Hatred fight? Also, how do you fight Owl the second time?
>he didin't pre-order the game
Depends on the ending, I believe.
>How do you view that map?
There's a button you press on the travel screen that shows where on the map you're teleporting to.
Yeah that's what I figured. But I don't seem to be able to start the path to that ending for whatever reason. The NPCs I need to eavesdrop on won't have the conversation i need to hear.
>Sekiro is a Souls gam-
Maybe it's because of the snow, and because the region is called "Ashina", but it almost feels like you could be in a painted world.
For having a glorified text tutorial and a useless map?
You're right, Its not a souls game, its a Souls-Tenchu hybrid that has to make concessions for both sides. It wants to have its Samurai cake but also eat a ninja-cake too, and both feel underwhelming for it. At least the combats satisfying with its new mechanic. When I'm fighting a miniboss or boss and just parrying or dodging and occasionally throwing in my single combat skill or using a gimmick tool, I realize I'd rather just be playing Souls or Nioh. When I'm stealthing around killing trash mobs from behind I realize I'd rather just be playing Tenchu.
Its a game that tries to do its best at both worlds but winds up being mediocre instead. Still wouldn't call it "bad" though. Solid 6/10, maybe a 7 depending on my second playthrough.
you get unlimited cyanide if you do
it's a shitty souls game
why the fuck did they remove leveling? killing mooks is absolutely worthless now unless you accept the demon bell curse that makes drops not suck balls
>why the fuck did they remove leveling?
To make the game about pure skill instead of cheesing everything with imba builds. I honestly don't miss the leveling at all.
>killing mooks is absolutely worthless now
Skill points, materials for prosthetic upgrades and by association the money is all valuable. You SHOULD be paying attention to how much skill points you have accumulated before throwing yourself at a boss or miniboss and losing those points, because these passive and active abilities can give you the help you need
They really fucked up with the combat arts. So many of them but can only use one at a time plus they're not even that good. Long animations, little damage.
Some are fantastic.
Could be that they didn't figure out a way to map combat arts to different buttons on a controller with all the other buttons already used. As jank as it may seem, I think its fine because of the menu actually being a pause menu. If you want, you can actually just equip new combats, new prosthetics and quick items during a boss fight or just anytime you want
What does the dpad down button do? I honestly don't remember but if it doesn't do anything important it could be used to change between combat arts.
Still, I can't find a good opportunity to use most combat arts.
>Fromsoft clearly just dumping all the unused weapon arts that never got used in DS3, and calling them "combat arts"
Feels like a wasted mechanic. Definitely doesn't need it's own button. Could have been just fine with the interact button.
they're as good as they need to be when it comes to taking out mooks