>Be healer
>DPS shitters constantly annoy you while the Tanks do nothing
Be healer
You deserve it you slut.
>playing healer
why would you do that to yourself
>>Be healer
Let's skip the formalities. Take your pants off.
Why do healers act like sluts?
why don't you dps in your downtime while you have nothing to heal? If DPS can't dodge the AOEs you let them die.
>be healer
>do my best to heal people and keep them alive because it's my duty
>be DPS
>tank is dogshit
>decide to tank
>healer is dogshit
>mfw not autistic enough to be a healslut
Pleeeeese be male.
>dps screams at you to heal them
>stop healing them all together
>stand still and let them die
>kill the enemies yourself
happened more than once. keep their egos in check
>Be a healer
>Blah blah blah suck cocks drink cum
is this the sissy whyte boi thread
>run face first at everything and pull massively because I can
>run ends
>he's dead
>don't give him a rez and leave
>a nigger
Fucking disgusting
>be tank
>lead the lads into battle
>study up on the fight for hours beforehand to ensure victory
>DPS do their job, and celebrate with the guild after a successful raid
>ERP with the healsluts after-hours as a reward to them
>entire guild claps
I ain't no noob. If we end up wiping just pull slightly less. Most tanks will own up to pulling too much and if not then you just leave and requeue because lol what queue times?
Thats fine, we should be good, I rotate cooldowns on trash and such, we'll be fiiiiine.
brb 1 sec
>playing MMO's
Well there you fucking go kiddo!
>Have to carry 60 healing items on me at all times because I don't trust healers as their IQ is subhuman
>Roll need on all staves because their DPS and Spirit suits me more than the slight Intellect it gives healers
>be DPS
>always rotate offensive CDs to maximize damage output while not drawing aggro on me
>CC accordingly if the healer or tank are having a hard time keeping up
>never need any healing myself because I don't stand in the fire and use potions because I know I can't rely on these sleepy healing fucks
>pull packs if the tank is being a slow bitch
>let the tank and healsluts get all the glory without saying a word
Tanks and healsluts can keep jacking themselves off. Us DPSchads are the unsung heroes of dungeon delving.
Kinda unrelated but why the fuck are so many healers shitty waifubait?
Where's the buff healers at, I fucking love gentle giants.
Or at the very least have male healers y'know?
Tell me about this girl. Why does she want the Mya-Nee
Healing is just a feminine role in general. It makes sense for healers to be tiny girls and skinny dudes in robes. I assume male healers will grow into cool bearded priest dudes though. Paladins are the chad healers
Makes sense. Even still, I want to see a couple role-breakers every now and then.
Like what about a healer who specializes in more "evil" magic?
Oh yeah and Paladins are the fuckin' best, anyone who uses light-based powers for offensive purposes gets an A in my book.
Yes, I'm a boy, why?