chaos theory> splinter cell> pandora tomorrow> blacklist> conviction> double agent
Chaos theory> splinter cell> pandora tomorrow> blacklist> conviction> double agent
A Man of taste.
Bump conviction up and put old gen double agent behind pandora tomorrow and your set
Double agent is that bad? Thought it was good,why it lowest?
Nonetheless Ubisoft needs. To reboot series, have not had a game in awhile
is blacklist worth a playthrough at least?
I got it at some point but never played it
New or Old gen? And yes there are two double agent games.
I'd switch Double Agent with Conviction but it's a pretty solid list
is that siri?
What are differences? I am only familiar with PC, whichI do know has trouble with Win 10.
What does Siri have to do with any of this?
The PS2 version is pretty much a different game compared to the 360/PS3 versions. I forgot which got the PC version.
Old gen is basically chaos theory 2 for it was developed by ubi montreal. New gen is abit broken. Its not bad but is certainly the weakest
>not differentiating between the two versions of double agent
And opinion discarded.
Some slut.
The apple vi thing.
porn bitch named siri
Yes, it's a blend of modern stealth and tps. You can try the Ghost playthrough if you think it's not hard enough.
Nice, the steam version is old gen, thought it to be good game besides the people who run win10. I use and still use win7.
Actually the pc is new gen. Old gen is ps2, xbox hueg, and gamecube.
Didn't she quit porn because she was tired of people calling her fat?
pandora tomorrow is painfully short, I don't think it even counts as a full game, more like an expansion pack really.
still dont know who that is
No she shit quit porn because her career was dwindling, so she fucked niggers for quick money and after that everyone was so disgusted with her that her career completely dried up.
It was literal pottery.
Blackedlist was unironically good
Don't forget the part where your husband convinced her to get into porn in the first place and then was so disgusted by her that they split up kek
It was unironically mediocre, just not as bad as Conviction.
But didn't she write a blog about why she quit?
I tried reading it, but she deleted it.
No you retards.
She initially got into porn because her bf/husband at the time had a HUGE cuckold fetish and pushed her into the industry. She never enjoyed it as much as other performers and only really stayed in it for her bf/husband. When they broke up she didn't really see the point any more and left porn. She talked about all this in a video blog of some kind.
its pretty funny that fucking blacks lowers your worth in porn so much, so many pornstars simply wont do it. also so many literal whores wont even fuck black guys lol
>taking a used up roasties word as gospel
That sucks but she should know better than to please a cuck.
>Yea Forums actually believes this
only played the first two and I would say the firstĀ“one is slightly better than the second one. cheers
what does tps mean? i know the t means tactical but I have no idea what the other letters mean.
>chaos theory better than the first two games
nope, I'm sorry, I'll have to disagree with you.
Third person shooter silly fag
>marrying a literal goddess and sharing her with all sorts of men
some guys get so lucky but are retarded as fuck.
>tfw sam will die in your lifetime
tactial person shooter
its 100% the truth though, the best way to do it is not fuck blacks until you're really popular, then doing it will get you more money but you'll end up losing lots of fans. theres a massive list of porn stars who wont have sex with black men and if you look at any escort site you can see dozens of adds like this. i dont even care if they do but what im saying is the truth bud.
Thats fucked up but its porn so thats not suprising.
It's a literal fact, tons of porn stars will not work with niggers because even in a somewhat controlled, supposedly professional environment they're still violent and dangerous.
thats because their pimps are black and they dont want other black pimps trying to recruit their stable
>tfw when backpage was fill of ads from whores with the "No Black Gentlemen" stipulation
>even the black whores
It's almost like they don't want to get beat on and not paid.
KERNELS > memeslist > bootleg Che > OG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fuckin MGS4 >>>>> conviction >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonic 06 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> double bullshit
im just saying it because it defies logical thinking, you think a whore or pornstar would fuck anyone who they were paid to but its not the case much of the time.
What are some of her bests?
just search for her on any porn site and pick whatever looks the best, i cant tell you specific vids.
Can we stop associating spliter cell threads with thots now?
Watch her last few videos with blacks, she has a vacant, i've made a terrible mistake glaze to her eyes that is hot as fuck.
nope, that's false advertising and they never fixed it. instead you get a shit port of the 360 agme.
why is it fucked up? maybe she had a terrible nigger boyfriend? maybe she doesn't like nigger dicks? it's completely reasonable imo.
>tfw liked Conviction's coop
>Yea Forums
go away nigger
im guessing she did the shit with blacks fairly recently? last time i looked i didnt see any shit with her and black dude but its been awhile and im not particularly interested in who whores fuck
back to trannyera or whatever hellhole you came from, dear.
>Thats fucked up but its porn so thats not suprising.
Would you trust a nigger to put a dick inside you?
Yeah the stuff with blacks is her most recent and last work, not sure how much of it has filtered it's way down onto free sites yet, but you should be able to find a full torrent or something.
>double agent below nu-splinter cuck
unless you're talking about the x360/pc version, ofc
>im guessing she did the shit with blacks fairly recently?
shes been out of the game since 2014
it was bound to happen with the prevalence of the BLACKED meme
see you in 3 days you champion
Absolute Fucking GOAT GOD TIER:
>Chaos Theory
Good But Flawed Tier:
>Double Agent Version 1/Next Gen
>Pandora Tomorrow
>Double Agent Version 2/Old Gen
Needs Work Tier:
>Splinter Cell
Garbage Tier:
Less Than Garbage Tier:
You irrepairably fucked up the entire franchise forever Tier:
Why is porn so much hotter on blue boards?
not wanting to get intimate with someone who smells is logical
You're not actively seeking it so when it shows up it's more like a pleasant surprise than anything.
/thread desu
Saw a nip for a sec. Enjoy the vacation
Color theory
siri is a pornstar,meaning that she's the most mainstream a pornstar can be. It's not because the forum is blue.
You mean Chaos Theory
I will fight anybody who says the Version 1/Shanghai JBA missions arent legitimately great. Like they're easil some of the best levels in the game, because it has some of the most genuine tension i've ever felt in a stealth game.
Lol, black guy on Yea Forums doesnt want to believe it.
what the fuck is wrong with her nipples?
looks disgusting
Shes hot but this isnt a very flattering picture
They should have jumped on the battle royal train. It could be a beautiful abomination.
Splinter Cell was never good. These games were depressing as hell even. So dark, so generic. Very mediocre games. The first game has to be the most saddest game I have ever played. It is such a product of its time. I struggled to get through it. Everything is so dark and drab. Just made me want to kill myself. I've never played any other games that put me in such a low mood like Splinter Cell games did.
she looks thicc
>everything is dark
it's a stealth game
Welcome back.
You're a retard
you sound like a sensible chap. have you cut yours already?
That guy speaks the truth though. I don't care to look it up right now but she did say so in that video and I heard her bring it up a couple of times well before she retired as well. She really was just pleasing her cuck husband. In fact a lot of these pornstars date or marry cucks just an fyi. You would have to be a massive cuck to even consider settling down with one.
Just saying the angle. Everyone has good and bad angles. I'd plow anyday
Is this even the same Siri?
yeah it is she just changed her hair color
What? No one was debating that part.
one thing it does very well is allow you to play the way you want. Ghost style is fun, panther style is very fun (and easier), assault is questionable but it's the kind of build you roll once you beat the game once.
Metal Gear>Splinter Cell
>every Splinter Cell thread OP posts that shopped picture
>every thread devolves into discussing the intricacies of coal burning
Is this some shit meme I'm not getting?
I want to creampie this bitch and get her pregnant with my child.
Sorry buddy shes married
God pussy is disgusting
Fuck her cuck husband. I'll do it anyway.
Daily reminder that although double agent new gen is a shit game the soundtrack by Michael McCann was based as fuck and is available free on his own website: soundtrack/#fwdrapPlayer0
It's different from chaos theory's ost which was more of an electronic fusion type thing. The Double Agent soundtrack imo is a great blend of Jason Bourne inspired orchestral stuff, James bond spy music and even melancholy spaghetti western themes. I especially enjoy ellsworth prison ambient, okhotsk ambient, and new York ambient.
Looks more appealing than that asshole.
>shit game
Bad taste.
Some of the missions sure but there are plenty of good ones, the main issue is performance.
Inb4 the this thread get 404'd, I wished we'd get a coop splinter cell game in the stype of conviction
How badly do you have to fuck up as a father that you let your daughters boyfriend talk her into doing porn, allow her to continue doing porn, then when money gets tight allow her to degrade herself further by fucking blacks and literally waste her prime years degrading and devaluing herself to the point that it mentally ruins her.
Well you have to fuck a whore to begin with.
She fucked black guys?
Oh no no noo
her husband must be a chad to be able to convince her
any pics of the guy
Porn is literally built on the backs of failed fathers, always has been, always will be, and it's the reason as to why the industry is the biggest it's ever been at the moment.
He's pretty fugly desu
Hes not bad looking, he JUST
>tfw there's hope for you get getting a used up thicc roastie who makes her living not being able to walk for a week after her shift.
Green yellow red light on back showing threat level
How can technology know when someone is looking at it
With the Clancy brand on it its fucking embarrasing
wtf how
truly there is no god
Fishers goggles dont actually glow.
>half the porn got deleted from the thread but theres still tits and pussy showing
How do they decide this guys? I'm fucking confused.
>How can technology know when someone is looking at it
Are you serious nigger? That technology is very real, and already in use the world over in everything from security cameras to your literal fucking phone.
I assume the way reports work is that mods don't actually open up the threads in question and just get an isolated view of reported posts.
Fishers suit can detect light, so its not that big a stretch to say it has an algorithim on it that as face recognition sofrware.
You know.
Like everything on planet earth.
Yeah you're probably right. I assume they're actually thorough but doesnt seem to be any effort in it half the time.
Nah, anything but thorough, it's why you see a ton of on topic posts and even threads removed, they just get a feed of reports and hamfist the delete button haphazardly.
Literally the only time you'll see them actually being thorough is when you actively call them out on their bullshit.
Are we calling them out unintentionally currently?
>inb4 ban
Obviously, but unless someone reports it, or you make your own thread, odds of them seeing it are slim.
So yeah in her blog she basically started off just swinging with her bf/husband. She was really popular with the local swingers because obvious reasons. At this point the dude got really into the cuck fetish. They went from swinging occasionally to basically him hosting these cuck sessions without her knowledge. One instance she went out of town to visit family and when she came back home to her bf had arranged a room of 4,5 black dudes to gang bang her while he watched. She went through with it all because she genuinely liked sex but her bf pushed for her to inter the porn industry because of his fetish. She became a star and got super popular but their relationship started hitting the rocks. the industry treated her like crap. directors wanted her to lose weight, She got mediocre pay, and the sex became less fun. Once they broke up she retired because she just lost interest.